
06 June, 2015

[Walkthrough] Be my Princess - Yakov Chernenkov

Main Story

Episode 1
Stand in front of them
Why are you flying in economy?

Episode 2
I don’t want to cause trouble
Won’t it be a bother for you?

Episode 3
I’m happy to hear that.

Episode 4
I guess I’m flat-chested...
I’m friendly with him.

Episode 5
You looked cool.
Don’t look at my crying face!

Episode 6
No way…

Episode 7
I won’t go out alone.
I don’t want to be your sister

Episode 8
A funny memory.
I fell over.

Episode 9
Yakov’s hair tie.

Episode 10
Take him up on his offer
Can you see my mind’s made up?

Episode 11

Episode 12
Do you have a fever?
Nod a greeting

Episode 13
Accept happily
Listen for voices

Episode 14
I’ll give you everything...
That was amazing!

Happy Ending


  1. I curious to when Yakov Chernenkov sequel, second sequel and wedding sequel will be coming out. Does any one know when they will be coming out.

    1. As far as I know, there won't be any but maybe if he's reaaaaaaally popular, Voltage Inc will add them for us?... Hopefully... Please? ^^

  2. The walkthroughs work. And I totally agree I hope they add more stories for Yakov.

    1. I'm hoping now that they moved it to the 365 app that they'll start adding to the apps that were never really truly finished. Yakov and Ivan are my two favorite characters for the princess games so I hope they do start finishing Yakov and Zain as well. I know they are already adding onto some of the apps recently transferred(my sweet bodyguard and scandal in the spotlight. Though I was semi disappointed in the domestic bliss stories. I expected more extravagant wedding for pop stars at least) and I think that was the purpose of moving everything over. Something about many apps being neglected for others. We can only hope and pray I suppose. I would like to see a finale of birth of heir stories or some such to complete the be my princess apps

  3. Yakov's story is #1 in the weekly rankings right now so hopefully he will get some love from Voltage soon.
