
30 September, 2018

[Walkthrough] Starship Promises - Orion Akatsuki - Season 1: Engineer Route

Season 1

(*Note: Special Thanks to Raiane for this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

A. Ask what's happening. -> Right Choice
B. Play along.
C. Run.

Get CG

Episode 2

A. Shoot straight.
B. Fudge the truth.-> Right Choice
C. Brag a little.

A. Ask him about himself. (Needs 15 💗)
B. Bite your tongue.

Episode 2

A. Give in.
B. Ask for more.
C. Stay quiet. -> Right Choice

A. Stay with him. (Needs 22 💗))
B. Run to the ship.

Episode 4

A. Ask him to stay. (Needs 26 💗)
B. Say goodnight.

Episode 5

A. Insist on helping.
B. Agree. -> Right Choice
C. Run from the bridge.

A. Chat a little. -> Right Choice
B. Get to work.
C. Inquire about the others.

Episode 6

A. Go with him. (Needs 25 💗)
B. Stay on the ship.

A. Shake him out of it! -> Right Choice
B. Try to bargain.
C. Scream for help.

Get CG
Episode 7

A. Insist he is not fine. -> Right Choice
B. Side with Orion.
C. Watch this unfold.

A. Say you need a nap.
B. Question him.
C. Ask what he's doing. -> Right Choice

Episode 8

Get CG

A. See if he'll spoil you a little.
B. Insist you're fine.-> Right Choice
C. Ask about what just happened.

A. Swear to keep his secret. (Needs 26 💗)
B. Stare at him in confusion.

Episode 9

A. Say goodbye.-> Right Choice
B. Tell them to continue the mission.
C. Apologize one last time.

A. Warn Orion. (Needs 28 💗)
B. Turn off the comm device.

Episode 10

A. Be willful.
B. Be silent.
C. Be brave. -> Right Choice

A. Let's run away.
B. I won't let you get hurt.-> Right Choice
C. We have a job to do.

Get CG

Episode 11

A. Act tough.
B. Focus on helping. -> Right Choice
C. Crack a joke.

A. Ask him for more. (Needs 28 💗)
B. Wait in silence.

Episode 12

A. You aren't a murderer.
B. He's your brother. -> Right Choice
C. I won't forgive you.

A. Kiss him. (Needs 30 💗)
B. Pat his cheek.

Season 2

(*Note: Special Thanks to Raiane for this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

Get CG

A. Come to Orion's defense.-> Right Choice
B. Explain what happened.
C. Say you're on the same side.

A. Escaping the Empire. -> Right Choice
B. Rescuing a friend.
C. Aiding the Union.

Episode 2

A. Trust Orion and do it. (Needs 23 💗)
B. Ask someone else.

A. I'm nobody.
B. I'm an engineer.-> Right Choice
C. I'm a member of Orion's crew.

Episode 3

A. Wheedle him.
B. Demand it.-> Right Choice
C. Plead with him.

A. Ask about his past relationships. (Needs 26 💗)
B. Pretend to be asleep.

Episode 4

A. Insist Otherwise.-> Right Choice
B. Accept it.
C. Ask questions.

A. Where are we?
B. We should move quickly...
C. Can we stop for lunch?-> Right Choice

Episode 5

A. Call for Orion!  (Needs 24 💗)
B. Call for Evander!

A. Ugly truth.
B. Beautiful lie.
C. Try kicking him.-> Right Choice

Episode 6

A. Insist it's not lost.-> Right Choice
B. Accept the consoling words.
C. Deflect.

Get CG

A. Accept his gift.  (Needs 25 💗)
B. Politely decline.

Episode 7

A. Get answers.
B. Mediate things.
C. Accuse Evander. -> Right Choice

A. No shooting.
B. Will we run out of air?
C. Aye, captain! -> Right Choice

Get CG

Episode 8

A. Take Orion's hand and hide.  (Needs 26 💗)
B. Run!

Episode 9

A. Apologize for everything. -> Right Choice
B. Continue soothing him.
C. Ask Jaxon for a plan.

A. Break free and run to Orion!  (Needs 30 💗)
B. Shout to the crew!

Episode 10

A. Acknowledge his order. -> Right Choice
B. Question what will happen next.
C. Thank Antares.

A. Stay up.  (Needs 28 💗)
B. Take a nap.

Episode 11

A. Be difficult.
B. Reassure him. -> Right Choice
C. Sidestep it.

Get CG

Episode 12

A. Challenge him. -> Right Choice
B. Plea with him.
C. Bargain with him.

A. Hell yes. (Needs 29 💗)
B. I don't know.


(*Note: Special Thanks to Raiane for this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

A. Time to run away!
B. Study what remains.
C. Focus and calm down. -> Right Choice

A. Get a better look.  (Needs 32 💗) Get CG
B. Close the door.

Episode 2

A. Protect the man you love. (Needs 26 💗)
B. Stay where you are.

A. Deflect.
B. Admit you're sad. -> Right Choice
C. Ask about him.

Episode 3

A. Ask what she knows.
B. Offer your own information.
C. Order coffee. -> Right Choice

A. How do we stop this?
B. See something interesting?
C. We have to leave. -> Right Choice

Episode 4

A. Ask how he knows that. -> Right Choice
B. Agree.
C. Deflect.

A. Support Orion! (Needs 27 💗)
B. Don't get involved.

Episode 5

A. Express surprise.
B. Ask what he means. -> Right Choice
C. Pry into his feelings.

Get CG

A. Of your brother?
B. Of that girl? -> Right Choice
C. Of the empire?

Episode 6

A. That must be pretty trippy. -> Right Choice
B. I wonder if my home is different...
C. Is it safe here?

A. Follow Orion.  (Needs 28 💗)
B. Go with the others.

Episode 7

A. Let's recuperate and try again. -> Right Choice
B. Stop and assess this.
C. Watch it play out.

A. Get some physical comfort. (Needs 27 💗)
B. Go to sleep.

Episode 8

A. Be overconfident. -> Right Choice
B. Be realistic.
C. Uhhhhh.

A. Execute your brilliant plan! (Needs 26 💗)
B. Go with Plan B.

Get CG

Episode 9

A. Was this a part of the Plan?
B. What now?
C. I want my gun back. -> Right Choice

A. I'll try. -> Right Choice
B. Where are we?
C. This isn't about you.

Episode 10

A. I love you. -> Right Choice
B. Wasn't gonna wait forever.
C. The others did all the hard work.

A. Threaten him. -> Right Choice
B. Appeal to his emotions.
C. Appeal to logic.

Episode 11

A. Join Orion and end this! (Needs 27 💗)
B. Help the crew.

A. What to do with Tyberius?
B. Where next? -> Right Choice
C. Are we sure we're safe?

Episode 12

A. Let's go lie down.
B. Ask how he's feeling.
C. Suggest a distraction. -> Right Choice

Get CG

A. Convince him to tell you. (Needs 26 💗)
B. Move on.


(*Note: Special Thanks to Raiane for this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

A. Ask about bringing back the dead.
B. Draw Tyberius' attention. -> Right Choice
C. Demand information on Rhea.

A. Shoot the soldier.
B. Warn Orion.  -> Right Choice
C. Hack the system.

Episode 2

A. Offer to help Atlas.
B. Start a security scan.  -> Right Choice
C. Check on Orion.

Get CG

A. Apologize.
B. Justify your snooping.
C. Distract him.  -> Right Choice

A. Be a supportive girlfriend. (Needs 28 💗)
B. Be jealous.

Episode 3

A. Protect Orion!  (Needs 27 💗)
B. Stay back.

Episode 4

A. Make a break for it.  -> Right Choice
B. Grab a discarded shield.
C. Try to sneak.

A. Leave the subject alone.
B. Insist on talking about it.
C. Change the subject. -> Right Choice

Episode 5

A. Be silent.
B. Be indignant.  -> Right Choice
C. Be slick.

A. Let Orion carry you. ( (Needs 26 💗)
B. Keep limping.

Get CG

Episode 6

A. Tell them what happened.
B. Make something up.
C. Wait for Orion.  -> Right Choice

A. Take Orion to the bedroom.  (Needs 28 💗)
B. Just sit there.

Episode 7

A. Suggest the Marina.
B. Suggest a Guard Station. -> Right Choice
C. Suggest the Governor's office.

A. Ask about Rhea's future. -> Right Choice
B. Ask about the Black Ops.
C. Ask about Tyberius.

Episode 8

A. Ask if he knew Rhea loved him.
B. Ask if he loved Rhea.
C. Ask how he feels about Rhea now. -> Right Choice

A. Ask him to be honest.  (Needs 27 💗))
B. Let it go.

A. Agree with Jaxon.
B. Encourage Nova. -> Right Choice
C. Back Nova up.

Episode 9

A. Go along with her.
B. Refuse to go alone.  -> Right Choice
C. Ask what this is about.

A. Let Orion teach you! (Needs 26 💗)
B. Say you've got this.

Get CG

Episode 10

Get CG

A. Stay in bed with Orion. (Needs 28 💗)
B. Get up.

Episode 11

A. Ask about saving Rhea. -> Right Choice
B. Remain silent.
C. Ask what happens if you're found.

A. Fight as a team! (Needs 27 💗)
B. Freeze up.

Episode 12

A. Press Orion.  -> Right Choice
B. Look to Nova.
C. Look to Atlas.

A. Try to be understanding. -> Right Choice
B. Back off entirely.
C. Try to talk him down.

Season 5

(*Note: Special Thanks to Raiane for this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

A. Mention the news report.
B. Ask what they were discussing. -> Right Choice
C. Draw a blank.

A. Apologize to Orion.
B. Silently agree. -> Right Choice
C. Try to explain.

Episode 2

A. Run to him! (Needs 28 💗)
B. Stay where you are.

A. Comfort him. -> Right Choice
B. Question him.
C. Remain silent.

Get CG

Episode 3

A. Tell the crew you're engaged! (Needs 26 💗)
B. Let them figure it out.

A. Defend Orion's honor.
B. Defend your own honor. -> Right Choice
C. Let Orion defend you.

Episode 4

A. Agree with Orion. -> Right Choice
B. Question Orion.
C. Remain silent.

Get CG

A. Stand between the brothers! (Needs 25 💗)
B. Don't get involved.

Episode 5

A. Defend Antares.
B. Stand with Jaxon and Atlas.
C. Remain neutral. -> Right Choice

Episode 6

A. Say you want kids!  (Needs 29 💗)
B. Don't comment.

A. Pester Antares.
B. Pester Atlas. -> Right Choice
C. Don't rock the boat.

Episode 7

A. Question its travel. -> Right Choice
B. Question the system malfunction.
C. Question the hull breach.

A. Ask him to continue! (Needs 27 💗)
B. Don't push it.

Episode 8

A. Press for answers. -> Right Choice
B. Let it go.
C. Try to compromise.

A. Shower with your future husband! (Needs 28 💗)
B. Don't join him.

Get CG

Episode 9

A. Deflect the question.
B. Ask for comfort. -> Right Choice
C. Lie.

Episode 10

A. Ask for a massage.  (Needs 27 💗)
B. Let him off the Hook.

Episode 11

A. Justify your choice.
B. Hide behind Orion. -> Right Choice
C. Agree with Antares.

Episode 12

Get CG

A. Reach for Orion! (Needs 26 💗)
B. Watch in horror.

Season 6

(*Note: Special Thanks to Raiane for this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

A. Grab Comet.
B. Thank Comet. -> Right Choice
C. Let Jaxon handle it.

A. Be accepting. -> Right Choice
B. Continue arguing.
C. Let him finish.

Episode 2

A. Suggest turning back.
B. Suggest a break. -> Right Choice
C. Let Orion decide.

Get CG

A. Hug him back. (Needs 27 💗)
B. Leave the room.

A. It was confidential.
B. It wasn't confidential.
C. So. Confused. -> Right Choice

Episode 3

A. Pry further.
B. Leave it alone.
C. Offer an alternative. -> Right Choice

A. Tell him why you love him.  (Needs 26 💗)
B. Don't answer the question.

Episode 4

A. Encourage Jaxon.
B. Advise caution.
C. Shoot it yourself. -> Right Choice

Get CG

A. Have faith in Orion.  (Needs 26 💗)
B. Protest.

Episode 5

A. Ask him.  (Needs 25 💗)
B. Don't bring it up.

Episode 6

A. It wasn't his fault.
B. It was his fault.
C. It was MY fault. -> Right Choice

A. Beat some sense into him.
B. A friendly chat. -> Right Choice
C. Call a priest!

Episode 7

A. Hug Orion and don't let go.  (Needs 26 💗)
B. Interrogate him.

Get CG

A. Shoot the left Orion.
B. Shoot the right Orion. -> Right Choice

Episode 8

A. Give him a shameless kiss. -> Right Choice
B. Give him a demure kiss.
C. Not in front of the crew!

A. Tell him you want to be his wife!  (Needs 28 💗)
B. Hesitate.

Episode 9

A. Explain to Orion. -> Right Choice
B. Wait for the answer.
C. Defend Orion.

A. Tell him it's not his fault.
B. Agree, with reservations.
C. Say it's your fault. -> Right Choice

Episode 10

A. Voice your concerns.
B. Stand with Orion.-> Right Choice
C. Ask the others.

A. Say you're still worried.
B. Fake it till you make it.
C. Hold him tight. -> Right Choice

Episode 11

A. Take a risk. -> Right Choice
B. Hesitate.
C. Not this time.

A. Say you're absolutely ready.  (Needs 27 💗)
B. Stay silent.

Episode 12

A. Promise to be faithful.
B. Promise to be his.
C. Promise to be honest. -> Right Choice

Get CG

A. Enjoy your first dance with Orion.  (Needs 29 💗)
B. Skip it.

Season 7

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail ( or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)

Season 8

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail ( or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)

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