
08 November, 2020

[Walkthrough] Queen of Thieves - Special Stories

Nikolai – Through His Eyes
(*Note: Special Thanks to Cathrin for this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

„You get to pick.“ (+Choice Made)
„A new experiment.“

„Her love for strawberry yogurt.“
„The moment we met.“ (+Choice Made)
„Keeping her in my jacket.“

„I admit it.“ (+Choice Made)
„I'm confused.“

Episode 2

„As a game.“
„As a surprise.“ (+Choice Made)
„As a gift.“

Premium: „Explore Remy's meddling in your desires.“ (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „Shut the book.“

„Not far.“
„The airport.“ (+Choice Made)
„I'm not her keeper.“

Episode 3

Premium: „Visit the moment you realized you loved her.“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Stay one-track-minded.“

„I don't care!“ (+Choice Made)
„You're drawing attention!“

„Make tea. Build immunities.“
„Stick with Elizabeth.“ (+Choice Made)
„See if Remy is awake.“

Episode 4:

„I blame myself enough.“
„You're the only one.“ (+Choice Made)
„Thank you.“

Premium: „Think of all the times you almost begged her.“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Close this whole memory.“

„What is the cure?“
„When is it over?“ (+Choice Made)
„How do I reverse it?“

Episode 5:

„Thank her.“
„Kiss her hand.“ (+Choice Made)
„Let her go.“

„Did not.“
„And?“ (+Choice Made)
„Go away.“

„I know what I'm doing.“ (+Choice Made)
„So you grew a conscience?“

Episode 6:

Premium: „Relive the first time you made love in your bed.“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Ignore the siren call and keep going.“

„Why do you care?“
„You're bothering me.“ (+Choice Made)
„I'm not repressing.“

„It's not made up!“
„You don't even want to hear it?“ (+Choice Made)
„Fine. We'll just go to sleep.“

Remy – Through His Eyes
(*Note: This walkthrough is still missing. In case you have it and want to share it with everyone here, you can either post it in the comment box below, or send it to me via e-mail: THANKS!)

Jett – Through His Eyes
(*Note: This walkthrough is still missing. In case you have it and want to share it with everyone here, you can either post it in the comment box below, or send it to me via e-mail: THANKS!)

Leon: Through His Eyes

(*Note: Special Thanks to Cathrin for this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

„You wouldn't start without me.“
„How's the bride doing?“ (+Choice Made)
„Not until I go over everything.“

„None of your business.“
„It's a long story.“ (+Choice Made)
„You wouldn't respect me if I told you.“

„Work out more.“
„Drive the high-end sports cars.“ (+Choice Made)
„Tear down the old wallpaper“

Episode 2

„You see beauty everywhere, don't you?“
„Let her keep talking.“ (+Choice Made)
„Nothing's the same as Paris.“

„I'd expect that from Jett.“
„That's rich coming from him.“ (+Choice Made)
„He needs to mind his own business.“

Premium: „Give in. Kiss her.“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Keep it to yourself.“

Episode 3

„I din't know it's be a self-portrait.“
„Those sketches are private.“ (+Choice Made)
„I thought it's be wearing more clothes.“

Premium: „Daydream about marrying her.“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Cut the fantasy short.“

„It's not how it looks.“
„It's for the best.“ (+Choice Made)
„I'm leaving everyone.“

Zoe: Through Her Eyes

(*Note: Special Thanks to Cathrin for this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1
„This is NOT fine.“
„This is fine. Right?“ (+Choice Made)
„No, really. I'm freaking out.“

„Talk to Nikolai.“
„Talk to Vivienne.“ (+Choice Made)
„Talk to Remy.“

Premium: „Reminisce about first kiss!“ (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „Try to go to sleep?“

Episode 2

„Slow down.“
„You had me at coffee.“ (+Choice Made)
„We need to talk.“

„Glare at Jett.“
„Attempt to follow Nikolai.“ (+Choice Made)
„Calculate the probability of an asteroid hitting the roof.“

„What's been your favorite food?“
„What was your favorite city been?“ (+Choice Made)
„Where would you want to go next?“

Episode 3

„Talk to Jett.“
„Talk to Vivienne.“ (+Choice Made)
„Talk to Nikolai.“

„Tease her about her social life.“
„Tease her about work.“ (+Choice Made)
„Tease her about the Poppy.“

Premium: „Enjoy a romantic wedding night.“ (Needs 29 💗)
Normal: „Get a raincheck.“

Vivienne – Through Her Eyes
(*Note: This walkthrough is still missing. In case you have it and want to share it with everyone here, you can either post it in the comment box below, or send it to me via e-mail: THANKS!)

1 comment:

  1. Jett:
