
12 January, 2020

[Walkthrough] Wicked Lawless Love - Cecelia Visconti

Season 1

(*Note: Special Thanks to Nelly for giving me permission to re-post this Walkthrough! You can find the original post HERE! And Special Thanks also to Cathrin for her Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

Interested in the necklace, right?
I don’t want any trouble. (Choice Made)
May I buy you a drink?

Let’s clean up. (Choice Made)
How will Ada ever forgive us?
Sorry about my bad luck!

Take her other hard.
Say her name?
Poke her nose! (Choice Made)

Episode 2

I’ve got one of those faces. (Choice Made)
I beg you pardon?
I think you’re both mistaken.

Let’s hear your best line, then. (Choice Made)
After that quickdraw of yours?
Not as much as I can surprise you!

Premium: Allow Cecilia to treat your wound. (Need 15 💗)
Normal: Keep your distance.

Episode 3

You do like rare things.
Too many man in those stories, though. (Choice Made)
Let’s check the library!

I actually do care about coins quite a bit.
…Thank you?(Choice Made)

Premium: Ask Cecilia what your heart sounds like. (Need 27 💗)
Normal: Feelings aren’t useful right now.

Episode 4

You could steal SO MUCH. (Choice Made)
Come on just one little bank robbery?
Don’t hold back, I can handle it!

Reassure her.
Attack first?
Tease her and feint!(Choice Made)

It’s your job t help.
I’ll go! (Choice Made)

Episode 5

I know these boys.
Got a Rule Book on you?
That’s no fun! (Choice Made)

I oughta curse you! (Choice Made)
A couple mortals, take us down?
Surrender, dumbass!

Premium: Let Cecelia explain what good restraint is. (Need 26 💗)
Normal: There’s nothing to talk about.

Episode 6

How’d you find me so quickly? (Choice Made)
What on earth is her problem.
Water is wet!

So take off the mask. (Choice Made)
Then how would I see your pretty eyes?
Not much of a choice.

Premium: Help Cecelia play the music she longs for! (Need 28 💗)
Normal: Leave it to the professionals.

Episode 7

I know who it was!!
Donna’s hurt?! (Choice Made)
What was taken?!

Glad you’re alright. (Choice Made)
You know about the Otherwold?
What’s missing?!

You can’t afford me.
You can picture yourself as a criminal?
I’ll ride with you, not the Ward! (Choice Made)

Episode 8

Premium: Make a little room for Cecelia. (Need 27 💗)
Normal: Might be too soon.

Demons. (Choice Made)
My what now?
All I have is a horse!

Hm, I can’t recall specifics…(Choice Made)
Now who’s concerned with possessions?
Don’t you mock me!

Episode 9

Start the race, officially. (Choice Made)
Apologize just a little?
Play it to the hilt!

Premium: Lose yourself in Cecelia’s kiss. (Need 28 💗)
Normal: Protect yourself.

Get the half-cursed coin from Cayde. (Choice Made)
Get the hangman’s rope from Sascha.
Get the fermented wormwood from Ada.

Episode 10

Just you.
For this spell to work?
More music!(Choice Made)

I’m your master. (Choice Made)
This is Cecelia?
What a mess!

I like this side of you.
Am I your prey? (Choice Made)
Now who’s shameless!

Episode 11

Try and stop me. (Choice Made)
Dare I cross the big, bad Ward?
Speak for yourself!

Premium: Rematch with Cecelia. (Need 26 💗)
Normal: I’m not ready.

So we’re killing people now. (Choice Made)
Their Master lives out there?
You take care too!

Episode 12

Kiss it better? (Choice Made)
Our mission.

Says you.
The whole truth? (Choice Made)
I don’t discuss business in public!

Premium: Join Cecelia for some replenishment. (Need 27 💗)
Normal: Aw, don’t break up the party!

Season 2

(*Note: Special Thanks to Nelly for giving me permission to re-post this Walkthrough! You can find the original post HERE! And Special Thanks also to Cathrin for her Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

Can’t you answer me?
You’re shaking! (Choice Made)
Was I wrong?

Premium: Take care of Cecelia’s burn. (Need 26 💗)
Normal: Give her space.

All of the choices can be made:
Ask about witch history. (Choice Made)
Gain intel on how magic works. (Choice Made)
Interrogate him about Cecelia. (Choice Made)
I’m done with this guy. (appears afterwards)

Episode 2

She hasn’t been improper.
Guess I bring that out of people (Choice Made)
Is there a direct question in there?

All of the choices can be made:
Crack a joke about vampires. (Choice Made)
Ask a real question about blood. (Choice Made)
Playfully tease Cecelia. (Choice Made)
Nothing further. (appears afterwards)

Nudge those currents.
Tease her, see what happens. (Choice Made)
Jungle the books!

Episode 3

Here goes nothing.(Choice Made)
No sweat!
Why are you going so easy?

Premium: Try to lift Cecelia’s spirits. (Need 27 💗)
Normal: Listen to her pain.

Take the challenge!
Just finish the bottle in advance. (Choice Made)
Deny the whole thing!

Episode 4

Avoid answering. (Choice Made)
Tell him the truth.
Look to others for help.

No, he still thinks the necklace is magic.
(Choice Made)
I’m not an object.

What’s my assignment?
Whatever you are. (Choice Made)
I’m not gonna sit around!

Episode 5

Premium: Press in closer to Cecelia. (Need 27 💗)
Normal: Hide yourself.

She’s made of stronger stuff than you. (Choice Made)
What’s that supposed to mean?
You’re disgusting!

Episode 6

Premium: Ask Cecelia what she wants (Need 26 💗)
Normal: Tell her to stop.

I’m completely torn.
So I shouldn’t consider Maestro’s offer?
She’s a who, not a what! (Choice Made)

Prove it. (Choice Made)
What if I am angry?
Goddess, me too?

Episode 7

Make a serious suggestion.
Try to lighten the mood with humor. (Choice Made)
Flirting is the only answer.

We’re at an impasse.
You tell me?(Choice Made)  
She keeps folding!

Mole hunt- no digging!
Balance headstones. And ghosts.
Make the dead tell a tale. (Choice Made)

Episode 8

Aim somewhere non-lethal.
Engage her hand-to-hand. (Choice Made)
Use your depleted witch-power.

Are all vampires that powerful?
He might not be a vampire. (Choice Made)
So we keep fighting!

All of the choices can be made:
Here goes… (Choice Made)
Hey! No fair!(Choice Made)
Mm, I surrender. (Choice Made)

Premium: Yes, tell Cecelia you’re ready for more. (Need 28 💗)
Normal: Not this time.

Here goes… again.
A witch is always free! (Choice Made)
But this is so good…

Episode 9

Sorry about earlier.
Drew the short straw, huh? (Choice Made)
You didn’t have to do this!

Don’t have to be wise…
What do you here? (Choice Made)

Premium: Ask Cecelia to grace you with her wisdom. (Need 26 💗)
Normal: Say nothing before you go.

Episode 10

Be straight with me. (Choice Made)
All this over little old me?
Sounds like heaven!

You dumbass!
Are the others here? (Choice Made)
It’s me you should be worried about.

You heard me.
Are you really surprised? (Choice Made)
Listen to my heard!

Episode 11

Premium: Defend Cecelia. (Need 26 💗)
Normal: Stay silent.

Deal with it. (Choice Made)
As long as I don’t have to sign anything.
We’ll discuss payment later!

Episode 12

She believes in me.
Have you met her?
She always sacrifices so much! (Choice Made)

Premium: Take a dip in the hot spring with Cecelia. (Need 30 💗)
Normal: Actually, maybe not.

With bullets!
With silver! (Choice Made)
With…what was our foolproof plan again?

All of the choices can be made:
Aim for the heart. (Choice Made)
Aim for the head. (Choice Made)
Aim for the…Unmentionables? (Choice Made) 

Season 3

(*Note: Special Thanks to Nelly for giving me permission to re-post this Walkthrough! You can find the original post HERE! And Special Thanks also to Cathrin for her Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

This ends now. (Choice Made)
Stop worrying about me!
But what do you want?

I can still shoot.
Enzo, help her?
Not as much as she is!(Choice Made)

“’Someone,’ hmm?”.
“Tire me out anytime.” (Choice Made)

Episode 2

See? I’m fine.
What’s done is done.
I made her do it! (Choice Made)

All of the choices can be made:
Say your piece, Cayde! (Choice Made)
Got something to say, Orosco? (Choice Made)
Do you and the spirits have an opinion, Fiona? (Choice Made)
Actually… (appears afterwards)

Premium: Keep the party going with Cecelia! (Need 26 💗)
Normal: I’ve had enough tomfoolery…

Episode 3

Hit the books.
Walk amongst the people.(Choice Made)
Grab a drink.

We care about the same thing.
Who needs friendship? (Choice Made)
You haven’t made it easy!

Premium: Listen to Cecelia serenade you. (Need 28 💗)
Normal: Rest instead.

Episode 4

„We were so close … “
„You know I want you, right?“ (Choice Made)
„This is deeper than mere hunger!“

Premium: „Find out if Cecelia can taste things from you.” (Needs 25 💗)
Normal: „Keep the evening light.”

Episode 5

„Introduce yourself as a Warden.“
„Flirt a little?“ (Choice Made)
„Crack a werewolf joke!“

Ten seconds to decide!
„Try to keep up!“
„Shout after her!“ (Choice Made)

All of the choices can be made:

Premium: „Encourage Cecelia to indulge in her instincts.” (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Say nothing.”

Episode 6

„Let's build some trust, here.“
„I sense some history!“ (Choice Made)
„So how do we make the mission easy?“

„It's been an honor, Cayde.“
„See you later, Sascha?“ (Choice Made)
„Hug me, Fiona!“

All of the choices can be made:
„Cecelia's acting on her true heart!“
„You don't get to choose for her!“
„Are you going to let him talk to you that way?“
„Stop! We're making a scene!“ (Choice Made)

Ten seconds to decide!
„We gotta get out of here!“
„I can't fight Sascha!“ (Choice Made)

Episode 7

„Did you think this wouldn't change some things?“
„Thank you for not hiding it.“ (Choice Made)
„This is what we meant to happen!“

All of the choices can be made:
„See Skull Gulch!“
„Visit Moon River!“
„Back to camp.“ (appears afterwards)

„Uh, where to START?!“
„Alright, let's prioritize.“ (Choice Made)
„Yeah, The Desert Rose has got this.“

Episode 8

„Be a good little thrall.“
„Smooth things over!“ (Choice Made)
„Signal Cecelia she should speak?“

„Roll with the punches.“
„Remind Cecelia that this is a mission!“ (Choice Made)

Premium: „Offer your blood to Cecelia.” (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Tell her no.”

All of the choices can be made:
„Spin 'The Fortune Wheel'!“
„Wander to 'The Basement Market'!“
„Enter 'The Room Full of …. Curtains'?“
„Done exploring.“ (appears afterwards)

Episode 9

Premium: „Relax a little longer, we earned it!” (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „Call it a night.”

„Hold her back!“
„Cause a distraction!“ (Choice Made)
„Trust Cecelia!“

„Are we going to talk about …. that?“
„I miss being able to read your mind.“ (Choice Made)
„Hey, don't put oil on my vanity!“ 

Episode 10

„Signal Cecelia ti claim Ada as hers.“
„Cause a distraction?“ (Choice Made)
„Let Ada know you'll help when you can!“

„Get the go-ahead to think on your feet.“
„Get the go-ahead to be witchy.“ (Choice Made)

„You were young once?“
„Maybe that should change.“ (Choice Made)
„Knew you were a good guy!“

Episode 11

„I'm the best outlaw there is!“
„I'm the only witch around!“ (Choice Made)

„Well, I AM a silver tongue outlaw!“
„A witch doesn't have to speak …. “ (Choice Made)

Premium: „For Cecelia to enjoy it too.” (Needs 30 💗)
Normal: „Nothing.”

Episode 12

Premium: „Face the sun with Cecelia!” (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Too tired.”

All of the choices can be made:
„What would you like to know?“
„Let's hear about the past!“
„Let's drink up!“
„Time to wind down …. “ (appears afterwards)

Season 4

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail ( or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)

Season 5

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail ( or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)

Season 6

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail ( or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)


    season 1 & 2

  2. season 3 & 4 are out, same link as before

  3. (spoiler warning) In season 3 episode 8, is it worth it to let Cecelia drink my blood?
