
13 October, 2019

[Walkthrough] Villainous Nights - Juliette Optimus

Season 1

(*Note: Special Thanks to Nelly for giving me permission to re-post this Walkthrough! You can find the original post HERE!)

Episode 1

I know the feeling.
No worries! (Choice Made)
You can owe me one.

That’s legit. (Choice Made)
Can’t believe you’re a corporate sell-out.
It’s a living.

Ask about her day. (Choice Made)
Commiserate about how boring orientation is.
Admire how well she can navigate.

Episode 2

Keep a secret for Bat! (Need 15 💗)
No way.

Ask her if she’s noticed anything weird.
Chicken out. (Choice Made)
Warn her.

Why should I believe you?
Why me?
Where’s the proof? (Choice Made)

Stay out with Juliette! (Need 26 💗)
Go back to the office.

Episode 3

Incredible. (Choice Made)

Hide behind the desk.
Try the doors again.
Run for the elevator. (Choice Made)

Episode 4

What took you so long?!
Thanks for the save. (Choice Made)
Did you see that?!

Laugh it off. (Choice Made)
Be as honest as you can.

I don’t know you.
Not really.
I’m thrilled to be here. (Choice Made)

Episode 5

I’m right here.
You can’t just murder me.
Why join a group that’s down with murder? (Choice Made) 

Train with Bat! (Need 27 💗)
Practice by yourself.

Tap her shoulder.
Say hi. (Choice Made)
Text her.

Episode 6

I’d love to!
Only if you let me pay. (Choice Made)
Are you sure?

Have a feast with Juliette! (Need 27 💗)
No thanks.

I’m here to save you!
Stay calm. (Choice Made)
I’ll protect you.

Episode 7

I’m shocked!
I may have picked up on that.
You’re a lover, not a fighter. (Choice Made)

Another time? (Choice Made)
What came up?
If you’re sure...

Ask him to repeat the question. (Choice Made)
Pretend you were listening.
Be vague.

Episode 8

What about you, Bat? (Choice Made)
I’ve make my decision.
It’s still hard to believe.

Open up to Juliette! (Need 28 💗)
Chicken out.

It’s complicated. (Choice Made)
Girl troubles.

Episode 9

Make something you think she’d like. (Choice Made)
Hint that you know who she is.
Make her your favorite.

Fight by Bat’s side! (Need 27 💗)
Let the team deal with it.

Now we’re even.
No biggie.
What are friends for? (Choice Made)

Episode 10

It’s complicates?
I’m just glad you told me. (Choice Made)
I think you managed okay.

We’re just friends!
She doesn’t like me like that. (Choice Made)
I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Her reaction to mentions of Juliette.
Referencing conversations.
Phone background. (Choice Made)

Episode 11

Chat with Ruby some more.
Go back to work. (Choice Made)
Try and ask around about Juliette.

Are you sure?
Your boss won’t let you? (Choice Made)
For me? Please?

Reassure Juliette! (Need 27 💗)
Hold back.

Episode 12

Sneaky, I like it.
It’s fun watching you work.
That was fast. (Choice Made)

Right, let’s go do that. (Choice Made)
Do we have to?

Hear Juliette out. (Need 29 💗) 
Cut to the chase.

Season 2

(*Note: Special Thanks to Nelly for giving me permission to re-post this Walkthrough! You can find the original post HERE!)

Episode 1

An explanation would be nice.
I’m just confused.
This is a lot to take in. (Choice Made)

I get it, I’m still just processing it all.
I’m going to need to sleep on it. (Choice Made)

Meet up with Juliette! (Need 26 💗)
Not tonight.

Episode 2

It was my fault.
It was the best course of action. (Choice Made)
I didn’t want to hurt a friend.

Would that work?
Can you invite outsiders? (Choice Made)
Distract them how?

Agree outright!
Jokingly ask her to sweeten the deal (Choice Made)
Feign hesitation.

Episode 3

This is perfect. (Choice Made)
No way.
This is more than good!

Let Juliette guide you around the dance floor! (Need 27 💗)
Ask for a house tour instead.

Right. (Choice Made)
Freeze with indecision.

Episode 4

That wasn’t so bad.
Your family is… interesting. (Choice Made)
That was wild.

Try to explain.
Look to Ruby for help. (Choice Made)
Freeze up.

Get your flirt on! (Need 27 💗)
It’s not the time.

Episode 5

I’m right here. (Choice Made)
Why wouldn’t I be allowed to know?
Juliette’s higher up the ladder.

Relax. (Choice Made)
But it’s still my fault!
Maybe one more breath…

Defend Ruby.
Blame Optimus.
Be optimistic. (Choice Made)

Episode 6

Confuse Paris with more Juliette make-outs! (Need 29 💗)
Try for casual.

It’s a once-in-a-lifetime performance.
Why not tomorrow morning?
The tickets are non-refundable! (Choice Made)

Episode 7

Oh, just betrayal. (Choice Made)
I don’t even know!

Hear Juliette out! (Need 27 💗)
Freak out.

Yes, that is all we did. (Choice Made)
That easy to brush off, huh?
No new info!

Episode 8

I found it.
Ruby told us? (Choice Made)
She’s covering for me!

It’s a long story. (Choice Made)
Not now.
It’s… complicated.

Choose Bat! (Need 29 💗)

Episode 9

Anything I can do?
My shoulder’s open for napping! (Choice Made)
Renzei’s gonna bring you something gross, now.

This is Optimus property?!
How can I help? (Choice Made)
This took more than overnight!

So… them Yankees, huh.
What about you? Whatcha been up to lately?
We found this great burrito place the other day. (Choice Made)

Episode 10

Should we set an alarm? (Choice Made)
I’ll get the lights.
Which side do you like?

It’s not your fault.
Are you okay? (Choice Made)
Stay Silent.

Any more ideas?
I’ve got something! (Choice Made)

Episode 11

Give Juliette the time she needs! (Need 28 💗)
It’s not a good time.

We’re just exhausted.
We feel stupid? (Choice Made)
Lost another work buddy!

In normal language, please. (Choice Made)
Is she… dead?
What do we do now?

Episode 12

Dance? (Choice Made)
Shadow puppets!

No! We define ourselves! (Need 29 💗)
That’s a tricky question…

Don’t put words in my mouth.
What about our FIRST convo about dating? 
So explain this chemistry!  (Choice Made)

Season 3

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail ( or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)

Season 4

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail ( or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)

Season 5

(*Note: Special Thanks to Nelly for giving me permission to re-post this Walkthrough! You can find the original post HERE!)

Episode 1

Psychic blast ‘em!
Taunt them some more!
Protect Eleanor! (Choice Made)

We’re always outnumbered.
The androids are a mystery.
Eleanor Optima is a fake. (Choice Made)

Press Juliette for an answer.
Change the subject.
Hold her hand. (Choice Made)

Episode 2

In the tower.
Working from home. (Choice Made)
Taking a day off.

Queue up Crispyflix+. (Choice Made)
Get you some junk food.
Get naked.

Give the Syndicate a proper goodbye! (Need 26 💗)
Leave early.

Episode 3

Play on the beach with Juliette! (Need 27 💗)
Head home.

Be friendly.
Be clumsy. (Choice Made)
Be rude.

Use my Cognitive Science degree.
Use my DIY skills. (Choice Made)
Use my knack for charity work.

Episode 4

Or flowers.  (Choice Made)
Or champagne.
Or only two people.

I wanna see Times Square!
I wanna see Coney Island! (Choice Made)
I wanna see a Broadway show!

The attacks… (Choice Made)
The rumors…
The Syndicate…

Episode 5

Leave it be.
Toss it on the roof. (Choice Made)
Let Juliette salvage for parts.

Hot date?
At work? (Choice Made)
On vacation?

Hack Time Square with Juliette! (Need 26 💗)
Don’t risk it.

Episode 6

“Renzei!” (Choice Made)
“Not gonna say hi?”
“Hey, hot stuff!”

Mess with your phone.
Find a robot street performer.
Make yourself more noticeable. (Choice Made)

Have some tipsy fun with Juliette! (Need 28 💗)
Let’s hydrate instead.

Episode 7

What’s your name?  (Choice Made)
How do you know our names?
What’s this conversation all about?

“Be quick.”
“Be safe.” (Choice Made)
“Be smart.”

Episode 8

Nice to meet you!
Quite an impressive resume.
Have we met before? (Choice Made)

Choux pastry!
Crepes! (Choice Made)

Go to the lights festival with Juliette! (Need 27 💗)
I’d like some time alone.

Episode 9

Shields up! (Choice Made)
“Juliette, look out!”
Pull Juliette out of the way!

Indulge Juliette. (Need 29 💗)

Episode 10

Running away is a superficial fix. (Choice Made)
Your parents will still be evil.
Your conscience will eat away at you.

Undress yourself. (Choice Made)
Undress Juliette.
Wait for Juliette to do it.

Share your ideal future with Juliette! (Need 27 💗)
Head out for the day.

Episode 11

Maybe he’s really athletic?
Maybe it’s his power? (Choice Made)
Maybe you’re losing your edge?

How many warehouses are there?
Why were you at the hotel? (Choice Made)
Why name yourself Owl?

Back to boba! (Choice Made)
Back to our friends!
Back to chilly beaches!

Episode 12

We’d lose our tech! (Choice Made)
We’d lose our home!
We’d lose our transportation!

Spend the night out with Juliette! (Need 28 💗)
Stay in.

We know about Owl. (Choice Made)
We know about Paris Optima.
We know about your empathy.

Season 6

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail ( or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)

Season 7

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail ( or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)

Season 8

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail ( or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)


    season 1 & 2 for now

  2. All seasons out for Juliette, same link as before!
