
06 May, 2020

[Walkthrough] Tales of the Wild - Revi Pell

Season 1

(*Note: Special Thanks to Nelly for giving me permission to re-post this Walkthrough! You can find the original post HERE!)

Episode 1

All of the choices can be made:
Tease Revi about getting caught.
Laugh about times you tried to hunt.
Reminisce about romantic moments.
That’s enough for now. (appears afterwards)

Talk about how beautiful Tallav is.
Talk about how mysterious Tallav is.  (Choice Made)
Talk about how magical Tallav is.

Episode 2
All of the choices can be made:
Why does your clan need so much food?
Does every Shunakh need to do this?
Does it have to be food?
I have no more questions. (appears afterwards)

Revi can find more food. (Choice Made) 
I can be her boon instead!
Trust Revi to figure it out.
Premium: Soothe Revi with a song. (Need 15 💗)
Normal: Let Revi fret.

Episode 3

Act grateful.
Act cautious.  (Choice Made)
Act insulted.

Maeva has aided us. (Choice Made) 
Meava knows what she’s doing.
Maeva is helping everyone.
Premium: Frolic with Revi. (Need 26 💗)
Normal: Collapse.

Episode 4
Premium: Let Revi cuddle you. (Need 27 💗)
Normal: Shrug her off.

Ask the Puck to make a breeze.  (Choice Made)
Ask it to chill your water.
Ask it to energize you.

Episode 5

Try the woods.  (Choice Made) 2nd
Try the field.  (Choice Made) 1st
Try the steam.

Swear you are not stealing.  (Choice Made) 1st
Point out that you’re human.  (Choice Made) 2nd
Try to get him off you.

Say they are shaming their clans. (Choice Made) 
Insist that fighting is getting nowhere.
Emphasize that it is a mix-up.

Episode 6
Premium: Enjoy Revi’s amazing massage. (Need 28 💗)
Normal: Ignore her touch.

Say the troll is occupied.
Be optimistic about food.  (Choice Made)
Say we shouldn’t draw attention.

Episode 7

Tell Revi she has pushed you too hard (Choice Made)
Explain that Revi only worries about the boon.
Express how vulnerable you feel.

All of the choices can be made:
How important is body language?
How do you communicate complex feelings?
Are there misunderstandings between you?
That is all I want to ask. (appears afterwards)

Episode 8

All of the choices can be made:
Suggest getting help.
Ask about outrunning the troll.
Propose double trapping it!
Give up. (appears afterwards)
Premium: Howl with Revi! (Need 27 💗)
Normal: That’s enough for now.

Episode 9
All of the choices can be made:
What are Uller ritual hunt like?
How do you feel about Shunakh?
Do all Dinae have life partners?
That’s all for now. (appears afterwards)
Premium: Help Revi restrain the troll! (Need 26 💗)
Normal: Panic.

Episode 10

Tell Revi where the troll went. (Choice Made)
Show Revi where the troll went.

Ask Revi for a rope.
Motion that you need a rope. (Choice Made)

Call out instructions to Revi.
Demonstrate how to restrain its arms. (Choice Made)

Tease Maeve!
Tease Fynn!  (Choice Made)
Tease both of them!
Premium: Teach Revi the song. (Need 27 💗)
Normal: Ignore her.

I feel at home. (Choice Made)
I’m doing alright.
Things are tough.

Episode 11

(No choices in this episode)

Episode 12
All of the choices can be made:
The people are amazing!
The creatures are fantastic!
The land is beautiful!
That’s all. (appears afterwards)
Premium: Enjoy intimacy with Revi. (Need 29 💗)
Normal: Get up.

Season 2

(*Note: Special Thanks to Cathrin for the Walkthrough!)
Episode 1

Premium: „Stand up for Revi!“ (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „Let Revi fend for herself.“

All of the choices can be made:
„I’m not tame!“
„I don’t just drink milk!“
„Not all bipeds are the same race!“
„That covers it.“ (appears afterwards)

Episode 2

„Try to calm them.“
„Reason with them.“ (+Choice Made)
„Startle them.“

„Ask Revi how she’s feeling.“
„Explain to Revi how you’re feeling.“ (+Choice Made)

Episode 3

Premium: „Lose yourself in a duo massage with Revi.“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Reject Revi’s massage.“

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Episode 4

„Assure Revi this will be easy!“
„Encourage Revi to be brave!“ (+Choice Made)
„Tell Revi she can handle it!“

Episode 5

Premium: „Remind Revi how far you’ve both come.“ (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „Ignore Revi’s feelings.“

„Encourage Rens.“
„Flatter him.“ (+Choice Made)
„Use reverse psychology!“

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Episode 6

All of the choices can be made:
„What is the voice?“
„Why am I hearing them?“
„Do I need to thank them?“
„That’s all for now!“ (appears afterwards)

Premium: „Encourage Revi to share her feelings!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Tell Revi to let it go.“

Episode 7

Premium: „Catch Revi’s kisses!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Give Revi the cold shoulder.“

„Throw something.“
„Sigh to drown out the Vetier.“ (+Choice Made)
„Distract her.“

Episode 8

All of the choices can be made:
„Are clan roles the same across all clans?“
„Do all the clans get along?“
„Are there any mixed clans?“
„That’s all I can think of.“ (appears afterwards)

„Touch the root.“
„Look at the tree for clues.“ (+Choice Made)
„Listen to the music of the leaves.“

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Episode 9

„Evina healed me before.“
„Evina chose the Wild over her clan.“ (+Choice Made)
„Evina’s last ritual kept us safe.“

Premium: „Ground Revi with a song.“ (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „Tell Revi to go without.“

Episode 10

All of the choices can be made:
„Why did you get blamed?“
„You couldn’t do something else?“
„Does the flower always grow back?“
„I understand now.“ (appears afterwards)

Premium: „Catch fireflies with Revi!“ (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „Reject having fun with Revi.“

Episode 11

„Use the Puck!“
„Use magic to make a flower!“ (+Choice Made)
„No flower needed!“

Premium: „Play Artful Dodger with Revi and the Dinae!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Tell Revi to play alone.“

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Episode 12

„Hold Revi’s hand.“
„Encourage Revi.“ (+Choice Made)
„Reassure Revi.“

Season 3

(*Note: Special Thanks to Cathrin for the Walkthrough!)
Episode 1

„Sneak some nuts from the cache.“
„Lift the log to get the berries.“ (+Choice Made)
„Climb the tree to gather edible flowers.“

All of the choices can be made:
„Will Revi’s boon really be okay?“
„Will the clan accept me?“
„What about Revi having a mate?“
„That’s all I can think of.“ (appears afterwards)

Premium: „Indulge in your last night alone with Revi.“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Pass up your chance.“

Episode 2

„Shake her hand.“
„Greet Marya formally.“ (+Choice Made)
„Try for a hug!“

„Provider role.“
„Crafting role.“ (+Choice Made)
„Protection role.“

All of the choices can be made:
„Does ‘mate’ mean something different here?“
„Should we pretend we’re not together?“
„Will it be hard to be accepted?“
„I guess that’s all.“ (appears afterwards)

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Episode 3

Premium: „Defend Revi’s honor.“ (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „Leave it alone.“

„It just needs a day!“
„Maybe it needs to rain?“ (+Choice Made)
„It might need a year?“

Episode 4

„Helping you carry dinner home!“
„Readying the cook pot!“ (+Choice Made)
„Already in bed!“

„I miss my parents.“
„I miss my twin.“ (+Choice Made)
„I miss all of my siblings.“

„Help Revi tidy.“
„Clean the fire pit.“ (+Choice Made)
„Sweep the corners.“

Episode 5

„Carry it between trees.“
„Ask the Puck what it needs!“ (+Choice Made)
„Ask the Wild for help.“

All of the choices can be made:
„Why did you twirl around?“
„What do these sounds mean?“
„What is this symbol?“
„That’s all I can remember.“ (appears afterwards)

Premium: „Dance with Revi!“ (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „Let Revi dance alone.“

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Episode 6

„Gather grain.“
„Harvest medicinal herbs.“ (+Choice Made)
„Collect moss.“

Premium: „Play with Revi and claim your reward!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Just keep walking.“

Episode 7

All of the choices can be made:
„Where are Pucks usually found?“
„How often are Pucks seen?“
„Have Pucks always been in Tallav?“
„I know enough now.“ (appears afterwards)

„We have proof!“
„This is fixing tradition!“ (+Choice Made)
„Druids caused this!“

„Run away!“
„Seek outside help.“ (+Choice Made)
„Shift the blame!“

Episode 8

„A necklace.“
„A bracelet.“ (+Choice Made)
„A belt.“

„Make sultry sounds.“
Nibble Revi’s ear.“ (+Choice Made)
„Stroke her all over.“

Premium: „Help alleviate Revi’s guilt.“ (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „Save it for later.“

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Episode 9

„Try some food!“
„Play a game!“ (+Choice Made)
„Do a craft!“

Premium: „Hear Revi gush about life as a Dinae!“ (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „Leave it for another time.“

Episode 10

Wecanfixit!“ (+Choice Made)

„Ask for Mama Pel hugs.“
„Hear about their days first.“ (+Choice Made)

Premium: „Comfort Revi by reminding her how close you are.“ (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „Return to worrying.“

Episode 11

„Sync with a rabbit!“
„Tune in to an owl!“ (+Choice Made)
„Be a firefly!“

„Hold a feast!“
„Party with the Pucks!“ (+Choice Made)
„Play games!“

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Episode 12

„Be polite and let Meika go first.“
„Get the jump on the situation!“ (+Choice Made)
„Stay quiet and hope for the best.“

„Mess with Marys.“
„Answer honestly.“ (+Choice Made)
„Let Revi answer.“

Premium: „Fantasize about your future with Revi.“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Keep it a mystery.“

Season 4

(*Note: Special Thanks to Cathrin for the Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

„Playing with Revi!“
„Hunting prey!“ (+Choice Made)

Premium: „Fantasize about your future home with Revi!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Politely decline.“

„I only know human stories!“
„I can’t play instruments!“ (+Choice Made)
„I’m really not a fan of puns … “

Episode 2

Premium: „Deepen the intimacy with Revi.“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Let the moment pass.“

„Use some Puck magic!“
„Dance together!“ (+Choice Made)
„Hug trees!“

„Just accept the compliment!“
„Try to explain clothes.“ (+Choice Made)
„Compliment him back!“

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Episode 3

„Concentrate on a bedroom.“
„Examine the lake.“ (+Choice Made)
„Linger in the Vetier’s Grove.“

Premium: „Make garlands with Revi and cheer up!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Keep dwelling on your feeling.“

Episode 4

Premium: „Play in tree with Revi!“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Stay put.“

„What if your family is insulted?“
„What if the clan is angry?“ (+Choice Made)
„What if the Chieftain exiles me?“

„Flully features!“
„Better senses!“ (+Choice Made)
„More agility!“

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Episode 5

„You’ll love my parents!“
„My sisters will adore you!“ (+Choice Made)
„My brother is a sweetheart!“

Premium: „Indulge your senses with Revi.“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Turn her down.“

„How about scared?“
„What says that I’m happy?“ (+Choice Made)
„What if I’m annoyed?“

Episode 6

„Are there any trolls you can help with?“
„Propose composing a song for the Ibex.“ (+Choice Made)
„You can cook for them!“

Premium: „Show off for Revi and Timo!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Shy away.“

„Exhibit A, the lizard is part bark.“
„Exhibit B, it has not eyes.“ (+Choice Made)
„Exhibit C, get over yourself.“

Episode 7

„Mother makes you eat when you’re full.“
„My sisters can be too nosy.“ (+Choice Made)
„Father’s bad jokes are lethal.“

Premium: „Have fun at the pond with Revi!“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Keep moving.“

„Stick to the grass.“
„Go around.“ (+Choice Made)
„Slip through the stable.“

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Episode 8

„Try and trick the hunters.“
„Call for help!“ (+Choice Made)
„Scare them away!“

„We can still gather flowers!“
„I can’t wait to bake with you!“ (+Choice Made)
„Fancy bath nights? Yes please!“

Premium: „Hear Revi’s account of that day!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Decline.“

Episode 9

Premium: „Celebrate with Revi and your family!“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Turn in early.“

„Father, what are clan roles?“
„August, how do you formally greet someone?“ (+Choice Made)
„Heloise, should you touch stage plants?“

Episode 10

„Hug your best bub, Rae!“
„Say hello to the mane man, Fynn!“ (+Choice Made)
„Greet your fine feathered friend, Maeve!“

Premium: „Help Revi fix this awful situation.“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Stay put.“

„Calm your siblings.“
„Reassure your parents.“ (+Choice Made)
„Deal with Henryk.“

Episode 11

Premium: „Help Revi save everyone!“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Stay where you are.“

„Guarantee that Fynn is harmless.“
„Promise the trolls won’t eat them.“ (+Choice Made)
„Declare that the Vetier’s here to party! You think!“

Episode 12

„The gift for Revi and me, of course!“
„The big one for the clan!“ (+Choice Made)
„Revi’s parents should open theirs!“

Premium: „Prove to Revi that you’re saved energy just for her!“ (Needs 31 💗)
Normal: „Surrender to sleep.“

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    1. Hi Nelly!

      I added your walkthroughs on my blog and wanted to say a big THANK YOU for that! Also, in case there are walkthroughs that you need, please feel free to share them on your wonderful blog! ^^
      Thanks again and have a great day!

