
03 January, 2015

[Walkthrough] Shall we date?: Wizardess Heart + Season 1: Yukiya Reizen - Main Story

Season 1: Tower of Sorrow - Main Story

Day 1: Event Near the Water

1.02  ~Special Story~
Get CG

1.03 If you keep living, good things will happen! (Intimacy +7)
What were you just doing?

1.06 Don’t be stupid! Of course I have! (Intimacy +7)
Shut up!

1.08 Make up a story.
Tell the truth. (Intimacy +7)

1.11 Now I’m curious!
I shouldn’t push it. (Intimacy +7)

(Get Journal)

Day 2: The Cursed One

2.02 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Lunefish Book Strap (Charm 5) - 500 Lune

2.02 Stop it!
Alright, fine! (Intimacy +7)

2.05 I’m not good enough, right?
It’ll be fine! (Intimacy +7)

2.06 Forgive him. (Intimacy +7)
Don’t forgive him.

2.07 Deny it. (Intimacy +7)
See what happens.

2.10 Fire spirits.
Wind spirits.
Water spirits. (Intimacy +7)
Light spirits.

2.12 I want to get to know you better. (Intimacy +7)
Do you hate me that much?

(Get Journal)

Day 3: Magic is…

3.02 I’m shocked.
I’m more worried about Yukiya. (Intimacy +7)

3.04 To wash. (Intimacy +7)
To sing.
To sleep.
To pray.

3.07 Thanks.
I can carry those…! (Intimacy +7)

3.08 ~Special Story~
Get CG 

3.10 Magic is a wonderful thing. (Intimacy +7)
Why did you come to the Academy?

3.11 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: Old Magic Book (Charm +25) – 250 Coins
Normal: Book (Charm +5) – 50 Coins or 500 Lune

(Get Journal)

Day 4: As Buddies

4.01 Talk about the weather. [No change]
Ask him how he’s doing. [No change]
Talk about classes. [No change]
Ask about a song. [No change]

4.03 Elias is right. (Intimacy +7)
Luca is right.
Stop it, you two.

4.04 The Tower of Bliss?
The Tower of Sorrow? (Intimacy +7)
The Tower of Grief?
The Tower of Miracles?

4.06 Taking a walk.
I was looking for you. (Intimacy +7)

4.08 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 500 Magic Grade Points

4.11 That’s terrible!
I don’t care.
(Intimacy +7)

4.12 The Tower of Sorrow. (Intimacy +7)
The Tower of Bliss.
The Tower of Miracles.
 The Tower of Grief.

(Get Journal)

Day 5: A Kind Person

5.04 I’m fine.
Were you protecting me? (Intimacy +7)

5.05 East
South (Intimacy +7)

5.07 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 2,000 Magic Grade Points

5.08 Okay! (Intimacy +7)
 No way!

5.11 Defend him (Intimacy +7)
Stay quiet

5.14 ~Special Story~
Get CG 

5.18 No way!
Thank you. (Intimacy +7)

(Get Journal)

Day 6: Quite A Day Off

6.01 No way!
Maybe. (Intimacy +7)

6.03 ~Special Story~
Get CG 

6.05 Are you okay with that?
Why? (Intimacy +7)

6.06 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 4,000 Magic Grade Points

6.06 I miss it…
Not really. (Intimacy +7)

6.08 Yes! Definitely! (Intimacy +7) 
Thanks for bringing me here.

6.10 Why doesn’t anyone understand? (Intimacy +7)
I hate them!

(Get Journal)

Day 7: The Aruenaristy Flower

7.02 Are you plotting something?
You are good guy. (Intimacy +7)

7.03 Good! (Intimacy +7)
Not so good…

7.04 Gluttony
 Wrath (Intimacy +7)

7.05 Check the archives. [No Intimacy]
Check the library. [No Intimacy]
Check the courtyard. [No Intimacy]
Check the lake. [No Intimacy]

7.09 I can!(Intimacy +7)
How did you know?!

7.10 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: Flower Crown (Charm +40) - 400 Coins
Normal: Flower (Charm +10) - 100 Coins or 3,000 Lune

(Get Journal)

Day 8: Contract and Compensation

8.02 Don’t get the wrong idea
I didn’t mean it like that (Intimacy +7)

8.03 Why not?
Me either. (Intimacy +7)

8.05 Rose quartz (Intimacy +7)
Lapis lazuli

8.09 Thanks (Intimacy +7)
It’s fine

8.11 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 7,000 Magic Grade Points

8.11 I’ll do everything I can (Intimacy +7)
I don’t get it!

8.14 I have’t!
Well… (Intimacy +7)

(Get Journal)

Day 9: Scars of Love

9.01 It has nothing to do with him!
 How did you know? (Intimacy +7)

9.02 ~Special Story~
Get CG

9.04 Yeah, I know. 
But I’m worried. (Intimacy +7)

9.05 Virgo
Sagittarius (Intimacy +7)

9.06 Fine.
Why not? (Intimacy +7)

9.07 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 9,500 Magic Grade Points

Day 10: Detention Chamber

10.02 Okay!
I’m coming too! (Intimacy +7)

10.03 Horse’s mane
Snake’s tail (Intimacy +7)
Elephant’s ears
Crocodile’s teeth

10.04 No.
I do. (Intimacy +7)

10.06 No! (Intimacy +7)

10.09 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 11,250 Magic Grade Points

10.11 Why not? (Intimacy +7)

10.13 ~Special Story~
Get CG

Day 11 - Part 1: Each their Burden

11(1).02 Ugh…!! (Intimacy +7)
No! You’re wrong!

11(1).03 Kind of… (Intimacy +7)
Yeah, actually…

11(1).04  A wolf
A prince
A frog (Intimacy +7)
A boar

11(1).05 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
 Premium: Rabbit Stuffed Animal – 500 Coins
Stuffed Animal – 300 Coins or 6500 Lune

11(1).06 Call out for her. (Intimacy +7)
Search on your own.

Day 11 - Part 2: Full Moon

11(2).03 Okay… (Intimacy +7)

11(2).05 No.
Yes. (Intimacy +7)

11(2).06 ~Special Story~
Get CG

11(2).07 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 14,500 Magic Grade Points

11(2).09 Hold it.
Don’t hold it. (Intimacy +7)

Day 11 - Part 3: A New Contract

11(3).02 Call out (Intimacy +7)
Go closer

11(3).04 I do. (Intimacy +7)
I don’t think I can…

11(3).05 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 17,000 Magic Grade Points

11(3).08 So you aren’t Yukiya’s lover?! (Intimacy +7)
That is a relief!

11(3).12 ~Special Story~
 Get CG

Day 12: Magic to Make People Happy

12.03 Well, you see… (Intimacy +7)
I don’t know…

12.06 Yeah!
Buddy?(Intimacy +7)

12.07 I think so. (Intimacy +7)
I don’t think so.

12.08 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
 Premium: Pink Cheeks and Sexy Eyes – 900 Coins
Normal: Glossy Lips – 500 Coins or 10,000 Lune

12.08 Water(Intimacy +7)

Happy End:
Need 338+ Intimacy

Day 13: Everything As It Is

Normal End:
Need 225-338 Intimacy

Day 13: This Flower for You

Unhappy End:
Need 0-225 Intimacy


  1. I got the choices of
    "Don't be stupid of course I have"
    "Shut up".
    I picked shut up and got +7 intimacy though...

    1. Thanks for telling! I corrected the Walkthrough. ^^

  2. Umm... I choose Shut up and it gives me 1.

    1. Huh?... Ok. I'll change it back. If anyone else get's 1 for "Don't be stupid of course I have" or 7 for "Shut up", please let me know. Thanks!

  3. Hello! One question... How many tickets you need for his story?
    Thank you!

  4. Hi. How many tickets it takes to finish his route? Thank you!

  5. Replies
    1. Yeah. Yukiya's Sequel is already out for some time. You can find his Walkthrough here ->
