
10 March, 2016

[Walkthrough] Shall we date?: Wizardess Heart + Season 3: Vincent Knight - Main Story

Season 3: The King of Fairies - Main Story

(*Note: Special Thanks to Cathrin, Kellie & Hollie-Bell for their Walkthroughs & help! Thank you!!)

Day 1: Sunshine Smile

1.02 Special Scenario
Get a CG

1.03 I'm not suspicious. (Intimacy +7)
Well, you are a stranger …

1.06 I've never been here before … (Intimacy +7)
If I knew that …

1.08 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
 A White Flower [Room] (Charm 5) - 500 Lune or 50 Coins

1.08 L-Looks like it … (Intimacy +7)
Hey, that's rude!

1.11 N-No!
M-Maybe. (Intimacy +7)

(Get Journal)

Day 2: Reunion

2.01 Hey, I'm not! (Intimacy +7)
I guess I am.

2.05 I'll do my best. (Intimacy +7)
What do you mean by that?

2.08 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 500 Magic Grade Points

2.09 True. (Intimacy +7) 
Not at all.

2.10 Dark
Light (Intimacy +7)

2.12 The library.[No change]
The auditorium.[No change]
The courtyard.[No change]
The botanical garden.[No change]

2.14 Yeah! (Intimacy +7)
Th-This is a little sudden … 
(Get Journal)

Day 3: Deepening Affection

3.02 I can see that. (Intimacy +7)
You can't do that!

3.04 Wind (Intimacy +7)

3.06 Leave it to me!
I'm not sure I could …  (Intimacy +7)

3.07 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: Colorful Bride Crown [Room] (Charm +25) – 250 Coins
Normal: Yellow Hair Accessory -Double- [Room] (Charm +5) – 50 Coins or 500 Lune

3.08 It really is …
No, it isn't. (Intimacy +7)

(Get Journal)

Day 4: Realized Affection

4.01 I'm all right … (Intimacy +7)
Not really …

4.03 Sounds interesting.
You're getting ahead of yourself. (Intimacy +7)

4.04 Songs (Intimacy +7)

4.05 You're kind of supicious …  (Intimacy +7)
I'm …

4.07 Special Scenario
Get 2x CG

4.07 Hey, that's rude! (Intimacy +7)
I bet …

4.08 I don't know … (Intimacy +7)
Probably not …

(Get Journal)

Day 5: One Way Road

5.02 You're right.
Be on my guard … ? (Intimacy +7)

5.04 A shield
A spiral
A sword
An arrow (Intimacy +7)

5.05 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 2,000 Magic Grade Points

5.05 Really … ? (Intimacy +7)
Wow, Vincent.

5.06 I'm fine, really.  (Intimacy +7)
Thank you.

5.08 I'll stop then.
Well, it's what I really think. (Intimacy +7)

5.09 Special Scenario
Get 3x CG

(Get Journal)

Day 6: A Fun Day Off

6.02 True … ! (Intimacy +7)
We can't do that.

6.03 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 4,000 Magic Grade Points

6.03 Check out the stalls. [No change]
Go to the magical tool shop. [No change]
Go to the treats shop. [No change]
Relax at a cafe. [No change]

6.04 Special Scenario
Get 2x CG

6.04 I don't want to go home yet. (Intimacy +7)
N-No, I do!

(Get Journal)

Day 7: Love, Rebuffed

7.02 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium:  Pure Ring Pillow [Room] (Charm +40) - 400 Coins
Normal: Pretty Scrunchie [Room] (Charm +10) - 100 Coins or 3,000 Lune

7.04 I don't think I am.
Sure. (Intimacy +7)

7.05 All right …
He's not a dangerous person. (Intimacy +7)

7.06 I don't know.
Because we're close … (Intimacy +7)

7.07 Pixies (Intimacy +7)

7.09 I just need to sign it? (Intimacy +7)
Why would you bring that out … ?

7.11 There was something in my eye …  (Intimacy +7)

(Get Journal)

Day 8: Unbreakable Affection

8.01 Nothing.
I …  (Intimacy +7)

8.02 I can't do that. (Intimacy +7)
All right …

8.03 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 7,000 Magic Grade Points

8.04 Light 
Earth (Intimacy +7)

8.05 Elias
Vincent  (Intimacy +7)

8.06 I'm sorry. (Intimacy +7)
I can't forgive you.

8.09 I don't know …
Because he's important to me! (Intimacy +7)

8.10 Special Scenario
Get 2x CG

(Get Journal)

Day 9: Shadow and Light

9.01 Yeah, it was.
No, it wasn't. (Intimacy +7)

9.04 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 9,500 Magic Grade Points

9.05 The botanical garden. (Intimacy +7)
The empty classroom.
The courtyard.
The great staircase.

9.07 It's complicated.
I was looking for you. (Intimacy +7)

9.09 I don't need your help.
Thank you. (Intimacy +7)

9.10 I'd love that. (Intimacy +7)
No way.

(Get Journal)

Day 10: Pursuit!

10.02 I'm sorry … (Intimacy +7)
B-But … 

10.03 That's pretty handy. (Intimacy +7)
You don't trust me?

10.03 Special Scenario
Get 3x CG

10.04 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 11,250 Magic Grade Points

10.04 All right.
I don't want to! (Intimacy +7)

10.08 Okay.
I'll miss you … (Intimacy +7)

(Get Journal)

Day 11 - Part 1: Respite

11(1).01 But … (Intimacy +7)
I guess I could go with you.

11(1).02 I'd prefer something else.
I'm fine with old maid. (Intimacy +7)

11(1).03 Pick the far right one.
Pick the far left one. (Intimacy +7)

11(1).07 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
 Premium: Magical Corridor [Garden] – 800 Coins
The Door of Truth [Garden] – 400 Coins or 8,000 Lune

11(1).08 The blue door. [No change]
The green door. [No change]
The red door. [No change]
The yellow door. [No change]

(Get Journal)

Day 11 - Part 2: The Door of Truth

11(2).01 The first door. [No change]
The second door. [No change] 

11(2).02 The third door. [No change]
The fourth door. [No change]

11(2).03 The fifth door. [No change]
The sixth door. [No change]

11(2).04 White [No change] 
Black [No change]

11(2).06 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 14,500 Magic Grade Points

11(2).07 Special Scenario
Get 2x CG

11(2).07 I'm coming with you. (Intimacy +7)
All right...

11(2).08 But...  (Intimacy +7)
You're right...
(Get Journal)

Day 11 - Part 3: The Seed of Life

11(3).04 Special Scenario
Get a CG

11(3).06 To what?
Wait, you can't mean … (Intimacy +7)

11(3).07 I'll do it! (Intimacy +7)
What should I do … ?

11(3).08 Thank goodness … 
Liar! (Intimacy +7)

11(3).11 I am! (Intimacy +7)
I'm not sure …

(Get Journal)

Day 12: Towards a New Dream

12.02 Nothing … (Intimacy +7)
It's about time we … 

12.05 But … 
Then don't send me home! (Intimacy +7)

12.06 Actually ...
He didn't ... (Intimacy +7)

12.07 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
 Premium: Short Front Lace Wedding Dress [Room] – 1,000 Coins
Normal: Yellow Pretty Dress [Room] – 500 Coins or 10,000 Lune

Happy End:
Need 338+ Intimacy
Get 3x CG

Normal End:
Need 225-338 Intimacy
Get 2x CG

Unhappy End:
Need 0-225 Intimacy


  1. 11(2).07 CGx2 & raise intimacy
    "I'm going with you" intimacy +7
    "All right..."

    11(2).08 raise intimacy level
    "But..." intimacy +7
    "You're right"

    1. Hi Hollie-Bell!
      Thanks for your answers! I'll add them immediately!
      Happy Playing!


  2. I have such a hard time picking the right answers in this route even though I know from this page that they are the right ones. I'm surprised her naive (ignorant?) willfulness turns Vincent on. Still I am enjoying the overall story quite a bit. Thanks for the help on this route. ^_^

    1. Well I guess it's that childlike and innocent view of the world that makes the guys fall for MC. It's the same in Klaus route. He's one of the smartest guys in the academy - he's the PREFECT! And he still falls for that pigtail girl, haha
