
07 August, 2020

[Walkthrough] Ever After Academy - Ezra Wolf

Season 1

(*Note: Special Thanks to Cathrin for this Walkthrough!)

Prologue / Episode 1

„You can tutor me AND be boring.“
„I know, I'm sorry.“ (+Choice Made)
„Maybe I can help you instead?“

„You're the actual Big Bad Wolf!?“
„Magic is real?!“ (+Choice Made)
„You're from another world?!“

„Tell me I was right.“
„I still can't believe it either.“ (+Choice Made)
„Maybe we're both dreaming?“

Episode 2

Premium: „Show Ezra how to hunt lunch” (Needs 15 💗)
Normal: „Leave him to fend for himself.”

„What does 'thin magic' mean?“
„Is that why your claws don't work?“ (+Choice Made)
„I understand the witch, but the prince?“

„How did you find us?“
„Did something bad happen?“ (+Choice Made)
„What are you doing here?“

Episode 3

„What were those lights?“
„Thank you.“ (+Choice Made)
„What are you doing here?“


Premium: „Give into you curiosity and walk with Ezra!” (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „Stay in the dark …. literally.”

„I got caught up.“
„It's done, just forgot it.“ (+Choice Made)
„I'm really sorry.“

Episode 4

„But I'm not magical …. right?“
„That was a coincidence.“ (+Choice Made)
„What about the other books?“

Premium: „Get the truth from Ezra.” (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Go back downstairs.”

„Play it cool.“
„Admit you zoned out.“ (+Choice Made)

Episode 5
„I don't think so.“ (+Choice Made)
„Please sit!“

„He's not my admirer.“
„You jealous?(+Choice Made)
„You face will get stuck like that.“

„I'm sick of you. Zing!“
„I can be nice when you're nice.“ (+Choice Made)
„I'm just tired.“

Episode 6

„Edward.“ (+Choice Made)
„The weirdness!“

Premium: „Howl at the moon with Ezra!” (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Absolutely not.”

„Come all the way closer.“ (+Choice Made)
„Ask why.“

Episode 7

„Who set the curse?“
„How do you know?“ (+Choice Made)
„Why wasn't he at the library, that first night?“

„It is a current class!“
„I'm just holding them for a friend!“ (+Choice Made)
„No, it's a hobby! For a pet!“

„Are you warning me?“
„Are you scared of him?“ (+Choice Made)
„Dangerous how?“

Episode 8

„I'm not sure about this.“
„Win, win, win!“ (+Choice Made)
„Arin, you're evil.“

Premium: „Make Ezra tell you about good kisses.” (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Is my face red?”

„How did you learn to speak?“
„Do you sing?“ (+Choice Made)
„What are your favorite poems?“

Episode 9

Premium: „Listen to Ezra's apology.” (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „It's not the time.”

„What spell is this person casting?“
„How much time do we have?“ (+Choice Made)
„Should we stay by the lighthouse?“

„Do you see the culprit?“
„Miss me already?“ (+Choice Made) „No, YOU stay close to ME.“

Episode 10

„Stop pulling in all this magic!“
„What spell are you casting?“ (+Choice Made)
„You won't get away.“

„Can we talk about this first?“
„No! It's not yours!“ (+Choice Made)
„Omar, what if you do hand it over?“

„Not anymore.“
„You wish.“ (+Choice Made)
„Respond with a hand gesture.“

Episode 11
„How many wishes have you used?“
„How did you get the lamp?“ (+Choice Made)
„Why does the Beast want the lamp?“

„Pre-stage jitters.“ (+Choice Made)
„Do I look like something's wrong?“

Premium: „Play the game …. and get the info on Ezra.” (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Count me out.”

Episode 12

„He's not mine.“
„That's his business.“ (+Choice Made)
„Maybe you should be less honest.“

Premium: „Let Ezra check you …. closely.” (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Insist you're fine.”

„I'm sorry.“
„I'm glad.“ (+Choice Made)
„Poor me.“

Season 2

(*Note: Special Thanks to Cathrin for this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

„What do you think?“
„I'm right here!“ (+Choice Made)
„What do you mean 'still'?“

„That's all you have to say to me?“
„Where have you been?“ (+Choice Made)
„Why did you drop our class?“

„No, it's not!“
„Why even talk to me at all?“ (+Choice Made)
„Who do you think you are?“

Episode 2

Premium: „Give in to the fantasy with Ezra!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Go home.“

„But why?“
„Where's my brother?“ (+Choice Made)
„Is Jimmy okay?“

Premium: „Let Ezra teach you about the woods!“ (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „You do know I grew up here … right?“

Episode 3

„Grab Mouse.“
„Trip Mouse.“ (+Choice Made)
„Throw something at Mouse.“

„Deny that.“
„Own it.“ (+Choice Made)
„Be very, very quiet.“

Premium: „Help Ezra however you can!“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „What if I make it worse?“

Episode 4

„Like the rhyme!“
„What about the other two mice?“ (+Choice Made)
„Did you know her sisters?“

Premium: „Let Ezra make you feel better!“ (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „No, I think I'll just hide. Forever.“

„It's Ezra.“
„It's urgent.“ (+Choice Made)
„It's under control.“

Episode 5

„NOW I'm too loud?“
„The door was open!“ (+Choice Made)
„Why did you get naked?!“

Premium: „Learn what Ezra would do on a first date!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „I have schoolwork.“

„What was it?“
„Why me?“ (+Choice Made)
„Who would do that?“

Episode 6

Premium: „Get an evening alone with Ezra!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „No, I can handle it.“

„You just said this wasn't your business!“ (+Choice Made)
„I really AM doing it for his sake!“

„Does she have a kingdom?“
„Does she have a name?“ (+Choice Made)
„How did you get involved?“

Episode 7

Premium: „Make this moment with Ezra last.“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „We should stop.“

„We couldn't wait?“
„We were studying late. Like good students!“ (+Choice Made)
„It was unlocked!“

„Be truthful.“
„Be teasing.“ (+Choice Made)
„Be smug.“

Episode 8

„But this place is great!“
„Does Mouse have a book?“ (+Choice Made)
„Does anything else weirs happen?“

Premium: „Encourage Ezra to tell you about his life!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Just stay quiet.“

„Why is it so dark in here?“
„I didn't mean to fall asleep!“ (+Choice Made)
„Did we worry anybody?“

Episode 9

Premium: „Let Ezra treat you!“ (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „But … my long to do list …“

„It's frustrating.“
„I think it WAS an answer.“ (+Choice Made)
„Don't punch walls.“

„Why are you asking me?“
„I have no idea.“ (+Choice Made)
„Oh, you know Edward.“

Episode 10

Premium: „Trust Ezra to keep you warm!“ (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „Risk the shore.“

„Agree with Lucas.“
„Disagree with both.“ (+Choice Made)
„Agree with Nora.“

„That must be a mistake.“
„Just me, or other too?“ (+Choice Made)
„Why didn't you tell me this earlier?!“

Episode 11

„Try to power through.“
„Shut him up.“ (+Choice Made)
„Maybe Nora can answer?“

Premium: „Fall asleep with Ezra tonight.“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Sleep alone.“

„You chicken?“
„Yes. All of that.“ (+Choice Made)
„What else are you busy with?“

Episode 12

„Lucas.“ (+Choice Made)

„Is his memory impacted too?“
„Are my spell and his curse connected?“ (+Choice Made)
„Will the cure take long?“

Premium: „Let Ezra apologize for running away from you …“ (Needs 29 💗)
Normal: „Cut him off.“

Season 3

(*Note: Special Thanks to Cathrin for this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1

„You tell me.“
„I'm just sick of hearing about you.“ (+Choice Made)
„Your reputation precedes you.“

„Punch her.“
„Take her knife.“ (+Choice Made)
„Go for her throat.“

Premium: „Keep using your hands to show Ezra what you know.“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Focus, Ezra …“

Episode 2

„I can help, too!“
„Guess I'm off the hook?“ (+Choice Made)
„I'm not going near Red.“

Premium: „Let Ezra tell you about how beautiful you are!“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „You have to study for a test.“

Episode 3

„Maybe just one slap.“
„No, I agree with Ezra.“ (+Choice Made)
„I think we all should get one!“

Premium: „Tell Ezra all your feelings … and her his too.“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „It's cold outside.“

„He trusts your magic.“
„I can handle myself.“ (+Choice Made)
„Ezra's headed over soon.“

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Episode 4

„Maybe she'd listen to me.“
„I wanted answers!“ (+Choice Made)
„I was trying to protect you.“

„Great! When do you start?“
„I'm guessing there's some sort of catch?“ (+Choice Made)
„And that partner would be … you?“

Premium: „Go whereever Ezra wants to take you!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Just a few more minutes.“

Episode 5

„You can send Red back to her world?“
„You can stop Red for good?“ (+Choice Made)
„You're a pretty powerful magic user?“

„I always knew there was something like this.“
„Why didn't anyone tell me sooner?“ (+Choice Made)
„I don't think I'm ready for this.“

Premium: „Let Ezra tell you how he loves you!“ (Needs 29 💗)
Normal: „I can't.“

Episode 6

„I don't feel safe anymore.“
„As long as you're with me.“ (+Choice Made)
„It's not like we have a lot of options.“

Premium: „What am I waiting for? Ezra wants more!“ (Needs 31 💗)
Normal: „Breakfast?“

„Yes, that would have been mortifying.“
„Is THAT why we didn't do this sooner?“ (+Choice Made)
„That would have been quite the show.“

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Episode 7

Premium: „YES! Ezra, you deserve love!“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Stay silent.“

„I didn’t sneak out this time.“
„I like you too. Red.“ (+Choice Made)
„Don’t start.“

„You’re secretly sentimental.“
„You want to kill me first.“ (+Choice Made)
„You’re waiting for the right moment.“

Episode 8

„No, you’re still you.“
„That’s my worry as well.“ (+Choice Made)
„Some things are bound to be different.“

„I didn’t understand a thing you just said.“
„That’s smart!“ (+Choice Made)
„Will that really work?“

Premium: „Give in and see what Ezra has in mind!“ (Needs 29 💗)
Normal: „Just watch the sunset.“

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Episode 9

„He’ll come around.“
„I completely understand.“ (+Choice Made)
„He should be happy.“

Premium: „Let Ezra sooth your aches and pains!“ (Needs 29 💗)
Normal: „Sleep through the pain …“

„Honestly, I can’t stand her.“
„So what if I do?“ (+Choice Made)
„What’s the matter, are you jealous?“

Episode 10

Premium: „Ezra believes is you! Fight at his side!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Uhm … no?“

„Let’s talk about this.“
„Ezra, close your eyes.“ (+Choice Made)
„So what are you waiting for?“

„This world? You can have it.“
„You’ll never get away with it.“ (+Choice Made)
„What are you, some comic book villain?“

Episode 11

„Yell at them!“
„Break them up!“ (+Choice Made)
„Let them work it out.“

Premium: „By the power of three WE. WILL. FIND. DOOOD!“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Let’s just head home.“

„We’ll avenge your sisters.“
„Red didn’t deserve you.“ (+Choice Made)
„We have each other now.“

Episode 12

„I was on vacation.“
„I just needed a break.“ (+Choice Made)
„It doesn’t matter.“

Premium: „Ezra needs you to run wild and free with him!“ (Needs 29 💗)
Normal: „I want to but … “

„That’s what I think you meant to say earlier.“
„It feels like a trap for me, too.“ (+Choice Made)
„I can’t keep hurting you that way.“

Season 4

(*Note: Special Thanks to Cathrin for this Walkthrough!)
Episode 1

„Or am I up late?“
„I couldn’t sleep.“ (+Choice Made)
„I could say the same about you!“

Premium: „Make love to Ezra in the rain!“ (Needs 30 💗)
Normal: „Go back inside.“

„I hope you’re not giving up.“
„Maybe it’s better this way.“ (+Choice Made)
„Are you sure this isn’t just some excuse?“

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Episode 2

„Yes! Tons!“
„Who can really think like her?“ (+Choice Made)
„We’re still working things out.“

Premium: „Find some trouble, and maybe more, with Ezra!“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Let it be.“

„Did you hear there’s free pizza on the quad?“
„Fire!“ (+Choice Made)
„Guess who’s pregnant!“

Episode 3

Premium: „Oh Ezra, prepare to taste DEFEAT!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „This magic stuff wears me out.“

„Great idea!“
„As long as you’re not alone.“ (+Choice Made)
„But not me?“

„Oh, shit.“
„Confessed what?“ (+Choice Made)
„How about I confess now?“

Episode 4

Premium: „Steal a moment alone with Ezra!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Wait for Nora … “

„We were just headed there now.“
„The WHAT?“ (+Choice Made)
„Omar! Snap out of it!“

„ … Books“
„I don’t care.“ (+Choice Made)
„A coincidence?“

Episode 5

„No! I’m not.“
„Answer the question, Ezra.“ (+Choice Made)
„I’m just being cautious“

Premium: „It’s corny … but you are soft for corny.“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „My hands are dirty … “

„It’s not so different.“
„At least it’s exciting.“ (+Choice Made)
„It’s a minor hiccup.“

Episode 6

Premium: „Let Ezra show you this whole new world!“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „He should go … “

„Maybe, given some time.“
„I’m not ready for that.“ (+Choice Made)
„I don’t think help.“

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Episode 7

„I’m sure you’ll be great for us!“
„We’ll take all the help we can get.“ (+Choice Made)
„Don’t get too cocky.“

Premium: „It could be your last chance… hear Ezra’s promise!“ (Needs 29 💗)
Normal: „Just cry … “

„Should we leave?“
„I can help!“ (+Choice Made)
„What happens if this goes wrong?“

Episode 8

„That’s risky!“
„Poor Arin.“ (+Choice Made)
„That sounds familiar … “

„Confuse us?“
„Stop my magic?“ (+Choice Made)
„Freak us out?“

Premium: „Let dream Ezra give you a message from the stars.“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Just rest … nothing else.“

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Episode 9

„Spring a trap.“
„Stick to the shadows.“ (+Choice Made)
„Get close and trip him.“

„Mouse and Edward.“ (+Choice Made)

Premium: „The final battle! You have to do the final battle!“ (Needs 29 💗)
Normal: „Hesitate.“

Episode 10

„Try to turn invisible.“
„Try to curtsy.“ (+Choice Made)
„Try not to cry.“

„I’m just doing what’s right.“
„You’re welcome.“ (+Choice Made)
„Your thanks? That’s it?“

Premium: „Let Ezra make sure you are alright!“ (Needs 29 💗)
Normal: „Shiver … “

Episode 11

„Yes, let’s GO!“
„Ready as I’ll ever be.“ (+Choice Made)
„No, wait.“

Premium: „Tell Ezra he doesn’t have to gentle!“ (Needs 30 💗)
Normal: „Maybe we should sleep … “

Episode 12

„What was that all about?“
Ha! Guilty!“ (+Choice Made)
„Why are you still here?“

„Triple Threat.“
„Best of Three.“ (+Choice Made)
„My Hunter, My Hunter, and Me.“

Premium: „Weave a spell of love everlasting with Ezra!“ (Needs 29 💗)
Normal: „We have all the time in the world … “

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1 comment:

    for season 2
