
02 September, 2018

[Walkthrough] Starship Promises - Antares Fairchild - Season 1: Engineer Route

Season 1

(*Note: Special Thanks to Detestie for this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

Try to unlock the handcuffs.

Episode 2

Apologize to him.
Premium: Ask: "Why me?" (Needs 15 💗)
Normal: Stare.

Episode 3

Premium: Ask him to show you more. (Needs 23 💗)
Normal: Look to the officer.

Episode 4

Call out to him.

Episode 5

Reveal nothing.
Premium: Do it for both of you!  (Needs 25 💗)
Normal: Nevermind.

Episode 6

Premium: Accept his drink and relax.  (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: Just be awkward.

Episode 7

Premium: Grab Antare's hand!  (Needs 8 💗)
Normal: Flail.

Episode 8

Smile at him.

Episode 9

Premium: Ask him to tell you about them.  (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: Say nothing.

Episode 10

Try to play it smart.

Episode 11

Premium: Put it on for Antares.  (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: Keep your lab coat on.

Say it's for emergencies.

Episode 12

Shoot her.
Premium: Go see Antares.  (Needs 30 💗)
Normal: Get straight to work.

Season 2

 (*Note: Special Thanks to Detestie for this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

Let Antares handle him.

Premium: Keep Antares close. (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: Push him away.

Episode 2

Premium: Ask him to continue.  (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: Forget it.

Beg Antares for mercy.

Episode 3

Talk back.

Episode 4
Premium: Cuddle up next to Antares.  (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: Deal with the cold.

Episode 5

What was in the file we hacked?

Episode 6
Premium: Hear him out.  (Needs 25 💗)
Normal: Leave.

Episode 7
Premium: Help Antares!  (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: Hope for the best.

Episode 8

Lucky Duchess
Premium: Bring up last night.  (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: Pretend it didn't happen.

Episode 9

Take it.

Episode 10
Premium: Stay with Antares.  (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: Run.

Episode 11

It's DNA doesn't follow a pattern.

Episode 12
Premium: Keep kissing him.  (Needs 30 💗)
Normal: Go to sleep.

Season 3

 (*Note: Special Thanks to Detestie for this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

We can still find it!

Premium: Help Antares relax.  (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: Stay focused.

Episode 2

Take me with you!
I can't believe you did that!

Episode 3

Premium: Wear Antares' visor.  (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: Give it back.

That's Chief Engineer.

Episode 4

Premium: Give in to him.  (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: Stop him.

Episode 5

Return fire!
We run into The Union.

Episode 6

Premium: Follow Antares' voice.  (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: Freeze in place.
Antares, something's wrong.

Episode 7

It's not over yet.

Premium: Fight to keep Anatares safe.  (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: Let them take him.

Episode 8

It's important!
You'll pay for this.

Episode 9

Say you owe them.
Premium: Help him out of his clothes.  (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: Leave him be.

Episode 10

Premium: Make Antares proud.  (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: Shrink back.

Episode 11

Premium: Ask for your reward.  (Needs 30 💗)
Normal: Go with the flow.

Episode 12

Keep shouting for Antares.
Ice cream.

Season 4

 (*Note: Special Thanks to Detestie for this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

What's going to happen to them?
Think rationally.

Premium: Show him what you mean.  (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: Move away.

Episode 2

You said no more lying!
A remote planet.

Episode 3

Bring up the shield levels.
Let him explain.

Pemium: Confront Antares!  (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: Leave him alone.

Episode 4

Explain your concern.
Do we have another choice?

Episode 5

You won't be alone.

Premium: Kiss him anyway.  (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: Heed his warning.
Join the fight!

Episode 6

Premium: Rally the crew to defeat Mirra!  (Needs 25 💗)
Normal: Cower.
You're cute.
Get right to business!

Episode 7

Premium: Throw yourself into his arms. (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: Keep it together.
You're the one being stupid!
Just hold him.

Episode 8

He wouldn't give me permission.

Premium: Tell him to hold on a little longer.  (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: Cry.

Episode 9

Ask Azdha how you can help.
Glad to have you back.

Episode 10

You almost died!
It's a good start.

Premium: Tell him you love him.  (Needs 29 💗)
Normal: Admit nothing.

Episode 11

Ask how to help.
Shoot him.

Premium: Be proud of who you are. (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: Stay quiet.

Episode 12

Jump into it.
I'd do it again.

Season 5

 (*Note: Special Thanks to Detestie for this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

Are you serious?
They weren't cleaned properly!

Episode 2

I can't help it.

Premium: Let Antares ease your worries.  (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: Refuse his comfort.
Bring up the facts.

Episode 3

Nobody got upset until later.

Premium: Talk about marriage.  (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: Don't bring it up.
We found it!

Episode 4

Prepare the weapon.
Wait for an opening.

Episode 5

Say you'll figure something out.

Premium: Tell him you love him no matter what. (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: Leave.
I'd love to go!

Episode 6

Ask about the gadgets.

Premium: Drink with Antares!  (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: Say you're not interested.

Hug him.

Episode 7
Premium: Promise yourself to Antares.  (Needs 30 💗)
Normal: Say you're worried.

Show him the ring.
What's their consensus?

Episode 8

Have you seen it?
Will Tyberius be there?

Episode 9

Be assertive.
Premium: Use the ring to call Antares!  (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: Beg for mercy.

Episode 10

Only emotionally.

Premium: Take care of Antares.  (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: Let it go.
Where are the other soldiers?

Episode 11

Talk about the evil.
The evil started breaking out.

Episode 12

Premium: Kiss your Empire admiral!  (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: Step away from him.

Show the ring.
Pull up a map.

Season 6

 (*Note: Special Thanks to Detestie for this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

Check your tablets map.
Not great.

Episode 2

Answer truthfully.

Premium: Ask about his first impression of you.  (Needs 25 💗)
Normal: Keep your curiosity to yourself.

Get straight to business.

Episode 3

Give in to your excitement.
Premium: Satisfy his requirements.  (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: Leave him hanging.

Reach for your blaster.

Episode 4

Tell him what you know.
Call him a hypocrite.

Episode 5

Explain how you felt.
Premium: Let Antares take care of you. (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: Tell him to stop.

Episode 6

Examine the computer.
Premium: Fix Antares' helmet.  (Needs 25 💗)
Normal: Leave it broken.

Episode 7

Ask Antares what he thinks.
Sneak to the prison bay.

Episode 8

Premium: Go back for Antares!  (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: Get on the ship.

The evil is more important.

Episode 9

Premium: Put on a show for Antares.  (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: Refuse.

Leap into his arms!

Episode 10

Premium: Prove your worth for Antares. (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: Shy away from the question.

Yet to come.

Episode 11

Hug Corvus.
Premium: Get experimental in bed.  (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: Do it normally.

Episode 12

A little, yeah.
That's so much power!

Season 7

(*Note: Special Thanks to Nelly for giving me permission to re-post this Walkthrough! You can find the original post HERE!)

Episode 1

Address the crew. (Choice Made)
Comfort Antares.
Give him space.

They’re defenseless!
They were only following their orders! (Choice Made)
You’ll never forgive yourself!

Episode 2

So you kept me in the dark? (Choice Made)
I just wanted to see you!
I have to give you notice?

Help Antares improve morale! (Need 25 💗)
Get back to work.

Episode 3

Thank him.
Tell him what Azdha said.
Say what’s on your mind. (Choice Made)

Give in to temptation. (Need 28 💗)
Maybe sleep is better.

Episode 4

Reassure them. (Choice Made)
Call for order.
Wait for Antares’ help.

Show Antares he’s your emperor! (Need 27 💗)
Leave him alone.

Push through the crowd.
Ask what’s going on. (Choice Made)
Call for Antares.

Episode 5

Hack the lab’s mainframe. (Choice Made)
Scan for traces of the antimatter.
Call in medical escort for the injured.

No, it’s not!
At what cost? (Choice Made)
Why only me?

Episode 6

How do you think I feel?
I’m not fading! (Choice Made)
I do want to see you.

Hear Antares’ story! (Need 25 💗)

Crawl through his legs!
Distract him!
Throw a pillow in his face! (Choice Made)

Episode 7

Call her out!
Play her game. (Choice Made)
Stay silent.

You’re wrong about Antares! (Need 27 💗)

Stop this!
We need her!
You’re better than this! (Choice Made)

Episode 8

Ask what’s the matter.
(Choice Made)
Make him smile.
Give him space.

Attack the evil.
Push back the Union.
Evacuate the citizens. (Choice Made)

Episode 9

How much sleep did you lose?
When did the fever start?
Why didn’t you tell me? (Choice Made)

An omnifunctional powertool?
A custom library? (Choice Made)
My old favorite cereal?

Give Antares your help! (Need 26 💗)
Let it go.

Episode 10

But they’ll kill you!
What exactly is your plan? (Choice Made)
No, you’re not.

A lengthy, stealthy route.
A short, demanding route. (Choice Made)
The most dramatic route.

Episode 11

He’s evacuating the colony. (Choice Made)
He’s in the sickbay.
He didn’t want to see your face.

How did you pull this off?
You’re amazing, Antares.
We’re never doing this again. (Choice Made)

Episode 12

Focus up! (Choice Made)
I feel like there’s some anger here.
You’re both right.

What happened to us?
Is the evil really gone? (Choice Made)
Did Orion get away?

Come alive with Antares! (Need 26 💗)
There’s no time…

Season 8

(*Note: Special Thanks to Nelly for giving me permission to re-post this Walkthrough! You can find the original post HERE!)

Episode 1

The captain who supported you.
It’s too early for trust. (Choice Made)
Maybe you’re right.

Let Antares blow your mind. (Need 27 💗)
Turn Antares down.

Oh, of course. (Choice Made)
Someone’s betrayed us!
Is it Vespira already?!

(*Note: This Walkthrough is still missing some Episodes. In case you have them and want to share them here with everyone, you can either post them in the comment box below, or send me an email: Thank you!)

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