
18 February, 2015

[Walkthrough] Be my Princess (Party) - The Princess' Valentine Event - Edward


Stage 1

~Love Factor Mission~
Need 100 LF 
A: Prince Edward, that’s enough
B: Prince Edward, my heart can’t take this! (+200 Love Factors)

~Love Factor Mission~
Need 500 LF

Stage 2

~Avatar Mission~
Flower Headband (Charm +30) - 1 Gem or 3,000 Cruz

A: Check the doorway
B: Obviously, they have to be around him somewhere
... (+200 Love Factors)

~Love Factor Mission~
Need 2,000 LF

Stage 3

~Love Factor Mission~
Need 4,500 LF

~Avatar Mission~
Marshmallow Skirt (Charm +60) - 3 Gems or 6,000 Cruz

A: You were handing these out earlier, weren’t you?
B: Is this a Valentine?
(+200 Love Factors)

~Love Factor Mission to get the Secret Happy End~
Need 8,500 Personal LF

Stage 4

A: Can I really drink it?
(+200 Love Factors) 
B: I cannot accept this.

~Love Factor Mission~
Need 11,000 LF 

~Love Factor Mission~
Need 16,000 LF

Happy End

A: I am not doing it on purpose.
B: I am telling you nothing but the truth!
(+200 Love Factors)

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