
27 June, 2020

[Walkthrough] Ever After Academy - Lucas Charming

Season 1

(*Note: Special Thanks to Cathrin for this Walkthrough!)

Prologue (/ Episode 1)

„Hello?“ (+Choice Made)
„Feel for a door.“

„I mean what I said.“
„You magically appeared!“ (+Choice Made)
„This is a prank.“

„He's not here.“
„Didn't you just see him?“ (+Choice Made)
„Please just listen.“

Episode 2

„Stop him.
„Question him.“
(+Choice Made)
„Just follow him.“

„I'm sorry.“
„It's just a funny concept.“ (+Choice Made)
„We're not the same.“

Premium: „Greet the sun with Lucas.” (Needs 15 💗)
Normal: „Leave him.”

Episode 3

„They need more time.“
„I can't ask you to do that.“ (+Choice Made)
„Ah! Stop!“

Premium: „Give Lucas a taste of your world.” (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „Uhm … the fridge is empty?”

„I think so …. “
„Do you?“ (+Choice Made)
„I still don't know what's happening.“

Episode 4

„You gonna be okay?“
„Close your mouth, sis.“ (+Choice Made)
„Snap out of it.“

Premium: „Flirt back with Lucas.” (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „No time for fun …. ”

„Fast walkers.“
„Headstrong.“ (+Choice Made)
„Jump into fire.“

Episode 5

„That's awesome!“
„New friends.“ (+Choice Made)
„What did you say?“

„You seem tired.“
„Bosses.“ (+Choice Made)
„I heard he's brutal.“

„'Yes' is a dedication.“
„It's like a market.“ (+Choice Made)
„Pick. One.“

Episode 6

„Aren't you sick of it?“
„That's awful.“ (+Choice Made)
„I guess that's part of being a prince.“

Premium: „Let Lucas teach you how to charm.” (Needs ??? 💗)
Normal: „You can do it alone.”

„That's not fair.“
„Of course not.“ (+Choice Made)
„Well …. “

Episode 7

„Dance around it.“
„Be honest.“ (+Choice Made)
„Fan the flames!“

„I didn't mean to.“
„Thanks.“ (+Choice Made)
„That was new for you, too.“

„How romantic!“
„Is that romantic to you?!“ (+Choice Made)
„Not romantic.“

Episode 8

„Better make it good.“
„You don't have to.“ (+Choice Made)
„I'll plan it.“

Premium: „Oh, Lucas wants to play? Let's play!” (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „What's the point …. ”

„They're boring.“
„They're money-obsessed.“ (+Choice Made)
„They aren't genuine.“

Episode 9

„For what?“
„Good luck.“ (+Choice Made)
„Ease off, Darla.“

„Who's in front of Lucas?“
„Who isn't clapping?“ (+Choice Made)
„Who's in front of the doors?“

Premium: „Show Lucas you believe in him.” (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Let him be sad …. ”

Episode 10

„He's always in the right place.“
„He drew attention to the sword.“ (+Choice Made)
„He disappered when the sword did.“

„Ha!“ (+Choice Made)

„Check on Ezra.“
„Talk to Omar.“ (+Choice Made)
„Bother your sister.“

Episode 11

„Pull harder.“
„You're not giving up.“ (+Choice Made)
„This is unexpected.“

Premium: „Share your gift with Lucas.” (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Not now.”

„Shouldn't you?“
„Are you okay?“ (+Choice Made)
„Who are you again?“

Episode 12

„It won't be a challenge.“
„We'll give her a fight!“ (+Choice Made)
„Oh, stomach ache.“

Premium: „Dance with Lucas.” (Needs 29 💗)
Normal: „I have two left feet … ”

„Kick the stone.“
„Pull the sword.“ (+Choice Made)
„Recite a spell?“ 

Season 2

(*Note: Special Thanks to Cathrin for this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

„Shouldn’t we run?“
„Come again?“ (+Choice Made)
„Please be careful.“

„Not happening.“
„Is that a threat?“ (+Choice Made)
„You can’t have an ax here.“

Premium: „Share a moment of peace with Lucas.” (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „Maybe not …”

Episode 2

„Are you sure?“
„Obviously.“ (+Choice Made)
„I won’t let you down.“

Premium: „Of course I’ll read to you, Lucas.“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Fall asleep first.“

„He already has a campaign team.“
„How do you know each other?“ (+Choice Made)
„Bye, Darla.“

Episode 3

„I don’t care!“
„Consider it …“ (+Choice Made)
„That’s not what students will think.“

Premium: „Get your arms around Lucas!“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Not my thing.“

„Why didn’t you say something?“
„About what?“ (+Choice Made)
„I’m listening.“

Episode 4

Premium: „Let Lucas lead the way.“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „It’s late and cold.“

„Attack!“ (+Choice Made)
„Go back to sleep.“

„Ready to work?“ (+Choice Made)

Episode 5

Premium: „En Garde!“ (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „Maybe later …“

„These are all terrible.“
„No terrible puns.“ (+Choice Made)
„Come on, Luke.“

„Expanding magic?“
„Why didn’t I see it?“ (+Choice Made)
„Why did that happen?“

Episode 6

„Strange magic?“
„Puppets?“ (+Choice Made)
„You hope?!“

„I can explain.“
„Sorry, Ezra.“ (+Choice Made)
„Multiple Boscos, huh?“

Premium: „Make Lucas happy!“ (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „How about buttons instead?“

Episode 7

„Subtlety isn’t is strong suit.“
„No, we haven’t.“ (+Choice Made)
„We’re still working!“

Premium: „Escape with Lucas!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „No … we said we wouldn’t.“

„We would have seen it.“
„Secret tunnel?“ (+Choice Made)
„That would explain things.“

Episode 8

„Condemn Bosco.“
„Ask about Bosco.“ (+Choice Made)
„I’m staying out of it.“

Premium: „Walk with Lucas and listen to his story!“ (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „It’s very late …“

„Ha! Funny coincidence!“
„What changed?“ (+Choice Made)
„That’s strange.“

Episode 9

„Ask about what he’s heard.“
„Threaten him.“ (+Choice Made)
„Use the power of friendship?“

Premium: „Fight with Lucas!“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Nope! No thank you!“

„Kick them down.“
„Slice through them.“ (+Choice Made)

Episode 10

„You’re too kind.“
„Have you seen yourself?“ (+Choice Made)
„Kiss me.“

„Quite a bit.“
„Can I breathe first?“ (+Choice Made)
„I’m going to bed.“

Premium: „Hear Lucas’s apology.“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Let’s just sleep.“

Episode 11

„Question Lucas.“ (+Choice Made)

„Room for hostages.“
„Too many Boscos.“ (+Choice Made)
„He’s hoarding information.“

Premium: „Go have a donut date!“ (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „No more sugar for me.“

Episode 12

„I didn’t.“
„You are.“ (+Choice Made)
„Maybe not.“

Premium: „Just kiss and kiss and kiss!“ (Needs 29 💗)
Normal: „Not yet.“

„I won’t.“
„No promises.“ (+Choice Made)
„Text not received.“

Season 3

(*Note: Special Thanks to Cathrin for this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

„Run to him.“ (+Choice Made)
„Fight the Boscos.“

„What work?“
„Where are we?“ (+Choice Made)
„I’d rather wait for Lucas.“

„No, you won’t.“
„How do you know about it?“ (+Choice Made)
„How will you unlock it?“

Episode 2

Premium: „Fight alongside Lucas!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Try to stay out of it.“

„I do?“
„Let Ezra at him.“ (+Choice Made)
„I definitely don’t.“

Premium: „Focus on kissing it better.“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „It’s probably fine.“

Episode 3

„Refill my coffee.“
„Get some food.“ (+Choice Made)

Premium: „Let Lucas help you heal.“ (Needs 29 💗)
Normal: „I’m fine. Really.“

„And then you tricked him.“
„It was easy for me to tell, too.“ (+Choice Made)

Episode 4

„Hurry up.“
„Please.“ (+Choice Made)
„One second.“

Premium: „Yet! Yet! Yet!“ (Needs 30 💗)
Normal: „Maybe rest?“

„Because no one told you.“
„This is still your destiny.“ (+Choice Made)
„I’m sorry.“

Episode 5

Premium: „Try to access your magic through joy!“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Not now.“

„How did he die?“
„Are you okay?“ (+Choice Made)
„Did he have an evil twin?“

„Hold my hand.“
„Talk to me.“ (+Choice Made)
„I don’t know.“

Episode 6

„I had the same reaction.“
„Any questions?“ (+Choice Made)
„Please don’t tell anyone.“

„When can I tell her?“
„Who cast the spell?“ (+Choice Made)
„Why can’t you tell me everything?“

Premium: „Explore your memories with Lucas!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Not now.“

Episode 7

Premium: „Dream about a future with Lucas.“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „What’s the point?“

„Get up and run.“
„Reach for Lucas.“ (+Choice Made)
„Tame him with your magic.“

„Check her breathing.“
„Call her name.“ (+Choice Made)
„Squeeze her hand.“

Episode 8

„Everything she does is impressive.“
„I’m an idiot.“ (+Choice Made)
„She does too much.“

„Put the sword away!“
„How often do you do this?“ (+Choice Made)
„I’m ignoring you.“

Premium: „Sweet kisses and more with Lucas!“ (Needs 29 💗)
Normal: „Not here.“

Episode 9

„He makes me happy.“
„He’s grown a lot.“ (+Choice Made)
„His duty is important.“

Premium: „Play Luca’s game!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „It’s late.“

„How often do I need to clean?“
„Where’s the fuel?“ (+Choice Made)
„What are computers?“

Episode 10

„Be specific.“
„Get to the point.“ (+Choice Made)
„Be vague.“

„Can we focus, please?“
„Still not normal.“ (+Choice Made)
„Ow. Headache.“

Premium: „Relieve your love story while you can.“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Let’s try to sleep.“

Episode 11

„Please let me help.“
„I’ve got you.“ (+Choice Made)
„You can do it.“

Premium: „Listen to Lucas’s promise to you.“ (Needs 29 💗)
Normal: „Oh no … there’s something in my eye …“

„Pause time for just a little bit.“
„A sense of self-confidence.“ (+Choice Made)
„Actually, four plates of cookies.“

Episode 12

„We can try.“
„Always.“ (+Choice Made)
„Literally what is happening?!“

Premium: „Make a plan with Lucas to face his destiny!“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Not my area.“

„Cheer on Lucas.“
„Distract the warlock.“ (+Choice Made)
„Refuse to watch.“

Season 4

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail ( or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)

1 comment:

    season 1
