
04 January, 2015

Shall we date?: Wizardess Heart + How to Play

Hello there!

On this Page you'll find the basic infos you need to play this game. To give you a better overview about what and where you can find something I'll make here a short list. Enjoy the game! ^^
  • Advices from the Main Page
  • Just for Beginners - 5 Days of Login Bonus
  • Basic Infos
  • Extra Curriculum
  • How to get: Story Tickets, Aruenaristy, Dresser Space, Lune
  • Prizes
  • Other Infos

Advices from the Main Page
  • DON'T waste your Lune on clothes. You'll get some once you complete a Story or when
    Solmare releases Spin offs.
  • Other possibilities to receive clothes = Go to the Make a Date (that's like the Gatcha for other Shall we date games) or complete Missions (look at "How to Play" below).
  • Log in every day to receive Daily Bonus gifts. And NO ^^ , you don't get more prizes, if you log in more than once per day. Cheating is not possible.
  • Make as many friends as possible. You need their help in the Extra Curriculum and a certain amount of friends are needed to complete Missions.
  • Save your money for the Avatar Checkpoints.
  • Make a review and add your ID (mine is DCZvWAEZ2S). If s.o. adds you, you'll receive gifts.It's rather complicated to find, but here you go:
    My Page -> scroll down to the bottom of the page, where you can find an icon bar "Back to TOP" -> Top page: again scroll down to the botton, where you can see a banner with Amelia, which says "Invite Friends" -> here you can find your ID and options to share it.
  • Do the "Extra Curriculum" to get Magic Grades (needed to pass Checkpoints) and Lune. If you complete is successfully 5 times in a row, you earn a reward.
  • Even if you change character, you'll still be able to play the other guys "Make a Date" gacha
  • Have you ever heard of the "Promotion Bonus"? When Solmare releases a new (+) game, and you install and play it, you'll get bonus gifts for it. You'll find more information about it, once the new game is released. 
  • Like "Shall we date" on Facebook to receive special gifts. 

Just for Beginners - 5 Days of Login Bonus

Basic Infos

 During the game you will often have to pass one of those Magic Challenges. There are actually three types of them: The simple Avatar Challenge where you need a certain avatar item, the other Avatar Challenge which come with a special Story and a CG (depending on if you either choose the Premium (need to be paid with REAL money) or the Normal (can be bought with Lune) route) and the Magic Grade Challenge. For this one, you'll need a certain Level of Magic Grades. You can get them with playing the "Extra Curriculum".

Depending on your choices you will get either +1 Intimacy or +7 Intimacy. If you don't have enough Intimacy before you reach the final Chapter, you can raise it with the "Aruenaristy" = the white flower. Aruenaristy you can get from playing the "Make a Date" (you need four parts to get one full Aruenaristy) or you can buy it for 100 Coins (Real Money) in the Item Shop.

Extra Curriculum

You can only get 75 Magic Grades pts in case you win and that never varies, unless you win 5 times in a row (you don't have to play the 5 times in one go. You can also play 2 times on one day and 3 times the other day). In case you succeed to win 5 times in a row, you get 150 Magic Grades.

How to get:

Story Tickets

- Log in daily. After some time you should get either a whole story ticket or 1/4 Ticket. You need to collect 4 ticket PIECES, to get one whole ticket. Just go to your inventory, select the pieces and trade 4, 8, 12 and so on ticket pieces for 1, 2, 3 and so on tickets. The minimum to trade a ticket piece is 4.
- Complete Missions. You can also get other items by completing them.
- Play the "Make a Date" to collect 1/4 Tickets The first gacha is even for free once a day!
- Like Shall we date on Facebook. Sometimes they give Items away as a reward
- Sometimes Solmare gives Items away as a welcome present for a newly released character (even if he's from another game)

(Raises Intimacy Level)

The methodes to get Aruenaristy are mostly the same as for the Story Tickets. One of the Mission Rewards (make 10 Friends) is a whole Aruenaristy!

Dresser Space

You can get 3x free dresser space, if you are placed in the top 20 of the daily Magic Grade Ranking (which is almost impossible, I think).
Another way would be to play the "Make a Date #4", where you might get 1 dresser space. But "Make a Date #4" costs 1,000 Romance Points per try...


Normally you can get Lune by competing in the "Extra Curriculum", but there are some other ways which are mostly the same as for the Story Tickets: 
- Login Prize
- Make a Date
- Solmare Rewards
- Complete Mission

Other Infos

It is recommended to read the characters into the order they where realeased, as not to spoil certain information you might get in an advanced story.


  1. Hello~ thanks alot for the advice. Im still new in this game. :) But I still wonder how to 'add friend'... Is there any button?

    1. Actually there is. Go to "Menu" and then under "Social". There you can see the "Make more Friends" Button. Select whichever gamer/friend you want to add and click on their "Send a Friend Request" Button. Now you only have to wait until your request gets accepted and voila! You have a new friend! ^^

  2. Once you finish a main story, will it save your memories from the other bachelor? I just finished Yukiya and don't want my memories to go away!

    1. You mean the CG's - the Pictures? Don't worry, once you got them, they will be always available for you. Same goes for Spin off and Event - CG's :)

  3. I can't find "link accounts" anywhere.. Can you help.. Please...?

  4. I can't find "link accounts" anywhere.. Can you help.. Please...?

    1. Go to "Menu" then to "Settings". There you can see the option "Link Multiple Devices".

  5. I am new to the Wizardess Heart game, and noticed there are a lot of event stories and spinoffs. Even though these have passed, is there a way that I can play them?

    1. There is a way. Although there aren't all Spin offs available, you can read Spin offs if you click on "Menu". There in the Story section, you can choose between Main Route, Spin off and Event Story.

  6. Is there anyway to Greet all friends at the same time?

    1. Unfortunately not. That would certainly make everything way more easier!

  7. Is there a way to see messages that people send you through the Social page?

    1. Yeah, if you go to the Greeting History you can see what others wrote to you. You can find it under "Menu" -> "Social" and then scroll down to the bottom. There you can find the "Greeting History" button.

    2. Oh! I see, I thought it was what I had sent to them. Thank you!

  8. Hi! I don't receive lunes after greeting friends. Is it normal ?

    1. I have found the answer myself, really sorry for having bothered you > <

  9. Is there away to get coins without having to pay real money?

    1. Yes, there is that "Token System" where you have to download and play other games. you can see the advertisment to that, in the game on the Main Page. Just scroll down a little, and there you should find the banner of the "Token System". Howver, be aware that you need a lot of those Tokens to get some Coins and that you only get a lot of Tokens for buying Apps. Well, just try it yourself ^^


  10. Dawn how am I gonna be able to read event stories? What do I have to do in order to be able to read event stories? Pls help, I really wanna get/read event stories. Thank you:)

    1. Hi Stephanie!

      If you click on the "Menu" button on the right bottom corner, you can see the "Event" and "Spin-off" button under "story". Just click on it and you can see the different stories.
      Happy playing!


  11. sorry to bother you but... can i get a happy ending if i pass the magic challange by item with lune not coin?

    1. As far as I know, you can get the Happy Ending this way as well, yes. It wouldn't be fair otherwise, so I'm glad, that Solmare made the game this way. ^^

    2. I Really Really Waiting You to Answer my questions, Thank you for the information...^^,Can I ask one more thing?,if all the challange finished and i get the ending story,Can i repeated with the same character?,sorry to bother you again,this not important question but i want to know the answer,if you feel disturbed it's okay,one more time thank you for give me the answer^^

    3. Yes, you can repeat every character's Main Story as many times, as you want. ^^
      Please don't worry. You're not a bother at all. I'm always glad to be of help, so don't be shy and ask questions you might have. :D

    4. You are very kind thank you for the information...i'm so glad.

  12. thank you very much for your help... ^^

  13. thank you very much for your help... ^^

  14. umm... excuse me? Where can I find this token system? It isn't in the My page..

    1. It should be on the My Page. Just scroll down a bit until you see a button with MC and Taffy who say something like "Free Coins".

  15. Okay so I just realized that I missed the deadline to collect my happy ending outfit for Joel. Can I still get it if I play the story all over again?

    1. Yes, I think that could work. But how about you try to write to Solamre via the ingame support center to ask them, if they could send you the outfit, because you didn't accepted it in time. Maybe they understand the situation and send it to you? It's worth tho try at least. ^^

  16. Hi, thank you for all this tips♥♥ May I ask, how can I add an ID? Q/U//Q thanks again♥

    1. You can only add the ID when you install the game for the first time. Afterwards you can enter the ID to search for a certain friend on the Friends page.

  17. Is it possible to complete both the normal and happy endings at the same time or do you have to go through the story again?

    1. You have to go through the whole story again, to get the other Ending.

  18. I want to increase the love meter level befor day 13 and I don't know what to do😭😭😭

  19. why is the story that short ?! Why can't it last for 30 days for each character

  20. Please launche a new series for Klaus as soon as we finish day 13

  21. I'm trying to find out what I can do with
    lune but I am unable to find anything in this article. Can someone help me?

    1. You can use Lune to buy Avatar Pieces, if you want to pass through the Norml Route Avatar Challenge.
      But you can also use Lune to buy Magic Keys (1,000 Lune, used in spin off story checkpoints), storage space (5,000 Lune for 1 space), Dresser (5,000 Lune for one space), Romance Points (for the gacha, 500 Lune for 200 Romance Points) and story tickets (1/4 ticket for 150 Lune, which means for one full story ticket, you need 600 Lune).

  22. Hi where can i find the id so i can add a friend pls help

    1. It's rather compllicated to find, but here you go:
      My Page -> scroll down to the bottom of the page, where you can find an icon bar "Back to TOP" -> Top page: again scroll down to the botton, where you can see a banner with Amelia, which says "Invite Friends" -> here you can find your ID and options to share it. Hope it helps ^^


  23. Hi there! Thank-you for posting all this!
    I've got a question though, and I couldn't find the answer on the "help" part of the game. Do you know how we can earn Gedonelune Medals (without having to buy them with real money)? I've earned some before though I no longer remember how, but it's been ages since I've last won some (and it's really frustrating with the event going on right now x) ). Is it no longer possible?
    Thanks in advance!
    Have a good day!


  24. what will happen if a select a clothing and I "throw it away", what will happen? will i gain back the same amount of lune used to purchase the item? will it permanently be "thrown" away?

    1. That depends on the item you decide to throw away. If you throw away an avatar item you got during an Event or as a special reward, it'll be almost impossible to get it again.
      As for the items you bought with Lune - as far as I know, you have to pay the same amount again, to get the item back. Best would be, if you first throw things away that you get from the Gacha, since you "Make a Date" for free once a day. This way you won't loose anything, since at some point you get the item again.
      Hope this helps you and please let me know, if you have any other questions. ^^


  25. How are gifts available via liking their facebook page??

    1. I'm sorry, but I don't know. I don't play the games on Facebook. Maybe you could ask on the Shall we date? Facebook page?

  26. JCabTL7iRC
    Add me as well I am new player

  27. Hi,
    I've been playing Wizardess Heart on my phone for about half a year now and I've never linked it to a Facebook account. I am about to buy a new phone and I'm not sure how to keep my progress and avatar items. Some people say I can link my current account to my facebook account so I won't lose my progress and avatar items.
    Can anyone please help me with this? :)

    1. Hi!
      Using Facebook is one way to transfer your data, but there is also a way without Facebook. If you go to "menu" in the game (right botom corner) and then "settings" you find the option to link accounts. Just follow the steps on your old phone first and then on your new phone ^^

  28. I am unable to throw away items.
    How do I throw away items from my dresser when the options are ' back to room and buy dressers ' only??

    1. When you are in the dresser (like when you want to change clothes), scroll down the screen where you see the buttons "Take off" and "I'll go with this!". A little further down there is the button "Organize Storage House" - if you tap on that, you can see all the clothes you own and then either put them on, or throw them away. Remember: you can't throw clothes away, that you are currently wearing!

  29. Im sorry for bothering u but how to collect magic keys? I have only 2 and I need 5

  30. I'm sorry for bothering you
    I can't play magical challenge because i have 0 coins. HoW i have to do??HELP Me:(((

    1. Coins can only be bought with real money, or earned through completing Tapjoy missions.

  31. If i play a spin off will my main story progress be saved or do i have to strt from the beginning?

    1. According to NTT Solmare, the Spin off stories can be read without affecting the Main Story progress.
