
19 October, 2014

Shall we date?: Magic Sword + The Mansion in the Forest Spin off - Ethan [Walkthrough] & CG


Chapter 1

1.3 Hid behind Ethan. (Love meter went up a lot!)

1.4 Wounded Hero Checkpoint (60% Success Rate)

1.10 .. that he was right (Love meter went up a lot!)

Chapter 2

2.4 Look at Ethan (Love meter went up a lot!)

2.5 Wounded Hero Checkpoint (60% Success Rate)

2.8 .. took courage from him. (Love meter went up a lot!)

Chapter 3

3.3...looked back at Ethan. (Love meter went up a lot!)

3.5 Wounded Hero Checkpoint (60% Success Rate)

3.8 Destroy the grandfather clock. (Love meter went up a lot!)

Chapter  4

4.2  Was glad that everyone was unharmed... = Happy End A
Thanked Ethan. = Happy End B



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