
06 January, 2020

[Walkthrough] Reigning Passions - Xenia

Season 1

(*Note: Special Thanks to Nelly for giving me permission to re-post this Walkthrough! You can find the original post HERE!)

Episode 1

Pull the other one.
Would you like to sell some snake oil too? (Choice Made)
I’m not naive.

It’s so colorful! (Choice Made)
It’s huge!
Look at the lights!

Bring it on. (Choice Made)
I don’t back down.
I said I’d do it, didn’t I?

Episode 2

Do trust exercises with Xenia! (Need 15 💗 )
Look away.

Food, duh.
Shopping! (Choice Made)
Ooh, music!

I’m not as innocent as you think.
I can handle myself.
I’ll take my chances. (Choice Made)

Episode 3

Share a bed with Xenia! (Need 26 💗)
No way, it’s a trap!

I’m not sure.
Remind me of how this is supposed to go?
Ready as I’ll ever be! (Choice Made)

Sounds like fun. (Choice Made)
I’d love to.
I suppose I have no choice.

Episode 4

Did he just call you-? (Choice Made)
Does he not like you?
What was that about?

How do you know she did it?
That doesn’t seem like her style.
She was married? (Choice Made)

Meet Xenia’s fuzzy friends! (Need 26 💗)
Nope. Nope nope nope nope nope.

Episode 5

It’s not like I have anything better to do. (Choice Made)
Does my opinion matter here?

Help Xenia undress! (Need 28 💗)
Avert your eyes.

Piama and Ruelle don’t seen to like each other.
How does the magic of the city work? (Choice Made)
Why is the temple a bathhouse?

Episode 6

Why did you want to see us like that? (Choice Made)
What’s going on between you two?
Why doesn’t like you?

Haha, funny story…
So, remember when we used to play Princess…? (Choice Made)
I’m kind of a big deal.

Explain yourself.
Back away. (Choice Made)

Episode 7

It looks cursed. (Choice Made)
Does it test bravery?
Perhaps a test of fortitude?

What kind of preparations?
What does the fruit have to do with it?
Anything I can help with? (Choice Made)

Protect Xenia’s spider! (Need 26 💗)
Sacrifices must be made for the greater good.

Episode 8

Summer. (Choice Made)
I don’t know.

Because of Amara?
Historical reasons? (Choice Made)

Insist Xenia join you tonight! (Need 26 💗)
On second thought…

Episode 9

This isn’t about Danilo!
Just answer the question. (Choice Made)
Why won’t you take this seriously?

Of course it’s what’s best.
I can handle myself.
I don’t need your approval. (Choice Made)

I’m out for a walk. (Choice Made)
I left Altadellys.
I’d rather not say.

Episode 10

Raise your weapon.
Danilo?! (Choice Made)
Curse some more.

What are you looking for?
You could just ask… (Choice Made)
Liquor is downstairs.

I ran into Gideon. (Choice Made)
Why didn’t you tell me about the antidote?
Did you want me to leave?

Episode 11

Would you call tonight ‘easy’? (Choice Made)
Yep, that easy.
Maybe a little groveling is in order.

His brother?
Your husband. (Choice Made)
Sounds complicated.

Let Xenia show you the shadows of the palace! (Need 27 💗)
It’s getting late…

Episode 12

Since when I have chosen the easy path?
It wouldn’t be worth doing if it were. (Choice Made)
It’s the right thing to do, regardless.

Learn about how Xenia sees the world! (Need 29 💗)
Not right now.

I’m sure. (Choice Made)
I guess I have to be.
Just nod.

Season  2

(*Note: Special Thanks to Nelly for giving me permission to re-post this Walkthrough! You can find the original post HERE!)

Episode 1

Say something. (Choice Made)
Reach out.

Great-grandmother? (Choice Made)
A spirit of death?
No idea.

Episode 2

Stay here with Xenia! (Need 27 💗)
Get up anyway.

Of course it’s not!
You couldn’t have known.
I don’t blame you. (Choice Made)

I trust you.
I’ll help however I can. (Choice Made)
Thank you.

Episode 3

So it’s over?
We can’t give up.
What else can we do? (Choice Made)

I’ll keep my guard up.
Thank you. (Choice Made)
I can handle her.

Take Xenia’s hand! (Need 27 💗)

Episode 4

Sounds about right.
So there’s nothing to worry about? (Choice Made)
Probably both.

You’re right.
I’ll try. (Choice Made)

She’s a bully.
She’s manipulative. (Choice Made)
She’s shallow.

Episode 5

Much better!
All thanks to Xenia. (Choice Made)
It wasn’t a big deal.

Share a drink with Xenia! (Need 27 💗)
No thanks.

You startled me!
Have you been here the whole time? (Choice Made)
Join us for a drink!

Episode 6

You have.
She gets under my skin. (Choice Made)
It’s not you.

Let Xenia teach you! (Need 27 💗)
No thanks.

You were worried about me?
No, really. (Choice Made)
I was busy.

Episode 7

Quip back at her.
Let Xenia handle it. (Choice Made)
Make a hasty exit.

Credit Xenia. (Choice Made)
Ask for a topic change.

How would that work? (Choice Made)
Are you feeling alright?
That’s a joke, right?

Episode 8

I may have noticed. (Choice Made)
You don’t say.
It’s a good trait for a Spy Mistress.

Let Xenia brush your hair! (Need 28 💗)
No, I can do it myself.

Sounds perfect.
You’ll have to teach me. (Choice Made)
Do you do this a lot?

Episode 9

How? (Choice Made)
Do you think Vo is behind this?
What do you think they were fighting about?

She hates me. (Choice Made)
I upset her.
Because she can.

Play with Xenia and the others! (Need 26 💗)
Hang back in the shadows.

Episode 10

I don’t know!
Tasny’s capable of a lot of things. (Choice Made)

Really? (Choice Made)
You’d better.
I’ll make sure we do.

Design your official seal with Xenia! (Need 26 💗)
Decline her offer.

Episode 11

You’re the guests?
What are you doing here? (Choice Made)
Of course it’s you two.

Hold hands with Xenia! (Need 29 💗)
Keep your distance.

Episode 12

Don’t do this, Xenia.
What did I do to make you hate me so much? (Choice Made)
Say nothing.

I’m okay.
None of this makes sense.
Thank you. (Choice Made)

Like I believe that.
Then why are you here? (Choice Made)

Season 3

(*Note: Special Thanks to Nelly for giving me permission to re-post this Walkthrough! You can find the original post HERE!)

Episode 1

Get flustered.
Make an excuse.
Deflect. (Choice Made)

I believe you.
I’ve figured out that much by now.
I’m glad she has you. (Choice Made)

What are you doing here? (Choice Made)
Did Xenia send you?
I’m going to look stupid if you’re just a random spider.

Episode 2

Your little friend. (Choice Made)
Nothing in particular.
I needed to get out of the palace.

Help Xenia and learn about being a Queen! (Need 26 💗)
I should leave.

Episode 3

Credit goes to Gideon and Xenia. (Choice Made)
It’s nice to be out and about.
Thanks for the concern.

What are you doing on a boat?
I’m assuming you did send the spider this time. (Choice Made)
This is a nice surprise.

Stay out with Xenia! (Need 28 💗)
I should head back.

Episode 4

Offer it a snack. (Choice Made)
The cloth covering would make a good blankie.
Just sit here with it.

Right, why should anyone expect you to care? (Choice Made)
Nice to see we have a toddler on the throne.
Maybe they’d be better off if you weren’t.

Episode 5

It’s not illegal, is it? (Choice Made)
Do you think it’s why your spiders haven’t returned?
Do you think her benefactor gave it to her?

Tell Xenia what you see in her! (Need 26 💗)
Keep your thoughts to yourself.

Stay Silent.
Act like you sympathize.
Say something vaguely reassuring. (Choice Made)

Episode 6

Vanayip? (Choice Made)

That’s horrible!
Apparently not the entire species.
Who believed that? (Choice Made)

Indulge Xenia with some childhood stories! (Need 27 💗)
Nope, too embarrassing.

Episode 7

This is the nicest gift I’ve ever gotten.
I love them. (Choice Made)
That’s an understatement.

I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Can we not have this conversation? (Choice Made)
Shut up.

Episode 8

I’ll be fine. (Choice Made)
I can take calculated risks too.
Have a little faith.

Let Xenia teach you about poisons! (Need 26 💗)
I’m not interested in the details.

Episode 9

I’m sorry.
People can be cruel. (Choice Made)
The nobility are ignorant.

Good idea.
I’ll tell her hi from you.
That’s sweet of you. (Choice Made)

Accept Xenia’s gauntlet! (Need 27 💗)
Decline the match.

(*Note: This Walkthrough is still missing some Episodes. In case you have them and want to share them here with everyone, you can either post them in the comment box below, or send me an email: Thank you!)

Season 4

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail ( or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)

Season 5

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail ( or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)

Season 6

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail ( or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)

Season 7

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail ( or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)

Season 8

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail ( or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)

Season 9

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail ( or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)


    season 1 ( season 1 on update)

  2. season 1, 2 available and season 3 on update, link above

  3. Replies
    1. thank you for informing me, there were some changes and the link was changed.

      This is the curent link to the seasons 1-3 of Xenia. Thank you again for informing me!
