
30 June, 2016

[Walkthrough] Shall we date?: Ninja Shadow + Season 1: Asagi Himuro - Main Story

(*Note: Special Thanks to Debra & Cathrin for the Walkthrough!)

Season 1: The Revenge on the Evil - Main Story

1.03 Get worked up over Asagi's brash words. [That was the best choice you just made!]
Get ready to leave in a hurry.

1.04 Talent-n-Skills Checkpoint:
Requires 100 pt

1.04 Special Asagi Scenario:
 Get 2x CG 

1.05 Ask about the shrine. [That was the best choice you just made!]
Ask about being a ninja.

2.02 Avatar Checkpoint:
2.03 Object to Makoto's decision as well.
 Watch over everyone in silence. [That was the best choice you just made!]

2.04 Tell him I won't run away.
Tell him I'll do even better than Kagura. [That was the best choice you just made!]

3.03 Spend time with Asagi. [That was the best choice you just made!]
Respect Asagi's request.

3.06 Ask about what happened.
Say nothing. [That was the best choice you just made!]

3.08 Talent-n-Skills Checkpoint:
Requires 1,500 pt

4.04 Tell him things are going well.
Say nothing. [That was the best choice you just made!]

4.06 Special Asagi Scenario:
 Get a CG 
4.07 Try to save Haru. [That was the best choice you just made!]
Cut down Suetsugu.

5.03 You don't want to apologize?
Is it okay to just leave them like that? [That was the best choice you just made!]

 5.07 Continue.
Say nothing else. [That was the best choice you just made!]

6.01 Tell him he's gotten more relaxed recently. [That was the best choice you just made!]
Say thanks.

6.07 Tell him clearly how you feel. [That was the best choice you just made!]
Be intentionally vague.

7.03 Accept his explanation.
Question his explanation. [That was the best choice you just made!]

7.07 Cheer Asagi up.
Stand by Asagi's side. [That was the best choice you just made!]

7.08 Talent-n-Skills Checkpoint:
Requires 4,800 pt

8.03 Scold him for his sleeping habits.
Ask if he remembers what happened this morning. [That was the best choice you just made!]

8.05 I'm worried about you, I want to go with you.
Yeah, you're probably right. [That was the best choice you just made!]

9.02 Go with him. [That was the best choice you just made!]

9.04 Argue against the idea. [That was the best choice you just made!]
Ask if non-priests are okay.

9.06 Talent-n-Skills Checkpoint:
Requires 11,000 pt

10.03 Become a fool. [That was the best choice you just made!]
Take a moment to calm down.

10.06 Special Asagi Scenario:
 Get a CG   
10.07 Ask.
Wait. [That was the best choice you just made!]

11.02 I'm in love with you, too. [That was the best choice you just made!]
Thank you. 

11.03 Avatar Checkpoint:

11.06 Go check on them.
Wait and pray. [That was the best choice you just made!]

12.03 Tell Asagi thank you. [That was the best choice you just made!]
Remain hesitant.

12.06 Talk about the village.
Talk about my brother. [That was the best choice you just made!]

12.07 Talent-n-Skills Checkpoint:
Requires 20,500 pt


Sweet End

 Get 2x CG
 Story Ticket x5
Jade x50
Power Recovery Item x200
Normal End

Story Ticket x5
Jade x20
Power Recovery Item x100


Both Endings:

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