
31 January, 2015

Shall we date?: The Niflheim + Pale Ghost / Nick Main Story CG's

 Romantic End
 Mystical End
 Mystical End


  1. Can someone tell me whats between Jean and Nick?
    I know they are brothers but,like the rest?

  2. Can someone tell me whats between Jean and Nick?
    I know they are brothers but,like the rest?

    1. From what I understood Jean was the original soul but later on in life it split in half which created the Pale Ghost. I'm guessing Jean didn't use to be so cheerful and by his soul being split he was partially able to cast his more negative emotions aside. Notice how Nick's always depressed while Jean is nearly always upbeat.
      Another theory of mine is that Jean used to be the opposite of royalty, a poor boy [it was mentioned in his Lovesickness event he died young and would never imagine being a king] and wasn't loved by anyone [also mentioned in that event was that his biggest dream was to be loved]. His loneliness gave birth to Nick, his imaginery friend. At the end of Jean's route he mentions vaguely remembering someone with that name. That explains him being the only one besides the main character able to sense Nick and why the Pale ghost has no memories of his past life, he wasn’t a human to begin with. Just a shadow, an imaginary friend.

    2. I think so too. From what I could see while reading Nick's story (haven't red Jeans yet) I got the impression that while he was still a human, he was poor and lonely, maybe an orphan? As far as I understood, this split between the positive and always cheerful Jean and the negative and sad Nick happened while Jean was diing or after he died. I red that Event too and it really helps you to understand more about how Jean became King of Niflheim.
      I don't think Nick was Jeans imaginary friend. I really think that he was just a PART of Jean himself. He was the negative Jean, so to speak.
      Well, I'm more confused about why Nick is part of Helheim. I still haven't finished Nicks route, but I'm almost there. So my guess is, that since Jean created Niflheim (well he IS Niflheim), his negative side = Nick, created Helheim. I don't know much about Germanian mythology, but as far as I can remember, Helheim is something like the Purgatory, where the souls of the death receive their punishment. It's a cold, dark place, just like Nick feels. Some consider that Niflheim and Helheim are the same, so maybe that's why Solmare used that metaphor... *sigh* I hope I can finish Nick soon, so I can start reading Jean (considered that they don't release Victor first, lol).

  3. I understood it like that: After Nick was split from Jean, he was trapped in a different world where he created Helheim, that looked exactly like Niflheim and even placed other versions of Niflheim's citizens in it. But just like he always was hopeless and negative, so were all the streets in Helheim grey and the people who lived there always depressed ( even Helheim's Jean! ). But one day Nick found the portal to Niflheim and as he tried to look through it, he got too close and his soul split once again and the half of Nick, now not enough of a soul to be visible, goes through the portal to Niflheim.
    I hope you can understand this, because I'm German ( sorry if I wrote something wrong ) and I hope, too, that I could help anyone;)

    1. Hallo Anon!

      Das war super!! Ich spreche selber deutsch, also ist es auch kein Problem wenn ab und zu mal ein Fehler sein sollte. Deine Erklärung was mit Nick geschehen ist, fand ich bis jetzt am besten!
      Your explanation about what happened to Nick is the best so far! It's kind of hard to explain it, as it's also hard to explain what happened to Jean and his past (since it's still somehow in the dark).
      Thanks for writing your thoughts about what happened to Nick, it's always interesting to know how other gamers see the story ^^

