
20 August, 2014

Ask me / recent questions

Hello everyone! It's question time! ^-^
Recently I got a lot of comments and question on a certain Walkthrough page. Since there were question who might interest everyone and since I got also a lot of question about different games, I thought it would be nice to answer them  here, were everyone knows how to find them.
So, if you have a question about a certain game or need an advise or help with something, you can either comment in the comment-box below or send me a mail to: Don't worry, if you don't want me to share your mail here, I want do so.
Ok, friends! Go ahead and fill my mailbox to the brim with your questions (lol)! I'll try to answer them asap!



Jitssy asked: (about "My Forged Wedding - Party")

"I have a question about switching characters and stuff. Say you switched characters (A to B) after finishing one but you want to go back to character A to do the route again, do you have to collect wife points again for character A?"

My answer:

"Hi Jitssy,

to make it simple - yes.
Like you can read in Voltage’s caution post you can read before switching a character, your wife Points and chemistry for route A will will be reset after you changed to route B. So even if you go back to route A, you will still start from 0. Only your Total Wife Points will remain, even if you Change the route."

Jitssy asked: (about "My Forged Wedding - Party")

"...All the stuff that I collected from the house furniture and the clothes, I don't lose them right? The only thing that resets are the Chemistry and the Wife Points (in a way, since any of my previous character's wife points will be counted as total wife points instead after the change)."

 My answer:

" are absolutely right: You only lose the Chemistry and Wife Points of the Route you previously played. The Wife Points you gained and every other Wife Point you ever gain (except fot the Events), will be counted together as the “Total Wife Points” which you can Keep, even if you Switch the route. You also won’t loose clothes, furniture, Gacha Points (only the Gacha of the character you played won’t be available anymore), Mari or any item you bought or have in your item-box."


Natalie asked: (about free Otome-Games)

"... I also have a quick question for you. I was wondering if there are any free-to-play otome games that are like the + versions of Solmare's Shall we Date? games that you would reccomend?..."

My answer:

 "Hello Natalie!

"...Other free games? Well there are  games from the Company “OKKO” and their partner-Company “Arithmetic” (you can find Okko also on Facebook) for example “My Sweet Proposal” (you are a Wedding Planner and find love) “The Cinderella Contract” (you suddenly get engaged to a prince) “Arabian Nights” (there is one Version from Okko = you become the Chosen Maiden and have to marry a prince, and one Version from Arithmetic = you suddenly become the Spirit of the lamp and find yourself in the middle of Ali Baba, Sindbad an co.). 
Another Company is “Koyonplete” with games like “Love! Sushi rangers” (you fall in love with Sushi ingrediends… really, no kidding. Don’t worry, they turned into handsome guys.) or “Love Academy” (well you go to an aacademy and fall in love…^^).
There are many more games from those companies and I’m currently working on adding them (but Voltage and Solmare keeps adding new stuff, so it’s hard to keep up with them ^^).
Of you course there are other, smaller companies, like “Circle Pegasi” with “Days of the Divine” (also playable on pc), “Accecla Inc.” with “It’s our Secret”  or the Company “Winter Wolves”- they have actually many games...
Oh, I almost forgot the most important free game: “My Forged Wedding-Party” from “Voltage Inc.” (best otome-Company ever, sorry Solmare) It’s actually also a free Version of a paid game with a slightly different Main Story (a complete stranger acts as your fiance in front of your parents, because your real fiance broke up with you a minute ago. In return he wants to have a fake marriage with you for a limited time.) Voltage also keeps making new Events, so I really recommend this game!
On tumblr there is a blog, which works on keeping and updating a list of all Otome-games in English (for all devices = Android, iOS and pc). Here’s the LINK."


Dariza asked: (about "My Forged Wedding - Party")

"Hi! I just finished this route (yay) and of course i want to choose Saeki now. But i'm in the dark abouth knowing what things will reset and that i will lose if i chose another character. Can you please especify them? I know wife points and charm, but what about closet, mari, gacha points, warehouse, items?"

My answer:

"Congratulation Dariza! I hope you liked Yamato's route!

Don't be afraid about choosing another route. It's only bad if you are in the middle of playing a route, because then you will loose all your progress.
But if you have finished a route and can choose a new character, you can keep everything except the wife points for the previous route = There are two kinds of wife points: The "Wife Points" = like I said the wife points you gained during playing a route & the "Total Wife Points" = all Wife Points you ever collected during every route.
Ok, so if you change now Character/choose a new route, you will ONLY lose the "Wife Points" = Points you gained for the previous route. If you play the "Cooking Battle" you will see, that your "Total Wife Points" are still the same.
Evereything else will be safe, you WON'T lose Mari, Gacha Points, Closet, Warehouse, Items or anything else. You will still have them all, even if you change the Character. Only the Gacha of the Character you played, will of course not be available anymore.
So go ahead and enjoy playing Saeki (Honey!) (^_-)
P.s. If you still are afraid and to be totally sure, save your data via "Transfer Data" => Click on "Support" (right corner of My Page) and then "Transfer Data"

Ah, and also your Chemistry will be on 0 again, of course!"


nonstopnyancatable asked: (about "My Forged Wedding - Party")

"Hi! Do you know where can i change my avatar? I can't find it anywhere! (´;ะด;`)"

My answer:

"Hi nonstopnyancatable!

The simplest way would be press the “Closet”-button, if you are on “My Page”. That’s the start-page if you open your app. Another way would be to click on the “Menu” (on the right upper corner) and then on “closet”. If you are on the closet-page, you will see your Avatar in the current clothing. If you scroll down, you’ll see the clothes, you have. Just choose what you want your Avatar to wear. Click on the chosen cloth and then press the “Dress”-button. Then a curtain will close and after that *TADA* your Avatar wears the new clothes."


Angelina asked: (about "My Forged Wedding - Party")

"how to expand the closet ?"

My answer:

"Hi Angelina!

Until now, the only possible way to expand the closet is to buy space with real money. I hope that after some thinking (and a lot of complaints) Voltage will change it in a way, that it will be possible to buy it with Mari = like it was in the Gree-Version.


Marine asked: (about "My Forged Wedding - Party")

"Do you know how to get more coins?"

My answer:

"Hello Marine!

I'm afraid that the only possibility to get some coins, is to buy them with real money... I know this sucks. Especially if you want to make the Sweet and not the Normal stories... I think Voltage will get a loooot of complains for this, and that's good because not everyone can buy this stupid coins... *sits in a corner and cries*"


sakura asked: (about "My Forged Wedding - Party")

"How to purchase coin ?"

My answer:

"Hi Sakura Chan!
The only way I know to get coins, is to buy them with real money. Simply select what you want (for example: a Love Pass) and click on buy. The "Purchase Details" page will appear and tell you that your Coins are insufficient. Then you can select "Coins Purchase" where they ask you how old you are (because you can only spend a certain amount of money per month if you are too young). Select what's the case for you. Then you will be asked the amount of Coins you want to buy. Select and accept the "User Agreement". If you pay with your credit cart, you will be asked for your password. Enter and confirm it. Now you have finally and successfully bought the item you wanted with real-money COINS! :)"


Hanna asked: (about "Our Two Bedroom Story")

"... I have a question, how much are the sequels for Our Two Bedroom Story? I been dying to read it but when I tried to download it, it wouldn't give me a cost and just told me to fill in my App Store password. Im afraid it might cost a lot like $10.00 for just a story"

My answer:

"... I’m sorry, but since I’m from Italy I have to pay in Euros. How about you check on the Google Play store. It should have the same Prices like the iOS games. I would check it for you but again I have no access to it because I’m from Italy. I searched around a little and found following Infos:

Main Story – $3.99 USD
Epilogue – $1.99 USD
Sequel – $3.99 USD

This is the usual Price for ALL Voltage games. Also Voltage never made the stories so expensive that you have to pay + $10, so don’t worry :) They really want to sell it at the right Prices so they also won’t suddenly go up with it."


Bianca asked: (about "Kissed by the Baddest Bidder")

"My name is Bianca and I saw your KBTBB posts on your blog.... Do we have to purchase all the main stories and the sequels to be able to unlock season 2?"

My answer:

"... I know for sure that you don’t have to purchase all stories form Season 1 to be able to play Season 2. You can choose freely which Story you want to play, for all Voltage games. For example you can read the Main Story of a character or you can directly go to read the Sequel (although it’s better for understanding if you at least read the main Story). You are not forced to buy a Story to be able to purchase another, they are available to buy independend from all other stories..."


Hana asked: (about "My Sweet Proposal")

"Hi sorry to disturb you but I have been having a problem how do you enter your invation code on my sweet proposal..."

My answer:

"... The Invitation code seems only to be able to enter during the tutorial = when you first start to Play the game. I couldn’t find any other way to enter the Invitation code… and it seems to be the same with all other OKKO/Arithmetic games ..."


Anon asked: (about CG's)

"Sorry to bother you,but I have a question. :3 While playing the game I can only view one part of the photo,to be more specific the upper one. But here you have the full photo. Do I have to do something to view the full photo while playing the game? :/"

My answer:

"That's normal for the newer Voltage games. I think they do it improve the story or so.... I mean it does look strange if you see the full-body pics while reading a story. The dialoge becomes more intense if you just see their faces, don't you think so too?
If you want to see the full Picture afterwards you have different possibilities, depending on the game you play. For some games, you have to go to the Chapter selection (After getting the CG in the game). There you can slighly see the CG. Click on the Chapter where you want to see the CG and then there should appear the mode "Read Chapter" and "View Piecture". Of course you click "View Picture" and there you have it! You can also save it when you look at it.
Another mode (mostly used for Sub Stories) is right on the beginning of the game. When you select the Story, there is either "Sub Story" or "View Image"
The older games have a own "Scene" menu, right on the Main Screen.
I'm sorry, but these are the only possible ways to see the full CG's. It's not possible to see the whole Picture during the game, because Voltage made it especially this way...


Anon asked: (about "My Forged Wedding - Party")

"... how can I read scenario again?! it says there r no stories being saved..."

My answer:

"Saved stories in the Album is new and seems to don't include the Main Stories. Only Special Event Stories (like the Epilogue for the "Love Anniversary" Event) are available to read again."


Toey asked: (about "My Forged Wedding - Party")

"... How to complete AVATAR mission? I have to buy clothes right? And that means I have to pay in real money, doesn't it? Because I noticed that I can pay only in coin."

My answer:

"About the Avatar Mission: To pass the Avatar Mission, there are two possibilities: Either you buy the clothes-set with real Money and read the “Sweet Story” (you get a CG) or you buy a Avatar item with Mari (which you can get by making the Cooking Battles). This way you can pass the Avatar Mission without spending real money. The only difference is, that if you buy the item with Mari, you can only read the “Normal Story” and you won’t get a CG."


Hannah asked: (about "My Forged Wedding - Party")

"Are we able to play the same character after completing it? For example I finished Yagami's story and I want to do it again so I can have a super happy ending..."

My answer:

"Hi Hannah!
Of course you can play it again! ^^ You can play every character as often, as you like. Just go to "Character Selection" in the Menu and choose your guy. Have fun!


Hannah asked: (about "My Forged Wedding - Party")

"...I have a question about completing both the normal and sweet ending. I just finished both routes for Yamato, and I'm curious about the "special epilogue" at the end..."

My answer:

"... you should be able to read the epilogue as many times as you like once you get it. Just go to "Album" and then to "Story" and then select the character. There you should find the Epilogue..."


sakura asked: (about "My Forged Wedding - Party")

"Can we get gacha medal without pay with real money..."

 My answer: 

"Hi Sakura!

Yes and No. Normally the only possibility to get the Gacha Medal is to buy them with real money. However, sometimes you get the chance to earn them with completing the Daily Mission of during the Events/House Renovation. These opportunities sadly don't come often, so you really have to keep your eyes open to not miss that chances :)"

Daniella asked: (about "Voltage-game-Mails")

"...My question to you is when you receive an email by the character you pick in the otome game, can you respond to that email? If so how?..."

My answer:
"Hello there!

I’m sorry, but you can’t reply to their mails. That would be REALLY nice, but just to much work for the Voltage guys. The mails you get  are especially made that way, that a Computer automatically sends them to you, once you finish a certain chapter. The mails are always the same for everyone, so if you re-read a Story, you’ll also the the same mails again.
However, if you there still is something you would like to let the Company know (maybe that you really liked the Story of a certain guy or that you really love the mails), you can write them a mail. Either you use the mail adress you’ll find on the games page in the app store or you look under the “Help -> Contact us” section of the game itself."


Katrina asked: (about "My Forged Wedding - Party")

"Hi! Umm i just wanna ask what are gacha points and what is it for?? How do we use it?..."

My answer:

"Hello there!

With the Gacha Points you can spin the Interior Item Gacha (or during an Event the Event Gacha). With a Little luck you’ll get Furniture which raise your Charm Level. If your Charm Level rises high enough, you’ll get Chemistry. You Need 300 Chemistry, if you want to get the Super Happy Ending.
I know this sounds a Little complicated, but Gacha Points are really important, because the Furniture is not the only Thing you might get. You can also get Maris (which you Need to buy the Avatar Items from the Checkpoints), Aroma Therapy (which gives you Energy to do more Cooking Battles) or you might even get a Story ticket
๐Ÿ˜Š ..."


xYURIxLUVxXD asked: (about "Shall we date?: The Niflheim +"

"What is the difference between the mystic and romantic ending? Is the mystic ending a "good" ending rather than a "happy" ending?"

My answer:


I think they are both some kind of Happy Ending. Since the company who made the game is Solmare, I think one Ending might be like the Happy Ending and one like the Sweet Ending we know from the other Shall we date? games. BUT I'm not sure since I haven't reached an Ending yet. I'll add more infos on the Main Page of the game, when I know more :)"


Anon asked: (about "My Forged Wedding - Party")

"Hello I was curious to know how much coins are for this game everytime I go to purchase it does not give me an amount lol"
My answer:
"Hi there!

There should be a few different packs (100, 300, 500, 1000 or 2000) of coins  you can purchase but there should be no Limit at how much you can buy. However, there is an Option during your purchase where you have to tell your Age. If you are under a certain Age, you’ll only be able to purchase a certain amount of coins per month. If you still have Problems to buy coins, try to contact Voltage directly via the Support centre."



  1. I have just started playing these games. I was just wondering what was the difference between the Paid Version and the + Version. Also Thank You for taking the time to do all of these Walkthroughs, they are really helpful.

    1. Hi Erika!

      You just started? Then let me WELCOME you to the wonderful otome-world!
      ☆*・゜๏พŸ・*\(^O^)/*・゜๏พŸ・*☆ YAY!

      I'm glad, the Walkthroughs are of any help for you. But, I didn't make them all on my own, so if you have some time, please also check out my credit page!. Thanks! <3

      The difference between the paid version and the + Version, is that you have... well to paid fo the paid version and you get there your 3-5 guys and that's it. In the +Version howver, they sometimes also add new characters, spin offs and Events and the most important thing - IT'S FOR FREE! But! you have only 5 energy to progress the story, and you have to pass checkpoints, so it might actually take you a lot of time until you can finish the story. On the other hand, if you buy the paid-version, you can read the story in one go and can repeat it again and again and ....
      So there are pro's and con's for both of them. If you want to know what I do: If the story is interesting, I buy them in the paid version and play them again in the + version until they release spin off stories or new characters. So I have the maximum of fun with the game ^^ (and support the game company at the same time, so they can ceate more games, hehe)


    2. Somewhat pertaining to this, and the fact you get help from others. How does one contact you with things like the answers? Makoto in Ninja Shadow was released a few days ago and I've already completed the story and at least wrote the answers down. If you let me know how to contact you, I'll gladly share them with you. ^^ Your blog has been very helpful to me in the past, and I am grateful to you and everyone who has helped you for having such a wonderful blog.

  2. Hi, I wanted to ask you about Voltage INC games. I wonder what language are, since most are in Japanese and Otomes not been translated, and which are free.

    A greeting and congratulations for the page ^^

    PS: Sorry if the message is a bit inconsistent, is that I'm Spanish and I'm writing with translator.

    1. Hi Carol!

      Thanks for the compliments! :)

      Voltage Inc. games are in Enlish (well they released "Be my Princess" also in French). They do come from Japan, but they are translated, at least those I added on this blog. There are many more Voltage games out there, but they are still only availble in Japanese. But don't worry, the try to translate them as soon as possible.

      The only free Voltage game is "My Forged Wedding - Party" so far, but they will release more free games in the future.

      If you search for more free games, beside Voltage, look at the question on this page or go to this tumblr page: (^^,)o))



      -thanks for you time dawn!!!

  3. Hi dawn! (hope you don't mind me addressing you this way), I would like to ask how does the manga image that voltage talked about if we were to purchase a story look like? for example, the latest nagisa's season 2 story is said to come with a special manga image but i do not know if it is worth the buy >.<"

    1. Hi Aki!

      Dawn is perfectly fine :) If you want to see one of the Mangas to decide if you like them, just send me your e-mail adress ( and I'll send you Yasuto's manga. This way you know how they look like. If you liked Nagisa's Main Story and want to read his 3 Years Later sometime in the future, it would be best if you buy it now, so you get the manga anyway :) I personally really like the manga's but only to buy the story because of the manga, when you don't really want to play the route, I think is not worth it. I can send it to you, so you can save the money, if you decide to not play Nagisa'a story.


  4. Hello :) its my first time playing this kind of game, im kinda lost but its really fun!
    Say, how can i invite wifemates? :) thankyou!!

    1. Hello, hello! WELCOME to the wonderfull world of otome (I kind of sound like the mad hatter from alice in wonderland, hehe) If you ever feel lost, just mail me and I shall guide you through the jungle of the otome world ;D

      To invite Wife Mates, just click on the "Wife Mates" Button on the Main Page of the Game. There you'll see a big button with "Look for Wife Mates". Press it and then you can choose whichever gamer you like. To add him to your Wife Mates, just click on the blue "Request" button and then wait until the other gamer accepts your request. Best would be if you ask a lot of Gamers, since not all might accept you right away.
      Have fun!!


  5. Hi ! I'm a little lost. If I choose the second character, I lost my chemistry, so, how will I have 300 chemistry again? It was so hard the first time to get the super happy ending >_<'
    My closet and the items in my warehouse are full...
    Sorry for my bad English ^^'

  6. Hi Panda!
    I'm very sorry to tell you, but it's normal that you loose all Chemistry. Everytime you change your character, this will happen. That's the way Voltage made the game, but don't worry. All yoou have to do is to choose all the right answers and if that still is not enough, try to buy clothes to play the Gacha. another way to get clothes is to participate the Events. If you complete there a route with the Happy End, you'll get clothes.
    I know this will not help you, when you already have a full warehouse/closet, but that's the only way beside the right answers...


  7. Discontinued Voltage Games?

    I'm kind of upset that some of these games are discontinued! I loved Kiss of Revenge, and wanted to play but it didn't seem like it would be updated anytime soon. So, then I noticed your poll. How did you find out that they weren't going to update the game? Do you know where I can read/find out what happens in season 2 since I know it exists for Kiss of Revenge but can't ever play it?

    1. Hi Heather!

      Yeah, I'm very sad too. In all surveys of the games and whenever I get the chance, I always write to them that they should update the older games like AKD, SITSC and KOR. Well I hope, once they are finished releasing all the stories of some of the older games (IYAT has almost released the last few ones), that they will start to release stories for the neglected one, once again. *sigh* there are still so many characters and stories left to release.
      For KOR, there are still two characters + Season 2 to release. That they are on Hiatus is obvious because they haven't released anything for this game for how long? Half a year or even a year?
      As for infos about the missing stories: there is not much to find out there. All I could find was a short note about one of the new characters Naoya. You can find it here ->
      Well, lets hope that Voltage will release more form KOR in the near future :D


    2. Ah, well maybe I should write to them too. Where would I do that? It bothers me when they don't finish games! If they don't want to do regular updates they should just release them all at once and then be done with them. So frustrating!

      Thank you for responding to me. I'm actually fairly new to Otome games so I don't know how long games have been out. It would make sense that if they haven't updated in about a year then they probably won't continue them. I hope they start all of them back up again.

    3. Just go to the Support Centre - you can find the link in the game itself or in the App/Game store.
      Yeah, me too! I hope if enough gamers complain to them, that they finally start to listen to us (it's kind of funny that they still don't do that, even if we pay them for their games).
      I often writen comments on Facebook, because it's more public and if a lot of gamers agree there to what I say, I'm sure that Voltage will read my comment too. :)
      Well, if you have any other question, just go ahead and ask me. I'm always happy to help New Otome Game Followers! ^^


  8. Hey! I used to play the Voltage GREE games and just recently got back into the free otome apps (cries because I was really far into My Sweet Bodyguard & Be My Princess).

    I was wondering about two things;
    For My Forged Wedding PARTY, how in the heavens do I get a good amount of Mari? It seems so difficult. It feels as if it was way easier to do without spending money in the GREE games.

    And if you know whether or not they'll be releasing My Sweet Bodyguard PARTY. I loved that one, darn it. I just prefer the free apps by far because the paid ones go too quickly and I like avatars.

    Prays for more Voltage PARTY apps.. ;o;

    1. Hey there!

      Yeah, I miss the GREE Games too. I finished all the Main Routes and even played most of the Events - you can imagine how much money + time I spent but then they just remove the games!!! :(

      Well anyway... About your question: Some advices I already posted on the "How to Play" page of MFW (Party) but I gladly repeat them for you:
      - Log in every day to receive bonus gifts. Some of them are really awesome (There are checkpoints on Day 60, 100, 200, 500)!
      - Obviously do "Cooking Battle" to get Mari, Gacha- and Wife Points.
      - Do the Gacha and if you get Furniture you already have, you can sell it.
      - Greet Friends and you get 10 Mari (+1 if a friend greets you)
      - Complete the Daily Bonus Mission.
      - Once a month you can get a special avatar item (although the requirements are rather hard). If you have and wear it, you might (Power of the avatar item can change) get the double Mari while playing the Cooking Battle.
      Hmmm... I think that are about all ways I know how to get Mari.

      About your other question. I do know that soon there will be another Party game released, but whether it really IS MSB or not, that I really don't know. I personally think that it is actually highly possible, because Voltage already has all stories and events and so translated. I mean, they did the same thing for BMP, so why not recycling MSB-GREE too? It costs less time and of course MONEY than to translate a new game like PIL, KBTBB or SITSC.
      Well, we'll see soon enough what they decided, won't we? ;) Until then I wish you happy playing!


  9. Your blog is The way you put so much effort & thoughts into sharing these information is just a total dedication! (that's a compliment, btw hehe)

    I (and I'm sure other blog-reader too) really appreciate your work hehe. So here's a virtual hug and a 'thank you' for you! "Thank you!" *hugs you* (I'm not sure it's enough, tho haha)

    Anyway, my questions are (for a lack of better term lol) kinda non-mainstream. I'm wondering whether you know any iOS otome game that is:
    a. Adult/R18/NC17? or,
    b. Yaoi (other than Vampire Darling & Love Academy)?

    Thank you in advance & keep up the good work! ^o^)/

    1. Hi Anon!

      Awwwww!! Thanks and a virtual hug back to you. <3
      Yeah, I know some but they are still mostly only available in Japanese. Well on this pages you can find a lists which includes some +18 and BL/GL ->
      I only have android so I can't check which 18+/BL games would be available for you. :( I still hope you can find something nice on the pages I recommended :D


  10. Hi, I was interested in playing voltage games, shall we date? too but mostly voltage. I don't currently have a device I can play them on, but when I do get one I was wondering if I could even play them. I read something about Enchanted in the moonlight, specifically a certain route, I think it was Miyabi's? There's apparently a 'scene' at the end of his route? (so sorry I know I must seem stupid I just don't know how to put it) Is it like a PG-13 scene? Or like an R 18+ scene? If it is a R 18+ scene, can you name some voltage games or routes that do not have these scenes?

    Also are shall we date games pretty PG-13 or are there some routes that are not?

    1. Hi there!

      Well most otome games are for a more grown-up audiance, since there are in almost all routes "intimate scenes". For Voltage they mostly only mention kissing scenes and a the beginning of love-scenes. They mostly (I have to repeat that, since I can't remember for all their games, if they went further than kissing and touching) stop there, but it might also be that in the newer games (like Enchanted in the Moonlight) they go more in detail.
      Hmmmm... well I do remember that the older games, like Pirates in Love and A Knight's Devotion didn't had lovemaking scenes, so I think you can play them without any worry. Also Be my Princess and My Sweet Bodyguard are ok, if you just play the Main routes (as far as I can remember)
      Shall we date games on the other hand include some detailed lovemaking scenes, so I guess you can call them R 18+ The only exceptions are those who will be removed soon (Actor to be & Konkatsu for marriage) and "My sweet Prince", I guess.
      *sigh* I think it's really difficult to say where the PG 13 begins and what's ok.
      If you search for other otome games beside Voltage & Shall we date, then I recommend to take a look at that list:
      There's also marked which game is 18+. If you still want to know more, maybe you should ask the owner of the blog I gave you the link before. She (or they) seem to be well informed about that. :-)
      I hope you can find some games you like (besides, there are some for the PC too!) and that you have lots of fun playing them! ^^


  11. Hi there! There's this question that has been bugging me and I wanted to be sure. I'm sure that you may have answered questions like this in the past (or recently) but I just wanted some clarification for myself. Since 2013, I have been playing the +Version, seeing as how I can't exactly pay for the Paid Versions. And after looking into your blog and seeing the Voltage games, I've become very interested in them because of their game plots, graphics, and story line, and I haven't really tried any Voltage game. I was wondering that, since you've played them, does Voltage require you to pay for the characters? Or is it like the +Version? If we have to pay for the characters, would it be possible for you to suggest me Otome games that does not require paying for the characters or anything (something other than the +Versions)

    Anyways, your blog is really really wonderful and helpful to me, especially when I am hesitating to answer on many occasions.

    Thank you and sorry fr the disturbance.

    Have a nice day!

    1. Hi Anon!

      No problem! I'll gladly answer any question as many times as needed. :D
      About your question: Yes, you have to pay for ALL Voltage games. The only exceptions are the "Party" games - there are 2: "My Forged Wedding - Party" and "Be my Princess - Party". I'm sure that Voltage will release more Party games in the future :) They are like the + Version games of the Shall we date games = you have 5 tickets to read the story per day + a lot of events.
      If you search for other free Otome-games, I suggest you to take a look at this page ->
      There you can find a list of games on different devices (if you don't want to play them on your phone). More infos about free games you can find if you take a look at this page. The second question is about that ;)
      I hope you find a lot of funny games you can enjoy! Have fun playing!!


  12. Hi Dawn! I just want to ask if Be my princess party has 4 endings per prince just like the gree version?

    1. Hi Jo!

      BMP-P seems to really have 4 Endings: A Secret Happy End, a Happy End, a Secret Normal End and a Normal End. (Well, IT IS the Gree Version game, only they call it "Party" now and it comes from Voltage Inc directly...)


  13. Hi, Dawn! This is about Be My Princess Party. I was wondering if there was a way that you could gain charm throughout the game rather than answering the questions correctly. In My Forged Wedding you can gain charm by leveling up in the game, so I was wondering if there was something similar that you could do in BMPP. I am only two charm points away from the Secret Happy Ending for Prince Wilfred so I really need your help! >< Thank you! :)

    1. Hi Kat!

      Actually you don't get "Charm" but "Chemistry" by answering the right question. I'm not 100% sure if you really get Chemistry by leveling up (I don't really play the game anymore). I think I can remember getting Gems for leveling up, but I'm not sure. Please ask a friend of mine. She has an really awesome Blog. Maybe she can help you out!
      Here's the link:
      Sorry, I couldn't give you an answer and I hope Samantha can help you out!


  14. Hi! Thanks for all the walkthroughs. I have a question about shall we date? My sweet prince+. I was wondering what the love potion does? I got the happy ending without it and in the stories menu only the happy and bad endings are listed. Does it change the happy ending somehow? I'm debating whether to restart the prince and use the love potion this time.

    1. Hi there!

      There really are only the Happy & the Bad Ending for the Main Story. The Love Potion is for those, who couldn't get the Happy End at the first try (or who didn't used the Walkthrough, lol). Better you save the Love Potion for when you really need it (maybe for a Spin off?). I know it's strange to have one and to have no need for it, but I'm kind of still hoping for a new Character (King Tamir) to appear, and then I will certainly need the Love Potion (unless I get the Happy Ending at the first try).


    2. Thanks to your excellent walkthroughs I don't need the love potion. That is good to know. I got upset when I missed the chance to use the love potion. I'm used to the other games where you need the items to get the best ending. Thanks again!

    3. That's good to hear :D
      Well "My Sweet Prince" is one of the older Shall we date games. If you take a look a "Ninja Love", there you only have two Endings too. I'm kind of used too, to have to replay the Main Route twice to get both Happy and Sweet Ending (I'm to afraid to play the Bad Ending o_o ), so it's strange to even have a Love Potion if you never need one. ^^

  15. Hello! Thank you for having this amazing blog. I have a question about Be my Princess Party.
    In order to view the secret happy ending you have to have 72,000 RF and 100 chemistry. After finishing chapter 14, I bought RF since I had less that 72,000 and now I have almost 73,000.When I went to choose the ending, the only options that are still available are the happy and normal ending. So my question is,what do I have to do to view the secret happy ending??

    1. Hi Anon!
      Thank you for your compliments! (#^_^#)
      About your problem: That's really strange and it sounds like a system error. Please contact the Voltage Support Center directly, so they can check out your game and why you can't choose the Secret Happy Ending when you have all necesarry points...
      Sorry I couldn't really help you, but I'm sure the Support Center will clear this problem for you!


  16. Hi! First off, you have an awesome site! Love it :)
    Sorry if you've answered this question before, but for the "Shall We Date" games, if you miss the time period for event stories/spin-off stories, can you never read them? Or do they all eventually come out later? I recently started otome games, and I was hoping I would someday get to read the event stories/spin-offs that came out before I started. And another question...for Ninja Assassin, can you not save stories like you can in Destiny Ninja? Thanks!

    1. Hi Erika!

      Thanks for liking my blog! :D
      Don' t worry about asking! I'll glady answer any question, even if it might be the 100th time :D That's why I made this blog for! (not that you misunderstand - This is the first someone asked this kind of question, lol).
      Hmm... your question is a little difficult. I think I have to answer it with Yesno = YES, some of them will be re-released at a later time (like for example the event stories for My Sweet Prince + or Ninja Love +) and NO, some Event's really are released only once. This is quite tricky, I know, but I tell you s.t. = if you download the paid version, they have some of the event stories too and if you pay for them once, you can read them as many times as you want.
      As for Ninja Assassin: Until now they didn't added that option. I wanted to save some stories too, but that's impossible for now. Maybe they add this possibility in the future... At least I hope so :)
      If you have any other question or trouble with a game, please feel free to ask me any time! Until then, have fun playing!


  17. Hi, I'm going to get a device that lets me play voltage apps soon, and I'm really excited. But about Sweet Cafรฉ, is it better to download the apps and purchase the story and then link them to the game, or can you link your games and then purchase the stories later? It might explain this in the app, I'm sorry if it does.

    Thank you for helping, and sorry if I was confusing.

    1. Hi Anon!

      About your question It dowsn't really matter either way, because even if you have bought some stories and link the game later, you will still get the tickets for buying the stories. BUT don't forget that you have to link the game through the cafe app, otherwise it won't really work + if you log in daily in both the cafe app & in the coin game, you'll get a daily bonus.
      I'm sorry, that I still haven't added anything about the cafe app, but I intend to do so soon. In the meantime please also be aware that there are special offerings for buying certain stories (for example you got more tickets for buying Leos (SCM) Main Story). You can find more infos about that on Voltage Incs Facebook page, if you are interested.
      Ah! Sorry I got a little carried away! I hope I could help you with your question and that you'll have soon your new device to enjoy all the games! (^^,)


  18. Hey!
    You probably answered this question but I'm not sure so not be a cheap person or anything but I was wondering if you could write a list of the voltage games that are free like you don't have to buy the main story stuff like that, for example my forged wedding party you didn't have to buy anything only like platinum and little stuff like that!
    Sorry if it's a totally dumb question, but if you could answer it that would AMAZING!


    1. Hi there Anon!

      Don't worry, I understand that free games are just the best - not everyone can afford to buy games and I never would consider someone for this to be a cheap person. All that count is that you have fun and that you appreciate the work of those who made the free games - that's all :D

      About your question: Voltage hasn't released so many free games YET. I think they will release a lot of new ones soon, like the Party version of KBTBB, PIL, BMP2 and so on. Those games already exist in Japan, but still need to be translated. So until now there are "only" Be my Princess - Party, Sleepless Cinderella - Party and My Forged Wedding - Party released who are free to play. However, there is one new app who might interest you: The Cafe app. It has a lot of free short stories. You can get them by playing the Coin Drop game. Another way to get stories is to log in daily and after 6 days you get 1 Ticket. It's not much because you get most Tickets by buying the paid game stories, but like you can see, there still is a way to get some free stories too :D

      That's about all for Voltage free stuff, but if you are interested in more free Otome games, why don't you give the "Shall we date?" games a try? Or the Koyonplete or Okko games? There are tons of free games out there, the only problem is the limited space on the phone, lol!

      I hope I could help you a little and Bless your Soul too! ^^


  19. Hi Hi ^-^
    I have a quick question about my Forged Wedding Party! in order to continue for either the sweet route or the normal one I need to buy some clothes etc etc . and I decided to go through the normal route since I don't have coins :,( buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut my closet is all full and won't let me buy any more things to put it in my closet, and in order to get more closet space I need coins but I don't have any >.< Is there any way I can get more closet space with the mari money instead of buying coins?
    Thannk you thank you!

    1. Hi! ^^
      Unfortunately it's not possible to get Closet Space or Interior Item Space with Mari. The only choice you have is to buy it with real money. Well, sometimes it is possible to get it during an Event or House Renovation Event...
      Sorry I can't help you more, but I hope you still have a lot of fun with the game :)


  20. Umm, I do not know if you answer questions for My Sweet Proposal. I had just almost finished the Sakura route and I have to pick an ending like Propose End, True End or Normal End. WhatWhat is the difference? Also people say if I want the Propose End the only way to get points is by buying them or using the wedding gacha I do not have wedding gacha space is there a way to get that free?

    1. Hi Yukio!
      I'm very sorry, but I stopped playing this game a while ago and I just can't remember about the wedding gacha. All I can remember is, that the Proposal End seems to be the best End, but there should be CG's for both, True and Proposal End. I looked the requirement for the Proposal End up on a friends Blog, and she wrote that you need to get the rare Item in the gacha to get it.
      I'm very sorry that I can't help you more, but please try to contact this friend of mine, since she knows a lot about that game, I'm sure she can help you out! Here's the link to her Blog:


  21. Hey, this isn't really a question but I wanted to bring it to your attention. In Be My Princess Party, I'm doing Roberto's route, (love him!) And I just got to the first chapter 7 choice and you suggest B: Do what Alberto wants. So I did that, and it apparently wasn't the good answer. So that's something you may want to check out.

    I do have a real question. Do you have to get every answer right to fill up the chemistry heart, and what happens if you do? (Sorry if you already answered this.)

    1. Hi there!

      That's so odd! I received a lot of mails, telling me that the other answer with Roberto is wrong. But then I get some like your too, where Alberto is wrong... I'm a little confused. Maybe there is a difference in the answers between Android gamers and iOS gamers? I use Android and you?

      Well you need to have Chemistry +100 for the Secret Happy Ending, so you need to get as much right answers as possible, because otherwise you have either to buy the missing Chemistry with Gems, or you have to pick another Ending... :)

      May I ask you a favor? If you ever have a different answer like in the Walkthroughs here, would you mind writing to me again? I want to have the Walkthroughs as accurate and (of course) right as possible and since I'm currently playing Joshua, I can't check Robbie's answers myself. It would be a huge help, if I don't ask for too much ^^
      Thank you anyway and happy playing!!!


      P.S: Eddy is out! Yay!!!

    2. Thanks for the speedy response! Yes, I'm on Android. I'll be happy to let you know if anything else happens! :) Thanks for putting so much effort into these walkthroughs.

      P.S. Right? So exciting! This is my first time playing, and I was so confused when Edward wasn't an option, but it made things a little easier since I still could hardly choose between several of them. Roberto was too cute to pass up! On that note, I sadly cannot do Edward's route, yet. But it gives me something to look forward to!

    3. Thank you for the speedy response! Yes, I am using an Android. I will be happy to tell you if anything else happens! :)

      P.S. Yes, I'm very excited! I'm going to play him as soon as I finish Roberto!

  22. In My Fairy Tales+ I used a blue feather but still only got the happy ending. Do you have to use more than one to get the sweet ending? If so do you know how many blue feathers I need for the sweet ending?

    1. That depends on your Love Meter Level when you use the Blue Feather. You have to already be on the Happy End Level and then use the Feather to get the Sweet Ending. It really might be that you need two Feathers, if you couldn't raise the Love Meter high enough.

  23. Oops the question was for my forged wedding party

    1. I asked the same question Voltage Inc themself, but they refused to give me a direct answer... I just know that the amount of Charm changes, depending on which level you are. The higher the Level, the higher the amount of Charm you need....

  24. Hi, well, first of all : I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!! Is amazing, I believe that actually does not exist any walkthrough of shall we date? but now I'm so excited about the idea of viewing all the info you gathered here, and I really appreciate your work, and I have only one question... Have you planned on play the new shall we date? Blood in Roses??? , because I will love if you play it, and therefore thanks for the tough job and all, with love... Elle :3

    1. Hi Elle!

      Er... Yes ther DO EXIST Walkthroughs of Shall we date games. If you take a look at the right side of my Blog, or if you go to the Walkthrough-List, you can find links to their pages...
      Thanks for liking my Blog, and yes, I have planned to add Blood & Roses and Castle Break too. I'm just a little busy at the moment ^^


  25. hi, dawn!

    for voltage games, can we use transfer data numerous time or only once? i mean, i have purchased some stories for 1 app, but i don't think i will open that app for a while (because it hasn't been updated for months), i want to uninstall it to save my phone's memory and when i want to read it back, i will install it again..

    1. Hi Sakura!

      If you haven't used the transfer data yet, you can always use it at a later time. For an already used transfer data that won't work, because after you used the code to transfer your data, the code changes and you have to either e-mail to yourself the new code from the new device, or write it down somewhere. BUT!!!! Always save the transfer code BEFORE you remove the game or switch device. Otherwise you won't be able to get the Transfer Code.
      By the way: the transfer code only sends you all the progresses you made. You still are able to replay the bought games, just you have to start them from zero.


  26. Hii there! First of all I wanna thank you for all the hard work you do on this blog. Second, I'd like to ask you something: Will you continue to post the walkthrough even though the CG's are been removed?

    1. sorry, I've just seen the banner. So do you know any other blog who could have them?

    2. If you're looking for the CG's, you can find them on tumblr and about the Walkthroughs: I'll try to post them but it's gonna take some time, cause I'm way behind posting them.

  27. Thank you for your wonderful page. I only have one question about Ninja Assassin. I know you can switch characters and it will save your info (very handy for collecting koban and using power while you have it) but can you do the same with the event story? I am stuck on the current, Rosy Treat Ninja Trip event and would like to switch to a character to play while I collect money for purses, but I don't want to loose the spot I am at.

    1. Hmmm... I'm not very sure about this. Solmare recently changed some things, so I don't want to tell something wrong. As far as I know, you always could switch character during Events whitout losing the progress you made. So.... There should be a warning, if you really are about to lose the progress, so maybe it's save to at least try to switch it.
      I'm sorry, I can't give you good answer to this question, but if you're still worried, you could always contact Solmare directly via the support centre, so you could get a clear answer to this issue :)


  28. Hi! I don't know if I have came to the right page but I hope you could help me with this. Hopefully this page is still active. ><

    Not sure if you played MFWP - Summer Rendezvous but I kinda need help in finding where to click so I can read the epilogue... I already completed Normal and The Super Happy(?) End but I don't know where to go to read the epilogue... ใ… ใ…  I was wondering if you could help? If yes, thank you so much:) if not its okay thanks again:)

    1. Hi there!

      Yes, this is the right page ^^ I'm currently not playing any Voltage games, but as for the Epilogue: you can find it, if you go to "Album" then to "Story" you can select the character whose Epilogue you want to read. After that you can choose which Epilogue Story you want to read. Hope you have fun!


  29. Hi Dawn! I'm curious as to why you don't play Voltage games right now and what they did that pissed you off? :O
    And I have a question about season 2 from MFWP. If I already played season1 of x character some time ago, when I select the guy, do I get to choose which season I want to play or do I have to play through S1 again to get to S2???

    1. Hi there!

      Well to make it short, they removed all of their CG's from my Blog. I know since they are their belongings they have every right to so so, but can you imagine how much work I put into adding them all, resizing, finding them in the best quality, adding descriptions and all? And this x 1500!!! Because that's the amount of posts they removed... *sigh* It wouldn't have felt so worse, if they at least had made an announcement about this or asked me to remove them myself, but they don't even make an official statement about this and it's not only me to which this happened! They even removed whole Blogs and Facebook pages!!! AND if you write to them and ask them why they suddenly, from one day to the next, decided that noone should be allowed to post their CG's, they don't even answer you!!! ARRRRGHHH!!! Every time I write about this I just get soooo sooo pissed, like you said o_o Now, arfter some month, at least I'm able to read their stories, although I still refuse to play the Party games, cause you have to put much time into those games, if you want to write about them (especially the Event-stories).
      As for your question (sorry, I was in some kind of rage just now, lol): No, you don't have to play though Season 1 to be able to read Season 2. Of course it would be better to do so, because this way you can grasp the storyline better, since you sometimes need the past story to understand the current one. I think there is an ooption when you switch character, that allows you to select the Season you want to play.
      Ok. That's all for now, hehe. I feel kind of funny now, that I got all excited about that whole Voltage incident, hahaha... I need to calm down now. Otherwise I won't be able to play the next Voltage story, I wanted to read before going to bed, hahahhihihoho... sry!


  30. Hi! I love your blog. I love otome games even though I haven't played much of it so I stick to reading and watching haha.

    But I'm so glad that I found your blog and you seem like a really nice person from reading your replies to other people so I hope my question isn't too silly.

    I have tried many times before to play these games but I end up giving up after finishing one story because I'm not patient enough to wait everyday to get more 'tickets' to continue the story. All these charm and gacha things are a little annoying I was wondering is this only in the 'Shall We Date?' games? If I buy the Voltage games, do I get to just read through it like a visual novel while picking choices or not? I'm willing to buy, I'm just not sure if the payed versions will be better or not.

    Lastly, when buying the stories, do I need to pay for every character story/route or do I just pay the price stated ($3.99) once and I would be able to play the whole thing?

    I hope my questions made sense.

    PS sorry I asked a question on a different page before because I didn't see this page and just making sure, these games are only available on phone/tablets right?

    1. Hi Sindy!

      Sorry for the late reply. I hope I can still help you out at least a little bit ^^
      First let me thank you 4 your kind words, I was really happy to read them :)
      So 4 your questions: I REALLY know what you mean with how annoying it is to wait until you can finally read a little bit more of the stories. Actually I'm curently not playing those games, cause it really costs you much time to finally get to the ending and I'm not patient enough. After I got over my anger about Voltage Inc removing all their CG's from my Blog, I'm reading now one story after another. Of course there are also a lot of other Otome games companies out there, and even Solmare NTT has a lot of games where you can read through the whole thing without waiting 4 forever. They even have some of the ticket waiting games available to read them in one go (of course after you paid for it). So, you see - the good thing about paid games is that you can read them in one go and re-read them as often as you like. The bad thing is that you have to pay for them. For the free games it is vice-versa: you don't have to pay for them but to wait endlessly...
      Yes, you have to pay for them individually. BUT there always are some kind of sales, you you can get them cheaper if you look out for those sales. Some other companies even offer a discounted "all in one" package where you also can save big by buying them all at once :) (Gloczus -> Hakuoki for example or the D3 Publisher and Voltage Max games)
      Yes, most of them are. There even are games you can only get if you have a iOS device, but recently some of them are also available for Amazon Kindle and even on your PC (that is if it has Android/an app store)
      So, that's it for now. If you have more question, please go ahead and write to me again ^^


    2. thank you so much for the reply!
      I would prefer to pay for the games. Just making sure it would be worth it. Recently I made a purchase of Hakuouki Premium. =)

    3. Oh, haha, me too! It was on sale around christmas (there were sales EVERYWHERE!!!), so I H.A.D. to buy it, lol.
      I want to add that game here asap, but first I need to finish checking all Walkthroughs and updating everything, so it will take some time. Once I have added it though, I would really be very interested in your opinion, so I can maybe also add a comment or two from you about the game (only if you want).
      I want to add that "new feature" for the other games too. My idea is to add gamer opinions and ratings, like you see on AMAZON. This way, gamers who can't decide which game to play or if it's worth, can read it and decide for themself :)

  31. Hi, I'm new to these games, and was wondering if there's any way to save the stories you've already read, to reread them? For example, in Fairy love tale and Seven hotties, you can re-read chapters once then they're gone. In Midnight Cinderella, I can't find any way at all to reread them :(
    Especially during events....once they're over it's not like I can even re-read it by replaying the route, it's gone forever, unless you possibly buy the ending but not the whole story...any advice is appreciated :)

    1. Hmmm... that's a really difficult question because it's diffetent for every game. I know for example that you could re-read Marriage Contract as many times as you liked, but only until you switched to a new character/ you started a new story.
      It's different for Solmare games, there you can read the stories as often, as you like, but OKKO/Arithmetic is really nasty about this. So, to make it short: I guess you can't re-read them. The only way to forever enjoy them (especially the Event Stories) is to take Screenshots. I actually did that for some time with the Voltage Party games, but it's very tiring. Maybe you like to search for those stories on YouTube instead. I'm sure there already are some awesome people who took the screenshots and have the stories ready for you to read! ^^

  32. Hi...:'3 really nice to meet you :'D your blog is soo cool :"D hey if u don't mind.. could u help me out a bit ? I recently got a new phone and I'm planning to transfer data. ..could u tell me if I'll loose my aroma stock or love passes or ga cha medals or avatars or coins or anything after the transfer. ..I'm really scared about it!!!! :( thanks so much! !!

    1. That depends on the game... ;) No seriously. With the data transfer you shouldn't loose anything. It was made especially for cases like yours, where someone has to switch to a new device. If still anything happens, please immediately contact the game company via the support centre, so they can restore it for you.

  33. Hi I'm new to voltage games. I was wondering if voltage charges me for each chapter I read? I paid$3.99 for the Soichiro route of the 7 rings game. So far they only charge me $3.99. Thanks!

    1. OMG! No! If they would do that, you would be broke in no time. I mean, there are characters with 16 chapters so if every chapter would be $3.99 and that x 16, that would be..... like a lot of cash... lol. No, don't worry. They only charge you once per story. So one time for the Main Story, one time for the Sequel and so on + you can re-read them as many times as you like. ^^

      Oh, 3.99 x 16 are around 64, I think and that for one story only!!! Kyaaaa! No way! Never. Nope... maybe if... Nah! No one would pay so much for that!... At least I think so, haha ^^

  34. Hey :) I've been wondering if I have to buy the avatar items for the checkpoints in Niflheim in the same color it tells me to? Or so long as it's the same dress it can be any color and I can still pass the checkpoint?

    1. Hey! Yes, you have to buy the cloth in the right colour. Best solution to not buy the wrong one is, to simply read through the story until you reach the checkpoint and then to click THERE on the "buy" icon. Then you will be redirected to the right cloth, and no mistake possible. :) Of course you are still free to buy all the other clothes in different colours too, if you don't like the ones you need for the checkpoint, but remember that your storage space is only limited and that you have to pay for extra space. ^^

  35. Hello! My name is Cybele and I was wondering where the academy is located. Like..what's the name of the town inside of the game's for my fan fiction :P

    1. Hi Cybele!

      Fanfiction sounds awesome and I really like to read it myself! As for your question: Which game do you mean? There are lots of games where the main location is an academy. If you mea "Wizardess Heart", then the town (or country) is called "Gedonelune". Most other games academies are near Osaka, Tokyo or such. If you tell me which game you mean, then I can look into it and might give you a better answer/location detail :)


  36. Hi! My name is Charlotte and was wondering how can I get my ID number and create a password for My Princess Party so I can transfer my data to another device. Thank you

    1. Hi Charlotte!
      To Transfer Data, you have to start the game on your old device, then slide the icon bar to the left until you can see "Support". Click on it and then on "Transfer Data". Follow the Instructions and when you start the game with the new device either go again to the support area, or (in most cases) the game should "notice" who you are (in case you didn't switch from android to iOS) and already start where you left from the old device. Sorry, that it sounds so confusing, but I hope, I could help you. Please let me know, if you have troubles with anything.


  37. Hello! I was wondering if you purchase a character, can you continuously play each episode without any interruptions or are you limited on passes and have to complete missions in order to finish the episode? I'm thinking about purchasing a character in 'Enchanted in the Moonlight', but I don't want to buy it if it contains any missions or passes to complete an episode just like most of the free otome games.

    1. Hi there!
      Don't worry! For those games you don't have to pass any checkpoints or such. You can ready through the whole story in one go and re-read it as often as you like :)

  38. Hi there!
    I've played Hakuouki Premium version and liked it very much. I was wondering if you could recommend me some other otome game like that: were you pay only once for a whole story (all guys complete story)? It has to be translated to english tho :( I like your page very much btw! ;D

    1. Hi there!

      Thanks for your liking my blog :D
      If you're looking for similar games like Hakuoki, I would recommend Demons Bond or Scarlet Fate from NTT Solmare. Although they both have Demons or Gods as Main Characters, they have the same slightly dark feeling like Hakuoki.
      Another good game would be "The Men of Yoshiwara" from D3 Publisher.It's also available for Steam, if you want to play it on your pc. There you can buy all of them at once.
      Another good game company were you can buy all four characters at once, is Genius, which I'm really like.
      In any case, most of those games have a free first chapter, so you can try for yourself, which of them you prefer or want to play :D
      I hope you find some good ones and happy playing!


  39. Hello!! I just came across your blog as I was looking for an answer to my question and you now seem like the person to ask ^_^.

    On the Voltage Sweet Cafe app I'm addicted to plying the coin drop game whichever allows you to gain special stories, images and sweet cafe guys to go on the homepage. I have collected all the stories as well as the images but I can never seem to get any of the sweet cafe guy presents dropped... I was wondering if there was a reason for that such as maybe I have to read the stories the guys are involved in or I have to own the story app itself before I can get them....... Or maybe I am just unlucky xD. Either way I would like an answere if possible. Thanks ^_^

    1. Hi there!

      Yeah, I know that. I can't get the too :( I think it's only because Voltage made it super difficult to get it. Maybe, if you write to them and if enough other players write to them about the same problem, they will make it easier!
      Just try and see what they answer you. ^^


  40. Hello Dawn
    I was just going thru your blog on Seduced in the Sleepless City.
    It seems there are quite a number of seasons which I don't have in mine. Example the 2/3 extra new characters, the post proposal etc. What version are you playing and is it on Iphone or android? Are there any difference?

    My app recently crash... I'm not able to run it anymore and i'm not sure why. I checked the voltage site and it said it's compatible with IOS3.4 and later. I am on IOS 9. I've already emailed them, waiting for their reply.


    1. Hello Samantha!

      Don't worry, we have the same version. Those new characters and stories you don't have, are from the Japanese version and I've added them, so other gamers could see that there still are some stories, that Voltage Inc hasn't translated into English yet.
      Did you get a mail in reply, telling you that they received your mail? Otherwise I would try it again, maybe through the e-mail adress of a newer game. Could be that they don't answer on the SITSC mail adress.
      Anyway, I hope your problem get's solved soon, and that you can resume to play that wonderful game! (Don't forget to post as much as possible about it, so Voltage sees that there still are a lot of fans who still wait for more stories! ;)
      Happy playing!


  41. Ok I know that we can replay the same character as much as we like but are we able to go to a specific chapter ,like skip some parts and only read on the part we want? If can then how ?

  42. Also if we start again will we still need tickets to read it again or can we just read through all at once without needing to wait

    1. Hi Anna!

      That depends on the game. The older Shall we date games (like Ninja Love or Destiny Ninja) have Story Save Tickets and if you use those, you can unlock a certain Chapter and re-read it as often as you like.
      Otherwise, for the newer games you have to start from 0 and use tickets until you reach the Chapter, you wanted to re-read (Premium stories you unlocked with real money not included - those you can find in the Albums and can be re-read as often as you like as well).

  43. Hi i got a quick question? i am playing the game ninja shadow and i need to pass a check point but in order to do that i have to put the item on the male avatar and when i do try the male avatar is not there! how do i switch between the male and female?

    Thanks Anna

    1. You don't have to switch between male/female. If you go to your closet and scroll down the closet items, there is a section, where you can add your boyfriend. All clothes below the icon where you found your BF, are for HIS clothes, so you can give him different clothes and accessoires as well. As far as i can remember the icons concerning the male character clothes, have a yellowish colour.
      If you still couldn't find it, please let me know and I'll try to explain it better.


    2. thanks dawn that helps alot

      Thanks again

    3. Don't mention it. Just let me know, if you have troubles with something else. ^^

  44. It says when I type in my transfer id and password that the the transfer id data or whatever couldn't be found. What exactly am I supposed to type in i've tried the transfer id on my device that I want to transfer it to then the id on my device that has the game data. It still doesn't work.

    1. Before you can transfer your data, you first have to register your game, to get the transfer ID. You can decide yourself on the password. I think there even is an option to send the transfer ID and the passwort to yourself via mail, just to have it written down somewhere.
      If you have any further problems with transferring your data, please contact Solmare directly via the support center in the game, so they can send you your data. ^^

  45. Hi Dawn!
    Recently I've become pretty enticed with Otome games, particularly SWD series like Blood in Roses and Destiny Ninja 2 due to their variety of characters. My only issue is is that they lack a bit in terms of sexual content. Are there any r18 otome games for iPhone that you know of or recommend?

    1. Errr... this is a rather embarrassing question, but oh well.
      I know there are a lot of hentai games out there, but all only available in Japanese. The most "mature" I have encountered myself, were "The Men of Yoshiwara" games from either D3 Publisher, if you want to play them on your phone or if you want to save some money, you can add them on your Steam Wishlist, and buy them when they are on sale (I snatched them during a sale and paid only the half for them). On Steam the company is called Dogenzaka Lab. The game is about Courtesan's, so... there are some steamy scenes.
      Shall we date games has some very steamy scenes in some of their Sweet Endings as well (like Ichiro Sakaki's from Lost Island).
      In general I think it's more likely to find r18 games on the computer, than for your iPhone, so maybe you should just google for some Pc games.
      Oh, here's also a list of games, marked as 18+
      Hope this helps a little... and that you can find something interesting. Have fun!


  46. This is not a really a question but more like a statement? (I think) As I was playing the Ninja's in Love Dating Otome Gomen confessed about his past and this one sentence caught my eye when he was talking about breaking into this woman's house who had a child he said "rather than being raped and killed by me...." so from that confession is Gomen a rapist?...

    1. Hey :)
      i just have a question concerning the Genius LLC games, are the ending tickets obtained only by purchasing them?? (Using points or real money)

    2. Sorry it posted as a reply instead of a comment ^_^"

    3. Hi there Anon!

      Hmm... that's a really sensitive issue here.
      Ok, I can only tell you what I think what that means about what Goemon said. Of course I was wondering about that part too, when I came across it while reading. So as far as I understood it, it was only an empty threat. If you have red more about Ninja Love and Goemon, you know that he wouldn't actually rape someone.
      But as sad and gruesome as it is, in war times it was and still is very common for soldier to rape citizen.
      Anyway, you have to keep in mind that Ninja Love is not an all lovey-dovey story. It takes place during a for Japan's history important time and some (or most of them) really existed and also WERE real soldiers, which also includes killing people (they mention that rather often in the stories too, but that's what ninjas do for a living).
      I think Nobunaga Oda was worst than Goemon. He was a famous warlord and didn't even stop from killing woman, children and the old and defenceless. If you're really interested in their real life history, you can find a lot of material about them everywhere, also on wikipedia.
      So, to make this all short - no, the Goemon in this game isn't a rapist, but yes, he's a killer and might also not stop from killing a woman.

    4. Oh, and to the other question about Genius games:
      I'm not sure about the Ending ticket, but I guess you have to buy them with real money. Sorry, I don't play those games much, and the ones I played didn't had the ticket system at that time.
      If you really want to know about the ticket, you can always write a email to Genius ->

    5. Thanks, I should have gave a warning about my question. I have seen scene where Nobunaga did attempt to er, force himself on the player so I know he is like that. I didn't how old you were or the commenters so I apologize for being presumptuous

    6. No, please don't worry! This blog is made for discussing ANY questions involving Otome Games, and since Nobunaga Oda or Goemon Ishikawa are both characters, that appear in several of those games, it's also natural to talk about them, and what the might have done.
      So, don't be afraid to ask questions like this. It's important to also talk about the... serious side of the stories. Since Otome Games come from Japan, they often are about important Japanese history periodes like the Edo Era (Ninja Assassin, Ninja Shadow and Sakura Amidst Chaos & Samurai Love Ballad takes place during that time).
      Beside romantic aspects, Otome games can also have some really brutal elements, like in Scarlet Fate, or even mental disturbances, like in Starstruck Lovers. If someone encounters such frightening scenes, it's good to also discuss them with other players, or tell them what they think about it. So, if there ever is something you want to know or discuss or just note, you are very welcome to do so. ^^
      I'll turn 30 in a few days, by the way ;) and sooooorry for the long lecture, haha *embarrassed laughing*

  47. Ohayo! There is an Otome game called Diabolik Lovers, and I was wondering if you'd ever be able to put walkthroughs for all of it's storylines on here, but as far as I know, it has only been released in Japan, so finding an english version has proved to be next to impossible, and I was hoping maybe you'd have more luck with it... If you could, that would be awesome, because I've seen most of the anime that is based on the game, and I really like it... but I don't know Japanese, nor how to translate it...

    1. Konbanwa! Yes, I've seen some screenshots of the Japanese game and I'm waiting for the English game as well. Sadly I can't help you much with this game unless it get's released. I can't speak Japanese either and I also have no clue about how to program a game in a way that you can see a translated version for the text (I know that there is a way to translate Japanese games, just not HOW exactly to do it.)
      Maybe if you ask on the English Otome Games tumblr blog, they can help you. If seen some games there, that got translated by fans, so maybe that's also the case for Diabolik Lovers. Here's the link to the blog, if you're interested ->
      Hope they release the game soon!


  48. If i get the normal story item for shall we date destiny ninja 2 do i still get the picture?

    1. No, you don't get the picture. That's the whole difference between the Sweet Stories and the Normal Stories. That you only get the CG's if you choose the Sweet Routes.

  49. I have a question if I do a side story on shall we date angel or devil how do I return to main story without losing my data or my saved progress please get back to me when you get this it's urgent

    1. Just choose the character you want to play and then Main Story. I just can't remember if this is one of the games where you can switch between the stories without loosing your progress, though. But normally you should get a warning, if that's the case, when you try to change character/story.

  50. On my forged wedding party, if I use a sweet story will I lose my main story?

    1. Hi Ivy!

      Do you perhaps mean the Avatar Checkpoint? Of do you mean the Event stories? You won't loose the progress of the Main Story for either one. On the contrary. You have to read either the Sweet or the Normal Story when you come across the Avatar Checkpoint.
      If you play the Event Stories, you can also read the Main Story at the same time. Those both - the Event and the Main Story, aren't linked, so don't worry about loosing progress or anything like that. ^^

  51. dawn eire could you help me iam unabel to pass 'pass checkpoint' in gaurd me sherlock could you tell me step by setp about it

    1. But of course! Just tell me what kind of problems you have? DO you have problems with understanding how the checkpoints work or do you have problems on deciding which answer to pick to solve the riddle?

    2. I cant seem to find the way to pass the checkpoint because i cant understand how they work

    3. Ok, I make a "How to Play?" Page for the game, but until then:
      -The Avatar Checkpoint can only the passed, if you either buy the required clothes with Jewels for the Premium Story (this Story comes with a Picture) or with Token for the Normal Story (it's the same story but without the Picture).
      -the Sweetie Checkpoint demands a certain amount of Sweetie Points of you, so you can pass it. To get Sweetie Points, you have to play the "Hide & Seek" game (you find it on the My Page of your game). Of course you can also buy Sweetie Points with Jewel, but Jewels are rare and hard to get, so I would advice you to save them for the Premium Stories.
      That's about all, I think. If you still have problems with the Checkpoints, please let me know. ^^

  52. What is the difference between the toccata and serenade ending in blood in roses?

    1. In one you remain a human and in the other one (Toccata) you become a vampire, at least it's llike that in most of the stories.

  53. Hi! I would like to know (if it's possible) when in the game ,,Shall we date?: Wizardess'' will appear Guy?

    1. I don't know, but I guess sometime soon, since Cerim's story is out now for quite some time. If you Like the Shall we date?-Facebook Page, you can always check on their latest news, and also see when they say something about Guy's release. ^^

  54. Hello! First of all, I wanted to say that I love your page. A few days ago, I discovered a game that is similar to "Dreamy Days in West Tokyo" but I can't remember the name. Maybe you can help me? I remember that the difference between "Dreamy Days in West Tokyo" is that the MC was in love with some other guy and he rejected her, and he wasn't from the childhood group. Also they have memories of playing fireworks together in the roof.


    1. That's "My Last First Kiss" :) It's also from Voltage Inc. and the guy who rejected her was actually part of their group, but since he was som years older than the rest of the group, he mostly only watched over them in the background.

    2. Thank you so much! I was searching for that game's name but I couldn't find. :)

  55. Looking for some new games. I like the solmare and voltage games, I can't remember which company (or if both) used to offer games where you could buy different stories instead of purchasing coins/tokens/whatever. Any recommendations?

    1. Both of them have stories you buy once and can read through them in one go (no tickets & checkpoints! - YAY!).
      Hmmm... that's a difficult question. There are so many good otome games out there. Ok, I'll tell you my favourites, but if you don't like them, remember that you can always read the Prologue and the first Episode (sometimes even more) of all Voltage games (Party games not included).
      So, my favourite games are "Speakeasy Tonight" and "White Lies & Sweet Nothings". Both of them get really underestimated because of the graphic, but once you get used to it, the games are simply great.
      In Speakeasy you suddenly end up running your Uncles underground bar during the time of prohibition. The language and way of speaking is just so funny and there are quite some up and downs (Gangsters and bootlegging included), but I like it.
      In "White Lies & Sweet Nothings" you're a Wedding Planner who some way or the other got her dream job. The dialogues (and monologues) are simply hilarious and the options for the question always seem to be the wrong one. It's sad that Voltage Entertainment USA (the daughter branch of Voltage Inc) dropped both of those games, but at least they made up with realeasing one of my other favs: "Astoria - Fate's Kiss". You're an agent at HERA and work with mythical "creatures" and gods. Only that those mythical creatures (Medusa, Hydra, Chimera, Cerberus) are hotties you have to help. They just released a route for one of the Bad Guys - a titan and more stories are planned to be released very soon.
      Oh and that daughter branch has another very good game: "Gangsters in Love"... where the titel explains almost everything.
      If you're interested in a game from Voltage Inc themself, I recommend their first released game: "Pirates in Love". Yeah, the graphic is kind of a basic one, but the stories are so funny (especially Captain Alan's!).

      If you want some other suggestions maybe from another cmpany, genre, device or such, you can find here a list of all Otome games in the English language ->
      Hope you find something that you like! Have lots of fun (and if you liked a game, you can always talk about it on the "Talk Post" here on my blog ;)


  56. Hi I'm a totally new to otome game and I'm kind of struggling with these game, please help me . So I'm starting with voltage right now and it seem like we have to pay to read the next chapter of the story except the prologue( my sister play game from shall we date and it seem like she can read her new story every day by using her 5 points/power- which the game automatical give her ) so can I ask it's voltage will automatically unlock 1chapter/day or we have to use real money to buy the chapter? Thanks you for spending your time to answer my question

    1. Hello there! Welcome to the Otome Game World! ^^
      It's like that: There are the paid games where you pay once and can read through the whole story in one go and can replay/reread the story as often as you want. And then there are the free ticket games, where you get 5 tickets per day, so you can read 5 episodes of the game. Most games have about 10 or more Chapters and every Chapter has about 10 or more episodes. That means there are about 100 Episodes and thus means you can read the whole story in 20 days, since you get 5 tickets per day... but it's for free, only that those games also have checkpoints you need to pass to be able to resume reading the story. Sometimes those checkpoints are quite difficult, so you need some time until you can pass them, which means that you probably need a month or so to read the whole story...
      Okay that is all very confusing, but to make it short: it all depends on you patience and if you are willing to spend real money on those games.
      Oh, just an advice: sometimes Voltage Inc holds sales or offers "Story Bundles", where you can get the Stories for a cheaper price. Solmare (the Shall we date games) has those bundles as well and some other companies too (like Genius).
      So to finally answer your question: No, there won't be unlocked a whole chapter but only 5 Tickets per day and not for all Voltage games, but only the "Party" games, the "Glamour Girl" and the new game "Liar!".
      Solmare works like this as well. They have the free "+" games (where the icon of the game has a red frame) and the paid games (with a white frame).
      If you want to know more about all those games, I posted most of them, so just click on the icons on the right side bar of my blog (just scroll up this page a little) and it redirects you to the Main information Page of the game.
      I hope I could help you a little, and if you have more question, please feel free to write me anytime. ^^


  57. Hi I was wondering if you know how to get all the pictures from the characters stories?

    1. Which game do you mean? For most of the games you have to play the routes twice, to get the good and the bad ending, but it really all depends on the game.

  58. Hello I was wondering if you knew where to get Android otome game, no ticket or energy, just free like Mystic Messenger? I do not like energies and tickets because I read fast and therefore deplete it all in less than 5 minutes and would like to play an otome game for longer than that. Thank you

    1. Hmmm... there are not many otome games out there that are completely free AND not a ticket game. I myself know hardly any games that are like that, but you might find something in this Otome Games List here ->
      As far as I could see, the only games that are free and requires no tickets, are "Hot Roomies", "Love Cuts", "Days of the Divine" and I think "London Detective Story" is free as well. "False Vows, True Love" seems to be a game like that as well, but I'm not sure, as it doesn't clearly say whether it's a ticket game or not in the description.
      Hope you find something you like! :D


    2. I tried those but of those that are not ticket games, they are no good.

      I did find one game that I liked though. It was called Ephemeral and I didn't like how the chapters worked so I deleted it. It lets you buy all the chapters for all characters with real money, and all the chapters for one character with real money, but to buy one chapter at a time you use coins and the minimum purchase of coins was like 200+ for $5 or $10. I didn't want to buy all the chapters with real money and I didn't want to buy one chapter with coins so I deleted the game.

      But on closer inspection, if a vn is by these people it'll use tickets:

      * favary
      * Voltage
      * Ambition
      * solmare
      * Abracadabra
      * Genius
      * Underdogs
      * arithmetic
      * Koyonplete
      * Ice Queen

  59. Hi! I'm new to MFWP and I just started Yamato's route! However, I'm stuck on the first mission. I have 1700 Kari and to buy this purse, I need 600 mari. How much mari do I need to buy it?

  60. Hello there I've been playing Royal Midnight Kiss and I was wondering how to get the friend Invitation code since I can't seem to find where I can find my code at. I use a Iphone 5 and I've looked everywhere that it would be most reasonable to look so could you please help me?

    1. Hi!
      I'm sorry, but I don't play this game. From what I've seen of other games of this game company, though, there should be a own "My Friends" button un the top icon bar on the main page.
      Maybe you want to aske Zenri on her blog, since she has posted a lot about this game and seems to know a lot about it ^^
      Hope Zenri or her cousin & friend can help you out!
      Here's the link:


  61. hello there i'm playing Guard Me Sherlock and i was wondering if the premium story is different to the normal story and if i am going to miss out on anything

    1. As far as I know, the only difference is the CG you get while reading the Premium Route, but I haven't red any Normal Stories, so I'm not sure.

  62. Hi I'm playing My Forged Wedding-Party and in one of the events I accidentally selected a route and I want to change it but I dont know how

    1. Hi Annika!

      I'm not sure if you can change route in an Event. I haven't played this game in ages, so I really can't remember.
      The only possibility I can think of now, on how to change a charcter/route, is to go to the Main Page of the Event, then to click on the to right button - Menu - and then to search, if there is a button for characters or routes.
      Hope you can read the route you wanted from the beginning and have fun!


  63. Hi I am playing Rental Boyfriends and I am already at the end part wherein I get a chance to have the fullfilling ending if I get the items from the epilogue gacha which is good for 3 days. My problem is that I reached the max amount of avatars and can no longer spin the gacha. Can I throw some of the repeated items kept on the closet of my "boyfriend" without affecting the affection points (since I am already at the near end of the game) so that I could spin some more gacha? Please tell me what I can possibly do at the moment since I really want to see this through the end.
    Thank you

    1. Hi Raiya!
      I'm very sorry, but I don't play Rental Boyfriend, so I can't really be sure, but normally the affection points are not connected with the charm/glam/clothes points. Just to be sure, you might ask someone else, who really plays the game, though. I found a blog, that posted the Walkthroughs, so I'm sure that blogger can help you. Here:
      Hope you can enjoy the game and if you ever decide on making a Walkthrough of that game, I would be more than happy to post it here. ^^


  64. Hi I was wondering which stories have "sex scenes" in them, or are they all in the sequels. I haven't read all of them and my little sister wants to read them too and I don't want her stumbling upon anything!

    1. I know that shall we date ninja has sex scenes at the end. But what about any voltage games?

    2. The older Voltage games are pretty save, especially if you stay with the Main Stories. I recommend Pirates in Love, since it's very funny and it's pretty save. ^^

  65. Hello, I was wondering when you will put the CGs of Akira in DN2 Season 2, Norton in +Oz, Guy in WH and Edgar in BiR Season 2, Kagura in NS, Aderea and Henry in LT and the 3 characters in LA?

    1. Wow, you have quite a list there, don't you think so?
      But you're lucky. Seems like I posted most of them.
      The rest will be posted, once I get the CG's from other gamers.

    2. What about James S2 CG in Guard me Sherlock?

    3. Well since I don't play that game myself (there are just too many games to play -_-), I have to wait until a friend of mine or other gamers send me their CG's. So, until now I don't have the CG's, sorry.

  66. Hello. I'm playing dn2 and I was wandering if you finish a story and do another one than go back to re-read the first one, does it cost more tickets to re- read it?

  67. Hi, this may sound like a stupid question but for the life of me I just can't find where my invite ID is, or where to enter others ID to add them as friends. You probably have already been asked this question but I can't find the answer anywhere. I'm playing Love Tangle and Ninja shadow.

    1. They both don't have an ID and you can't add friends because you don't need their help in the minigames, like for the other apps.

  68. about (Lost Alice / shall we date)
    If u finish 1 ending, do we need to get through the main story again or not ??

    1. That depends on if you want to get a different ending. If you do, then you have to read through the whole main story again, yes. Otherwise you can just change to another character, if you finished one route.

  69. When I get done with one character on the shall we date games and you can read another character how do you choose I go by how there background sounds like they might be the one that hits on every woman he sees but is there another way to choose besides the back ground and good looks

    1. How about you go according to the characters release order? I mean for example in Wizardess Heart it is better if you go according to a certain order to not spoil too much of the story for yourself (like reading Elias & Yukiya's route before reading Luca's). ^^

  70. Hi! I've recently started playing "Kiss of Revenge." The first time I played season 1 I got the good ending, so I decided to go back and see if I could get the happy ending. However, every time I started the game back from the beginning and went through the entire story, I would still get the good ending. I even changed my answers and I did this for two more attempts, but to no avail. Does this seem like a bug to you or have you had any luck where you were able to change your good ending result into a happy ending result for "Kiss of Revenge?" Thanks!

    1. Hi there!
      Did you try the Walkthroughs I posted here? If you did and still couldn't get the Happy Ending, please let me know so I can check on them. Otherwise I'll recommend to try using them to get the Happy Ending (I still haven't posted Season 2 Walkthrough's, sorry!).


  71. Hey there, amazing blog you have here!
    I have a question about blood in roses: I want to go through the new spin-off story about Edgar, but before starting I wish to know how many love tickets it will cost... I have eight stored, but as a non premium user I have no chances of getting more. I rather not waste them if I'm not finishing the route, you know xD
    Maybe the folks who usually do the spin off stories can give me some help! Thanksss

    1. Hi Laura!
      I've searched through the internet and I found an interesting comment on Facebook: "Not only do you have to buy the items which often cap out at 15k but you have to buy like 20 tickets too."
      Hope this helps you. ^^


  72. Do you have the walk through of "SEVEN HOTTIES,ALL MY HUSBAND"?
    If yes I wanted "Soichiro Tachibana"

  73. I know it just came out but does anyone know where i could find the walkthrough for Destiny Ninja 2 Ayu Hattori season 2 he just came out and i am trying to do it on my own and my answers are coming out wrong?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. check Blah-bidy-blah... they have one posted... i can't speak to its accuracy but its there

    3. Errr... Thanks Kelly... (feels weird that you make publicity for another otome blog, but oh well!)
      I just posted the whole Walkthrough, if you are still interested, Anon. ^^


  74. HI! i've been playing otomes for a little while now and i'm def F2P and rarely have enough of the Crystal/Diamonds(whatever "rare" currency is used that is above and beyond the primary game currency that is given freely) to purchase the "premium" routes, but i wonder, does it even make a difference? I realize the gist of the story is basically the same but do the premium checkpoint items give you a bonus scene or something like that? sorry if you've already answered this one, you have a lot to go through lol. but THANKS in advance :)

    1. Well, as far as I could see (I'm stuck at one of those Premium Checkpoints as well -_-) the only differences are the CG's. I'm not sure if there is any more advantage beside that and that you can re-read that story in your Album. It really makes you think to just go for the Normal route and watch search for the CG's on the internet to look at, doesn't it? ;)


  75. Hello i was wondering if you know why ryuzo Hatta in Dreamy days in West Tokyo doesn't have a Wedding storyline and all the other guys do have one ?

    1. As far as I know, he also doen't have one in Japanese, so the English branch would have to write one on their own and they hardly do that.
      Another reason is that this game is discontinued for over a year now and Voltage almost never picks up older games, that they discontinued, to release new stories for that game, let alone only one single story. They did release a few sub stories around christmas for LLFTX, but I think that was an exception since that game has such a huge fanbase. It's so sad to see certain characters having only half of the stories, or only a Main Story at all. I really wish, Voltage would treat their characters better ^^ Maybe if the whole Otome Game Fandome asks for realeasing the missing stories, they might do that? It would be worth a try. ^^


  76. Do you maybe know when Hajime Shindo will be released on the class trip game ?

    1. Sadly I don't think that Voltage will ever translate Shindo's or Rintaro Ashiya's route (he's Nagisa's manager and they have a route for him in Japanese as well). There was quite an uproar when they released those routes because MC is still a minor in this game (I think she's around 15) and both, Hajime Shindo and Rintaro Ashiya are already adults. Another reason is the student/teacher relationship, which was really frowner upon, when his route came out. I can understand that those are good reasons to not release the characters, but they could change the script, like in Dreamy Days with Johji and let them have a more... chast relationship until MC is old enough.

  77. Can i request ninja love spin off paid version
    I was terrible at choosing answers

  78. Hey, thank you so much for all of your answers. I actually have a question of my own, it's not about a specific game but about otome games in general. I often find two options for two different endings, the happy ending and the sweet ending and I'm wondering what's the difference between the two? Is one of them considered "better" than the other?

    1. Well, they are both "Happy Ending", but Sweet Endings often include more... steamy scenes, where Happy Endings often include the Wedding or even a glimpse of their life in the future with their children. Best would be to just try to read them both if possible ^^

  79. Are there any mystic messenger clones out there that have anime boys instead of realistic portraits?

    1. If you refer to a game that is similar to MM, I just found one. It's not as fancy as MM, but I found it kind of cute and way better than other "MM clones" as you said. It's called Miraclr and it's about an app, that connects you with the archangles in heaven which need your help to decide on a miracle they want to perform. The game is for free and progresses like MM according to time.
      The guys you can have a Happy Ending with are Michael, Uriel, Raphael, Gabriel and of course also Lucifer ^^
      Although it can't compete with MM in graphic, script or lenght of the game, I liked it and I'm thinking on adding it to this blog, once I find a bit of time to create the Walkthroughs.
      Just try it for yourself, maybe you like it too ^^


  80. How to try on sherlock's outfits because whenever i try to find a way i only get to try my avatar's clothes/outfits? please answer soon.

    1. You can only let your male avatar wear the male clothes. It's not possible to let your female avatar (MC) wear the clothes of the guys. If you have troubles to dress your male character: You can slide the clothes parts/clothes bar up and down to switch betweent he individul clothes parts, such as hair, top, bottom, dresses, avatar, male top, male bottom and so on. Please let me know, if you have trouble finding the clothes, or if you have any more questions. ^^


  81. Hello, I've just started playing SWD Shadow Ninja. Do you know If I could still get some of the story events I've missed? or there's any way I could see them / purchase them?

    1. sometimes they rerun the events... usually on anniversaries of the orginal character/event release

    2. Yes, just like Kelly said, they sometimes rerun the events. Some of the old spin offs are even available now. If you scroll down on the My Page, you should be able to see a link to them ^^

  82. ‘Like’ this article! If it exceeds 1887 Likes, we will produce an additional scenario for Guard me, Sherlock!+.
    From now until Nov.17th 0:00AM(PST)
    Here is the link to the like campaign >>>

  83. Hi Dawn, the Cerberus Astoria Fate Kiss Walkthrough page is down but it was just working 2 days ago. It says "Something went wrong! Please contact me so I can fix this page asap. Sorry for the trouble and happy playing! -Dawn-"

  84. Hydra's page is down as well

  85. Hi I was just going to ask the same thing but Chimera & Alex are also both down. So it looks like it’s the whole Astorias Fate KISS. Are you planning to put them back up? Thanks. I know they are part of Lovestruck now but the answers are the same. I know this from playing other characters in this game & Gangsters in Love

  86. please somebody help me
    I just started playing shall we date and I do not know how to get coins.
    I found a free coins generator, but I do not know if it's safe for me to use
    Can someone please help me?

  87. Hello, i wanted to know what are some otome games with dominant heroine that you know?

    1. Hi!

      An otome game with a dominant heroine is quite rare...
      I know there are a few out there, most of them are Indie Games (you can find them on, IndieGoGo or even on Steam).
      A list of all in English available ototme games, you can find here (

      The only ones I know with quite a though MC is:
      - Everlove (Silicon Sisters Interactive)
      - We the Girls (NTT Solmare)
      - Ikemen Sengoku (Cybird)
      - Liar (Voltage Inc)
      - Speakeasy Tonight - Lovestruck (Voltage Entertainment USA)
      I also played some Indie games where there indeed are some "stonger" MC, but since there are so many of them, I can't remember all there names on the top of my hat, sorry ^^

      I hope I could help you a bit and that you'll find a game (and an MC) that you really like!


  88. Hello, Dawn. First of all I love your page! It's very useful! I want to ask would you upload Hercule's CG from Guard Me Sherlock? I'm so sad that his route came out as spin-off not main route. Thank you very much!

    1. Hi Anon!

      I'm sorry, but I don't have the CG's for Hercules spin off :(
      Also, I think that there still might be a chance that Hercule gets his own route. Next character should be Arthur, but after him maybe they're gonna release Hercules route. ^^

