
05 June, 2014

[Walkthrough] Shall we date?: Mononoke Kiss + Hikobane

(*Note: You'll need a "Love Potion" to get the Sweet Ending. You can get it by buying it with real money, or from the "Zeni Slot" (need to collect 10 tickets, chance to get a ticket 10-15%). Also, the Charm Level might differ from what is written here, depending on how many routes you have played. The one mentioned here is for your first route.)

Main Story

Chapter 1
1.03 No, thank you. [Intimacy went up a lot!]
1.07 ...I'll do it. [Intimacy went up a lot!]

 Get: CG, Love Letter

Chapter 2
2.03 Minigame Checkpoint! - Success Probability 25%

2.04 ... [Intimacy went up a lot!]
2.10 Crows are cute too. [Intimacy went up a lot!]

Get: Love Letter

Chapter 3
3.03 No, I shouldn't have... [Intimacy went up a lot!]
3.08 Apologize profusely. [Intimacy went up a lot!]

Get: Love Letter

Chapter 4
4.04 Attack. [Intimacy went up a lot!]

4.04 Charm Checkpoint! - 200 Charm Level

Get: CG
4.08 You are still Hikobane. [Intimacy went up a lot!]

Chapter 5
5.03 It was a dream about my childhood. [Intimacy went up a lot!]
5.07 Because Hikobane was caring for me [Intimacy went up a lot!]

Get: Love Letter

Chapter 6
6.03 Well, if you don't mind giving it back... [Intimacy went up a lot!]

6.04 Item Checkpoint- 4 Passport Needed

6.08 Get: CG

6.09 Since I'm with you... [Intimacy went up a lot!]

Get: Love Letter

Chapter 7
7.03 Look to Hikobane. [Intimacy went up a lot!]
7.08 I really trust you. [Intimacy went up a lot!]

Get: Love Letter

Chapter 8
8.04 Charm Checkpoint! - 400 Charm Level

8.05 I won't let you hurt him. [Intimacy went up a lot!]
8.07 I want to at least relieve your pain a little. [Intimacy went up a lot!]

Get: Love Letter

Chapter 9
9.05 I can't bear it any longer. [Intimacy went up a lot!]
9.07 Could you kiss me again...? [Intimacy went up a lot!]

Get: Love Letter

Chapter 10
10.02 I can fight too, right? [Intimacy went up a lot!]

10.04 Minigame Checkpoint! - Success Probability 25%

10.09 I have feelings too.. [Intimacy went up a lot!]

Get: Love Letter

Chapter 11
11.02 I don't ever want to be apart again.. [Intimacy went up a lot!]

11.03 Item checkpoint - 11 Passports Required

11.08 Will you always stay with me?[Intimacy went up a lot!]

 Get: CG, Love Letter

Happy Ending



  1. Thank you for this!
    But I've got one question: Is this the sweet ending or the happy ending? o:

    1. Hi May Chan!
      Sorry that I haven't written it there, but this WT is for the Happy End. Like for "Angel or Devil" and "Magic Sword" you'll need one Love Potion if you want to achieve the Super Happy End. Solmare made the game this way... dunno why ﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿

    2. Hey dawnie~
      Thank you for your answer! I didn't notice I need love potions. xD I wondered why I didn't unlock the Sweet Ending in Enojo's route. Am I stupid? xDD Argh, this system sucks. (; ̄Д ̄)

    3. Yeah, you're right May Chan... it really sucks... especially since the "Super Happy End" is usually the better one (in a steamy way (๑>ᴗ<๑) hehehe

  2. For 4.4 there's a 200 charm checkpoint and a take cover or fight option
