
17 December, 2018

Kitty Love - Route Reviews

Hi Everyone!

On this page you can find the reviews about the game "Kitty Love - Way to Look for Love". The reviews are written one character after the other. I tried to not include too much spoilers, which turned out to be harder for certain characters than for others. 

In any case, the reviews are in following order:
  • Takuma Suguri
  • Kohei Natsume
  • Shogo Fujimoto
  • Kyosuke Kawahara
  • Narumi Saijo
Takuma Suguri

Takuma is your boss and the owner of the flower shop "Flora". He's a very kind person and nice to everyone. That's why it's not surprising that he happily offers you shelter and milk, once he stumbles over you in cat-form.

Since you turn back into a human once the sun rises, it's kind of convenient that you get to stay at the flower shop for the night. This way you also start to see your boss in a new light. You see how hard working he is, even or especially after the shop is closed.
Takuma also enjoys having you (a cat) near him and he feels like he can tell you everything. That's how you learn things about him, that he hasn't told you in your human form and you start to get more and more curious about him. But then he tells you, the cat, that he has reasons why he can never fall in love with anyone...

Nevertheless, that doesn't stop you from falling in love with him, but then the time you turn into a cat gets longer and you change sooner than at the beginning, when you got cursed. Can you keep that secret from Takuma or will he see you turning into the cat he told all those secrets? And how can you break the curse once and for all?

Story conclusion:
Takuma's route is quite heartwarming which shows that even the brightest smile can hide a sad and dark side of a person. His route was calm and sometimes a bit sad, so I recommend it for those who don't want to have too much action in a story.

Kohei Natsume

Kohei is your childhood friend. He just recently moved to the same city as you and started to come by the shop you're working at, to check up on you. He always seems cold towards you, so it's quite a surprise how different he treats you, when he finds you as a dirty stray cat. He takes you to his home and from this day on, you start to visit him regularly, because you are just so curious about that different side of Kohei.

The strangest thing you learn is, that Kohei actually likes cats a lot, but he hides the fact from you when you're a human. Apparently there is a reason why he does that and you wonder why. Meanwhile you learn how much Kohei secretly cares and worries about you, which is something you would have never found out, if you hadn't turned into a cat.

You realize how little you have thought about Kohei and his family after you moved into the city for work and try to change those things. That leads you to learn that your childhood friend wasn't always the strong and reliable big brother you thought he was, but that he suffered alone in silence as well. You start to wonder if the feeling you have for him are still that for a childhood friend, or if they are deeper than that. 
But then the time when you turn into a cat comes faster and faster. You try to hide the truth about you being cursed from Kohei, which leads to a series of misunderstandings.

Even after you remembered a sweet childhood promise with Kohei and visited your hometown together, it doesn't help to close the rift the curse is causing between you two. Then Kohei can't take it anymore, since he doesn't think you need him, the big brother, in your life, and he tells you that he's moving away.

You're shocked and even consider staying as a cat forever in order to be with him, but of course that's not an option.

And so he's gone from your live, just when you finally realized your feelings. But maybe live offers you a second chance to at least tell him how you feel. And hopefully you'll find a way to stay with him without having to rely on the curse, that still needs to be broken...

Story conclusion:
Kohei appears to be cold in front of MC, but in reality he cared deeply for her ever since they were childhood friends. His route made me realize that we should take people in our life for granted and especially not, that they would always be there for us to support us at any given time. Also, we should care enough about them to support and ask about their worries as well, so that the friendship wouldn't be one-sided. 
Other than that, his route showed how deep misunderstandings can hurt someone and how important it is at those times, to be honest and upright with those we hurt. Because if you don't, you might loose and important person forever.
Kohei's route is for those readers who like childhood friend-romances, misunderstandings and hidden feelings.

Shogo Fujimoto

Shogo is the local police officer who patrols the area around the flower shop you're working. He doesn't say much and seems a bit scary, but once you meet him as a cat, you learn about his warm and caring side. He isn't scary at all, but awkward and easily embarrassed.

To your surprise that's not all! He also loves cute things a lot, so it's no wonder that he takes you to his home to give you shelter for the night.

Since you know now that he's not scary at all, you visit him more often and find out that he became a police officer because his father and grandfather already were in the police. He tells you that he hardly made any decisions in his life on his own, that there was always someone else for him to decide what to do. This vulnerable side to this seemingly strong man attracts you, and when he suddenly get's sick, you don't hesitate to visit him. In return he wants to take you out on a date.

You're happy that you also get to spent some time with Shogo as a human, but since the curse forces you to run from the date, Shogo starts to question whether you enjoyed your time together at all...

In your cat-form you can't really assure him that he didn't made any mistakes and you once again feel the burden of the curse on you. It even get's worse when he tells you as a cat, that his parents want him to marry a daughter of a family friend.

Of course you are hurt and that he sees you turning into a cat doesn't help your budding relationship at all.

Some time passes where you don't see him at all, but then through some coincidence, you end up at the same place where Shogo has his matchmaking party. Can you give him the courage he needs to finally take his life into his own two hands, in order to stop the matchmaking and to be with him? 

Story conclusion:
Shogo is quite an innocent type. He apparently has never dated anyone before, so he's insecure and easily embarrassed in front of girls. His route shows how family obligations and traditions restrict ones life and how they render a person completely without an own will. Shogo likes cute things, but he hides them because he thinks it doesn't fit for a guy or a police officer to like them. He also follows order without thinking about his own well-being first.
Shogo's route shows that you have to take your life into your own hands in order to be happy, because you are the only one who knows what makes you happy.
This route is perfect for those who like innocent and pure guys and who don't want a lot of drama in a route.
Kyosuke Kawahara

Kyosuke is a regular at the flower shop you're working. He teases and annoys you every time he visits the shop, so you're not really fond of him. That's all the more reason to be surprised what a kind and welcoming face he makes to you in your cat-form. 

He takes you to his room at the host-club he's working. There you see that he isn't the playboy you always thought he was. He's doing his best to do a good job, but his customers and higher ups, don't see his efforts at all.

That serious and hardworking side makes you curious about Kyo, and you start to visit him more often. That's how you find out that he originally left home in the hope to become a great musician, but had abandoned that dream a long time ago to make some real money via working as a host.

Meanwhile the curse takes its toll on you and causes you to make a big mistake at work - which also causes trouble for Kyo. But he wouldn't be the #1 host, if he couldn't turn the bad into something good and in the end he makes a lot of extra money with your mistake. As a thank you, he takes you out on a date during which you realize all the different sides he has shown to you.

Just when you start to sort out what feelings you have for Kyo an incident happens, which reveils your curse to someone who really dislikes Kyo. Is he going to take advantage of that? And what consequences will the job offer from his former music band have for your budding relationship? Of course there is also the problem with the curse who seems of getting stronger day by day. Is Kyo the one who can lift the curse? Or is his rival getting into your way of a happy ending with Kyo?

Story conclusion:
Kyosuke's route is quite turbulent. There are a lot of different things happening at once like the pursue of his dream, the rival at the host club, the curse, the many different sides he shows MC both in her cat-form and in her human form. In the end I feel like Kyo was the one who handled the fact that MC is cursed the best. I also like how that big-mouth of a guy, sometimes has his moments where MC simply makes him speechless or blush to the tip of his nose, hehehe.
This route is for everyone who wants a lot of excitement, who like to look deeper inside a person and who can handle a cheeky guy like Kyo.
Narumi Saijo

Narumi is a kind but also mysterious guy. He's a flower arrangement artist, so he ofter orders flowers from the shop you're working. Strangely enough, most people seem to either not know Mr. Saijo or forgot all about him.
Nevertheless you start to depend on his kindness when you are a cat. He treats you very well, gives you food, a bath and shelter. But despite his calm kindness, there is a strange feeling you get from him.

You start to get more and more curious about who Mr. Saijo really is and try to find out more about him. At the same time you also search for the black cat that cursed you, in order to find a way to lift the curse.
Then one night you get lucky and meet the cat, which explains to you why it cursed you.

Of course you're not really closer to find another way to solve he curse beside kissing the one your love. Meanwhile Mr. Saijo starts to open up to you, even as a human an he reveils what's secretly tormenting him.

Also, he despite starting to care about you, he doesn't really seem to be all too fond of the concept of love.

Now more than ever you want to be with him - as a human girl not a cat. Fanatically you search for a way to lift the curse and a way to his heart. Bu then he tells you his sad past and what made him hate love.

And there is another big secret you finally can unveil - one that explains all questions you had in the last few days with Mr. Saijo. But it's also one that shocks you the most and changes everything between you both. Is your love for him enough to ovecome his secret? And can you get him to forget his hate and give love a chance?


Story conclusion:
Narumi's route is one of the saddest in this game. From the outside he seems to always be calm and gentle, but inside there is a lot of pain and hate, eating away on him. All the mystery that's surrounding him makes him even more attractive, but at the same time it gives you a lot to think on how well we know a person just by looking at them.
This route should be played for last, as there is a major spoiler in the game that affects all the other routes. Whoever likes mysterious guys and secrets everywhere should try this route.

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