
18 September, 2016

Shall we date?: Guard me, Sherlock! - How to Play?

Hello Everyone!

On this page, I'll try to give you advices and explanations on how to play Shall we date?: Guard me, Sherlock! +
Here's the general overview on what you can find on this page and where:
  • Advices from the Main Page
  • Avatar Item Checkpoint
  • Sweetie Checkpoint
  • Hide & Kiss
  • About the Quiz Time
  • About My Room & Avatar Items
  • Login Bonus
  • Special Offers
  • Recommended Requirement to be able to play this game (without problems) 
Let me repeat my advices from the Main Page:

  • Connect your game with your Facebook account. This allows you to play it on Facebook, saves your data and you can even switch from android to iOS this way.
  • DON'T waste your Token & Jewels on clothes. You'll get some once you complete a Story, when Solmare releases Spin offs or, of course, by doing the Checkpoint Mission (in this case you need to buy them in order to pass the Checkpoint).
  • Log in every day to receive Daily Bonus gifts.
  • You can spin the Token Slot for Free once a day!
  • You can exchange your ID code to find more friends.
  • Don't miss out on the Special Offer for Beginners. Valid only the first 5 days after you logged in to you game for the first time!
  • Do the Hide & Kiss as often as you can, to complete the Bingo Set. This raises your Sweetie Points (needed to pass Checkpoints) and Tokens. There are special Rewards for a completed Bingo-Set! 
  • 1 Story Ticket get restored all 4 hours.
  • Have you ever heard of the "Promotion Bonus"? When Solmare releases a new (+) game, and you install and play it, you'll get bonus gifts for it. You'll find more information about it, once the new game is released. 
  • Like "Shall we date" on Facebook to receive special gifts.


For Example:


Don't miss out this chance, it only lasts 4 hours:






These offers start from the first time you log in on the game:



  1. Hi there,
    I'm having trouble trying to find where to read my event stories. For example, I just finished getting all of the hide and kiss volumes but now I don't know where I can go read it...
    Thank you for your time and have a great day!

    1. Main Page -> Menu -> Album -> Choose the guy of which you want to read the story -> Select Season 1 or 2 -> you should see now all the photos you got. On the upper left corner of that Menu, there is also an Icon for Story, just click on it -> now you can choose the stories: Main Story, Event or Hide & Kiss, of course you choose the Hide & Kiss and there you can find all the stories you got from the minigame ^^
      Have fun & merry Christmas!


  2. Do you know if there is a way to change the character/partner on Hide & Kiss? I accidentally chose James as my H&K partner instead of Sherlock and I don't know if it will affect me as I play Sherlock's route

    1. Don't worry, the H&K game has no effects on the Story. The only difference between the H&K partners, are the stories you can unlock after completing one location.
      About changing them: try to log out of the game. If that doesn't work, try to switch off your phone and start it again. Normally, after you start the game anew, with a new login, you should be able to select your H&K partner again.

  3. What are biscuits for? And how long does it take to recover H&K energy?

    1. Biscuits are needed for the special collecting event. You can exchange the biscuits for special prizes.
      I don't know how long it takes to recover the H&K points. I've searched through the app, but I couldn't find any infos about it, sorry.

    2. It takes 15 minutes for 5 points to be recovered in Hide & Kiss, found out in the tip bar :D

  4. How do you apply biscuits?

    1. Go to your main menu. You should now see that big icon bar on the right side, were they announce new events. If you click on "See more" you can see all the Events/spin offs that you can play. Select the one that says "Biscuit collection" and there you should see an "apply" button. :)

  5. i already start a story so if i change my character for ex. sherlock to james my first story will be disappear?

    1. Yes. You'll have to start from 0, although you can keep all your items, dresses, money and CG's, but the progress you made in the story will be lost.

  6. I have one question. May be I am stupid but I cannot find an direct path to access the event. Currently I do so by clicking on the notification . Same goes for any other spinoff (I access wedlock by going to the current event clicking on get more biscuits then the read wedlock option). Is there an easier way? Thank you for your time.

    1. To select the current Event/Spin off story, go to your main menu. You should now see that big icon bar on the right side, were they announce new events. If you click on "See more" you can see all the Events/spin offs that you can play. You can even scroll down a bit to see, if there are the stories you're intrested in.
      However, I don't think there is a way to play past events/spin off stories, if it's that what you were searching for. At least I couldn't find them anywere.

  7. Hello there! I was just wondering how to get a male avatar along with your female one, do you need to buy it? Or do you receive it after doing a specific task, if so, how can I get him? Thank you in advance :)

    1. I am having the exact same problem and I dont knlw how to fix it :(

    2. You have to put him on like a piece of clothing.... go to your room, Scroll down the side until you see a tab with a couple holding hands. hes in there. :)

  8. I have a question about the Wonderland Moriarty spin off. The checkpoint is asking me to put an item on him, but I can't find his avatar in the my room screen either in the picture of the couple holding hands or with the item the game wants me to place on him. I haven't played his story in the main game yet. Do I need to start that before I can continue his Wonderland story? I was able to go through Sherlock's Wonderland spin off story without dating him in the main game.

    1. I know this answer come too late for the Wonderland spin off, but for any future spin off: you don't need to have red the Main Stories to be able to read the spin off. They are like two separate things. Also, the item you search should be able to access, if you click on "read story" in the spin off menu. Then they tell you that you need a certain item and if you have already bought it, there should be written something like "wear it". If not, try to scroll up and down the menu in your room. Sometimes they are hard to find, if you have a lot of clothes. ^^
      Just in case: if you haven't bought the items, you can also find them in the Avatar Shop.
      Hope this helps you and happy playing!


  9. If you don't apply the biscuits you gather for one event, do they disappear after the even ends or can they carry over to a new one?

    1. Yes, they disappear. This prevents from gamers accumulating too much biscuits for a certain event. It would falsify the ranking for the event.


  10. I have a question, if I restart a story will I lost the Premium stories in the Album?
    Thank you in advance!

    1. No, you won't loose the Premium Stories, don't worry. What you loose are the Sweet Points (beacause you need to earn them again in the next route you play) and of course your Intimacy Level will get back to 0.


    2. Wonderful - Thank you so much for the answer :-)

  11. Replies
    1. Go to the Main Page of the game and then click on "My Room". On the right side you can see different clothes parts (like hair, dresses and so on). You can slide that icon bar up. There you will find the clothes for your guy.^^

  12. Does anyone know how to get the epilogues? I can't seem to find out how anywhere.

    1. I think I remember reading somewhere in the app, that you can either buy them in the store, or that you get them only for a limited time when they first get released.

  13. Where can I find my ID code?

  14. How do you play the Hide & Kiss game? Why do I find it so difficult? Whenever I touch those circles I always get purple and the yellow one. Your just suppose to touch it right? Is it just based on luck? Or am I just stupid because thats just how to play it?

    1. It's really just based on luck. There aren't that many red ones and I might say sonething wrong now, but I had the impression that you got more kisspoints, when you advance in the Hide & Kiss game (going to a different location).

  15. Hello,I am Soumi. I am playing, 'Guard Me Sherlock' of 'shall we date?' I am having a problem, I don't know where I can find my received items and use them. I ran out of wardrobe space and I have received a wardrobe in daily log in, I need to use it to keep more avatar items, I will grateful if you help me out.

    1. Hi Soumi!

      Normally the items will be added automatically, once you accept them from your inbox. Be aware that certain items vanish from your inbox, if you don't accept them in time, but in case of the daily login bonus, you should still have it in your inbox. Just go there (you can find it on the left side of the Main Page) and click on "accept all" or "accept".
      FYI: In case you run out of Wardroom space, look through your cloths and sell those items you have double/twice and if you really need space but don't have anything double/twice, sell those items you can get by playing the once a day free gatcha, because this way you won't loose anything and you can always get the sold item back by simply spinning the gatcha again. ^^
      Hope this helps you. Have a nice day!


  16. I have a problem scrolling through the wardrobe. I play on my laptop and obviously can't swipe to get the categories to scroll down.

    1. Hi there! I'm sorry, but I haven't played the game on my laptop yet, so I don't really know how the game is working there. Have you tried to hold your cursor over the cateories and then to scroll down with your mouse. That or maybe you have to keep the mouse pressed and then drag the list up and down. I really have no idea how it works and if you still couldn't find it out, I would advice you to send an email to Solmare directly via the support center in the app, so they can explain it to you.


    2. Thank you, i'll try both methods when I get the chance

    3. For anyone who has this laptop problem. scroll with your up and down narrow keys.

  17. Hello! Uhm.. I just want to know how to have a male avatar on the game? I mean for me, I think its lonely to have a female avatar only.. so if ever you guys know how to purchase or something about having a guy avatar. Please comment afterwards, Thanks

    1. You do get a male avatar who stands beside the female avatar and which you can also dress up. Depending on which route you play, at a certain point in the game (almost at the beginning), you have to pass a avatar checkpoint and there you can purchase the guys avatar. Afterwards you can dress him up with whatever male clothes you got.
      Hope this helps you and if there are still other questions you have, feel free to ask me. ^^


  18. Hello, I was wondering at the checkpoints if I must buy the exact item they have at that checkpoint to get the premium, or would it be enough if I have higher style points than required...

    1. No... you really have to buy the exact same outfit as they say during the checkpoint. The amount of stye point has nothing to do with this checkpoint.

  19. Hi, I don't know how to get to my inventory to use recovery items.

    1. The recovery items are for the Hide & Kiss game in the app, which you need to play to get enough Sweet Points to pass the Checkpoints.
      You can use them in the Hide &Kiss game, to play it more often and get more Sweet points. Just click on the + symbol of your stamina bar in the Hide & Kiss section.

  20. Hi! I keep receiving ticket pieces but I don't know where to find them once I've accepted them or how to use them!

    1. Sorry, I haven't added the info about the Avatar/Ticket/Jewel-pieces exchange. Just go to the main page of the game and there you can find an "Exchange" button right next to the "Hide & Kiss" Icon. Now you can see how many ticket pieces you have and if you have at least 50, you can exchange it for one whole story ticket. It only works oncce a day. So, if you have 100 story pieces, you would have to wait for the next day to exchange your story ticket pieces to another whole story ticket.
      This system also works for avatar pieces, where you can exchange a certain amount of that pieces for a dress or anything else you want. There sometimes even are special limited time only avatar pieces ^^
      Hope my explanation wasn't too complicated, but in case you have more questions, just go ahead and ask me ^^
      Have fun!


  21. I have a question. How fast does the hide and kiss stamina replenish. How long does it take to get one stamina?

    1. Unfortunately I couldn't find any info about it. Solmare didn't include that info in the game.
      BUT! I stopped the time and according to my "research" it should take 2-3 minutes to get one stamina point.

  22. Hello. I was wondering if the style points had anything to do with the story itself or only hide and kiss. I chose James Moriarty but ended up with more "sexy" items than "cute" items. Should I be wearing the few "cute" items and lower my "sexy" point to succeed in his route or should I just keep my "sexy" items to get more sweetie points in hide and kiss with Watson?

  23. Hello. I would like to know if I complete the same ending twice, will I get the prizes both times or just one time?
