
29 June, 2019

[Walkthrough] Queen of Thieves - Leon Kwan

Season 1

(*Note: Special Thanks to Nelly for giving me permission to re-post this Walkthrough! You can find the original post HERE!)

Episode 1

Look at the accordion player! (Choice Made)
A real sidewalk cafe!
Is that the Arc de Triomphe over there?!

Is that deer head real?
What are these vases?
Where’s the angel statue from?(Choice Made)

I didn’t realize you felt that strongly.
That explains your bad mood. (Choice Made)
I didn’t expect you to be that upfront.

Episode 2

What a gentleman.
What? I’m not naked!
I’ve got nothing to hide. (Choice Made)

I’ll be fine. You’ll protect me.
It sounds like fun! (Choice Made)
If I’m working with you, I should know.

Show Leon he can rely on you. (Need 15 💗)
Actually, there’s too much blood.

Episode 3

Visit the Eiffel Tower with Leon! (Need 26 💗)
It’s too crowded today.

Leon’s the driver here. (Choice Made)
I’ll try anything once.
Actually, adventure’s more my thing.

Duck around the corner.
Find a shadow to hide in.
Stay where you are. (Choice Made)

Episode 4

What are you afraid of? (Choice Made)
It’s not a ‘have to’ thing.
I can make my own decisions.

I feel like I fit in. (Choice Made)
I feel sophisticated.
I feel like a badass.

What did you do before the Poppy?
Is it hard for you to buy suits? (Choice Made)
Can you drive anything else?

Episode 5

Crawl left.
Crawl right. (Choice Made)
Backtrack and crawl around.

Let Leon teach you how to handle his car. (Need 27 💗)
Leave it to the professional.

I asked for it.
We stole it.
I got it for myself as a reward. (Choice Made)

Episode 6

Don’t sell yourself short! (Choice Made)
I bet you have some cool stories.

Let Leon give you a back massage. (Need 28 💗)
Tough it out with some painkillers.

It’s amazing.
The style doesn’t fit. (Choice Made)
I’d have to see it in person to decide.

Episode 7

Did someone say something?
Did I make him uncomfortable? (Choice Made)
Did I mess up the heist?

It’s been a lot of work. (Choice Made)

I like a challenge.
That’s not all, though, is it?
How will we know they’re real? (Choice Made)

Episode 8

Stomp on it.
Look for water.
Cover it with dirt. (Choice Made)

Then we won’t reason with him.
If we call this off now, he wins.
Giving up won’t stop him. (Choice Made)

Keep Leon company on his walk. (Need 27 💗)
I need to go to bed.

Episode 9

Thank you so much.
It’s nothing, really.
I did the best I could. (Choice Made)

Put your driving skills to the test! (Need 26 💗)
I can’t do that!

Lucky guess.
I admire it. (Choice Made)
I won’t tell the others.

Episode 10

It’s not stooping.
The others aren’t bad people. (Choice Made)
You always have a choice.

They’ll never know the difference.
You’re really talented. (Choice Made)
I didn’t know you had it in you.

I’m an expert witness.
I want to see the buyer’s reaction. (Choice Made)
It’ll give me artistic closure.

Episode 11

Go have a nice dinner with Leon. (Need 26 💗)
I don’t want to intrude.

Make some more noise.
Check the door nearby.
Look out the windows. (Choice Made)

I didn’t see ow he died.
He hasn’t been dead long. (Choice Made)
It seemed okay when we arrived.

Episode 12

Have your first and last dance with Leon. (Need 29 💗)
I couldn’t bear it.

A small painting. (Choice Made)
A pearl tiara.
A Grecian vase.

And if you don’t, I’ll regret it. (Choice Made)
What happened to working together?
What if he kills you?

Season 2

(*Note: Special Thanks to Nelly for giving me permission to re-post this Walkthrough! You can find the original post HERE!)

Episode 1

I don’t know!
He’s trying to protect you. (Choice Made)
He didn’t want me involved.

You should be ashamed!
Stop patronizing me!
Why won’t you listen to me? (Choice Made)

Help Leon get right with himself. ( 26 💗)
I’ll stay in the car.

Episode 2
Of course he didn’t.
I gave him an earful. (Choice Made)
We’ll have to hash it out ourselves.

Ask Leon to stay and keep you company. ( 27 💗)
Let him go.

I don’t know.
Everything. (Choice Made)
I don’t want to talk about it.

Episode 3

I’m hurt.
I’m furious.
I’m confused. (Choice Made)

A hug and ice cream?
A rebound…?!
You wouldn’t blow him up! (Choice Made)

Just glad to help.
At least I’m good for something. (Choice Made)
It’s for a good cause.

Episode 4

You wish!
Get lost!
I’ve already got one. (Choice Made)

I’m ready!
If you think I’m up to it. (Choice Made)
I’ll try…

Maybe that’s not a bad thing. (Choice Made)
I’m sorry to hear it.
You always have a choice.

Episode 5

We got to know each other… (Choice Made)
We may have done some things…

Look at sexy pictures with Leon. ( 26 💗)
Chicken out.

A dark, mysterious painting. (Choice Made)
A mythological painting.
A painting that was once stolen.

Episode 6

Celebrate your solo heist together. ( 28 💗)
I’m not sure about this.

We won’t judge you!
We’ll cover you! (Choice Made)
Do it for me!

Everyone will know I painted it. (Choice Made)
I’m proud to be your copilot.
It’ll make Greyson furious.

Episode 7

We have to get back at him!
That should disqualify him!
We have to steal it back! (Choice Made)

Put yourself in Leon’s capable hands. ( 27 💗)
Make him go alone steal the car.

Get lost. (Choice Made)
What do you want?
Don’t you have better things to do?

Episode 8

Nervous. (Choice Made)
A little conflicted.

How did I do?
That was incredible! (Choice Made)
Should I try again?

They’re all unique.
They’re more of a challenge.
I’m interested in human stories. (Choice Made)

Episode 9

Go on a romantic gondola ride. ( 28 💗)
I want a real gondolier!

You didn’t stay gone.
You didn’t give us the cold shoulder. (Choice Made)
You didn’t go back to your old life.

Then why did you?
Why did you leave?
Did you consider how I felt? (Choice Made)

Episode 10

Smooth things over with Leon. ( 26 💗)
Let him stew.

Good luck, everyone! (Choice Made)
He’s not retired yet!
We won’t go easy on you!

Be tough.
Be honest. (Choice Made)
Milk it for all it’s worth.

Episode 11

We could just hang out. (Choice Made)
We could go out to dinner.
We could go out to the movies.

Help Vivienne string lights.
Help Remy hang garlands.
Help Jett decorate. (Choice Made)

A glitter bomb.
A junk bomb. (Choice Made)
A sparkler bomb.

Episode 12
Trust yourself.
You’re prepared for this.
You’re the best driver in the world. (Choice Made)

Steal some more time alone with Leon. ( 30 💗)
We should go join the others.

I’ve had it with the hints. (Choice Made)
What are you afraid of?
How many times are we going to do this?

Season 3

(*Note: Special Thanks to Nelly for giving me permission to re-post this Walkthrough! You can find the original post HERE!)

Episode 1

Then we don’t have to get married.
Who cares? (Choice Made)
If you don’t like it, take it back.

That means so much.
Are you sure? (Choice Made)
Good. I’ve gotten used to it!

Cuddle up to Leon and watch the rain. ( 27 💗)
Make a run for it.

Episode 2

Why us? (Choice Made)
How did you find us?
Why so intimidating, then?

It’s just a job.
It’s all in the past. (Choice Made)
You’re right about confronting things.

Don’t make fun of me!
Can you blame me? (Choice Made)
Mind your own business!

Episode 3
We could have a race.
Should we challenge another gang?
What about our own heist? (Choice Made)

Let Leon satisfy you. ( 28 💗)
Stop him.

Cling to Leon. (Choice Made)
How dare you speak to me!

Episode 4

Feels good, doesn’t it?
Well, they should have been.
Let’s do it again! (Choice Made)

You wouldn’t lie to me.
I don’t fall in love with fake people.
You’re better than that. (Choice Made)

Not at all. (Choice Made)
Intimidating, but not weird.
What do you mean?

Episode 5

Strip down and learn how to spar! ( 27 💗)
Maybe some other time.

Where do you get your strength? (Choice Made)
How do you hold your own?
How did you get here?

It’s your home. Why wouldn’t you?
You can make new memories. (Choice Made)
You don’t have to throw everything away.

Episode 6

Kick his ass!
He’s not worth the energy.
Are you sure it’s a fair fight? (Choice Made)

Dance and see where the night takes you. ( 28 💗)
It’s too tempting.

Use Leon as a weapon.
Intimidate him with words.
Use Angele’s threatening stare. (Choice Made)

Episode 7

Attack him head on. (Choice Made)
Use the environment against him.
Go on the defense and wear him down.

We’ll have to haul it together.
Will we need special equipment? (Choice Made)
Leon, can you handle it?

Answer him!
Leon, go easy on him!
Ask the assailant what he was thinking.
(Choice Made)

Episode 8

If you’re not, tell me.
It’ll be our secret. (Choice Made)
We don’t have to do it again.

Recreate your first time in the shower. ( 28 💗)
Just get clean.

Do what you have to do.
Can you fake it? (Choice Made)
We have to talk him down from this.

Episode 9

Reassure Leon you love him. ( 28 💗)
I don’t have a good answer for that.

The bosses want him to be ruthless. (Choice Made)
Everyone’s scared of him.
Tell them about the cyanide incident.

You’ll ruin our cover!
Can Zoe short it out? (Choice Made)
This must be serious.

Episode 10

Who told you about the bounty? (Choice Made)
How many other people are trying?
Who were you supposed to report to?

What were you thinking, hiring us?
You lured us into a trap! (Choice Made)
You’d better have a good explanation.

Vivienne, where can you start?
Remy, what will you do?
Nikolai, what’s your plan? (Choice Made)

Episode 11

Kick everyone out for some couple movie time! ( 26 💗)
Give up this chance for romance.

He’s not worth it.
You’ll regret it. (Choice Made)
You don’t have to be that man anymore.

An airport hangar.
Somewhere outside the city. (Choice Made)
A casino we’re never been to.

Episode 12

He’s not the man you think he is.
We never wanted to take over here.
Don’t try to change the subject. (Choice Made)

Let Leon take charge for this round. ( 29 💗)
I need to rest.

That’s what people do when they’re in love.
You did it yourself. I just helped. (Choice Made)
You made me find my true self, too.

(*Note: Special Thanks to Nelly for giving me permission to re-post this Walkthrough! You can find the original post HERE!)

Season 4

Episode 1

We have to call them. (Choice Made)
We have to get to the elevator.
How long before they run out of ammo?

Give Leon the medical help he needs. ( 26 💗)
I don’t want to make it worse.

Why here and not Hong Kong? (Choice Made)
More than one shooter?
Why would they wait?

Episode 2

You’ll get better sooner.
What if you're injured yourself?
Good things come to those who wait. (Choice Made)

Give in to temptation. ( 27 💗)
Rules are rules. Time to go to sleep.

Maybe he was. (Choice Made)
Maybe he thought we wouldn’t recognize him.
Maybe it was a calling card.

Episode 3

Somewhere fast- or slow-paced?
Somewhere we can plan a heist?
Somewhere the Poppy’s never been? (Choice Made)

Did they know who his wife is? (Choice Made)
Did they know where he lives?
Did they tell you his real name?

Should we lay low here?
Should we leave Spain? (Choice Made)
Should we move it to another safehouse?

Episode 4

Movie night with the Poppy! ( 26 💗)
Better be responsible. Back to the microfiche.

How could they have met?
Is she still alive? (Choice Made)
Were they already married by then?

Search the field for signs.
Poke around the cottage.
Investigate the trees nearby. (Choice Made)

Episode 5

Do you think he’s testing us? (Choice Made)
Then how has he tracked us?
There has to be something somewhere.

I’d feel better, too.
What if I shoot someone by accident?! (Choice Made)
Well, it would be pretty badass…

This is so exciting!
You don’t have to do all that…
Do you really think we can pull it off? (Choice Made)

Episode 6

Leon, it’s a FLAMETHROWER!
How is that even possible?
Just get us out of here! (Choice Made)

Continue this roleplay somewhere private… ( 29 💗)
It’s late. We should just have dinner.

Why the Rothko?
What do you really want?
Why do you keep trying to kill Leon? (Choice Made)

Episode 7

We’re outgunned. It’s the only way. (Choice Made)
I helped you last time.
Two pairs of eyes are better than one.

Put it in my phone.
Put it in my shoe. (Choice Made)
Put it on Leon’s gun.

Swiss double chocolate! (Choice Made)
White chocolate raspberry!
Lemon lavender!

Episode 8

What are you hiding in your lair?
Why did you chase us? (Choice Made)
How did you know we were there?

It had the wrong texture. (Choice Made)
The colors were wrong.
The canvas was slightly too small.

Let Leon take you for a victory lap… ( 27 💗)
We should get home.

Episode 9

And what about it?
Let Leon have his secrets. (Choice Made)
That’s none of your business!

We went down several flights of stairs.
His voice echoed when we got out.
I heard a huge metal door. (Choice Made)

Talk about having kids with Leon… ( 26 💗)
Let it go for now.

Episode 10

Let Leon make this last time count. ( 28 💗)
No cheating. The clock starts now.

Help Remy with the paintings. (Choice Made)
Help Vivienne with the Jewelry.
Help Nikolai with the artifacts.

No way. We fought for it!
If we’re not doing anything with it… (Choice Made)
Ooh, that’d be a real insult!

Episode 11

Do we have to?
Tell me! Tell me! (Choice Made)
What makes you think I’ll give them up?

This means so much.
Feeling inspired, huh? (Choice Made)
I’ve really never met a man like you.

Excited! (Choice Made)
It hasn’t sunken in yet!

Episode 12

I promise to treat our love like a garden. (Choice Made)
I promise to always be your co-driver.
I promise to give our book a happy ending.

Share your first dance as married couple. ( 29 💗)
I’m too hungry to dance!

You rogue.
I’m tired of waiting. (Choice Made)
I know you’ve been thinking about it all night.

Season 5

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail ( or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)

Season 6

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail ( or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)


  1. This guy is the sweetest!! Try get his walkthroug plc <3

    season 2 & 3

  3. Season 5 is done & 6 is still on update. Same link as before!
