
03 August, 2014

Shall we date?: Mononoke Kiss + Hajime - First Love, Sad Inside Spin off [Walkthrough] & CG

(*Note:It might be that the wording is wrong since I can't remember it well. If someone of you knows more answers, please write them in the comment box below. Thank you! (^3^)

Chapter 1

1.03 You look like a carp. [Love meter move up a lot]
Continue watching. [Love meter remains the same]

1.05 Quietly Leave [Love meter move up a lot]

1.0? Item Checkpoint
Require x1 Spin-off Passport

1.13 I was waiting for you. [Love meter move up a lot]

1.15 You look dazzling to me, Suzu.  [Love meter move up a lot]

Chapter 2

2.03 Item Checkpoint
 Require x1 Spin-off Passport

Get: CG

2.07 Sure [Love meter move up a lot]

2.11  Look for something to cheer him up. [Love meter move up a lot]

Chapter 3
[no choices]

Chapter 4

4.01 Get CG


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