
24 May, 2021

MeChat: Love Secrets - Main Page

Find your perfect match with MeChat!

Welcome to the game with a fully new virtual date experience! Live through the stories where you make choices and your choices impact the story.

SWIPE and MATCH with dozens of characters who are waiting there for you. Different characters, backgrounds and stories. Romance, adventure or drama, what lies ahead? Play to find out!

MATCH with those you like! Get to know your virtual crushes through exciting chats and fabulous pictures, react with emojis and make choices to impact the story.

DATE with characters you have a strong bond with. Unveil their hidden secrets and greatest joys in great variety of settings! You are the main hero and love interest in MeChat.

Let's Swipe, Match and Date!
Last Update on this page: 23. January 2022

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(All Characters, Stories and Pictures belong to © PlayMe Studio.)

My Rating:

Fun: ★★★★★
Drama: ★★★★★
 Horror: ★★★☆☆
Mature content: ★★★★★
Love: ★★★★★
Art quality: ★★★☆☆


I found this game while searching for a similar game to Lovelink, since I couldn't get enough of that game.πŸ˜… My first impression on MeChat is, that it is VERY similar to Lovelink. But there are some significant differences between the games. I try to not compare the two games too much, since they are in its own unique and highly recommended to play. But sometimes it's hard to avoid. I'd like to give you my opinion about different things in the game, that could be of help and helps you to learn more about the game:

1. The graphic. Honestly, one particular character frightened me so much, I stopped reading his route for a while. Granted, Lovelink sometimes has differences between the profile pic and the character sprites as well, but in MeChat they differ so much, that it's quite confusing. I think MeChat noticed that too, since they just released some new profile pics and changes sprites for some characters. (There even are some characters that are animated). This said, I want to add that their CG's are just as stunning (and hotπŸ”₯), as the one from Lovelink.
2. The in-app currency: Whereas Lovelink wants 330 jewels to unlock a CG, MeChat asks for 33 jewels or less, depending on how far you got into the story. With a daily reward of 5 jewels, it's way easier to unlock CG's or premium decissions (14 jewels). However, if you go on a date be prepared to at least have 30 or more gems in store, as there are a few premium choices ahead of you. The good thing is, that you can just quit the game and start it again. And once you have the amount of gems you need, you can go on the date again and continue where you left.

3. Voicemail: In MeChat you can get voicemails from some of the characters, which you can unlock for 33 jewels. Lovelink still hasn't added that feature, which thinking about having to pay for a voice-actor per character and that for the currently over 100 characters available, it's also a question of money. 
4. Character likes: at the end of a conversation, or if the story of a character is currently finished and under developement, you are able to send "like" or hearts to that person. I guess this is one way for PlayMe Studio to find out which story to resume on writing.
5. Translation: I get the impression, that this game was translated from another language, I think French or something like that. It shows at certain parts of the story, where sentences just either make no sense at all, it's badly translated or there are sentences in between missing. BUT! This applies more or less only on the older characters that were first released. Maybe MeChat got new translators in the meantime, but their translation improved highly.
6. Characters: There are SO MANY characters in this story😱 (319 as of today), but only about 100 of them playable. Ok, ok, I know it's a lot of work to come up with a good story, programming it and drawing the necessary CG's and character sprites. But why making THAT MUCH, if half of them aren't even available to play? Why not save the work to come up with new characters and invest in a few new routes or already available characters. Or what's even better and what I like a lot about Lovelink - seasonal characters! It's like celebrating certain festivities and make it special to get that character. With MeChat you don't get that and instead just very rarely see the not playable characters. What you see are those characters, of which you already swiped right on their counterpart (character who shares the same story). UPDATE: There are a few "Exclusive" character available that you have to pay for. Some of them can be called seasonal as well, although it isn't mentioned in the game. My opinion of those characters is, that they are great, but I expected more for the price you have to pay to get them. Like less pics but instead they are free, or something like that. But some of them have similar routes to the normal available characters, so I don't quite understand what made them special enough to make them "Exclusive" and why "Exclusive" characters are even needed, aside for making more money.


First you get to choose your name, zodiac sign and what you are interested in (partying, gardening, etc.). Then the game starts and you can choose with which character you want to "chat". To do that, you simply swipe the picture to the right side (or click on the heart button below). If you're not interested in the character, swipe to the left or hit the X button. NOTE: Most characters share their story with one or more characters, so once you have chosen a certain character, you're not able to read the other characters with the same story. The difference between those stories are the name, the character sprites and the character you see in the special pictures. So, choose wisely or check out the names on the list below to decide which character you want to pick.
It might be that even if you swipe right, the character you've chose won't pick you at the first try. Just be patience and keep on trying. Also, some stories stop at a certain point and you have to wait for updates to keep on reading their stories. Other characters that you see in the app are still not available, but keep on trying - you never know when they might become available πŸ˜‰
(To all those who play this game: if you're able to get a CG which I haven't posted here or a Walkthrough, it would be great, if you could send it to me, so I can post it here for everyone. Thanks and have lots of fun swiping!)

(*Note: Characters marked with a ★ aren't available yet.
πŸ’› are special "Exclusive" Characters you have to buy.)


    If you want to know more about the game:
    If you encounter a problem:
    In case you encounter a problem with the game, please contact the game company:
    ^If you want to support my blog, click here to buy me a coffe. Thanks!
    Dear User/Guest, if you have some time, please check out the Credits Page.
    I listed there everyone who I wanted to thank for their help with this blog.

    MeChat: Love Secrets - Xavi Armstrong

    (*Note: Special Thanks to Cathrin & Kylie J. for the CG's!) 

    As far as known, Xavi Armstrong shares the story with no one else.