
05 October, 2018

[Walkthrough] Gangsters in Love - Yoshimitsu Valentine - Season 1: Girl Next Door Route

Season 1

Passionate Ending
(*Note: Special Thanks to Detestie for this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1


Episode 2:

There was no other way.
Does that make Chance your brother?

Episode 3:

Go completely still.
Premium: Ask him to tell you. (Need 15 💗)
Normal: Turn away.

That's a low blow.

Episode 4:

Are you okay?
He's nice.

Episode 5:

I only know what you've told me.
It's a good motive.

Episode 6:

I need more practice.
Premium: Take Yoshimitsu's hand. (Need 20 💗)
Normal: Freeze in place.

What about Shinobu?

Episode 7:

It wasn't your fault.
Premium: Rub sunscreen on Yoshimitsu. (Need 26 💗)
Normal: Don't do it.

It's really good.

Episode 8:

Demand answers.
Premium: Let him feed you. (Need 25 💗)
Normal: Make a weird face.

You just keep on lying.

Episode 9:

We'll figure this out.
You want to be here with me.

Episode 10:

We're doing everything we can.
That's a step up from last night.

Episode 11:

I can't imagine what she went through.
Bring it on!
Premium: Ask him to kiss you.  (Need 29 💗)
Normal: Say you don't know.

Episode 12:

Could we be the star shapes?
Maybe I should go down and check.
Premium: Go shopping with Yoshimitsu.  (Need 26 💗)
Normal: Borrow something.

Episode 13:

You nearly got Yoshimitsu killed.
It doesn't change anything.

Episode 14:

For everything to make sense.
Then do the right thing.

Episode 15:

It's a good routine.
Premium: Accept his challenge.  (Need 25 💗)
Normal: Chicken out.

I promised I would.

Episode 16:

Hold his hand under the table.
Premium: Go see the city lights with him.  (Need 28 💗)
Normal: Go straight home.

It doesn't mean anything.

Episode 17:

I chose you from the start.
You really think so?

Episode 18

I'll stick by you.
Premium: Reassure Yoshimitsu.  (Need 29 💗)
Normal: Stay silent.

Sayuri tricked him into this.

Season 2

Passionate Ending
(*Note: Special Thanks to Detestie for this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

(No choices in this episode)

Episode 2

Sayuri's invested too.
Who wouldn't have?

Episode 3

I get it.
You can depend on us more.
Premium: Take him up on his offer. (Needs 29 💗)
Normal: Just call it a night.

Episode 4

It suits you.
Premium: Flirt with Yoshimitsu. (Needs 25 💗)
Normal: Let Mimi keep talking.

So you're into it.

Episode 5

You can be honest.
Fun for us or everyone?

Episode 6

I'm getting you back later.

Episode 7

Chance, he's been trying.
Premium: Comfort Yoshimitsu. (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: Go back to bed.

Can I give you a kiss?

Episode 8


Episode 9

That's great!
Murphy's Law.
Premium: Model it for him! (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: Tell him to go to the party.

Episode 10

Premium: Defend your boyfriend! (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: Call for help.

Keep up a watch here?
You okay?

Episode 11

We all made mistakes.
We did our best.

Episode 12

Kiss him.
Premium: Stay like this. (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: Get up.

Be safe.

Episode 13

Just tell me.
To find the truth!

Episode 14

Look for a weapon.
Hug him back.

Episode 15

Premium: Let Yoshimitsu take care of you. (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: Brush his hand away.

We're a team.
 Kiss him.

Episode 16

Premium: Run inside to help! (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: Ignore it.
Energetic music.

Episode 17

Do you need to take that?
Play along.

Episode 18

Premium: Bring Chance. (Needs 25 💗)
Normal: Change your mind.

And it's very hot.
You're everything.

Season 3

Passionate Ending
(*Note: Special Thanks to Detestie for this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

(No choices in this episode)

Episode 2

Stay quiet.
I'd love to!

Episode 3

I don't know yet.
Premium: Give in to him. (Needs 29 💗)
Normal: Push him off.

All thanks to Yoshimitsu.

Epsiode 4

For being you.
Premium: Let Yoshimitsu treat you. (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: Another time.

I'll come with you.

Episode 5

I agree!
What are you reading?

Episode 6

I guess it's possible...
I'm following you.
Premium: Protect Yoshimitsu! (Needs 25 💗)
Normal: Stay back.

Episode 7

About you.
We should set a trap.

Episode 8

Can't it wait?
Say nothing.

Episode 9

Make a joke.
Premium: Agree to the offer! (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: Say no.

How could you?

Episode 10

I'm so sorry.
You're right.

Episode 11

Come home with me?
I'm okay.
Premium: Yes! (Needs 30 💗)
Normal: Think about it.

Episode 12

We should wait.
I really am!

Episode 13

Don't blame yourself.
I ask myself the same thing.
Premium: Dance with Yoshimitsu! (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: Just watch.

Episode 14

Yoshimitsu would never betray me!
Premium: Fight to stay with Yoshimitsu! (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: Let him take you.

Don't you watch yakuza movies?

Episode 15

Our situation is different.
Tell them to cut it out!

Episode 16

Kick his ass on my behalf!
I need some time to think.

Episode 17

Premium: See the baby with Yoshimitsu! (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: Stay home.

Let Yoshimitsu fill her in.
This needs to be a family decision.

Episode 18

Premium: Pull him close! (Needs 30 💗)
Normal: Relent and go to sleep.

Let Yoshimitsu do the talking.
This is still my responsibility.

Season 4

Passionate Ending
(*Note: Special Thanks to Detestie for this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

Ask Chance to check on him.
Premium: Ask what happened next. (Needs 20 💗)
Normal: Tell them to stop.

Episode 2

Stay positive.

Episode 3

Premium: Cuddle in bed. (Needs 25 💗)
Normal: Go get him some water.

Ask if he remembers the attack.

Episode 4

Excuse me?
Premium: Tossing me into your bed? (Needs 25 💗)
Normal: Showing me how you beat up Yakuza?

Episode 5

What gave you that idea?
Stop sending mixed signals.

Episode 6

Let your father finish.
Premium: Console him with a lunch out. (Needs 23 💗)
Normal: Lecture him on the spot.

Episode 7

I don't need him to kick your ass!
Premium: We all deserve some playtime! (Needs 23 💗)
Normal: We should really get them to bed...

 Episode 8

Get your revenge.
Tell Yoshimitsu how you're feeling.

Episode 9

Premium: Protect the kids! (Needs 20 💗)
Normal: Call for back up.

Go after him yourself.

Episode 10

Ask Sumire where he might have gone.
Premium: Peek in. (Needs 20 💗)
Normal: Tuck in Sumire.

Episode 11

Premium: Trust Tada with your sword. (Needs 23 💗)
Normal: Flat out refuse.

Let him finish.

Episode 12

Do you WANT to go to bed?
Tease him with a glimpse.

Season 5

Passionate Ending
(*Note: Special Thanks to Detestie for this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

Premium: Stay cool and give him advice. (Needs 24 💗)
Normal: Tease him!

Old fashioned?

Episode 2

Enlighten us then!
Be logical.

Episode 3

Comfort Sumire.
Premium: Enjoy karaoke with Yoshimitsu. (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: Just go home.

Episode 4

Do as you're told.
I don't believe in curses, but....

Episode 5

Premium: Let's do it! (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: Wait...

The curse!

Episode 6

Premium: Free yourself and help Yoshimitsu! (Needs 24 💗)
Normal: Don't struggle.

Let him continue.

Episode 7

Yoshimitsu's right.
Point out Sumire is getting upset.

Episode 8

Premium: Romantic walk! (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: Be responsible...

Cut it out, Yoyo!

Episode 9

Premium: Break out the marshmallows! (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: We can't...

Episode 10

Premium: Picnic with Yoshimitsu. (Needs 29 💗)
Normal: Keep hiking.

Go for it.

Episode 11

This has to work!
Ask about the sword.

Episode 12

Enough talking, then.
Premium: Get the pink drink with family. (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: Move on.

Season 6

Passionate Ending
(*Note: Special Thanks to Detestie for this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

He is so spoiled!
Then no designer clothes for you either!

Episode 2

Premium: Run and buy flowers for him! (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: Let him figure it out.

Introduce them.

Episode 3

Scold her.
Premium: Please keep going... (Needs 32 💗)
Normal: Let's call it a night.

Episode 4

Break it to them slowly.
Include him in the gang.

Episode 5

Ask what's wrong.
Premium: Tell him how you feel. (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: Let him go.

Episode 6

Check on Yoshimitsu.
Premium: Help patch him up. (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: Leave him to do it alone.

Episode 7

Premium: Participate in the contest! (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: Be a party pooper.

Alert Yoshimitsu.

Episode 8

Be honest.
I'm really not.

Episode 9

Ask Yoshimitsu.
Premium: Go find your daughter! (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: Keep fighting.

Episode 10

Cut to the chase!
Premium: Go back for Tadatora! (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: Keep moving.

Focus on the background.

Episode 11

Taunt Kingpin.
It won't change anything.
Undo his belt.

Episode 12

Premium: Go to Coney Island! (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: Head back to hotel.

Distract him.
Meeting CJ and her family.

Season 7

Passionate Ending
(*Note: Special Thanks to Detestie for this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

Offer to help!

Episode 2

Premium: Go out to eat together! (Needs 28 💗)
 Normal: Stay at the ryokan.

Take control.
Spit it out.

Episode 3

Don't you have most of this?
We've seen weirder.
Premium: Fight by Yoshimitsu's side! (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: Run away.

Episode 4

Tell her to put it back.
Get to the point.

Episode 5

Ask what he wants.
Tease him.
Premium: Give Yoshimitsu strip tease. (Needs 30 💗)
Normal: Nevermind.

Episode 6

Probably at a restaurant.
Keep our family safe.
Premium: Comfort Yoshimitsu. (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: Stay quiet.

Episode 7

You'll have to get through me, too!
I'm sorry.

Episode 8

What about the guards?
Premium: Rush to your children! (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: Let them fend for themselves.

Good riddance.

Episode 9

Tell her we'll find the jewel!
Say nothing.
Premium: Take advantage of the moment! (Needs 30 💗)
Normal: Say you're too tired.

Episode 10

Will you help us?
Wanna split one?
Premium: Watch and enjoy. (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: Make him stop.

Episode 11

Cheer him on!
Join us!

Episode 12

Cover your neck.
We're proud of you!
Premium: Sing with everyone! (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: Maybe not everyone...

Season 8

Passionate Ending
(*Note: Special Thanks to Detestie for this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

It's smart.
Premium: Kiss under the stars. (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: Go back inside.

Episode 2

Look to Yoshimitsu.
Order Ash to stalk Tetsu.

Episode 3

Premium: Show off your skills. (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: Say you don't want to.

Don't thank me just yet.

Episode 4

Premium: Initiate the tickle fight! (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: Sulk.

Just like that?

Episode 5

It's special to her.
Declare yourself their nemesis.

Episode 6

We'll be fine.
Premium: Fight for your family! (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: Stay quiet.

Episode 7

Keep it to yourself.
Premium: Call out to Yoshimitsu for help. (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: Let Sumire handle it alone.

Episode 8

I didn't do it alone.
Premium: Do a sexy tease. (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: Change your mind.

Episode 9

Congratulate her.
Humor Sumire.

Episode 10

You won't get away with this!
Shinobu's changed.

Episode 11

Premium: Encourage Sumire to use the magic! (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: Tell Sumire to stand back.

Episode 12

Premium: Pull Yoshimitsu into the pool! (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: Just watch.

Hey, no thin walls.

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