
02 October, 2018

[Walkthrough] Villainous Nights - Duke Vale

Season 1

(*Note: Special Thanks to Anon & Nelly for this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

I'm so sorry! (-> Best Choice)
It was an accident.
Don't worry, I will.

I'd be private too.
Maybe he's hiding something? (-> Best Choice)
More room for gossip.

Say it's off-limits to everyone. (-> Best Choice)
Swear you didn't see anything.
Keep trying to escape.

Episode 2

Hey, put me down!
Where are we going?! (-> Best Choice)
Wow, you can lift.

Premium: Why should I trust you? (Need 15 💗 )
Normal: make a run for it. 
... hi. (-> Best Choice)
Sorry, I left my mask at home.
Well, this is awkward.

Episode 3

Premium: Is it actual work or villain work? (Need 25 💗 )
Normal: Head to bed 

How is that possible?
Did they cover it up?
Do you own the news too? (-> Best Choice)

Reread your notes.
(-> Best Choice)
Make something up.
Write down your honest thoughts.

Episode 4

Fast answer(~10 seconds to answer)
Get the guards between you and the window! (-> Best Choice)
Distract them!
Make like the window and freeze!

We can't just leave them here!
Won't they come after us? (-> Best Choice)
Hang on just a second!

Thanks for coming so quick. (-> Best Choice)
I'm getting some mixed signals here.
Let's try to avoid this in the future, huh?

Oh yeah, just great.
I've been better.  (-> Best Choice)

Episode 5

I had caught that, actually.
Resist... the urge... to comment...  (-> Best Choice)

He followed me home.
Make something up!
It's ... confidential? (-> Best Choice)

Premium: Introduce Duke to Boba. (Need 25 💗 )
Normal: Get him out of your apartment!

Be good. (-> Best Choice)
Be an enabler.
Be part of the problem.

Episode 6

Be polite (-> Best Choice)
Mr. Clark didn't have any complaints.
I don't have to take that!

Another present? (-> Best Choice)
That better not be your laundry.
I draw the line at you piking out my clothes.

Premium: Train with Duke. (Need 26 💗 )
Normal: Train with the others.

I didn't think of it that way
Even for you?  (-> Best Choice)
I know, I'm just frustrated.

Episode 7

What about Optimus?
You have to give me more than that!  (-> Best Choice)
Am I that bad of a roommate?

As if!
He`s not chatty.
I mean, I've talked to him...  (-> Best Choice)

Text cat  (-> Best Choice)
Text badger
Text bat

Episode 8

Nice to see you again. (-> Best Choice)
Not this time, huh?
This is becoming a habit!

Taking in the fresh air.
Missed my train. A lot.
Just admit you're lost. (-> Best Choice)

You're amazing! (-> Best Choice)
Any other surprises?
That was super expensive, right?

Premium: Ask him how long he's been skating. (Need 28 💗 )
Normal: Get right down to business.

Episode 9

I'm ready to help!
Or maybe I'm not
I'll go with what you think is the best.  (-> Best Choice)

Tease him! Tease him mercilessly!
Come on, be nice. (-> Best Choice)

No way.
I might be a little nervous...  (-> Best Choice)
No, I trust the team.

Premium: Stick together! (Need 27 💗 )
Normal: Break away to fight on your own.

Episode 10

Screw you!
Pretty rich coming from you Hayden (-> Best Choice)
I'll show you just how “incompetent” I am.

Go to hell!
I`m not telling you anything until you let me go.
Lie and say you'll cooperate.  (-> Best Choice)

I was pretty good, huh?
I`ve got room to improve.  (-> Best Choice)
Except for that last part, it went great!

Episode 11

I'm not really sure that's a plus.  (-> Best Choice)
I finally get to catch up on all that TV
Can you even imagine if I did?

Not that bad actually.  (-> Best Choice)
Like I got hit by a truck
Just... exhausted.

Premium: Offer to help Duke. (Need 28 💗 )
Normal: Let him take care of himself.

I think you deserve it tonight.  (-> Best Choice)
How indulgent of you!
I won't tell anyone you're actually human.

Episode 12

Yeah, it could.  (-> Best Choice)
I don't think it was...
I don't know.

I have no reason to suspect him.
He sounded way too scared to be acting.  (-> Best Choice)
If it isn't a trap and we don't go, what then?

With you? Ready for anything.  (-> Best Choice)
Let's kick some corrupt corporate ass!
Let's make it quick, I want another kiss.

Premium: Use your powers to help Duke and the group! (Need 30 💗 )
Normal: Don't help your allies.

Season 2

(*Note: Special Thanks to Nelly for this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

Why wait to expose me? (-> Best Choice)
How did you find out?
Why are you doing this?

It's gonna take more than that to keep me down!
Don't worry about me!
I'm okay, thanks to you! (-> Best Choice)

Alert Andi. (-> Best Choice)
Alert Lorelei.
Alert Renzei.

Episode 2

I still feel bad about being tricked...
Maybe... but I'll still be more careful. (-> Best Choice)
I'll know better, next time.

Of course!
I'm glad! (-> Best Choice)
Soon you'll be an expert too!

Premium: Let Duke hold you. (Need 27 💗 )
Normal: Pull away to talk about the mission.

I still feel bad, though...
So we both got tricked. (-> Best Choice)
So... technically it's your foult?

 Episode 3

Seriously? (-> Best Choice)
You're still okay from last night, right?
Think it'll make the papers?

Premium: Call out to Duke for help! (Need 26 💗 )
Normal: Fight them off, outnumbered.

As if!
Why don't YOU just go away?
Throw him into the wall for that “sweetheart.” (-> Best Choice)

We're not going to let Optimus ruin my life.
I made the decision to be here. (-> Best Choice)
Getting mad isn't going to help anything.

Episode 4

Won't that look a little weird?
What would I even do that at ChatSphere? (-> Best Choice)
Not afraid of a little nepotism?

I like it! (-> Best Choice)
Not a big fan of walls?
Throwing people off the ice trail?

It's really nice! (-> Best Choice)
Not what I expected.
Better than Optimus.

Episode 5

Be optimistic.
Be realistic. (-> Best Choice)
Be pessimistic.

Premium: Cook together with Duke! (Need 27 💗 )
Normal: Leave the cooking to Duke alone.

Thank him for cooking. (-> Best Choice)
Let him know you'd help, but you're too tired.
Say you're here if he needs any help.

Okay, you've got me there. (-> Best Choice)
Lots of people haven't ice skated!
Hush, you.

Episode 6

Just, Duke?
Mr. Vale? (-> Best Choice)

I'm ready to get there! (-> Best Choice)
It's complicated.
The only thing I’m worried

Premium: Take down Hayden with Duke! (Need 26 💗 )
Normal: Fight security on your own.

Assist Andi!
Assist Lorelei! (-> Best Choice)
Assist Renzei!

Episode 7

Just coming down from the mission.
Still kind of in shock.
A bit tired. (-> Best Choice)

Just someone from work. (-> Best Choice)
That's not important.
Who says it's a guy?

Ignore it.
You better get that.
Be back fast. (-> Best Choice)

Episode 8

It's okay.
You might be right. (-> Best Choice)
I look that bad, huh?

Premium: Support Duke on the mission. (Need 27 💗 )
Normal: Leave it to Duke alone.

I'm just tired. (-> Best Choice)
I'm a little out of it.
I just kind of need a break.

I don
't think playing hard to get is the way to go. (-> Best Choice)
I haven't just jumped him yet, no.
I'm still trying to decide what to do.

 Episode 9

Premium: Tell Duke how much he means to you. (Need 26 💗 )
Normal: Downplay your feelings.

Focus on how distant he's being. (-> Best Choice)
Focus on how much he works.
Focus on where you stand.

I wanna quit the team.
Is there any way we could just ignore that?
Is someone doing this on purpose? (-> Best Choice)

Oh, now you wanna work with me? (-> Best Choice)
You were an awful boss!
I've moved on to new opportunities.

Episode 10

No way, we've got this!
You're right, let's get out of here. (-> Best Choice)
Won't we miss our chance at Sampson?

It's nice to finally meet you in person!
Still no identity?
I was beginning to think you weren't real.

And you have no idea where he is?
Do you know why he approached you?
I think you've done a pretty good job as leader. (-> Best Choice)

Episode 11

No, things just happened so fast.
No, I didn't want to presume anything.
No, I think I've been assuming we're together. (-> Best Choice)

I'm feeling good recently! (-> Best Choice)
I was just a little under the weather, I guess.
Yeah, sorry about bringing that stuff to work.

Premium: Bring Duke to the park! (Need 27 💗 )
Normal: Wait in line.

Used to just tossing the Vale name out?
I'm guessing you usually make reservations. (-> Best Choice)
You should try tipping the host!

Episode 12

I'm ready to get my life back.
I'm curious about their security.
It's exciting to really accomplish something. (-> Best Choice)

Premium: Lead the charge with Duke! (Need 28 💗 )
Normal: Stay back.

Enjoying your first field mission? (-> Best Choice)
I'm really glad you're here to help.
Doing okay?

Go to hell, Sampson.
Stall for time.
Call for your friends. (-> Best Choice)

Season 3

(*Note: Special Thanks to Nelly for giving me permission to re-post this Walkthrough! You can find the original post HERE! Also a big Thank you to Sophie L. for the Walkthrough of the missing last episode!)

Episode 1

Let’s call in sick.
We can stand to be a little late.
I guess that’s our cue. (Choice Made)

I’d like to believe that.
I’m still glad it turned out this way. (Choice Made)

I’m good, actually.
Some action might be nice, but... (Choice Made)
Why would I?

Episode 2

Oh. Yeah?
Technically, I lifted. (Choice Made)
Yep. Jealous?

Premium: Give Duke back-up. (Need 27 💗)
Normal: Stay out of the discussion.

I’m sure Duke has a reason. (Choice Made)
I’m too new to have an opinion.
Leave me out of it.

You’re doing a great job.
You’re doing your best. (Choice Made)
I trust you.

Episode 3

I don’t it again.  (Choice Made)
It was surprising, but...

Didn’t mean to interrupt! (Choice Made)
I wasn’t trying to look.
Texting on the job, huh?

Premium: Alert Duke to the danger. (Need 26 💗)
Normal: Ignore your instincts.

Look for help.
Call for help. (Choice Made)
Focus on helping Duke.

Episode 4

Are you okay with this?
Looks like it’s my turn to protect you. (Choice Made)
I’m worried.

Great! (Choice Made)
Getting through it.

Grab Duke! (Choice Made)
Go for the wall!
Try to keep your feet!

Thank you for bringing me here.
(Choice Made)
I’m glad you still have this.
I’m sorry you don’t have more.

Episode 5

Let’s make some trouble! (Choice Made)
Are you sure?
Just be careful, alright?

Pretend to be asleep.
Five more minutes.
Return the favor. (Choice Made)

Premium: Stay in bed with Duke (Need 28 💗)
Normal: Get up.

Be direct. (Choice Made)
Be indirect.
What does Duke think?

Episode 6

I like to think so. (Choice Made)
If so, I’m glad.
He’s not the only one.

Are you sure?
I’ll do my best. (Choice Made)
This might not be the best idea...

Premium: Get answers for Duke. (Need 27 💗)
Normal: Let the guard go.

I don’t think so. (Choice Made)
Do you really think it could be?
It’s a possibility...

Episode 7

Who are you? (Choice Made)
I think I know who that is.
What the hell, Renzei.

We know how it didn’t happen.
We know there’s an informant. (Choice Made)
We’re completely clueless.

Why do you think he did it? (Choice Made)
He had to have his reasons, right?
Dick move.

Episode 8

How? (Choice Made)
Why now?
I really, really hope not.

You were fighting Optimus?
What are your powers?
Why did you form the syndicate? (Choice Made)

It wasn’t by choice.
I kind of just... fell into it.
Duke kidnapped me. (Choice Made)

Premium: Explain how much Duke means to you. (Need 26 💗)
Normal: Change the subject.

Episode 9

You could have just asked.
I knew I’d get you hooked. (Choice Made)
Maybe we can make a habit of this.

I know what you’re doing.
Notice anything odd lately? (Choice Made)
Just stop whatever you’re doing.

Premium: Defend Duke’s honor. (Need 27 💗)
Normal: Back out.

Yeah, I’m fine. (Choice Made)
Yeah, but...

Episode 10

I know it’s important to you.
They’re your parents.
I know you’d do the same.
(Choice Made)

It doesn’t matter.
Zeke wouldn’t give us bad info. (Choice Made)
That’s true.

Maybe they didn’t see us?
Oh goody, a fight. (Choice Made)
There goes our surprise.

Episode 11

It’s happening.
Good things are unbelievable, huh?
Pinch him. (Choice Made)

Premium: Ask Duke to open up. (Need 26 💗)
Normal: Don’t ask.

I like your powers, too. (Choice Made)
So I should use my powers more?
You could do it, too.

He didn’t. (Choice Made)
It surprised me, too.
Don’t go for the teasing. 
Episode 13

You deserve it.
I'm glad. (Choice Made)
Are you sure you want this?

Let's get in there!
Be safe. (Choice Made)
As ready as I'm gonna be.

Premium: Slide down the ramp after Duke! (Need 28 💗)
Normal: Hesitate. (Choice Made)

Yeah, let's go.
Do you think he was serious? (Choice Made)
Are you sure we should keep going? 

Season 4

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail ( or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)

Season 5

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail ( or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)


  1. Season 1
    Ep 1

    I`m so sorry!#
    It was an accident.
    Don`t worry, I will.

    I`d be private too.
    Maybe he`s hiding something?#
    More room for gossip.

    Say it`s off-limits to everyone.#
    Swear you didn`t see anything.
    Keep trying to escape.

    ep 2

    hey, put me down!
    where are we going?!#
    wow, you can lift.

    why should I trust you? Premium 15 <3
    make a run for it. normal#

    ... hi.#
    sorry, i left my mask at home.
    well, this is awkward.

    ep 3

    is it actual work or villain work? premium 25<3
    head to bed # normal

    how is that possible?
    did they cover it up?
    do you own the news too?#

    reread your notes.#
    make something up.
    write down your honest thoughts.

    Ep 4

    Fast answer(~10 seconds to answer)
    Get the guards between you and the window!#
    Distract them!
    Make like the window and freeze!

    We can`t just leave them here!
    Won`t they come after us?#
    Hang on just a second!

    Thanks for coming so quick. #
    I`m getting some mixed signals here.
    Let’s try to avoid this in the future,huh?

    Oh yeah, just great.
    I`ve been better. #

    Ep 5

    I had caught that, actually.
    Resist... the urge... to comment... #

    He followed me home.
    Make something up!
    It`s ... confidential?#

    Introduce duke to boba. Premium 25 <3
    Get him out of your apartment!# normal

    Be good.#
    Be an enabler.
    Be part of the problem.

    Ep 6

    Be polite#
    Mr. Clark didn`t have any complaints.
    I don`t have to take that!

    Another present?#
    That better not be your laundry.
    I draw the line at you piking out my clothes.

    Train with duke. Premium 26<3
    Train with the others. # Normal

    I didn`t think of it that way
    Even for you? #
    I know, I`m just frustrated.

    Ep 7

    What about optimus?
    You have to give me more than that! #
    Am i that bad of a roommate?

    As if!
    He`s not chatty.
    I mean, i`ve talked to him... #

    Text cat #
    Text badger
    Text bat

    Ep 8

    Nice to see you again#
    Not this time, huh?
    This is becoming a habit!

    Taking in the fresh air
    Missed my train. A lot
    Just admit you`re lost.#

    You`re amazing!#
    Any other surprises?
    That was super expensive, right?

    Ask him how long he`s been skating. Premium 28<3
    Get right down to business normal.#

    Ep 9

    I`m ready to help!
    Or maybe i`m not
    I`ll go with what you think is the best, #

    Tease him! Tease him mercilessly!
    Come on, be nice.#

    No way
    I might be a little nervous... #
    No, i trust the team

    Stick together! Premium 27 <3
    Break away to fight on your own. # normal

    Ep 10

    Screw you!
    Pretty rich coming from you Hayden#
    I`ll show you just how “incompetent” I am.

    Go to hell!
    I`m not telling you anything until you let me go.
    Lie and say you`ll cooperate. #

    I was pretty good, huh?
    I`ve got room to improve. #
    Except for that last part,it went great!


    I`m not really sure that`s a plus. #
    I finally get to catch up on all that TV
    Can you even imagine if i did?

    Not that bad actually. #
    Like I got hit by a truck
    Just... exhausted.

    Offer to help Duke. Premium 28<3
    Let him take care of himself. # normal

    I think you deserve it tonight. #
    How indulgent of you!
    I won`t tell anyone you`re actually human.

    Ep 12

    Yeah, it could. #
    I don`t think it was...
    I don`t know.

    I have no reason to suspect him.
    He sounded way too scared to be acting. #
    If it isn`t a trap and we don`t go, what then?

    With you? Ready for anything. #
    Let`s kick some corrupt corporate ass!
    Let`s make it quick, I want another kiss.

    Use your powers to help Duke and the group! Premium 30<3
    Don`t help your allies. # normal
