
23 August, 2020

[Walkthrough] Her Love in the Force - Takaomi Tsugaru

Season 1: MS 1: Meeting Him

(*Note: Special Thanks to Dee for this Walkthrough!)

No options.
Ask about the gorilla thing.
We have codenames?
I’m not in traffic safety.
Stare silently.
Soak up the atmosphere.
Your kind words are poison.
It was an essential step.
Enough jokes...
No thanks.
What do you mean fondle?
Forget it.
Don’t sound so pleased.
Subject 001.
Cotton Candy.
Find another entrance.
Comply silently.
No options.
Get mad. 

Happy Ending

Season 1: MS 2: Falling in Love

(*Note: Special Thanks to Anon for posting this Walkthrough and Katarina S. for sending it to me!) 
I catch up on my shows
Play along as his cousin
Time for lunch.
That chocolate was disgusting.
Work is fun.
I'm tired.
Well. Noa's coming.
Check the earpiece
Leave it to me!
You'll get the next one.
Here's a towel, if you need one.
I didn't hear anything.
I could stay with you...
That doesn't sit well with me.
Deny his help
The ceiling
Why are YOU going?
Stare closely
You're too loud.

Main Story 3: 2nd Half

(*Note: Special Thanks to Anon for posting this walkthrough.)
"I'll take a cup."
"Noa's candy."
"Are you enjoying this?"
Push back with your head.
"I thought you'd tell me to shut up.
He's projecting.
Sit still.
Look enviously at Momose.

Main Story 4: part 2

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail ( or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)

[Walkthrough] FR: Destiny's Princess - Yukimura Sanada

Main Story

(*Note: Special Thanks to Amanda K. for the Walkthrough!)

Chapter 1

Make a comeback +3
Sulk +0

Put on a show of being angry +3 (6%)
Smile and shake your head +0

Yell at him +0
Run after him +3 (9%)

Act shy +3 (12%)
Get angry +0

…roughly spread the medicine. +0
…gently spread the medicine. +3 (15%)

Chapter 2

…got angry at him. +3 (18%)
…yelled at him. +0

…decided to forgive him. +3 (21%)
…reprimanded him. +0

“…That's a stupid thing to say. We're brother and sister.” +4 (25%)
“Maybe I'd like that.” +0

Scold Yukimura +0
Worry about Yukimura +3 (28%)
Step in +3 (31%)
Just watch +0

Chapter 3

…listened quietly. +3 (34%)

…mourned.+ 0

Try to pull your hand away +0
Don’t want to let go of his hand +3 (37%)

Keep it a secret +0
Lie +3 (40%)

Chapter 4

Pretend not to understand +3 (43%)
Shyly admit it +0

Change the subject +3 (46%)
Wait for Yukimura to speak +0

Feel sad +0
Feel angry +4 (50%)

I don't want that. +3 (53%)
I don't have a choice. +0

Scold him +0
Tell him it's okay +3 (56%)

Chapter 5

Talk to Yukimura +3 (59%)
Stay silent +0

Still pretend not to know anything +0
Tell him the truth +3 (62%)

Fight back the tears +3 (65%)
Cry +0

Chapter 6

…said he didn't need to worry. +3 (68%)
…smiled and reassured him. +0

Stay quiet +0
Talk to him +3 (71%)

Try to correct him +0
Try to deny it +4 (75%)

Ask him to wait +0
Run after him +3 (78%)

Chapter 7

“I love you too…” +3 (81%)

I was too embarrassed to speak +0

“N-No…” +0
Nod +3 (84%)

“No!” +0
“Please do.” +3 (87%)

Deny it +0
Stay silent +3 (90%)

…helped defund Yukimura. +3 (93%)
…let Yukimura handle it himself. +0

Chapter 8


“I'll give up everything and go with you.” ENDING B – Shine in the dark
“Once everything is settled.” ENDING A – Divine creation of void

Scold them +0
Smile +3 (96%)

Ignore the dagger +4 (100%)
Plead with the dagger +0

[Walkthrough] FR: Destiny's Princess - Kotaro Fuma

Main Story

(*Note: Special Thanks to Amanda K. for the Walkthrough!)

Chapter 1

Scream +0
Shout +3

“Sorry for disturbing you…” +3 (6%)
“There was an intruder!” +0

“S-See you.” +4 (10%)
“…” +0

Jump up +3 (13%)
“Zzz…Zzz…” +0

“Oh, how nice of you.” +0
“That's none of your business!” +3 (16%)

Chapter 2

Strongly protest +4 (20%)
Give up +0

Insist that you aren't worried about him +3 (23%)
Change the subject +0

“Of course not.” +0
“O-Of course!” +3 (26%)

“That's not exactly right…” +4 (30%)
“You got a problem with that?” +0

Chapter 3

“Zzz…Zzz…” +0
Try to say something +3 (33%)

Confirm his statement +3 (36%)
Deny his statement +0

“I was just curious.” +4 (40%)
“Am I not allowed to ask?” +0

“I'm not worried…” +0
“You're right…” +3 (43%)
“A little…” +0
“No…” +3 (46%)

“You're not a traitor.” +4 (50%)
“Traitor?” +0

Chapter 4

“Yeah…” +0
“Isn't it a little too gaudy?” +3 (53%)

Let him help +3 (56%)
“Kotaro, that's my…!” +0

Accept it +4 (60%)
Steal it back from him +0

“That doesn't help…” +0
“Okay, I understand.” +3 (63%)

Look down +3 (66%)
Don't look down +0

Chapter 5

Open your eyes +4 (70%)
Keep your eyes closed no matter what +0

…put my hand out. +3 (73%)
…decided not to put my hand out. +0

“That isn't possible.” +0
“That might be nice.” +3 (76%)
“I don't know…” +4 (80%)
“I'm sure your just talented…” +0

Chapter 6

“I must have been seeing things…” +3 (83%)
“It can't be…” +0

(Could that have been when it happened?) +0
(No, it couldn't be…) +3 (86%)

Chapter 7

“You're right.” +4 (90%)
“These are two different things.” +0

Agree with him +0
Oppose him +3 (93%)

“You're telling me to decide?” +0
“Kill it…” +3 (96%)

Chapter 8

Trust the dagger +4 (100%)
Don't trust the dagger +0


“I'm sorry…” Ending A: Eagle Fly Free
“Okay, I'll go with you.” Ending B: Buried Dreams

[Walkthrough] FR: Destiny's Princess - Masamune Date

Main Story

(*Note: Special Thanks to Amanda K. for the Walkthrough!)

Chapter 1

“Rabbit stew!” +3
“Grilled rabbit!” +0
“U-Umm…” +0

Defend the bunny +0
Trick him +0

I was fed up with empty flattery +0
Thank them for now +3 (6%)

Persuade him one more time +3 (9%)
Leave +0

“I don't mind, but speak to Yukimura formally.” +0
“It doesn't matter.” +3 (12%)

Chapter 2

“Or are you too tired?” +3 (15%)
“Please train me!” +0

“Do you have any injuries, Masamune?” +3 (18%)
“How bad is Yukimura's injury?” +0

“That's a good idea!” +0
“What are you saying?!” +3 (21%)

Become angry +3 (24%)
Become sad +0

Come back later +3 (27%)
Might as well try +0

Chapter 3

Shout out to him +3 (30%)
“…” +0

“I've grown tired of it.” +0
“…Thank you for helping me up until today.” +3 (33%)

Praise him +3 (36%)
Tease him +0

Ask him what the ingredients are +0
Don't ask him about the ingredients +3 (39%)

Chapter 4

Pout +0
Tell him it hurt +3 (42%)

“I'm sure I'll do better next time!” +3 (45%)
Make an excuse +0

Deny it +0
“That doesn't sound too bad…” +3 (48%)

“Is it good?” +3 (51%)
“You're so carefree…” +0

Change the subject +0
Tell him honestly +3 (54%)

Chapter 5

“I challenge you to a match!” +0
“Marry me!” +0

“Did you go easy on me?” +0
“I wonder what happened.” +3 (57%)

“Marry me!” +3 (60%)
I couldn't say that +0

Answer him honestly +3 (63%)
Make something up +0

Thank him +3 (66%)
Have him fawn on you +0

Chapter 6

Try telling him +3 (69%)
Stop +0

“Okay…” +0
“I'm sorry…” +3 (72%)

Get frustrated +0
Be bashful +3 (75%)

Tell him honestly +3 (78%)
Don't tell him +0

I need to tell him the truth +3 (81%)
I can't tell him the truth +0

Chapter 7

Go after him +0
Don't go after him +3 (84%)

Don't call for him +0
Call for him +3 (87%)

“When you come back…” +0
“Please be safe.” +3 (90%)

Chapter 8

I have to save him +0
I can't abandon the castle +3 (93%)

Nod +0
“But you'll be punished…” +3 (96%)

Don't listen +4 (100%)
Completely ignore it +0


…wanted to go with him (Ending B) Black Sheeps
…didn't want him to disappear (Ending A) Majesty

[Walkthrough] Shall we date?: Pirates - Valbaroque Licht

(*Note: Special Thanks to L.Stuff for posting this Walkthrough!)

Main Story

Chapter 1
A pirate attack

Chapter 2
Pretend to be a cat
Look down and freeze

Chapter 3
I absolutely don’t want to marry him

Chapter 4
Shake my head furiously and deny it
Go with Valbaroque

Chapter 5
Remember Valbaroque
Hug him back

Chapter 6
Squeeze his hand

Chapter 7
Try to return to my room
Hug him

Chapter 8
Stand in front of Valbaroque
Touch the jewel

Chapter 9
I want to protect you too Valbaroque
I wanted to do this all along*
I wish I had done this sooner

Look up at Valbaroque
Apologize *
Tell him to cheer up

Chapter 10
Return the hug
Feel uneasy about leaving him behind


(I forgot to add the answers for chapters 11 and 12, but the answers for chapters 1-9 should help get the happy ending.)

[Walkthrough] Shall we date?: Ninja Shadow + Season 11: Kasumi

(*Note: Special Thanks to Zena & Cathrin for this Walkthrough!)

Season 11: The Cursed Secret Artform - Main Story

Chapter 1
(8 Episodes)

1.04 Do you not like soba noodles? [That was the best choice you just made!]
Hearing that makes me think you really try them.

1.05 Ask if he would like help. [That was the best choice you just made!]
Quietly watch.

1.07 Talent-n-Skills Checkpoint:
Requires 50 pt
Get: 'Kasumi's True Feelings' (Part 1/5)

Chapter 2
(8 Episodes)

2.01 I'm sure you will run into him again. [That was the best choice you just made!]
Should we chase after him?

2.05 I'd love to see it in a fight. [That was the best choice you just made!]
Does it move like a real tiger?

2.07 (Get a CG)

Chapter 3
(8 Episodes)

3.02 Talent-n-Skills Checkpoint:
Requires 1,100 pt
Get: 'Kasumi's True Feelings' (Part 2/5)

3.07 I'm annoying? That's a mean thing to say.
I guess that means you found the noodles memorable.  [That was the best choice you just made!]

3.08 Of course we'll behave. [That was the best choice you just made!]
You really don't trust us? (Good)

Chapter 4
(7 Episodes)

4.04 Invite him again. [That was the best choice you just made!]
Ignore him.

4.05  Avatar Checkpoint:
Premium: Vivid Japanese-Style Makeup Eyes [Mild]: 5 Jade + 1 CG
Get: Kasumi [Body], 1x Simple Kimono (Kasumi) [Him] 
Normal: Gothic Flower Japanese Umbrella [Mild]: 4 Jade or 500 Koban

4.06 I'm counting on you to fix him.
Do your best. [That was the best choice you just made!]

Chapter 5
(8 Episodes)

5.04 Don't forget to eat your grilled fish. [That was the best choice you just made!]
It looks like you're enjoying the miso soup.

5.05 I am not thinking about escaping. [That was the best choice you just made!]
I can't escape and leave Sou behind.

Chapter 6
(7 Episodes)

6.01 Talent-n-Skills Checkpoint:
Requires 4,400 pt
Get: 'Kasumi's True Feelings' (Part 3/5)

6.02 I am not at all like Suetsugu.
Puppets are all different, right? [That was the best choice you just made!]

6.04 You stole something meaningful away from him. [That was the best choice you just made!]
It's not your place to claim Sou was mistaken.

Chapter 7
(6 Episodes)

7.02 Avatar Checkpoint:
Premium: Double Pointy Buns with Bangs [Mild]: 30 Jade + 1 CG
Normal: Japanese-Style Flower Hair Accessory [Mild]: 20 Jade or 2,000 Koban

7.04 I promised to tell you everything I was thinking. [That was the best choice you just made!]
Does that kind of honesty upset you?

7.05 I'm cleaning the room because it's filthy with dust. [That was the best choice you just made!]
At least I'm giving you a warning.

Chapter 8
(8 Episodes)

8.02 If I do that, I can't clean.
Why don't you keep your eye on him, Kasumi? [That was the best choice you just made!]

8.06 Thanks. [That was the best choice you just made!]
I didn't cut any corners.

Chapter 9
(7 Episodes)

9.03 Eat whatever you feel like eating.
Kasumi is right. [That was the best choice you just made!]

9.05 Suggest we try Kasumi's favorite pickles. [That was the best choice you just made!]
Suggest we have some of Sou's favorite grilled fish.

Chapter 10
(7 Episodes)

10.01 Talent-n-Skills Checkpoint:
Requires 10,000 pt
Get: 'Kasumi's True Feelings' (Part 4/5)

10.05 All right. [That was the best choice you just made!]
I can't.

10.06 Tell him what I heard.
Tell him what I felt when I heard it. [That was the best choice you just made!]

10.07 Avatar Checkpoint:
Premium: Japanese-Style Flower Dress [Mild]: 70 Jade + 1 CG
Normal: Japanese-Style Flower Geta Sandals [Mild]: 45 Jade or 5,500 Koban

Chapter 11
(7 Episodes)

11.03 Go to their rescue. [That was the best choice you just made!]

11.06 You're making a mistake.
I want to sympathize with your hatred. [That was the best choice you just made!]

11.07 Avatar Checkpoint:
Premium: Japanese-Style Gothic Stage [Mild]: 120 Jade + 1 CG
Normal: Japanese-Umbrellas Effect [Mild]: 80 Jade or 11,000 Koban

Chapter 12
(8 Episodes)

12.03 I miss Kasumi. [That was the best choice you just made!]
Don't you want to forgive him too, Sou?

12.07 Talent-n-Skills Checkpoint:
Requires 16,300 pt
Get: 'Kasumi's True Feelings' (Part 5/5)

12.07 Show a little more excitement.
It sure does! [That was the best choice you just made!]

Sweet End
(? Episodes)

 Get 2x CG
Get: 5x Story Ticket, 25x Jade, 200x Power Recovery Item, 1x Mesmerizing Side Wavy Hair [Her], 1x Mesmerizing Japanese Maple Leaves Dress [Her], 1x Mesmerizing Japanese Maple Leaves Shoes with Socks [Her], 1x His Mesmerizing Japanese Maple Leaves Clothes [Him], 1x His Mesmerizing Japanese Maple Leaves Shoes with Socks [Him]

Normal End

Get: 5x Story Ticket, 10x Jade, 100x Power Recovery Item, 1x Radiant Japanese-Style Dress [Her], 1x Radiant Japanese-Style Shoes [Her]

Both Endings:

08 August, 2020

Shall we date?: Ninja Shadow + Season 11: Kasumi - Main Story CG's

(*Note: Special Thanks to Zena for the CG's!)

Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 7
 Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Sweet End #1
Sweet End #2

Premium Picture for completing both Endings

07 August, 2020

[Walkthrough] Destind: Mr. Almost Right - Ryogo Saikusa

Season 1: Main Story

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail ( or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)

Season 1: Hidden Side of Destiny

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail ( or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)

Season 1: My One and Only Destiny

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail ( or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)

[Walkthrough] Wanted: Romance Renegades - Keigo Kurata

Season 1: Main Story

(*Note: Special thanks to Kat Davis for posting this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

Go Home
Thank Him

Episode 2

Get In
Apologize under my breath

Episode 3

Have you been following me?

Episode 4

You can't just say that

Episode 5

But you didn't sleep at all last night.
Where do you think its heading?

Episode 6

Where are we?
Are you sure?

Episode 7

Pretend I didn't see it
Ask him directly

Episode 8

Call Mr. Kurata
Stand still
Escape to the Elevator

Episode 9

I'll wait for you to finish
Call Mr. Kurata

Episode 10

Ask why.
I don't want to barge in unwanted
When will you come back?

Episode 11

You don't have to say anything

Episode 12

You're back early
I'm fine now, though

Episode 13

Have some if you're hungry
What should I do?

Episode 14

Get a better look
Check your messages

Episode 15

There's 4 of them
What about Mr. Kurata?!​

Happy Ending

[Walkthrough] Romance MD: Eiichi Matsunaga

Season 1: Main Story

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail ( or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)

[Walkthrough] Starship Promises - Jessa Flexand - Season 2: Private Investigator Route

Season 1

(*Note: Special Thanks to Cathrin for the Walkthroughs!)

Prologue (Episode 1)

„Ten points for the reference.“
„Knew you were a romantic.“ (+Choice Made)
„I don't get it.“

„Don't start.“
„Stop.“ (+Choice Made)

„It's a front.“
„Thanks.“ (+Choice Made)
„I'm insulted.“

Episode 2

„A name.“
„An address.“ (+Choice Made)
„A gadget.“

Premium: „Guess Jessa's favorite drink!“ (Needs 15 💗)
Normal: „ABORT.“

„Tap your tablet.“
„Sip your drink.“ (+Choice Made)
„Check your pockets.“

Episode 3

Premium: „Keep Jessica company after hours!“ (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „It's too late.“

„Coffee.“ (+Choice Made)

„You!“ (+Choice Made)

Episode 4

Premium: „Help Jessica into her dress!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Let her do it.

„Take them.“
„Spin her.“ (+Choice Made)
„Dip her.“

„Move.“ (+Choice Made)
„Just …. don't.“

Episode 5

„Something wrong?“
„After you.“ (+Choice Made)
„If you'd rather stay outside …. “

„Walk away.“
„Turn the question on him.“ (+Choice Made)
„Run away.“

„It'll blow over.“
„I'm getting close.“ (+Choice Made)
„It's worth it.“

Episode 6

„This job is important.“
„I've had worse.“ (+Choice Made)
„Occupational hazard.“

Premium: „Let Jessica bandage you up!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Do it yourself.“

„I'm always cool.“
„No promises.“ (+Choice Made)
„He started it.“

Episode 7

„Smile.“ (+Choice Made)
„Make a rude gesture.“

„Tackle him.“
„Use your surroundings.“ (+Choice Made)
„Trip him.“

„That's for the best.“
„Talk later.“ (+Choice Made)
„I'll see you around.“

Episode 8

„Does this have to do with my job?“
„This is a distraction.“ (+Choice Made)
„Maybe …. “

Premium: „Keep kissing Jessica!“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Back away.“

„Caffeinated.“ (+Choice Made)

Episode 9

„Be judgy.“
„Be friendly.“ (+Choice Made)
„Be direct.“

„Ask him to repent himself.“
„Deny deny deny.“ (+Choice Made)
„Accuse him of lying.“

Premium: „Let Jessica cheer you up!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Stay angsty.“

Episode 10

„No …. “ (+Choice Made)
„Stop that.“

„I will.“
„Finally!“ (+Choice Made)
„You sure?“

„That's final?“
„I get it.“ (+Choice Made)
„Too bad …. “

Episode 11

„Have I?“
„How could I forget?“ (+Choice Made)
„What do you want?“

Premium: „Kiss and make up with Jessica!“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Pull back.“

„I tried!“ (+Choice Made)
„Gah! Universe!“

Episode 12

„Sneak out.“
„Wave to Jessica.“ (+Choice Made)
„Call out to Roux.“

„How long will that be?“ (+Choice Made)

„Not for a more secure job …. “

Premium: „Encourage Jessica to open up!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Leave it unsaid.“

Season 2

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail ( or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)

Season 3

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail ( or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)

Season 4

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail ( or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)

Season 5

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail ( or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)

Season 6

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail ( or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)

[Walkthrough] Ever After Academy - Ezra Wolf

Season 1

(*Note: Special Thanks to Cathrin for this Walkthrough!)

Prologue / Episode 1

„You can tutor me AND be boring.“
„I know, I'm sorry.“ (+Choice Made)
„Maybe I can help you instead?“

„You're the actual Big Bad Wolf!?“
„Magic is real?!“ (+Choice Made)
„You're from another world?!“

„Tell me I was right.“
„I still can't believe it either.“ (+Choice Made)
„Maybe we're both dreaming?“

Episode 2

Premium: „Show Ezra how to hunt lunch” (Needs 15 💗)
Normal: „Leave him to fend for himself.”

„What does 'thin magic' mean?“
„Is that why your claws don't work?“ (+Choice Made)
„I understand the witch, but the prince?“

„How did you find us?“
„Did something bad happen?“ (+Choice Made)
„What are you doing here?“

Episode 3

„What were those lights?“
„Thank you.“ (+Choice Made)
„What are you doing here?“


Premium: „Give into you curiosity and walk with Ezra!” (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „Stay in the dark …. literally.”

„I got caught up.“
„It's done, just forgot it.“ (+Choice Made)
„I'm really sorry.“

Episode 4

„But I'm not magical …. right?“
„That was a coincidence.“ (+Choice Made)
„What about the other books?“

Premium: „Get the truth from Ezra.” (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Go back downstairs.”

„Play it cool.“
„Admit you zoned out.“ (+Choice Made)

Episode 5
„I don't think so.“ (+Choice Made)
„Please sit!“

„He's not my admirer.“
„You jealous?(+Choice Made)
„You face will get stuck like that.“

„I'm sick of you. Zing!“
„I can be nice when you're nice.“ (+Choice Made)
„I'm just tired.“

Episode 6

„Edward.“ (+Choice Made)
„The weirdness!“

Premium: „Howl at the moon with Ezra!” (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Absolutely not.”

„Come all the way closer.“ (+Choice Made)
„Ask why.“

Episode 7

„Who set the curse?“
„How do you know?“ (+Choice Made)
„Why wasn't he at the library, that first night?“

„It is a current class!“
„I'm just holding them for a friend!“ (+Choice Made)
„No, it's a hobby! For a pet!“

„Are you warning me?“
„Are you scared of him?“ (+Choice Made)
„Dangerous how?“

Episode 8

„I'm not sure about this.“
„Win, win, win!“ (+Choice Made)
„Arin, you're evil.“

Premium: „Make Ezra tell you about good kisses.” (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Is my face red?”

„How did you learn to speak?“
„Do you sing?“ (+Choice Made)
„What are your favorite poems?“

Episode 9

Premium: „Listen to Ezra's apology.” (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „It's not the time.”

„What spell is this person casting?“
„How much time do we have?“ (+Choice Made)
„Should we stay by the lighthouse?“

„Do you see the culprit?“
„Miss me already?“ (+Choice Made) „No, YOU stay close to ME.“

Episode 10

„Stop pulling in all this magic!“
„What spell are you casting?“ (+Choice Made)
„You won't get away.“

„Can we talk about this first?“
„No! It's not yours!“ (+Choice Made)
„Omar, what if you do hand it over?“

„Not anymore.“
„You wish.“ (+Choice Made)
„Respond with a hand gesture.“

Episode 11
„How many wishes have you used?“
„How did you get the lamp?“ (+Choice Made)
„Why does the Beast want the lamp?“

„Pre-stage jitters.“ (+Choice Made)
„Do I look like something's wrong?“

Premium: „Play the game …. and get the info on Ezra.” (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Count me out.”

Episode 12

„He's not mine.“
„That's his business.“ (+Choice Made)
„Maybe you should be less honest.“

Premium: „Let Ezra check you …. closely.” (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Insist you're fine.”

„I'm sorry.“
„I'm glad.“ (+Choice Made)
„Poor me.“

Season 2

(*Note: Special Thanks to Cathrin for this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

„What do you think?“
„I'm right here!“ (+Choice Made)
„What do you mean 'still'?“

„That's all you have to say to me?“
„Where have you been?“ (+Choice Made)
„Why did you drop our class?“

„No, it's not!“
„Why even talk to me at all?“ (+Choice Made)
„Who do you think you are?“

Episode 2

Premium: „Give in to the fantasy with Ezra!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Go home.“

„But why?“
„Where's my brother?“ (+Choice Made)
„Is Jimmy okay?“

Premium: „Let Ezra teach you about the woods!“ (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „You do know I grew up here … right?“

Episode 3

„Grab Mouse.“
„Trip Mouse.“ (+Choice Made)
„Throw something at Mouse.“

„Deny that.“
„Own it.“ (+Choice Made)
„Be very, very quiet.“

Premium: „Help Ezra however you can!“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „What if I make it worse?“

Episode 4

„Like the rhyme!“
„What about the other two mice?“ (+Choice Made)
„Did you know her sisters?“

Premium: „Let Ezra make you feel better!“ (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „No, I think I'll just hide. Forever.“

„It's Ezra.“
„It's urgent.“ (+Choice Made)
„It's under control.“

Episode 5

„NOW I'm too loud?“
„The door was open!“ (+Choice Made)
„Why did you get naked?!“

Premium: „Learn what Ezra would do on a first date!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „I have schoolwork.“

„What was it?“
„Why me?“ (+Choice Made)
„Who would do that?“

Episode 6

Premium: „Get an evening alone with Ezra!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „No, I can handle it.“

„You just said this wasn't your business!“ (+Choice Made)
„I really AM doing it for his sake!“

„Does she have a kingdom?“
„Does she have a name?“ (+Choice Made)
„How did you get involved?“

Episode 7

Premium: „Make this moment with Ezra last.“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „We should stop.“

„We couldn't wait?“
„We were studying late. Like good students!“ (+Choice Made)
„It was unlocked!“

„Be truthful.“
„Be teasing.“ (+Choice Made)
„Be smug.“

Episode 8

„But this place is great!“
„Does Mouse have a book?“ (+Choice Made)
„Does anything else weirs happen?“

Premium: „Encourage Ezra to tell you about his life!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Just stay quiet.“

„Why is it so dark in here?“
„I didn't mean to fall asleep!“ (+Choice Made)
„Did we worry anybody?“

Episode 9

Premium: „Let Ezra treat you!“ (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „But … my long to do list …“

„It's frustrating.“
„I think it WAS an answer.“ (+Choice Made)
„Don't punch walls.“

„Why are you asking me?“
„I have no idea.“ (+Choice Made)
„Oh, you know Edward.“

Episode 10

Premium: „Trust Ezra to keep you warm!“ (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „Risk the shore.“

„Agree with Lucas.“
„Disagree with both.“ (+Choice Made)
„Agree with Nora.“

„That must be a mistake.“
„Just me, or other too?“ (+Choice Made)
„Why didn't you tell me this earlier?!“

Episode 11

„Try to power through.“
„Shut him up.“ (+Choice Made)
„Maybe Nora can answer?“

Premium: „Fall asleep with Ezra tonight.“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Sleep alone.“

„You chicken?“
„Yes. All of that.“ (+Choice Made)
„What else are you busy with?“

Episode 12

„Lucas.“ (+Choice Made)

„Is his memory impacted too?“
„Are my spell and his curse connected?“ (+Choice Made)
„Will the cure take long?“

Premium: „Let Ezra apologize for running away from you …“ (Needs 29 💗)
Normal: „Cut him off.“

Season 3

(*Note: Special Thanks to Cathrin for this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

„You tell me.“
„I'm just sick of hearing about you.“ (+Choice Made)
„Your reputation precedes you.“

„Punch her.“
„Take her knife.“ (+Choice Made)
„Go for her throat.“

Premium: „Keep using your hands to show Ezra what you know.“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Focus, Ezra …“

Episode 2

„I can help, too!“
„Guess I'm off the hook?“ (+Choice Made)
„I'm not going near Red.“

Premium: „Let Ezra tell you about how beautiful you are!“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „You have to study for a test.“

Episode 3

„Maybe just one slap.“
„No, I agree with Ezra.“ (+Choice Made)
„I think we all should get one!“

Premium: „Tell Ezra all your feelings … and her his too.“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „It's cold outside.“

„He trusts your magic.“
„I can handle myself.“ (+Choice Made)
„Ezra's headed over soon.“

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Episode 4

„Maybe she'd listen to me.“
„I wanted answers!“ (+Choice Made)
„I was trying to protect you.“

„Great! When do you start?“
„I'm guessing there's some sort of catch?“ (+Choice Made)
„And that partner would be … you?“

Premium: „Go whereever Ezra wants to take you!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Just a few more minutes.“

Episode 5

„You can send Red back to her world?“
„You can stop Red for good?“ (+Choice Made)
„You're a pretty powerful magic user?“

„I always knew there was something like this.“
„Why didn't anyone tell me sooner?“ (+Choice Made)
„I don't think I'm ready for this.“

Premium: „Let Ezra tell you how he loves you!“ (Needs 29 💗)
Normal: „I can't.“

Episode 6

„I don't feel safe anymore.“
„As long as you're with me.“ (+Choice Made)
„It's not like we have a lot of options.“

Premium: „What am I waiting for? Ezra wants more!“ (Needs 31 💗)
Normal: „Breakfast?“

„Yes, that would have been mortifying.“
„Is THAT why we didn't do this sooner?“ (+Choice Made)
„That would have been quite the show.“

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Episode 7

Premium: „YES! Ezra, you deserve love!“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Stay silent.“

„I didn’t sneak out this time.“
„I like you too. Red.“ (+Choice Made)
„Don’t start.“

„You’re secretly sentimental.“
„You want to kill me first.“ (+Choice Made)
„You’re waiting for the right moment.“

Episode 8

„No, you’re still you.“
„That’s my worry as well.“ (+Choice Made)
„Some things are bound to be different.“

„I didn’t understand a thing you just said.“
„That’s smart!“ (+Choice Made)
„Will that really work?“

Premium: „Give in and see what Ezra has in mind!“ (Needs 29 💗)
Normal: „Just watch the sunset.“

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Episode 9

„He’ll come around.“
„I completely understand.“ (+Choice Made)
„He should be happy.“

Premium: „Let Ezra sooth your aches and pains!“ (Needs 29 💗)
Normal: „Sleep through the pain …“

„Honestly, I can’t stand her.“
„So what if I do?“ (+Choice Made)
„What’s the matter, are you jealous?“

Episode 10

Premium: „Ezra believes is you! Fight at his side!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Uhm … no?“

„Let’s talk about this.“
„Ezra, close your eyes.“ (+Choice Made)
„So what are you waiting for?“

„This world? You can have it.“
„You’ll never get away with it.“ (+Choice Made)
„What are you, some comic book villain?“

Episode 11

„Yell at them!“
„Break them up!“ (+Choice Made)
„Let them work it out.“

Premium: „By the power of three WE. WILL. FIND. DOOOD!“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Let’s just head home.“

„We’ll avenge your sisters.“
„Red didn’t deserve you.“ (+Choice Made)
„We have each other now.“

Episode 12

„I was on vacation.“
„I just needed a break.“ (+Choice Made)
„It doesn’t matter.“

Premium: „Ezra needs you to run wild and free with him!“ (Needs 29 💗)
Normal: „I want to but … “

„That’s what I think you meant to say earlier.“
„It feels like a trap for me, too.“ (+Choice Made)
„I can’t keep hurting you that way.“

Season 4

(*Note: Special Thanks to Cathrin for this Walkthrough!)
Episode 1

„Or am I up late?“
„I couldn’t sleep.“ (+Choice Made)
„I could say the same about you!“

Premium: „Make love to Ezra in the rain!“ (Needs 30 💗)
Normal: „Go back inside.“

„I hope you’re not giving up.“
„Maybe it’s better this way.“ (+Choice Made)
„Are you sure this isn’t just some excuse?“

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Episode 2

„Yes! Tons!“
„Who can really think like her?“ (+Choice Made)
„We’re still working things out.“

Premium: „Find some trouble, and maybe more, with Ezra!“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Let it be.“

„Did you hear there’s free pizza on the quad?“
„Fire!“ (+Choice Made)
„Guess who’s pregnant!“

Episode 3

Premium: „Oh Ezra, prepare to taste DEFEAT!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „This magic stuff wears me out.“

„Great idea!“
„As long as you’re not alone.“ (+Choice Made)
„But not me?“

„Oh, shit.“
„Confessed what?“ (+Choice Made)
„How about I confess now?“

Episode 4

Premium: „Steal a moment alone with Ezra!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Wait for Nora … “

„We were just headed there now.“
„The WHAT?“ (+Choice Made)
„Omar! Snap out of it!“

„ … Books“
„I don’t care.“ (+Choice Made)
„A coincidence?“

Episode 5

„No! I’m not.“
„Answer the question, Ezra.“ (+Choice Made)
„I’m just being cautious“

Premium: „It’s corny … but you are soft for corny.“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „My hands are dirty … “

„It’s not so different.“
„At least it’s exciting.“ (+Choice Made)
„It’s a minor hiccup.“

Episode 6

Premium: „Let Ezra show you this whole new world!“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „He should go … “

„Maybe, given some time.“
„I’m not ready for that.“ (+Choice Made)
„I don’t think help.“

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Episode 7

„I’m sure you’ll be great for us!“
„We’ll take all the help we can get.“ (+Choice Made)
„Don’t get too cocky.“

Premium: „It could be your last chance… hear Ezra’s promise!“ (Needs 29 💗)
Normal: „Just cry … “

„Should we leave?“
„I can help!“ (+Choice Made)
„What happens if this goes wrong?“

Episode 8

„That’s risky!“
„Poor Arin.“ (+Choice Made)
„That sounds familiar … “

„Confuse us?“
„Stop my magic?“ (+Choice Made)
„Freak us out?“

Premium: „Let dream Ezra give you a message from the stars.“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Just rest … nothing else.“

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Episode 9

„Spring a trap.“
„Stick to the shadows.“ (+Choice Made)
„Get close and trip him.“

„Mouse and Edward.“ (+Choice Made)

Premium: „The final battle! You have to do the final battle!“ (Needs 29 💗)
Normal: „Hesitate.“

Episode 10

„Try to turn invisible.“
„Try to curtsy.“ (+Choice Made)
„Try not to cry.“

„I’m just doing what’s right.“
„You’re welcome.“ (+Choice Made)
„Your thanks? That’s it?“

Premium: „Let Ezra make sure you are alright!“ (Needs 29 💗)
Normal: „Shiver … “

Episode 11

„Yes, let’s GO!“
„Ready as I’ll ever be.“ (+Choice Made)
„No, wait.“

Premium: „Tell Ezra he doesn’t have to gentle!“ (Needs 30 💗)
Normal: „Maybe we should sleep … “

Episode 12

„What was that all about?“
Ha! Guilty!“ (+Choice Made)
„Why are you still here?“

„Triple Threat.“
„Best of Three.“ (+Choice Made)
„My Hunter, My Hunter, and Me.“

Premium: „Weave a spell of love everlasting with Ezra!“ (Needs 29 💗)
Normal: „We have all the time in the world … “

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