
28 June, 2014

[Walkthrough] My Forged Wedding (Party) - Yamato Kougami Season 1

(*Note: If you want to know how to increase your Chemistry, go to the "How to play?" page.)

Season 1: Main Story

 1.03 A: I'm too embarrassed to say.
B: Ask Yamato for help. (+10)
1.06 A: Does he...want me?! (+10)
B: I can't think of anything.

(Get a Letter)

2.03 A: I do if I really like the guy... (+10)
B: I don't like being told to.

2.06 A: Resist. (+10)
B: Cry out.

(Get a Letter)

3.03 A: Like a mother-in-law.
B: Like an overbearing husband. (+10)
3.07 A: Mouth the words.
B: Gesture. (+10)

~ Avatar Mission ~
Normal Route: Firm Pink-Beige Bag (600 Mari)
Sweet Route: Long Island Casual Outfit (200 Coins) -> get CG

(Get a Letter)

4.02 A: I'm sorry. (+10)
B: You need to tell me these things.

4.08 A: You'll upset Yamato.
B: I texted him this location. (+10)

(Get a Letter)

5.05 A: Hold back the door.
B: Soak up to my chin in the water. (+10)

5.07 A: Wake him up because he'll catch cold.
B: Poke him on the cheek. (+10)

~Wife Point Mission~
Need 3,000 Wife Points

(Get a Letter)

6.05 A: Did I really help you out? (+10)
B: You'd better be grateful!

6.09 A: Call him.
B: Don't call him. (+10)

(Get a Letter)

7.03 A: Whose honeymoon?
B: I want to go abroad for our honeymoon. (+10)

7.07 A: Get angry.
B: Feel Happy. (+10)

~Avatar Mission~
Normal Route: Chic Summer Hat (5,000 Mari)
Sweet Route: Sport Festival Support Outfit (500 Coins) -> get CG

(Get a Letter)

8.04 A: Are you going to help me? (+10)
B: What do you think?

8.09 A: Are you hiding something from me?
B: There were some bouquets I didn't make in the box. (+10)

~Wife Point Mission~
Need 15,000 Wife Points

(Get a Letter)

9.02 A: Take him by the arm and stop him. (+10)
B: Ask him to wait.

9.06 A: Call Yamato.
B: Go to the graveyard. (+10)

(Get a Letter)

10.02 A: Call out to him.
B: Wait for him to notice me. (+10)

10.09 A: I hope I made a bit of a difference (+10)
B: People'll think I'm a nagging wife, now...

~Avatar Mission~
Normal Route: Wood Design Necklace (10,000 Mari)
Sweet Route: Secret Night Date Outfit (750 Coins) -> get a CG

(Get a Letter)

11.03 A: Talk to him. (+10)
B: Shoot him a glance.

11.10 A: The commercial.
B: The baseball game. (+10)

~Wife Point Mission~
Need 30,000 Wife Points

(Get a Letter)

12.02 A: Ask Yamato if it's okay. (+10)
B: Ask if Yamato's going too.

12.08 A: Grin. (+10)
B: Turn my back.

(Get a Letter)

13.03 A: How?
B: Okay. (+10)

13.06 A: Call out to him as loud as I can.
B: Try my hand at telepathy. (+10)

~Wife Point Mission~
Need 50,000 Wife Points

(Get a Letter)

14.01 A: Did something happen?
B: Try to change the subject to something fun. (+10)
14.08 A: Did something happen? (+10)
B: I'll get dinner ready.

(Get a Letter)

[no choices]

(Get a Letter, CG & Dress + Background for Super Happy End, only Dress for Happy End)

[no choices]


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Angelina!

      Until now, the only possible way to expand the closet is to buy space with real money. I hope that after some thinking (and a lot of complaints) Voltage will change it in a way, that it will be possible to buy it with Mari = like it was in the Gree-Version.

    2. The amount to purchase coins dealt show up. only the amount of coins. and i'm afraid i'll be wasting a lot of money that i'm not aware of. please help. so how much is 194 coins?

  2. Hi do you know the rest of the chapters and how they say A or B with the number +10. So it's like B(+10) does that mean it's the answer? Or you still haven't finished the chapters and don't know the answer. Oh and by the way when you finish the whole chapter can you re read the whole thing all over again and change the story again?

    1. Hi princess9609!

      Sorrz if I didn't explain this right. Yes A(+10) / B(+10) are the right answers. It means that zou have to choose either A (if I wrote A) or B (if I wrote B). The walktrough comes from the Japanese version of "My Forged Wedding - Party" but the answers are still the same. Since the wording of the Japanese version will be different from the one Voltage uses in the game, I only add the full answer, if I find them from the English version.... Sory, that was a little complicated. To summarize: Yeas A/B is the right answer.
      For your other question: Nor, you can't replay the whole chapter again or change the answer and thus the story... That would be nice for those, who chosed the wrong answer. :)

  3. Oh ok thanks for replying btw which nosing did you get like the normal ending or super happy ending? Cause I calculated mime and I think I will only get the normal ending which saddens me :(

    1. I haven't finished yet (no time for playing *sniff, sniff*) but I want to get the Super Happy of course (because of the pics, hehe). Maybe if you do the daily lesson, the furniture gacha and the Cooking battle, you get some Chemistry points. I still have to confirm all the ways to get them, but once I know more, I will post it for sure. So don't be sad, maybe you will a Happy Ending at least! And if not, you stilll can replay the game, or be conforted with one of the other guys route ;D

  4. I think the choice for chapter 8 is Ren's story

  5. Yeah, you're right! Big sorry!!!!! And thx a lot. I'll fix it asap

  6. Is the sweet route the only way to get CG?

    1. Yeah, I'm afraid it is. I do hope that Voltage Inc is going to change this, cause it seems a little unjust to me that you have to pay for them if the game is supposed to be free... maybe I will add clips of the Sweet route, if I find them (^^,)

  7. Replies
    1. Hi Sakura Chan!
      The only way I know to get coins, is to buy them with real money. Simply select what you want (for example: a Love Pass) and click on buy. The "Purchase Details" page will appear and tell you that your Coins are insufficient. Then you can select "Coins Purchase" where they ask you how old you are (because you can only spend a certain amount of money per month if you are too young). Select what's the case for you. Then you will be asked the amount of Coins you want to buy. Select and accept the "User Agreement". If you pay with your credit cart, you will be asked for your password. Enter and confirm it. Now you have finally and successfully bought the item you wanted with real-money COINS! :)

  8. I live in indonesia
    So i can pay the coins with indonesia's currency ?? Or i must pay with USD ??

    1. Sorry Sakura chan, I couldn't find any specific information if the purchase of coins has to be paid in USD. But since I'm from Europe, I have to pay in euros and there hasn't been any problems so far... I guess if you normally can pay for games with indonesia's currency, you should be able to pay for coins with it too. Sorry I couldn't help you much, the best would be to contact Voltage directly through the Support centre or do just try it. I hope it works for you and you are able to get the coins! :)

  9. Either option means the same number of points?

    1. No, Yami. They are the right answer for two different questions. You'll be asked a question two times per chapter. Sorry, if it's a little bit complicated, I'll try to find the wrong answers to make this a little bit more understandable. :o)

    2. Oh, and you get + 10 Chemistry, if you choose the right answer!

    3. Your guide seems to show the points are the same for both answers >< Sorry just confused.

    4. No, I have to apologise! I'll try to make it easier to understand. Thanks for telling me! <3

  10. Hello . If i already purchase coins, i get coins every month right ? How to stop it ? Because i just need coins for one month. Sorry for asking you many question (>.< !)

    1. Um... I don't think that's how it works, Sakura. According to the infos I could find, you only get the coins ONCE. It's not an subscription to get coins again and again, every month... At least that's how it works here in Europe for me. The best would be to contact Voltage Inc. directly, since I don't know if the coin-payment-system is different in every country...

  11. Hallo!
    Did you find a way to get a super hapoy ending ? You have to use money or nah?

  12. Hello Lou!
    To get the Super Happy Ending, you have to have at least 300 Chemistry Points. You get Chemistry by answering the right questions and by level up = by gaining more Charm. Charm Points you can get by making Cooking Battle, having more Wife Mates, more clothes and furniture.

  13. Hiya :3
    When you start another route, your wife points get reset, so it does't depend on how many you have cleared.
    Btw, nice work with the blog, keep up the good work (ºv~) ~★

    1. Huh?... *checking Wife-Point-Checkpoint on phone* Ohhhhhh! you're right, Sumire! Thanks a lot for telling me!!! Ù©(๑•◡-๑)Û¶ⒽⓤⒼ

    2. And thanks for the compliment! (〃・ω・〃) I'll keep trying my best! ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノʸᵉᵃʰᵎ

  14. Hi! Do you know where can i change my avatar? I can't find it anywhere! (´;д;`)

    1. Hi nonstopnyancatable!

      The simplest way would be press the “Closet”-button, if you are on “My Page”. That’s the start-page if you open your app. Another way would be to click on the “Menu” (on the right upper corner) and then on “closet”. If you are on the closet-page, you will see your Avatar in the current clothing. If you scroll down, you’ll see the clothes, you have. Just choose what you want your Avatar to wear. Click on the chosen cloth and then press the “Dress”-button. Then a curtain will close and after that *TADA* your Avatar wears the new clothes.

  15. Hi! I just finished this route (yay) and of course i want to choose Saeki now. But i'm in the dark abouth knowing what things will reset and that i will lose if i chose another character. Can you please especify them? I know wife points and charm, but what about closet, mari, gacha points, warehouse, items?

    1. Congratulation Dariza! I hope you liked Yamato's route!

      Don't be afraid about choosing another route. It's only bad if you are in the middle of playing a route, because then you will loose all your progress.
      But if you have finished a route and can choose a new character, you can keep everything except the wife points for the previous route = There are two kinds of wife points: The "Wife Points" = like I said the wife points you gained during playing a route & the "Total Wife Points" = all Wife Points you ever collected during every route.
      Ok, so if you change now Character/choose a new route, you will ONLY lose the "Wife Points" = Points you gained for the previous route. If you play the "Cooking Battle" you will see, that your "Total Wife Points" are still the same.
      Evereything else will be safe, you WON'T lose Mari, Gacha Points, Closet, Warehouse, Items or anything else. You will still have them all, even if you change the Character. Only the Gacha of the Character you played, will of course not be available anymore.
      So go ahead and enjoy playing Saeki (Honey!) (^_-)
      P.s. If you still are afraid and to be totally sure, save your data via "Transfer Data" => Click on "Support" (right corner of My Page) and then "Transfer Data"


    2. Ah, and also your Chemistry will be on 0 again, of course!

    3. Thank you so much!! I'm gonna try it right away, so excited to start off with sexy Saeki XoX

  16. The only way to get CGs is by the use of coins?
    And Guys please use this invite code: 4e04a39e

    1. Yes. Only the last CG you can get if you play the Super Happy End. By the way. Do you want me to add you to the new "Need a Game-Friend" list? It would be easier to find you...

  17. Hi! Are you accepting mate requests or....

    1. Hi Anon!
      If you need Mates, look on the head of the blog under "Need a Game Friend?" You can add your ID there too! :)

  18. My code, use please (*^ω^*)


    1. Hi Misaki!

      I put your ID on the "Need a Game Friend?" page, so it's easier to find it ;)

  19. hi :)
    how can I read scenario again?!
    it says there r no stories being saved

    1. Hi there!
      Saved stories in the Album is new and seems to don't include the Main Stories. Only Special Event Stories (like the Epilogue for the "Love Anniversary" Event) are available to read again.

  20. Are we able to play the same character after completing it? For example I finished Yagami's story and I want to do it again so I can have a super happy ending.

    1. Hi Hannah!
      Of course you can play it again! ^^ You can play every character as often, as you like. Just go to "Character Selection" in the Menu and choose your guy. Have fun!


  21. Can we get gacha medal without pay with real money :( btw add my code 5c25989d ^^ thanks

  22. Hi Sakura!

    Yes and No. Normally the only possibility to get the Gacha Medal is to buy them with real money. However, sometimes you get the chance to earn them with completing the Daily Mission of during the Events/House Renovation. These opportunities sadly don't come often, so you really have to keep your eyes open to not miss that chances :)


  23. Hi Florence!

    You can get Mari by playing the Cooking Lession, by greeting your Wife Mates, something you can get them from the Gacha or from completing the Daily Mission. Another way would be to sell you furniture, but I advise you to not do so, because then your Charm Points will drop, with could lead you to loose some Chemistry. If you still want to sell them, then only sell furniture you have twice - this way you also gain more storage space.


  24. Awh yesh get it thank u so muchh!! That really helped!

  25. I've just replayed Yamato route so I lost all of my chemistry included the ones that I've got from leveling up (increasing charms). If I choose all of the correct answers this time, I will have only 280 chemistry in total. Then, how can I manage to reach the super happy end since leveling up is now harder because of full closet and warehouse. Please help me. Sob. Sob.

    1. Don't worry, dear. I know you only get 280 in total for the right answers BUT! there are other ways to get Chemistry:
      -While playing through the story, there are Avatar Checkpoints. If you buy the clothes and have enough Charm points accumulated, you Level up and get Chemistry for it (another way to get more Charm are the Furnitures = Interior items, so PLAY THE GACHA, haha)
      - Play Events! You get there more clothes and sometimes Interior Items from Event Gacha
      - House Renovation Events bring you more Interior Items
      - all other ways (like Fashion Gacha or other Prizes) to get more Clothes+Interior Items
      You see - there still is some chance that you get the missing 20 Chemistry Points! YAY!
      I wish you good luck and happy playing!!


  26. Are you going to update this page and add Yamato season 2?

  27. So, i got a "white gathered top" as a 4th login present. But when i want to accept it, it says that i have no enough place in my closet. So is there any way to sell or delet the items on my closet or should i buy more closet space? Help

    1. YEah, you can delete clothes of your closets, but then you neither get Mari for it, nor is there any chance to get them again. I personally would recommend to buy closet space, if you can. I know you have to spend real money, but there hardly are any chances to get closet space for free. Now and then you might get it as a Prize or you get it if you buy a Special Sale Bundle. If you don't want to spend real money, then try to delete clothes with low charm points, because if your Charm Level reaches a certain amount, you Level up and get Chemistry Points.
      To delete clothes, go to your closet and click on the clothes you want to delete. Then just click on delted and ok. That's it.

  28. So when I finish a story with Yamato will I be able to chose someone elses story?

    1. Yeah, you can chose all Characters you want, replay Yamato's route or start with his Season 2 (which I recommend since you just finished his Main Route). :D


  29. Hello dawn. how can i get the avatar background.? help me....

    1. Hi there!

      You can get a Background if you finish a route with the Super Happy End or if you complete certain Missions during an Event. There are no Background available to buy, so this are the only possibilities to get them :(


    2. Finish Yamato Season 1 n currently continue with Season 2..hopefully can get the Super Happy End..thank you dawn..really appreciate it.. :)

    3. Your welcome! :D Have fun with Season 2! ^^

  30. Seriously, you should have been paid for your hard work.

    1. Oh, wow! That's so sweet! Do you really think so? Hmmm... na - I promised I would keep doing this for free, so it's okay. :D I really like doing this and comments like yours are enough for me ^^ Thanks anyway and happy playing!


  31. Hey i just finished yamato and i decide to choose him again.
    Can i get the SHE stuff twice then ? Or i will get nothing even i choose SHE ?

    1. You get it twice and as often, as you play and complete the route. That goes for all the other Endings & Characters as well.

  32. Dawn, can you help me? I love everything about the game but currently facing an error. Need some help. My beginner login status seems to be stuck. I'm already at my day#3 but the beginner login status (the one for 30days) keep showing 'Login Bonus #2: Love Passes X5' I tried pressing the accept button but it just brings me to my empty gift box. When I tried again, it's still the same results. I cannot move onto my consecutive days. Can someone help me resolve this issue?

    1. That's defenitely a bug! Please contact the games Support Center, so they can fix it in time! Go to "My Page", click on the right bottom corner "Support" button, then on "FAQ/ Contact" and fill in the "Support Inquiry Form".
      I hope they fix your problem so that you can get all the prizes!


  33. And i also love this route so much i can just repeat again and again. Also is it important to have medals?

    1. Not really. They are only used for Fashion Gachas, so unless you want to get a certain Fashion Gacha item, you don't really need them.

  34. What happen in each ending? (Like the Normal, happy, and super happy)

    1. I only just got the Super Happy and Happy Ending and the only difference is the CG you can get. I don't know about the Normal End, I just kind of guess that there won't be any love confession and no Epilogue.

  35. Crap, I chose a wrong answer mistakingly, is there another way to get chemistry or do I have to start over? Plz reply, this is important! If you dont know thats fine, I can ask another site but plz reply or tell me I can by chemistry

    1. "Am I still going to get the super happy ending?" Is what Im trying to say. Sorry I paniced a bit there😅

    2. Don't worry, If you only have one wrong answer, you should still be a able to get the Super Happy Ending. Everything helpfull in this kind of situation = how to get more Chemistry, you can find on the "How to Play?" Page ->

  36. Hi! I have a question for you.
    Due to problems with my phone I had to factory reset it, meaning everything on my phone is gone. I redownloaded the My Forged Wedding app, and want to transfer my data, problem is ... I don't know my user ID. Any information as to how I can find my user ID?
    Thanks in advance and enjoy your day.

    1. Hi Seyma!
      That's very unfortunate that you had to reset your phone. I hope you have "saved" your game (with the "Data Transfer" option) before you resetted it, because otherwise it will be difficult to get the data back.
      If you did so, you should be able to restore it like this" => Click on "Support" (right corner of My Page) and then "Transfer Data". There you should have the option to restore it too.
      If this isn't the case, please contact Voltage Inc directly via the Support Centre in the game (fill in the "Inquiry Form"), so they can track down your game account to hopefully restore it.
      Best luck and happy playing!


  37. Hi Dawn,can i re-read the story after i finished playing 1 character?

    1. Hi Anon!

      Yes, you can. BUT remember that your Wife Points and Chemistry will drop down to 0 like it was at the beginning. Don't worry, that's normal and nothing to worry. So just enjoy his story again, or go further to the next step with him and read his Season 2, if you haven't already :)

    2. So its like playing all over again right?Thank u for the info Dawn..^^

  38. Hi. Thank you so much for posting the walkthrough of all these characters.

    Is the MC the same as she was in MFW? I likes her sass and chemistry with Yamoto. I did start playing this route, but only made it up to the end of chapter one as Kunihiko season 2 was announced, so I dumped Yamoto (sorry Yammy!) I may try his route again after Kunihiko's - is it any good? I've always hesitated with Yamoto for some reason.

    Thanks again for your awesome walkthroughs!

    1. Hi!

      Not quite. That's partly because they added a new side-character in the Party version: Lily - you know... the Flower Queen... ;) Since Lily owns a own flower studio, she offers MC a job.
      Instead in the normal version MC works for her uncle Kunihiko at Long Island (which they call "Kunian" in the Party version).
      MC's character remains the same (well, maybe because all Voltage MC's are rather similar): she's clumsy, shy, not very experienced, likes to eat a lot, is hard working (to a point where she overworks herself), honest and helps everyone and everywhere she can.
      Haha yeah, I liked Kunihiko always way more than Yamato (no offense). He's just a little to much a tease (which I can't really stand) and Kuni also is much more mature (that old man, lol). Nevertheless, there is also a reason why he is how he is and his background story (like for every other character too) is also... heartwrenching... if I may say so...
      So I guess, after you played everyones route, you might as well go for Yamato again! :)
      Either way, I wish you a nice x-mas time and happy playing!


  39. Whose route is yalls favorite??? Opinions?

    1. Yuta's since he was the first Otome guy I ever dated, lol. And Kunihiko's since he is so mature and calm. Of course the other guys are awesome too, but it all depends on your own taste. For example, if you like teasing guys, go for Yamato or Saeki. If you want to date a mysterious, hard to read and silent guy, go for Ren. Takao is the brotherly type to likes to watch over you and Yuta like to make you laugh but on the inside he hides all what could make you worry or sad. Of course a relationship with Kuni will be complicated, since he is sort of your uncle (but not related by blood) and Seaki is a famous (celebrity) write and ladysman...
      So, I guess you have to choose for yourself, because my taste in man might be totally different than yours :D

  40. Hi! I have to choose an ending, but I only have 271 of chemistry. I really want to get the super happy ending or, at least, the happy ending. Is there a way to do it?

    1. Hi!

      Like I wrote at the beginning of this Walkthrough, you can read on my "How to Play?" page ->
      If you have accumulated 280 Chamistry Points you can get the Happy Ending.
      With 300 you get the Super Happy Ending.
      I hope you can get the Ending you want and Happy Playing! ^^


  41. I'm sorry but there's some text saying tht you'll get CG. What is CG?? I'm new in this

    1. CG means Character Graphic = Picture. You know how there are those special Pictures of the guys everyone wants to get? Well, that's a CG ^^

  42. you have a very adorable blog.. I'm so much envy!!

  43. I have a question. Once I've finished a route do I have to start it all over again to obtain other endings?
    Thanks for the walkthrough btw ^-^

    1. Yes. You have to play through the whole route, inclusive all Checkponts, again, to get a different Ending. If you don't want to go to all the trouble (the Happy Ending is the same as the Super Happy, only with different rewards, btw), you can always read Season 2 ^^

  44. I've finally completed Yamato's first season with a super happy ending :) thank you for your help! I think I'll immidiately continue for the 2nd season. I can't wait!! ^^

  45. It seems their events have been adjusted to way harder to complete. They require far more affection points than before. That's not cool.

  46. How to play the season 2 version? From where do I get it?

    1. Go to "Choose a character", pick the guy of which you want to read Season 2 and there you should see an icon to switch between Season 1 and 2. ^^

    2. Thanks for the help. What's the difference between season 1 and season 2? Is it a altogether different story or just the continuation?

    3. No, Season 2 is the continuation to Season 1. It's about the next step in their relationship, but I won't spoil more ^^

    4. Wait so is the only way to get the CGs through the sweet route?

    5. Yep, that's right. That's how Voltage Inc makes sure that people spend money on a free game ;)

  47. how to proceed with season 2, is all that can be lost in the first season and start again from scratch?

    1. It's not all lost. You can keep all Items, Money, CG's, Clothes and Furniture. The ony thing that you'll lose are the Chemistry Points, and the Wife Points from this route. But that's what always happens, once you finished a route. This way you have to accumulate Chemistry and Wife Points anew, to pass the Checkpoints - that's how the game works, so don't worry and enjoy Season 2! If you already red Season 1 of one of the guys, you'll like his Season 2 even more!
      Have fun and happy playing!


    2. okay, thank you dawn eire :), i now season 2 hehe . oh ya , can you recommendation other otome game like a "my forget wedding party", of course is free like that ? hehe

  48. hi is there any way to increase your wife points except for the normal one??

  49. hi how can I increase my wife points?

    1. Beside buying them with real money, getting them by chance from the Gacha and doing the cooking battle, there is no other way to get more wife points as far as I remember.

  50. I only found this AFTER I finished his route...... I messed up... a LOT...

  51. hi, do you know any way how to get love pass more apart from the 5x free love pass and also purchase it?

    1. Unfortunately not. I looked all over the app, but I can't find another way to get the love pass... sorry!

  52. Can I choose happy ending after finishing normal ending?

    1. Yes, you can, but you have to play through the whole game again and instead of choosing the Happy Ending, you can choose then the Normal or the Super Happy Ending.

  53. are there big differences between the happy and super happy endings?
