
28 June, 2014

My Forged Wedding (Party) - How to Play

Hello Everyone!

On this page you can find the most helpful advices for MFW (Party). 
To have a better overlook of this page I make here a short list of what you can find:

- Advices from the Main Page
- First 7 Days of Playing Starter Bonus Missions
- How to get more Mari
- Where to find the Daily Bonus Mission
- How to Improve Chemistry
- Missions
- Cooking Battle
- Gacha
- About Changing Character/Choosing New Route


Let me repeat my advices from the Main Page:

  • DON'T waste your Mari on clothes. You'll need the money to buy clothes for the mission (*Note: Sweet Route clothes can only be bought with REAL money...).
  • Also, if you buy clothes, remember that your clothes storage is limited and that you have to buy more space with REAL money!
  • Other possibility to receive clothes = complete "Beginner's Lesson".
  • Log in every day to receive daily bonus gifts.
  • Make a review and add your ID. If s.o. adds you, you'll receive gifts.
  • Also, you'll get 3000 Gacha points if 5 of your friends used your invitation code (It might be possible that you'll get more gifts, if more of your friends used your code. I still need to confirm this.)
  • Do "Cooking Battle" to get Mari, Gacha- and Wife Points.
  • Invite as many friends as possible. They'll help you complete "Cooking Battle" and you can greet them daily to the Mari.
  • On every end of a Chapter you'll be asked to write a review. If you send one, you'll get a gift.
  • Sometimes while playing the Cooking Battle, you might be able to share your victory with your friends. If you do that, you'll get a gift in return, if your friend accepts your gift.

 Here you can see the missions of the "Beginner's Lesson" which is only accessible for the first 7 days after you start playing the game. Don't forget to claim your prizes on the "Beginner's Lession" page within this 7 Days! (otherwhise you'll loose your prizes...)


How to get more Mari:

  1. Complete the "Beginner's Lession". (Only available for the first 7 days)
  2. Log in every day. On the 10th day you'll get 1000 Mari points.  (There are checkpoints on Day 60, 100, 200, 500 where you can get access to a special Fashion Gacha!)
  3. Play the Cooking Battle (see below). If you win you receive some Mari.
  4. Greet Friends and you get 10 Mari (+1 if a friend greets you).
  5. Play the Interior Gacha (or Event Gacha) Mari is one of the possible gifts you can get, if you don't get furniture. If you already have a furniture, just sell it (remember that you just have a limited amount of space!)
  6. On every end of a Chapter you'll be asked to write a Review. If you send one, you might get some Mari or even LOVE LETTERS!
  7. Once a month you can get a special avatar item (although the requirements are rather hard). If you have and wear it, you might (Power of the avatar item can change) get the double Mari while playing the Cooking Battle.
  8. Complete the Daily Bonus Mission.

^Here you can see, where you can find the Button to the Daily Bonus Mission. You only have a limited amount of time to complete it, before the next mission starts. The prices you get from completing the Daily Mission can be quite helpful, so try to complete them as often, as possible.
To see what your Daily Bonus is, click on the Button, I framed  with a red circle.


How to increase Chemistry

Like Rintaro... oh, sorry, LILY said - if your Charm Level rises for a certain amount, so will your Chemistry (same goes for Total Wife Points, but I'm not sure about this). To get your Chemistry higher, you have 6 possibilities:
(Inderectely) would be to play the Cooking Battle.  You also get Gacha Points and Mari which also helps you to get Chemistry because -
1. - with the Interior Item Gacha you can get new furniture which might raise your Chemistry (trough higher Charm Level). 
2. You can buy Clothes which also raise Charm but I recommend to not buy them because your clothing space is limited and you have to buy certain clothes to complete missions anyway.  That leaves
3. = to play the Fashion Gacha (you can get some Gacha Medals for free during Events, Login Bonus and very rarely for making the Daily Mission)
3. = waiting for the Special Chemistry Fever Time, where you can get double the Chemistry for every answer (= 10 not 5 if you chose the wrong one and 20 not 10 for the right answer)
4. = if you Level up (confirmed by Shadow! Thank you for that! ^^) You get 3 Chemistry Points for a Level up.
5. = participate in the Events (House Renovation, Item Collection and Special Story Events) where you can get extra Clothes and/or Furniture.

(If anyone of you knows more ways to increase Chemistry, please let me know! Thanks!)




 Cooking Battle




About Changing Character/Choosing New Route

Many gamers are afraid to choose a new route because they think, they'll loose everything. Don't be afraid about choosing another route. It's only bad if you are in the middle of playing a route, because then you will loose all your progress.
But if you have finished a route and can choose a new character, you can keep everything except the wife points for the previous route (controll under "Status" on "My Page") =>
There are two kinds of Wife Points: The "Wife Points" = like I said the wife points you gained during playing a route & the "Total Wife Points" = all Wife Points you ever collected during every route.
Ok, so if you change now Character/choose a new route, you will ONLY loose the "Wife Points" = Points you gained for the previous route. If you play the "Cooking Battle" you will see, that your "Total Wife Points" are still the same.
Everything else (except the Chemistry of course) will be safe, you WON'T lose Mari, Gacha Points, Closet, Warehouse, Items or anything else. You will still have them all, even if you change the Character. Only the Gacha of the Character you played, will of course not be available anymore.
So go ahead and enjoy playing a new Character.
P.s. If you still are afraid and to be totally sure, save your data via "Transfer Data" => Click on "Support" (right corner of My Page) and then "Transfer Data"


  1. Sorry for the bother (and for my poor english), but I have a question about "My forged wedding party". Actually, I soon finish my main story and I hesitate about a new route after. If, for exemple, I want to read my first main story after the second, it is possible or not?
    (To be clear, I read Yamato's route actually. If I read another story, can I read Yamato again or I'll must redo it with choices ?) Thank you for your time, Annie ☆

    1. Nothing will happen. You can ready Yamato's story again and again whenever you like to (^o^)

    2. Yeah, you can read any story you like, AFTER finishing one. As far as I know, you'll lose the story progress if you switch character halfway. I don't know if you have to read the story with Love Passes and choices, but it seems to be that case. (That would be so nice to just read through the story like in the paid-version *sigh*).

  2. Help me please!!!! :C yesterday i change my phone, so i wanna transfer my data in the new... but when i choose "Tansfer data" there's nowhere i can write my user ID, so, they gave a new ID for this phone??!!! How can i transfer my old data??? !!!! :'C *cry cry cry*
    Thanks... :'C </3 **

    1. Hello there!
      That seems strange… I tried the “Transfer Data” on my phone, and it seems to work. Have you registered your game BEFORE you used your new phone (just asking 😉 ). If you don’t mind, could you send me a screenshot of your Transfer Data page in the game. I might find a clue, but if not, the best solution would be to directly contact Voltage via the Support Center.


  3. Hello i just want to ask. Are you know how to save the cg? I want save it on my phone :O (sorry for bad eng)

    1. Hi Nii-Chan!

      I actually sent Voltage a mail about this and their reply was that there is no possibility to save the CG's. All you can do is to screenshot it :(


  4. Hello...I juz want to ask about why my input invite code isn't working at all...every time I press goes back to my page as usual...what is the problem~T_T~(sorry for my poor eng)but please help me!•﹏•

    1. Hi celine!

      Hmmm... that looks very much like a technical problem. Best would be if you contact Voltage Inc directly via the support center in the game, so they can check your apps. Maybe it' a bug they still don't know about, so it would also help other gamers with the same problem if you reported it to them. :)


  5. How do you "buy Chemistry with real money"? I am in the middle of the "Normal End" for Yamato, because it seems like I made a lot of wrong choices ;_; If I finish this Normal End and try and play Yamato again, making all the right choices, will I be able to see the "Happy End," or would I end up needing to spend all the time to earn Wife Points, etc.? Or can't I do that at all...? Once you get the Normal End, that's it?!

    1. Hi there!

      I have to apologize! Actually you can't buy Chemistry. I guess I was just hoping for Voltage t make this option possible, but oh well... So, Thanks for telling me. I'll change that info immediately!
      About your question: Wife Points are needed to pass the Checkpoints, so Yes, you need to earn them again. The good thing from repeating the route is, that you already have all the clothes you need for the Mission, so you don't have to spend money/Mari again. :) I made a calculation and with all the right answers, you should get 280 Chemistry - so you get the Happy Ending. If you play the Gacha and get enough Furniture or play Events and get Clothes, you might even reach the Super Happy End! :)
      So, sorry again for the wrong info and have fun with Yamato!


  6. Hi I was just wondering how to change your avatar to a normal or sweet style avatar so can you help me out please

    1. Hi Carleigh!

      That's simple - just go to your closet after buying the Normal or Sweet Route Clothes , select to wear them and then proceed with the story. REMEMBER: you have to buy the clothes for the Sweet route with REAL money! - and you only get a CG with playing the Sweet route...


  7. Hello there! Wirth for the question, maybe you have already andare to it bit I wanted to ask: how can i get illustrations with guys? I have to choose the "sweet item", which means i have to pay with real money, to get one? i hope i've explained my question properly >__< thanks.

    1. Hi!

      Yes, the only way to get the illustrations is to chose the "Sweet Route", which means you have to buy the Avatar item with real money. The story remains the same if you choose the "Normal Route", only that you don't get the CG.


  8. Hi! can someone teache me how do codes work??
    I read a lot of comments asking to use them, but I don't know where can I write it! :S

    Thank you!!

    1. Hi there!

      Normally you can use the Invitation Code only when you first install the game and start playing it. Afterward you need the Code when you want to find a certain Friend. The same system is used for all of the "Shall we date?" games - you can only use it BEFORE you even start playing it. I know that's not really fair, but unfortunately that's how they made the games :(
      The other way around - that someone uses YOUR Id is way easier: Just write a review on the App/Play store and mention your id there. Of course you can mention it wherever you want, so that someone else uses it! And then you'll get some nice gifts :D


  9. Whaa, okay, so I need clarification 'cause I'm still a bit confused. Okay let's say we finished the character route, then you switch characters and want to go back to the previous character you just finished. Will the gachas that you unlocked be available right away? Or would you have to wait until after Chapter 2 to unlock all the gachas again?

    1. No, all Main Route Gacha's you unlocked are still available to play when you switch back to the character. However, you only are able to spin the Gacha of the current Character you play, so even if you unlocked all of Yamato's Gachas for example, you can't spin it while playing Ren's route. Well, I think you already knew that, but jut to be sure ^^
      You also don't have to wait until you get access to your house, but can go there immediately. :D


  10. what are gacha points? i know what gacha coins are, but i'm confused about the points. what are they for?
    also, how do you get hair? i can't seem to find hair in the shops

    1. Gacha Coins are for the Fashion Gacha = Clothes. You hardly get some for free, so you have to buy them with real money.

      Gacha POINTS you get while playing the Cooking Battle you you get them randomly as a prize. With these Points you can spin the Interior Item Gacha (look on the right side on the Main Page, right below your Avatar). = FURNITURE or Mari, Aroma Theraphy, Love TIcket, Cooking Lession. The Furniture you get from this Gacha you can put up into your house and then you sometimes get a visite from the guys (that's so cute!).

      Well, Hair styles you mostly get during the Events as Prizes or in the Fashion Gacha. There actually aren't any Hair styles to buy, whether with Mari nor with real money...

  11. Hi, how can i claim the begginers lesson awards like apron and slippers? Receive it now below seems to be not working

    1. You need to claim it on the Beginners Lession Sheet.

  12. I have tried this as well and I can't seem to figure out how to get them

    1. Try to go to the Beginners Lession Page and click on the Prize List. And don't forget to check your Inbox!
      I'm sorry I can't give clear instructions but I can't check how exactely you have to do this. I only can tell you what I remember, back then when I was a beginner.
      Please contact Voltage Inc directly via the Support Centre, if you still can't claim your prices. I hope you'll get them!


  13. Hi i am a bit new in events but can i eliminate a event friend because i dont know how

    1. Unfortunately once you choose an Event-Friend, you can't delete him anymore. :(

  14. can help me, is that the one month I can not play my forged wendding party, the last time I went was played regular day 28/12 a few hours after I get does not open an error message is a GP505 cell genesis, when I try to open the game goes to a pink internet tab and is written in purple and writing down email report pink, do not remember what was written and speaks error = 60 please help me wish I could return to play :(

    1. That sounds like your game has a serious bug. Please contact Voltage Incs Support Center and tell them what you told e, so that they can fix it for you. Here is the mail adress if you have android:
      Here is the Contact Form Page if you have iOS:
      I hope they can help you so that you can return playing the game soon!


  15. hi I noticed that there is no mentioning of increasing wife mates in your guide. although the no. of wife mates I have will increase gradually as I progress in the game (just like wife points & charm), but is there a rule about it? e.g. no. of wife mates will increase by 2 or 3 after each route is played? and will our wife mates increase if we play the same husband route again? sorry for the lengthy msg ^_^

    1. Hi there!

      To tell the truth, I have no clue about this either... Voltage won't release any info about this too, but I guess it has something to do with the Individual Affection Points. I don't think that it has anything to do with which route we play and if we play it twice or so...
      If I ever find out WHEN the amount of Wife Mates increases, I'll post it here on the "How to Play?" page for sure.
      If you can find something out, would you be so kind and let me know? I'm really curious about this too!
      Thanks and keep having fun with the game!


    2. I think it might somehow be related to chemistry. I've been using your walkthrough to get as much chem' as possible and managed to get 320~ two times (and am at 300 at the end of chapter 13 right now).
      It can't be wife points cause some of my wife mates have way more but have 22 wife mates while I'm at 27. Can't be days either, nor charm... So my guess is chemistry. I know some of them never got any super happy end... But that's only my guess!

    3. OK. It's definitely chemistry. I just got a new wife mate slot right after getting (a lot of) chemistry! :)

    4. I see... Well now that you mention it, it kind of makes sense. Hmmm... maybe you get 1 mate slot for every 100 Chemistry? or every 50 Chemistry? Now thanks to you I'll keep an eye on my Chemistry points. Maybe this way we finally will find out how to get more mate slots :D
      Thanks for telling!!!!

  16. Hi I just wanted to know how I can discard items from my closet?

    1. Hi!

      Just click on he item you want to remove and then on "Discard", then accept it and the item is gone! REMEMBER: Once you delete an item, you can't get it back, also you will loose some Charm Points, so be careful what you discard!


  17. Hi! I was curious if completing interior gacha gets you anything extra besides getting closer to the super happy ending and getting all the furniture?

    1. I guess not. I actually completed everything for one character and that was all. In the Voltage Gree games you got a "Secret Gacha" for completeing all the Main Story Gacha, but this seems to be not the case for the Party games :(

  18. Yeah, so um, I have the party version of this game and I need to transfer data from my iPad to another electroni source but I can't because I can't find the support on my game device. So I really need help fast. Thanks.

    1. I know this is not fast, but I want to try to help you anyway.
      So to be able to play your current game on another device = to transfer your data, go to the "My Page" of your game and then on the right bottom corner you'll see the "Support" button. Just click on it and you will see the "Transfer data" button. If you can't see this "Support" button, please contact Voltage Inc directly:
      - If you play on Android, please send a Mail to:
      - If you play on iOS, fill in the Inquiry Form on this page ->

  19. I don't think cooking battle or wife points raise chem, they're just needed for point check missions in main story.. case in point I'm trying to get SH end on one of the season 2 main stories, raised my wife points thru cooking battle by 10k and my chemistry didn't go up a single bit. X_X the only thing that helps are actual items that give charm like furniture or clothes....

  20. I was wondering if you know how much charm goes into 1 chemistry cause I am playing a season 2 using your walkthrough and I have only got to 203 chemistry and would like to get the SH ending

    1. That's still a question we all would like to have an answer to, but unfortunately Voltage Inc didn't want to say anything more specific about it. The only thing we know for now is, that the amount of Charm you need to get 1 Chemistry point, rises with every Level.

  21. Hello! I wanted to know if there is some way to get coins(to buy closet) that is not buying them with real money. Thanks!!

  22. Hello ! I was wondering how to reactivate and account that had been reset. I've been playing this game for awhile and recently reset my device , and would like to retain the data that was stored on my iCloud. But the problem is I'm not sure where to get the transfer ID and code.

    1. You have to save the data before you reset your device. Like I wrote on this page, you have to save your data via "Transfer Data" => Click on "Support" (right corner of My Page) and then "Transfer Data". Same goes for restoring.
      If you didn't do this, please contact Voltage Inc directly via the Support Centre in the game (fill in the "Inquiry Form"), so they can track down your game account to hopefully restore it.
      Best luck and happy playing!

  23. Hi there! I just started playing My Forged Wedding and I'm loving it so far! However, I'm very confused with a couple of things:
    There seems to be several forms of currency? I can purchase things with coins, mari, and/or gacha, but what is the difference? Are they each meant for buying different things? Is there any way to earn coins without having to buy them with real money? What is mari and how is it earned? How do cooking lessons benefit you?
    Sorry for all of the questions, but the game does not explain some things clearly enough for me, and I see that you're an expert! (:

  24. Hey!
    So I just started this game and I love it.

    So I just have one question to ask you. If you finish a route, will your wife points go back down to 0?

    1. Is there a way I can see my greet history?

    2. Like I wrote on this page, you do lose your Wife Points, BUT your Individual Wife Points will remain. Means, that again you have to accumulate enough Wife Points to clear Missions, but that your Individual Wife Points (all Wife Points you ever earnerd = during Events or from previous Routes) will remain, so you can climb the Top Gamer Ranking and (if I remember clearly) you still have them during the Cooking Battle, so it's easier for you to win :)

  25. Thanks for your explanations! I'll start to read them all.

    BTW, does anyone here have some tips on how to always win in the Cooking Battle? Today, I lose 3 times that's why I wanna know how to win all the time to claim more Wife Points. Thanks!

    1. Like you can read in the explanation on this page, you have higher possibilities to win a Battle, if you:
      - have a friend with a high Charm Level and you select her to help you during the Battle
      - yourself have a high Charm Level
      - avoid battling against other gamers which have a higher Charm Level than yours (you can see the opponents Charm Level, so just switch to someone with a lower Level than yours)
      I guess that's all. After some time, and with a higher Charm Level, it gets easier to win those Cooking Battles and sometimes you even get a Bonus! YAY!

  26. Hi can somebody help me? I have the problem that i have to reset my tablet and if i do i will lose the gameplay of the game what can i do without losing the data please help me

    1. I already wrote it on this page, but here you go: save your data via "Transfer Data" => Click on "Support" (right corner of My Page) and then "Transfer Data". That's all. After you re-install it, go back to this option and you should be able to restore your data.

  27. I Just started playing this game and in comparison to Be my princess party this is quite hard since they dont give you coins like they give you gems in BMP... so since i cant be buying a new closet etc. Do you recommend each time we get a new clothes from gacha or mission we should delete some of the clothes we have? and will my cham ever go higher than my current 150?

    1. Hi Annie!

      Yeah, I thought so too. It's a bit unnerving that you can buy closet or storage space only with coins/real money. At least they could add an option where you can buy it with, I dunno 1,000 Mari or such. It'S such a pity that we have to delete clothes or furniture because we have no more space left :(
      I personally recommend to not play the gacha and to buy only clothes you need to pass the checkpoint. That way you won't have to delete too much of 'em. Aaaand if you still have to, try to remove those with the lowest amount of Charm, like those you get at the beginning.
      Always calculate in advance how much space you have left, before you do a gacha or buy a cloth and yes, your Charm level can rise waaaay more then 150 points... and you even get 3-5 Chemistry points when the surpassed a certai amount :)
      I hope I could help you out a little and if you have more questions, please go ahead and write again!
      Until then - merry x-mas and happy playing!


  28. Hello...
    Do you know where to input the invitation code? I only found the ID. Thak you :)

  29. I've been looking all over to figure out how to greet wife mates beyond your max. For example, a daily mission rewarding a hairstyle needs you to greet 20 wife mates, but I can only have 13! Is there any way to greet others? The only thing I could think of would be to drop and add 7 new wife mates in a day, and that might not even work.

    Any help is appreciated! Thank you :)

    1. Hi there!

      That's really strange from Voltage Inc to demand an impossible Mission...
      Well I'm not sure if it works, but you could try to greet the mates of your mates. Do you know what I mean? If you go to the comment section of you Wife Mates, you can often see comments from you Mates friends - those who aren't your friends. If you click on their name, you should be able to go to their page and maybe you can greet them too. That's just a guess. I haven't tried it for myself, so I'm not sure if this works, but that's the only solution that came to my mind right now...
      I really hope it works, and that you can get the mission reward!
      Happy Playing!


    2. Daily mission resets at 11pm while greeting wife mates resets at 7pm. You can simply wait til it is 11pm before you greet you wife mates, instead of immediately greeting them at 7pm. So since you have greeted 13 mates at 11pm, when it is 7pm the next day, you can greet the 13 of them again, which makes it a total of 26 wife mates greeted! This is how i did it so i hope it helps!

    3. Wow, that's so smart of you! Good job ;)

  30. So I got a question and I feel the answer is obvious so I feel derpy asking this :p
    I get random messages telling me a wifemate invited me to a cooking battle and when u click it it'll tell me which wifemate and the wife points for me in red text
    Is: 26 wife points
    So my question is, do I have yo do something to receive those points or are they automatically added?

    1. Sorry it'd say 26 get not wifepoints

    2. Those points will be automatically added to yours. This is just a notification to you, so you can see which Wife Mates were helping you out (so you can help them out too in return).

  31. Do you happen to know when the chemistry fevers are ongoing? As of now I only know that they are during the house reform campaigns, but I am never sure when the fever is actually active without reading and seeing. :)

    1. I haven't played the game in a long time, but as far as I can remember, the Fever time is like you said, mostly active during house reform campaign and when a new character (or season) is released. You should get a notification about that Fever time or it should be written on the My Page. If you're still not sure, go to the Top Page and search through the banners. Normally there you can find the info about an ongoing Chemistry Fever. ^^

  32. Hello dawn eire, o meglio, ciao!
    I've been playing this game for the second time, because everytime I get so pissed of...i'm really slow at getting wife points! In the end I always get stuck at some point with a Mission requiring too many wife points for me... How many times per day I should do cocking battles? I only do it once per day...maybe it's not enough but still it seems like they really ask too many points!
    Grazie :) ho scritto in inglese per far capire tutti!

    1. Ciao Maria!

      I know it really sucks, so I'll try to help you as much as possible.

      -Ok, so first, I'll recommend you to get as many Wife Mates as possibble. Hereby you have to be careful. Choose those with high Charm Points, so your chance to win is also hish. Then, when you do the Cooking Battle, also choose your opponent careful. If she has a higher Charm Level than you & your Wife Mate together, you are gonna loose for sure.

      -Switch to other Wife Mates too when you do the Cooking Battle. They can see that you used their help during the Battle and got some Wife Points thanks to you. In return, they might also use your help in the Battle, which means you can get som Wife Points from them. You see - the more you help other, the more they will return the favour.

      -Daily Mission. You know how you can get extra prizes for completing them? Some might be 50-100 Wife Points and if not, you maybe can get 50-100 Aroma Massage which means you can refill your Stamina and play the Cooking Battle again.

      -Raise your Charm: by playing the Gacha (remember that the first spin of a new Avatar Gacha is for FREE), do Events ans Special Campaigns, so you can collect more Furniture and Clothes, which raise your Charm (and after some time your Chemistry as well).

      Hmmm... I can't think of anything more. Maybe there also are some Special Campaigns during which you can win some extra Aroma Massage or where you can get 2x as much when you do the Battle, but I'm not 100% sure about that.
      If you have the time, you can play the Cooking Battle 2x a day. Maybe in the Morning and at Night or whenever you have time, but don't put too much pressure on yourself because of the Wife Points. Enjoy the game just do the battle when you want. Otherwise you will get really frustrated after some time or after you miss to do the Battle.
      So, I hope you can enjoy the game more this time and Happy Playing. Please let me know, if you have any other questions ^^


  33. Hello i am sorry for the burden but please heeeeeelp me actually i had reboot my cellphone so all the games hae disappear so when i enter to re-tranfer my game i forgot my password but still have my code so heeeelp please and thank you in advance

    1. Oh no! That's really a problem. Without the password you won't be able to restore your previous game data. Please contact Voltage Inc directly via the Support Center in the game and ask them, if they can help you. Maybe they have saved your info somewhere, or can restore the data for you.
      Good Luck!

  34. Thank you dear, actually i resolve the problem, i contact voltage and they send me my code

  35. Hello, I was just wondering... Where exactly are the daily missions?
    Thank you very much!

    1. Hi Izumi!

      You can find the Daily Missions on the "My Page" of the game. Just look at the button under your Avatar's picture, there you should find it ^^
      Happy playing!


  36. how do you get more chemistry point

    1. Like you can read above:
      If your Charm Level rises for a certain amount, so will your Chemistry (same goes for Total Wife Points, but I'm not sure about this). To get your Chemistry higher, you have 6 possibilities:
      (Inderectely) would be to play the Cooking Battle. You also get Gacha Points and Mari which also helps you to get Chemistry because -
      1. - with the Interior Item Gacha you can get new furniture which might raise your Chemistry (trough higher Charm Level).
      2. You can buy Clothes which also raise Charm but I recommend to not buy them because your clothing space is limited and you have to buy certain clothes to complete missions anyway. That leaves
      3. = to play the Fashion Gacha (you can get some Gacha Medals for free during Events, Login Bonus and very rarely for making the Daily Mission)
      3. = waiting for the Special Chemistry Fever Time, where you can get double the Chemistry for every answer (= 10 not 5 if you chose the wrong one and 20 not 10 for the right answer)
      4. = if you Level up (not sure on this one)
      5. = participate in the Events (House Renovation, Item Collection and Special Story Events) where you can get extra Clothes and/or Furniture.

  37. Hi there I just wanted to know where can you get coins from ��☺��

    1. Hi Anon!

      Unfortunately the only way to get Coins, is to buy them with real money. :(

  38. I can not find daily mission on "my page" . There is only "resume romance" button under avatar picture. Could you tell me where is the daily mission?

    1. Hi Winda!

      I added a photo of where you can find the button to see the Daily Bonus Mission on this Page. You can find it under the "How to get more Mari" section.
      I hope you can complete a lot of Missions and have fun with the game!


  39. Hello there! So I need help. I remember my MFW ID but I can't seem to remember whether I set a transfer password or not. And my fone recently blanked out so I can't access my game anymore. I want to recover my progress on my iPad but there's the issue with the transfer password...Although, I do have a lot of proof that it's my account because I've emailed support before about things and I also remember the name of one of my wife mates and how far I've progressed and my device and all. Would they be willing to help me access my account if I beg them with all this evidence? I'm desperate.

    1. Hmmm... that quite the problem you have there. But I'm sure the games Support Center helps you out, if you write the same, you wrote to me. Try to use the in-game support center, so they can track back your account better. If that's not possible here is their contact mail, if you play on an android device:
      If you play on iOS, fill in the Inquiry Form on this page ->
      I hope everything works out for you and you can soon enjoy the game again!


    2. I just came back here to let you know that I emailed voltage about my problems and they were very kind. They set up a transfer password for me to use on my new fone and now I'm back on MFWParty :D so happy. I even set up the email registration thing for future backup. Thanks for telling me to email them c:

      Btw my game ID is 592992, feel free to add me as a wife mate.

  40. I have a question.
    When there are special events like on a special day in a month like burthdays, anniversaries and such, does it change everytime? Like every year on his birthday, does the story change?

    1. That depends. Sometimes Voltage also releases a "Story revival". Those are stories they already released some time ago, but in that case, they also mention this fact, and the prizes are mostly different for those stories.

  41. Ugh!! >.< Can someone told me how to raise some chemistry? So, tht i could choose, SHE route 4 my MS Yuta route.. Some people told to me to sell the low charm from my closet n only left the highest one.. And also spin some gacha point n get some furnish to full my warehouse.. I already done all of tht! N now, i just need 1 chem to go more..

    The prob is wht should i do more? My closet n warehouse already full now! No space to discard anymore b/c all of tht hd a highest charm.. and also.. I'm not the kind of person tht pay 4 something to play..^^ -sorry 4 my broken english! ><

    1. Hmmm... that's really a problem. If you already sorted out your closet and your warehouse, the only way I can think of is to get more Wife Points through playing the cooking battle, but I'm not really sure if that works (sorry, I don't play the game anymore). Another way could be to participate in the Events, since they give you a chance to get items with higher charms than you can normally buy in the store (like Backgrounds!). Bedise that, the house renovation events can also give you furniture with higher charms.
      I'm sorry, that I can't help you more. I know that it's really unnerving that you just can't get that one missing point, and that Voltage also made it not possible to buy closet/warehouse store with Mari. If you had more space, you could collect more clothes/furniture and thus raise your charm and thus get more chemistry... *sigh*
      I hope you can get the 1 chemistry point you need!
      I cross my fingers for you!


  42. Could you explain to me what those fever gacha key stuffs plz ><

    1. I think that's when the gacha costs only the half? I'm sorry but I haven't played the game in a long time, so I can't really remember very well what the fever gacha is. However, there should be some explanation on what it is and what you could gain with it, somewhere in the game.

  43. Hi! I just want to clarify something. How would I know my total charms while playing the game? I'm really confused about this. I don't know if I can reach the Super Happy Ending without knowing my current charm :(( You know, I chose Yamato's route but I'm a little problematic about what will happen on our ending. Please help me.

  44. Oh my! I'm really sorry it was a typo error but I didn't mean "charm", I meant chemistry, so how can I possibly know our total chemistry?

    1. Don't worry ^^ You can find both, charm and chemistry level at the same page. Just go to your "My Page" and click on the "Status" icon that you can see to your Avatar's right side. Scroll down a little and there you can see your current Chemistry Level. ^^

  45. Replies
    1. Click on "Support" -> "FAQ/Contact" and there you see your ID.

  46. Heelo me pls! I know im super late but im stuck with this game, i still have 7 passes but cat go through because it says 'It Looks like you need this avatar to finish this mission' and I seriously dont know what to do, idk what it meant. Help i really wanna read the rest of the story! What should I do?

    1. You need to buy the avatar items that is said to be needed t pass the checkpoint. There are two different kinds of avatar missions. With the Premium you also get a CG, but you have to buy the avatar items with real money. The other one, the normal route, you can buy with Mari. Just choose whichever you want and then wear the items to pass the Checkpoint.

  47. I really need your help! (Sorry for my english)
    Today I accidently clear the game cache from the setting. But when I open the game,it asking for my avatar's name and birthday.
    I try open it again and there's a maintenance. So I wait until I can open it again. But now I open it, there's japanese language. And when I try tap the Top button, its not working. Is it really clear my data game(clothes, mari, love points) when I clear the cache? Can I get it back?

    1. I guess it really means that you accidentaly deleted your game data, but just to be sure I would contact Voltage Inc directly via the support center in the game, because this way, they can directly connect back to your account. If that's not working, please send them a mail and tell them what happened. The e-mail adress is:

  48. Hello!! I just want to ask how to clear both endings in My Forged Wedding:Party events just like White Day or Secret Melty Valentine and many more because I'm in White Day event right now and then I'm going on for the Happy Ending but I want to clear both Normal and Happy but when I tried to finish in normal ending they said that I cannot have a special illustration and a avatar but when I choose the happy ending I cannot play the normal ending and then I cannot get the avatar that I want when you clear both endings. Thank you(≧∇≦)

    1. You have to play the event stories twice - one time to get the Happy Ending and then again from the beginning to get the Normal Ending.

  49. Sorry if this has been asked before, but does anyone know if super happy end and happy end are the same story? Specifically for yamato season 2. I know I won't get any cgs etc but would the story be the same? Thanks.

    1. I once played both Endings and they had the same story, only the happy ending didn't had the CG. I'm not sure, though, if they changed that since I played those stories (which was about a year ago).

  50. Hey, I dont know if maybe somebody else already told u, I tried to read through the comments to see but there were more than I imagened... :p At the info for getting chemistry there stands a 4=level up but you're not sure. Well I was able to test it since I had 1 chemistry not enough for a happy ending and I was not gonne let that slide XP So I leveled up by getting furniture (gacha). And by leveling up I reveived 3 chemistry points and was able to unlock the happy ending. So 4= level up works! ^-^ Thank you very much for all your walktrough's, they are fun and help a lot! :D

    1. THANK YOU! for telling me about that. I really wasn't sure about that point and since I don't play this game anymore, I had no way of confirming it myself, so thanks! ^^

  51. I played this game about two years ago and just got majorly pulled back in because I never finished it. Anyway, to continue to my question - I remember (and you mention) there being an invitation bonus if people use your code. I find neither my code nor the place when I would enter it. Has this feature been removed?

    1. Hi Kaylena!

      No, this feature should still be there, but you can only enter an invitation code after you installed and first start to play the game. Afterwards you can only use the invitation code to find other gamers.
      To find your invitation code, go to the My Page of the game, then click on "Support" button in the right bottom corner and then on "FAQ/Contact". There you can see your User ID!
      If you want to know more about how the game works, you can read it either here on this blog page, or in the game under "My Page" -> "Menu" -> "How to Play".
      Of course you can also write me ^^
      Happy Playing!


    2. Okay, so, I found my user ID, but I don't see anywhere where it could be inputted to get rewards... The option also didn't show up when I first started the game, neither is the list of rewards around where I can find it. I really think it actually has been removed...? Maybe

    3. Hm.. that might be possible. Normally, if you install and start the game for the very first time, there should apear a window where you can write an invitation code. If you skip that, I don't think that you can enter it afterwards. The beginners mission should be available anyways.

  52. I want to know that when is the fever time in the game..As I want 20 pts for correct answer to increase my chemistry ...Pls answer soon I really need your help..Tell me the fever time so I cam increaae my time
