
21 September, 2016

Shall we date?: Guard me, Sherlock! - Quiz Time!


Fill in the blank with the correct letter.

The answers to choose are:

Right answer is: M
The clues are that there are 7 letters. These letters represent the days of the week. It starts with Monday, then Tuesday... _TWTFSS are the first letters of the days of the week. And since the first letter in Monday goes in the blank, that means that "M" is the correct answer.


Sherlock's Route
(*Note: Special Thanks to Yashi for that quiz!)

Mycroft Holmes:
"All of us sat together and ate some of Lucci &Mason's absolutely exquisite biscotti.
Read what each person says below, and use the information they give you to guess how many pieces of biscotti I ate."

Mycroft Holmes:
"I ate 5 fewer pieces than Lestrade."

Hercule Poirot:
"I only ate one third the number that Jeremy ate."

Jeremy Cassel:
"I ate 4 more pieces than Lestrade."

George Lestrade:
"I ate twice as many as Poirot did."

The answers to choose are:

Right answer is: Three


Watson's Route

Sherlock Holmes
" Steven Jerram went on a trip to photograph different international locations. The trip took him through the U.S. and then to Japan.
The final flight of his trip was from Honolulu Airport in Hawaii to Narita Airport in Japan.
On the 70th day of his trip, he flew out of Hawaii at 10AM, and landed in Japan in the evening.
He flew out of London Heathrow Airpost on the first day of his trip, which was December 1st. When he finally reached Narita Airport in Japan, it was February.
So, what was th precise date of his arrival at Narita Airport?

The answers to choose are:
February 7th
February 8th
February 9th

Right answer is: February 9th!

(If you start at December 1st and count 70 days from there, it would be February 8th.
But something doesn't feel right. The flight would be from Honolulu Airport to Narita Airport in Japan?
...!! That's it! He'd cross the International Date Line on the way, so...) 

"I've got it! The answer is February 9th, isn't it?"


Jeremy Cassel:
"There are five bags, numbered 1 to 5, each containing 10 diamonds.
However, apparently one of the bags contains only fake diamonds, which weigh less than the real ones.
Each real diamond weighs 1 ounce, but each fake diamond is 0.1 ounces lighter than a real one.
Using a scale that has a weight limit of 20 ounces, you want to figure out which bag holds the fake diamonds.
What is the fewest number of times you would have to use the scale in order to do this?"

The answers to choose are:
1 time
5 times
10 times

Right answer is: 1 time.

"You can figure out which bag has the fakes by using the scale 1 time."

John H Watson:
"1 time? Do you mean by putting all the bags on the scale together, but gradually adding them one-by-one?
Wait, no. Even if you did that, all of the bags together would end up weighing more than 20 ounces, which is the scale's limit. So I guess that wouldn't work."
 Jeremy Cassel:
"How could you tell hom much each bag weighs if you only use the scale 1 time?"

"Easy. Open each bag, and depending on what numer bag it is, take out that many diamonds. So you'd take out 1 diamond from bag1, 2 from bag 2, and so on...
You's end up with 15 diamaonds total. If there weren't any fakes, that should weigh 15 ounces. But each fake diamond is 0.1 ounce lighter than a real one, right?
If you put all 15 of these diamonds on the scale at once, you can see how much under 15 ounces it weighs, and that will tell you how many fakes are on the scale.
However many tenths of an ounce below 15 would tell you which bag held the fakes. For instance, if you're 0,4 ounces short, that would mean the fakes are in bag 4. Get it?"


Sherlock Holmes:
"There are three people, who we'll call A, B, and C.
One of these people is an angel, one of them is a demon, and one of them is human.
However, there's no way to tell which is which just by looking at them.
The angel always tells the truth, no matter what. The demon always lies, no matter what. And the human does what he feels like doing - sometimes he lies, and sometimes he tells the truth.
This is what the three of them say to you:

"I'm  not an angel."

"I'm not a demon."

"I'm not human."

Sherlock Holmes:
"So, who is the angel, who is the demon, and who is the human?"

The answers to choose are:
A is the demon, B is the angel, C is the human
A is the human, B is the demon, C is the angel
A is the human, B is the angel, C is the demon

Right answer is:

"I think A is the human, and B is the demon, right? and then C would be the angel."
Why? Because the demon always lies, so he has to say: "I'm not a demon.", which means he is B and thus A has to be the human and C the angel.
Sherlock Holmes:
 "I am investigating a theft, and I believe that it was perpetrated by a single individual. It had to be either Mr. K, Mr. M, or Mr. N.
However, these three have a set of rules they always follow when they are going to steal something, and which will not break because they believe it would be bad luck to do so.
- Whenever K is going to steal something, he always gets M to help him.
- If M isn't commiting a theft at a given moment, then N won't commit a theft either.
On the day in which the crime I'm investigating occurred, there were no other instances of theft.
Which one of these men is the perpetrator?"

The answers to choose are:
Mr. K
Mr. M
Mr. N

Right answer is: Mr. M

"Hehe, that's easy. The perpetrator is Mr. M.
K always gets M to help him, so he couldn't have done it, since the theft was committed by a single individual...
When M isn't committing a theft, N won't commit one either. But that doesn't mean that if M steals something, N will always so the same, does it?
So M is the only one who could have done it.

John H Watson:
"I see, It's easy to mistakenly think that M and N always do the same thing... either they don't steal anything, or they both steal something. But that's wrong...
N won't steal anything unless M is also stealing something that day. So I guess that means that M is the only one who could've commited that crime on his own."

Sherlock Holmes:
"A village with 40 eligible voters is going to have an election to decide who their mayor will be.
Three people are running in the election, all of whom dislike each other. All three of them are residents of the village.
In the election, the candidate who receives the most votes wins. Every eligible voter gets one vote each.
Assuming  that all of them vote, and all of their voters are counted properly with no errors, how many votes would a candidate have to receive to be assured of winning the election?"

The answers to choose are:

Right answer is: 20

Mikah Hudson: 
"Come on... that's easy. It's 20, right?"

Sherlock Holmes: 
"Correct. How did you arrive at your answer?"

Mikah Hudson: 
"Umm, first I figured out the number of voters once you subtracted the three candidates. 40 minus 3 is 37, right?
19 is just over half of 37. That's a bare majority. And if the candidates all dislike each other, then they're bound to vote for themselves, right?
So you add 1 to those 19 votes, which gives you 20!"


John H Watson:
"We received a note from the mystery thief informing us of his next crime.
'Tonight I am going to take a picture from the museum in London. I've chosen a single work... one of the paintings labelled 1 through 60... Choose any set of the following numbers and add them up. I promise you, the number you get won't be the number of the painting I'm going to take... 0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 15, 31... One last thing... choose any set of those numbers you like, but don't repeat the same number twice.'
So, which painting was our mysterious thief planning on stealing?"

The answers to choose are:
Number 15
Number 30
Number 60

Right answer is: 30

(It seems that in order to get the answer, all you can really do is go throug trying to add up to each number.)
(Um, I guess I can just go through the numbers that aren't already written down and see, if I can add up to those. 1+2=3, 1+4=5...)
(Out of number 1 through 60, the only one you can't arrive through additions is...)
" I know! The answer is 30, isn't it!"

John H Watson:

"That's absolutely right!"


Sherlock Holmes:
"There are two clocks, and the hands of each clock point to exactely 12:00.
Precisely one hour passes, at which point one of th clocks reads 1:01, while the other reads 12:59.
Assuming that these clocks continue to deviate from the actual time just like they did during that first hour... how many hours total will it take before they once again point to exactely the same time?

The answers to choose are:
360 hours
720 hours
They'll never point to the same time again.

Right answer is: 360 hours

(After 180 hours they'd point to 3:00 and 9:00, right? After that, the minute hand on both clocks will point to 0 every 60 hours, so... 180 + 60 more hours would put the clocks at 4:00 and 8:00. And 60 hours after that would put them at 5:00 and 7:00...)
"I've got it! The answer is 360 hours, isn't it!"

John H Watson:
"Ah, I get it. The two clocks don't have to both read 12:00, they just have to show the same time, don't they?"

"Right. After 360 hours, both of the clocks will point exactely at 6:00."


Sherlock Holmes:
"I'm driving down the road in a car, approaching a cruve, when a young boy riding a bicycle just in front of me almost falls over.
As his bicycle wobbles, several items he was carrying in the basket attached to the bike go tumbling out: first some cherries, then some apples, then some bananas.
What is the first thing I hit?"

The answers to choose are:
The carries.
The bananas.
Something else.

Right answer is: Something else.

Mikah Hudson:
"I kind of want to say 'the cherries', since those are the first item to fall out, but...
That's not it. The answer is 'something else', isn't it?"

Sherlock Holmes:
"All right then, what is the first thing you hit?"

Mikah Hudson:
"That's easy! The brakes!
After all, before you hit any of the items that fell out with your car, you'd probably hit the brakes by reflex...
And to begin with, you wouldn't necessarily hit the cherries, apples, and bananas in the order they fell out anyway, would you?!"


Mikah's Route

Mikah Hudson:
"There's a plate that has avocado, lettuce, and broccoli on it. A girl takes a pice of fruit off of the plate and eats it.
So, tell me... what did the girl eat?"

(So the girl ate a piece of fruit, and he wants to know what it was...?)

The answers to choose are:

Right answer is: Avocado

"I know! It was an avocado, wasn't it?"

Mikah Hudson:
"Correct. A fruit is a seed-bearing structure that develops from the ovary of a flowering plant, whereas vegetables are all other plant parts, such as roots, leaves and stems."

"Yep. Scientifically speaking, out of everything on the tray, only the avocados are actually fruit. The lettuce and broccoli are vegetables."


Olivia Ruth:
"There was once a king who ordered two of his retainers to have a race. 'I want the two of you to race on horseback. The owner of the winning horse will be rewarded.'
'However, in this race the horse that crosses the finish line LAST will be declared the winner.' Given the king's order, neither of his retainers wanted to cross the finish line.
So then, how could you make it so that both retainers would want to cross the finish line first?"

The answers to choose are:
Make whoever finishes first the winner.
Make the horses race without riders.
Have them trade horses with each other.

Right answer is:  
Have them trade horses with each other.

"I know! You could just have them trade horses with each other, right?"

Olivia Ruth:
"That's right. You come across as being a bit of an airhead, but you're actually pretty smart, huh?"


James Moriarty:
"Imagine that there are three men here in front of us. One of them perpetrated a crime, one of them is a suspect in the crime, and one of them is a police detective.
The perpetrator always tells the truth, the suspect always lies, and the detective sometimes tells the truth and lies sometimes.
The men wearing glasses says 'I'm not the perpetrator.' 
The men in the suit says 'I'm not the detective.' 
The men with blue eyes says 'I'm not the suspect.'.  
So then, which of these three is the perpetrator?"

The answers to choose are:
The man wearing glasses.
The man in the suit.
The mn with blue eyes.
Right answer is:  
The man in the suit.

"I know! The perpetrator is the man in the suit, isn't it!"

Mikah Hudson:
"Yeah, I think so, too. The only person who can say 'I'm not the perpetrator.' is the detective. If the perpetrator himself said that, it would be a lie."

"Also, the perpetrator and the detective are the only two who'd say 'I'm not the detective'. Since the man wearing glasses is the detective, the man in the suit is the perpetrator."


John H. Watson:
"There are nine rooms arranged in a 3x3 grid, and you are in the room in the center. You see a piece of paper on the floor at your feet.
It reads 'proceed forward from here following this set of direction: 4862248'. If you move according the direction on the piece of paper, what room do you end up in?"

The answers to choose are:
The room above where you started
The room to the right of where you started
The room to the left of where you started

Right answer is: 
The room to the left of where you started 
"I know! You'd end up in the room to the left of where you started, wouldn't you!"

John H Watson:
"The room to the left? Really?"

"Yep, that's where you'd end up. The numbers correspond to their position on a numeric keypad. In other words, 2 is down, 4 is left, 6 is right, and 8 up.
So if you begin in the center of a 3x3 grid of rooms and move according to the directions represented by the numbers, you'll end up in the room to the left of where you started."

Sherlock Holmes:
"Well done, MC. I submitted that quiz confident that it was quite difficult, but it seems it was too easy for you."


"'A bacterium that divides once per minute is put into a cup. Every minute, that amount of bacteria doubles. After exactely one hour, the bacteria fills the entire cup.'
'How many minutes did it take for the bacteria to fill half of the cup?'"

The answers to choose are:
30 minutes
46 minutes
59 minutes

Right answer is:  
59 minutes
"If the amount of bacteria doubles once per minute, then it should fill the cup one minute before the hour marks, shouldn't it. The answer is 59 minutes!"


Jack Stillman
"4963=2, 7321=0, 8317=2, 5901=2, 2900=3, 1655=1, 6968=5, 2713=0
Now, see if you know the answer to this: 7981933=?"

The answers to choose are:

Right answer is: 4

"I know! The answer is 4!"

Mikah Hudson:
"Ah, I get it. I'm guessing this is about...
Yep, it's about how many circles each number contains. The number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 don't contain any circles, so they count as '0'.
6 and 9 both contain one circle, so I guess it counts as '2'."

"In all, the number 7981933 contains 4 circles. I'm right, aren't I?"


Mikah Hudson:
"I want to know whether or not it's going to rain tomorrow, so I decide to ask three different weather forecasters for their predictions.
Here is what the three of them have to say to me...
The forecaster wearing glasses says 'my forecasts are correct 70% of the time.'
The forecaster with the black hair says 'my forecasts are correct 50% of the time.'
Finally, the young forecaster says 'my forecasts are only correct 20% of the time.'
So, which forecaster should I ask if I want to have the best chance of knowing whether or not it will rain tomorrow?"

The answers to choose are:
The forecaster wearing glasses
The forecaster with the black hair
The young forecaster

Right answer is:
The young forecaster

"I know!" The correct answer is the young forecaster. After all, if his forecast is wrong 80% of the time, and he predicts rain, then you can assume that it WON'T rain."

Mikah Hudson:
"That's correct! Nice going, <MC>! I'm proud to have someone like you as my girlfriend."


John H. Watson:
"Hmm... In Japan's island region of Okinawa, statues of a certain mythical beast are set on the tops of roofs or in other high places to ward off evil spirits. What are these statues called?"

The answers to choose are:

Right answer is:

John H. Watson:
"I do know this one. They're called shisa."

Sherlock Holmes
"Mikah couldn't answer this one, which bothered him. That, combined with his intense desire to become my apprentice, led him having an affinity for quizzes."

Sherlock Holmes:
"There's a lion on a 9-foot long chain.
If the lion can move in a circle, what is the radius of the circular rea of grass it can eat?"

The answers to choose are:
18 feet
9 feet
0 feet

Right answer is:
0 feet

John H. Watson:
"Lions are carnivores. They don't eat grass. The answer is 0 feet, isn't it?"

Sherlock Holmes:
"Correct. Though the answer is obvious, really."

  Mikah Hudson:
"I'm about to read a set of numbers to you. There's a rule that the governs the order of these numbers. 0, 10, 1110, 3110... So, what number comes next?"

The answers to choose are:

Right answer is:

"The answer is 132110. I'm right, aren't I?"

Mikah Hudson:
"Correct! Can you explain how you figured that out?"

"Of course! You see, each number in the set describes the number before it. And it does that using groups of two digits.
For example, '10' describes the number 0. There is one 0... so you write '10'.
The next number in the set is '1110'. That describes '10'. There is one 1, so you write '11'. And there is one 0, so you write '10'. Put those together, and you get '1110'.
As for '3110'... well, there is one 3, so you start by writing '13'. Then there are two 11's, so you write '21'. Finally, there's one 0, so you write '10'. So the answer is '132110'!"

Mycroft's Route

Mycroft Holmes:
"Following their discovery in 1940, a great number of people come to view the cave paintings of Lascaux, but they were closed 23 years later, in 1963."

"Closed? So they're not open to the public now?"

Mycroft Holmes:
"The interior of the cave was being damaged by all of the people going inside to see them. To prevent further damage, a replica was built nearby. That is open to tourists."
Well then, time for a quiz. Do you know why the interior of the cave was damaged by all of the people going in to view the paintings?"

The answers to choose are:
The visitors took back pieces of the cave wall with them.
The lights the visitors took in with them.
The carbon dioxide the visitors exhaled.
The body heat emitted by the visitors warmed the interior.

 Right answer is:
The carbon dioxide the visitors exhaled.

"Was it beacuse the visitors exhaled carbon dioxide, and that harmed the cave or something...?"

Mycroft Holmes:
"Correct. You're smart, aren't you? I think that was a difficult question, but you got it right."


Sherlock Holmes:
"Now then, see if you know the answer to this. 'Nature abhorse a vacuum.'
Can you tell me the name of the Greek philosopher who said that?"

The answers to choose are:
Pliny the Elder

 Right answer is:

"Would it be Aristotle?"

Sherlock Holmes:
"Correct. You're the second person I've encountered who was able to answer that question right away."


 MC's Dad:
"A man is standing by himself looking at a portrait of someone when another person comes up and speaks to him.'Who is this a portrait of?', he asks.
This is the answer the man gave... 'I don't have any brothers. However, the father of the man in this picture is my father's son.'
So then, who is pictured in the portrait? MC, you try and see if you can figure out the answer to this one, too."

 The answers to choose are:
The father of the man looking at the painting.
The man looking at the painting himself.
The son of the man looking at the paintin.
The grandson of the man looking at the painting.

Right answer is:
 The son of the man looking at the painting.

"I know! It's the son of the man looking at the painting, isn't it!"

Mycroft Holmes:
"I agree with MC."

MC's Dad:
"Yep. You're both right."

I think there is a glitch. The logical answer would be "The man looking at the painting himself". Because the son of the mans father would be he himself, right?

"Inspector Lestrade, John, Jeremy, and Hercule all go out drinking together."

Sherlock Holmes:
"So I wasn't included? And what's more, these are all people who'd probably have a grand old time slandering me together."

"This is just a made-up story. They all have a good time, but after getting home, they realize that they wore the wrong coats home."

Sherlock Holmes:
"Hercule doesn't seem like he'd make a blunder like that. Thought I can't say the same about the rest of them."

"Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. Anyway, here's what each of them says..."

George Lestrade:
"Hold on... this isn't my coat."

John H. Watson:
"Hey... this coat isn't mine. There are inititals written on it. They say 'H.P.'"

Jeremy Cassel:
"That's weird. I'm sure I wasn't wearing a coat on the way over to the bar. It looks like I wore someone elses's coat home by accident."

Hercule Poirot:
"Hold on... It seems that I left my coat at the bar."

"... So then, here's the question. Who came home wearing Inspector Lestrade's coat?"

The answers to choose are:
Inspector Lestrade

Right answer is:

Sherlock Holmes:
"I don't even need to give it any thought. The answer is Jeremy."

"Correct! Impressive as usual, Sherlock. It's amazing how you got that right away!"


Mycroft Holmes:
"Sherlock ate 4 fewer cakes than I did. And I ate 5 times as many cakes as John did.
John ate 4 fewer cakes than Sherlock, and Lestrade ony ate half as many cakes as Sherlock did.
We all ate a different number of cakes, but the person who ate the greatest number of them had 10 Eccles cakes.
So then, can you tell me how many cakes Lestrade ate?""

The answers to choose are:
1 cake
2 cakes
3 cakes
4 cakes

Right answer is:
"That's easy! The answer is 3 cakes, right?"

Mycroft Holmes:
"Well done. You're not just an excellent actress... you're also a quick thinker as well, aren't you?"


Mycroft Holmes:
"There are five houses, all in a row. Each of them is painted in a different color: red, blue, yellow, green, and white.
One person lives in each house... let's say it's Sherlock, John, Hercule, Jeremy, and Inspector Lestrade.
Each one of them eats something different for breakfast in the morning. Muffins, toast, sausage, eggs, and grilled tomatoes.
And all of them drink something different as well. Water, milk, beer, tea, and coffee.
They also each have different pets. A dog, a cat, a bird, a horse, and a fish."
Each one of the five has something different to eat for breakfast, drinks something different, and has a different pet. Now, here's where the actual question starts.
First, Sherlock lives in the red house. And Inspector Lestrade has a dog for a pet.
Hercule drinks tea. The green house is to the left of the white house, and the person who lives in the green house drinks coffee.
The person who has eggs for breakfast has a bird for a pet. And the person who lives in the yellow house eats grilled tomatoes.
The person who lives in the house in the very center drinks milk, John lives in a house at one end, and the person who eats muffins lives next door to the person who has a cat.
The person who has a horse lives next door to the person who eats grilled tomatoes, and the person who eats toast in the morning drinks beer.
Jeremy eats sausage, John lives in a blue house, and the person who eats muffins lives next door to the person who drinks water.
So, which one of them has a fish for a pet?"

The answers to choose are:

Right answer is:
"The correct answer is Jeremy! I'm right, aren't I?"

Mycroft Holmes:
"I see. It would appear that you do indeed fall into the 2% of people who are able to figure out the correct anser to this quiz. You're right."


Mikah Hudson
"So, there's a string of letters, and it goes like this...'_ F M A M _ _ A S O N D'.
What letter do you think goes in the blanks? There's a single letter that fits in each of those blanks... the exact same letter."

The answers to choose are:

Right answer is:
"I know! The answer is 'J', isn't it!"

Mikah Hudson
"Yep, that's right! How'd you figure it out?"

"January, February, March, April, May, June, July... Last time you gave me a quiz about the first letter of the days of the week, and this time it's the months of the year, right?"

Mikah Hudson
"You'r awesome at this, MC! I'm thinking maybe this quiz was a little too easy for your, huh?"


Sherlock Holmes:
"Lestrade questioned four different suspects in a theft, talking to them each individually, one after the other.
Here is what each of them told him. The first man he questioned said 'I absolutely didn't do it.'
The second man said 'the first man is telling the truth.' The third man said 'the fourth man is lying.'
Finally, he talked to the fourth man, who said 'I absolutely didn't do it. You've gotta believe me.' Out of these four men, the true thief is the one who said something strange.
Can you tell me who the thief is?"

The answers to choose are:
The first man
The second man
The third man
The fourth man

Right answer is:
"That's easy. It's the third man, isn't it?"

Sherlock Holmes:
"Why do you think it's the third man?"

"I mean, he says the fourth man is lying, but the fourth man hadn't even been questioned yet. That's pretty strange."

 Sherlock Holmes:

"Correct. It seems this quiz was too easy for you."



  1. hi, i am blocked at the quiz time asked by sherlock, the question with the angel, the demon and the human what is the right answer?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. James’ Route _ Season 01
    Robin sngs 01 x a day, won’t sing for next 02 days.
    IF it sings 03 x’s it will vanish.
    King wants to hear the robin sing 01 x a day for 30 days.
    What is the minimum number of robins you need to do this?

    10 _ Just divide 30 by 3 = 10 birds.

    Place - Mountains
    13 People Leave on May 10th + 16 People Arrive
    Now 25 Total People
    16 -13 = +3 ___ 25 - 3 = 22 on May 09
    19 People Leave on May 09th + 11 People Arrive
    19 -11 = -8 ___ 22 + 8 = 30 on May 08
    12 People Leave on May 08th + 18 People Arrive
    18 -12 = +6 ___ 30 - 6 = 24 on May 07
    15 People Leave on May 07th + 14 People Arrive
    15 -14 = -1 ___ 24 + 1 = 25 on May 06
    How many there on the 6th ?
    25 on May 06
    03 Thieves = Eins, Zwei, Drei
    Eins and Zwei told 01 truth and 01 lie
    Person can only steal one jewel.

    Drei stole the small jewel (T)
    Zwei stole the big one (F)

    I stole the small one (F)
    Eins stole the big jewel (T)

    Which of the 3 stole the big jewel?

  4. Mycroft’s Route _ Season 01
    Quiz > Reward = ???
    Lascaux, France 1940 found cave paintings 20,000+ years old.
    Closed caves 23 years later in 1963
    Why were the caves closed?

    The visitors took back pieces of the cave wall with them.
    / The lights the visitors took in with them.
    / The carbon dioxide the visitors exhaled.
    / The body heat emitted by the visitors warmed the interior.
    Quiz > Reward = Power Recovery Item x 20

    "Nature abhors a vacuum."
    Who said this?
    A postulate attributed to Aristotle,

    Gaius Plinius Secundus ( a.k.a. Pliny the Elder )
    Diogenes of Sinope

    A postulate attributed to Aristotle

    Quiz > Reward = Power Recovery Item x 80

    Man asks another man looking at a painting,
    Who is this a portrait of?

    I don’t have any brothers.
    The father of the man in this picture is my father’s son.
    So then, who is pictured in the portrait?

    His Father’s grandson
    *** Note - His son (the one asked the question. ***

    Quiz > Reward = Power Recovery Item x 20
    All ate a different number of cakes
    The most anyone ate was 10.

    How many cakes did Lestrade eat?
    Lestrade = 03

    Mycroft = John x 5 _ Mycroft = 10
    Sherlock = Mycroft - 4 _ Sherlock = 06
    John = Sherlock - 4 _ John = 02
    Lestrade = Sherlock / 2 _ Lestrade = 03
    (half a many as Sherlock)
    Quiz > Reward = Token x 80
    What is back? (Me - What word means back?)

    up = eu
    down = tashi
    right = gimi
    left = ridahi
    front = ema
    back = roshiu

    back = roshiu
    Quiz > Reward = Power Recovery Item x 20
    The 4 go out drinking together.
    They wore the wrong coats home.
    Who wore Inspector Lestrade’s coat home ?

    Inspector George Lestrade _ Hold on…this isn’t my coat.

    John H Watson _ Hey…this coat isn’t mine.
    There are initials written on it, H.P.

    Jeremy Cassel _ That’s weird.
    I’m sure I wasn’t wearing a coat on the way over to the bar.
    It looks like I wore someone else’s coat home by accident.

    Hercule Poirot _ Hold on…
    It seems that I left my coat at the bar.

    Jeremy Cassel has his coat.

    Quiz > Reward = Power Recovery x 20
    What letter goes in the blanks?
    It’s the same letter.

    F M A M _ _ A S O N D


    Quiz > Reward = Token x 80

    Lestrade questioned 4 different suspects.

    I absolutely didn’t do it.
    The 1st man is telling the truth.
    The fourth man is lying.
    I absolutely didn’t do it. You’ve gotta believe me.

    The fourth man is lying.
    Quiz > Reward = Power Recovery x 20

    Who preformed the Suspension Bridge Effect Experiment in 1974 ?

    Dutton and Aron
    John B. Watson
    Sigmund Freud
    Schachter and Miller

    Dutton and Aron

  5. Mycroft’s Route _ Season 01
    This question and answer was too long, so I had post it separately.

    Quiz > Reward = Tokens x 80
    Which one has a Fish as a pet?


    There are 5 houses all in a row
    Each is a different color.
    One person lives in each house.
    Each eats something different for breakfast.
    All drink something different.
    They all have different pets.

    Sherlock + Red House
    Inspector Lestrade + Dog
    Hercule + Tea
    Green House to Left of White House
    Person in Green House + Coffee
    Person has Eggs + Bird
    Person in the Yellow House + Grilled Tomatoes
    Center House + Milk
    John + Blue House at Beginning or End of the row of houses
    Muffins _ Next 2 Cat
    Muffins _ Next 2 Water
    Horse _ Next 2 Grilled Tomatoes.
    Toast + Beer
    Jeremy + Sausage

    Bird + Eggs
    Cat = Next to House + Muffins - MUFFINS -
    Dog + Inspector Lestrade
    Horse _ Next to Yellow House + Grilled Tomatoes

    Beer + Toast
    Green House + Coffee
    Milk + Center House - Sherlock -
    Tea + Hercule
    Water _ Next to House + Water

    Eggs + Bird
    Grilled Tomatoes + Yellow House - BIRD -
    Muffins _ Next to House + Cat - BIRD -
    Sausage + Jeremy - BIRD -
    Toast + Beer - BIRD -

    Jeremy + Sausage - DOG - BIRD -
    John + Blue End of Row House - DOG
    Hercule + Tea - DOG
    Inspector Lestrade + Dog
    Sherlock + Red House - DOG

    Eggs + Bird
    Green House + Coffee _ Left of White House
    Center House + Milk - Sherlock

    Muffins _ Next House + Cat _*AND*_ Next House + Water
    Horse _ Next to Yellow House
    Toast + Beer - BIRD -

    LEFT = Top + RIGHT = Bottom => Order of the Houses

    Yellow _ ……..….…Hercule _ Grilled Tomatoes _ Water _ Cat
    .. Blue _ …………….…. John _…………...… Muffins _ Xxxxx _ Horse
    … Red _ ................. Sherlock _…………...…… Eggs _ Water _ Bird
    . Green _……….….. Jeremy _…………... Sausage _ Coffee _
    . White _ Inspector Lestrade _………………..……. _ Milk _ Dog

    Blue House + John _
    Green House + Coffee _ Jeremy + Sausage *or* Inspector Lestrade + Dog
    ……. Center White House + Milk _ Jeremy + Sausage *or* Inspector Lestrade + Dog
    Yellow House + Grilled Tomatoes _ Hercule + Tea *or* Inspector Lestrade + Dog
    Red House + Sherlock _
    Blue House + John _
    White *or* Yellow *or* Red - Center House + Milk = Sherlock *or* Jeremy + Sausage *or* Inspector Lestrade + Dog *or* Hercule

    Blue Green White Yellow Red
    Blue Green White Red Yellow
    Red Green White Yellow Blue
    Yellow Green White Red Blue
    Green White Yellow Red Blue
    Green White Red Yellow Blue
    Blue Yellow Red Green White
    Blue Red Yellow Green White

    Sherlock + Red House
    Inspector Lestrade + Dog
    Hercule + Tea
    Green House to Left of White House
    Person in Green House + Coffee
    Person has Eggs + Bird
    Person in the Yellow House + Grilled Tomatoes
    Center House + Milk
    John + Blue House at Beginning or End of the row of houses
    Muffins _ Next 2 Cat
    Muffins _ Next 2 Water
    Horse _ Next 2 Grilled Tomatoes.
    Toast + Beer
    Jeremy + Sausage

    Jeremy has a fish

  6. John’s Route _ Season 01

    Boy on bicycle - cherries apples bananas
    The Cherries
    The bananas
    Something else = The brakes (Spoken that way but not physically accurate. You step on the brakes.) You hit the bicycle first.
    The 3 items will fall onto the road since you didn’t hit him with your car.
    2 clocks each at 12:00
    After 1 hour, one reads 1:01 and the other 12:59
    …How many hours total will it take before that once again point to exactly the same time ?

    2 min difference per hour.
    360 hours x 2 = 30 days _ Both will point to 6:00
    720 hours
    Nanashi no Honya = Bookstore with no name
    Koyo gunkan _ About the battle strategy of Takeda Shingen
    Note from thief giving info on his next crime.
    Steal ONE painting from the London Museum.
    There are 60 painting numbered 01 - 60.
    Chose a set of numbers and ADD them.
    Can NOT use any number twice.
    The total of the numbers will NOT be the number of the painting I will steal.
    00 01 02 04 07 15 31

    Caesar Cipher
    Key = 3
    10 BC to 30 AD
    Died day before his birthday
    How old was he ?
    30 + 10 = 40 - 1 year as there is no year 0 = 29
    Less 1day = 38
    40 voters for 3 candidates
    All vote
    What is min. # votes 2 win ?
    *** *** ***
    20 could vote for 2 = Tie
    19 + 20 + 1 are the min. totals for a winner.
    ><><>< NEED 20 Votes Minimum ><><><
    40 - 3 = 37
    37 / 2 = 18 + 19
    19 + 1 = 20
    Sherlock is investigating 1 theft committed by 1 person _ 3 suspects
    Rules they always follow
    When K steals M always helps
    If M isn’t stealing, then N won’t steal either
    No thefts other than the one I’m investigating.

    Mr. K _ No _ K + M = 2 person theft
    Mr. M _ Yes _ Can steal by himself = 1 person + 1 theft
    Mr. N _ No _ M must steal 4 N 2 steal = 2 thefts or 1 by 2
    Angel = Truth
    Demon = Lies
    Human = Either
    Which is Which?

    A - I’m not an angel = Human
    B - I’m not an demon = Demon
    C - I’m not an human = Angel

    A is the human, B is the demon, C is the angel
    What is the fewest number of times you would have to use the scale in order to do this?

    1 Dia = 1.0 oz. + 1 Fake = 0.9 oz
    5 Bags w 10 diamonds each
    1 has ONLY Fakes => Weigh Less
    Scale = 20 oz Max.

    Which Bag Has ALL Fake Diamonds.
    10 x .9 = 9 oz = Weight of Bag w Fake Diamonds
    Dec. 1st flew
    London Heathrow Airport

    70th day flew
    10am Honolulu, Hawaii to Narita, Japan (evening arrival in February)

    Date he arrived in Narita, Japan ?
    Feb. 8th _ Cross International Dateline, so 1 day later.

  7. Sherlock’s Route _ Season 01

    3 Brothers

    House is named "Time"
    1st not home - about to arrive home = FUTURE
    2nd not home - left home = PAST
    3rd in the house - look careful see other 2 brothers
    IF 3rd not at home, 1st and 2nd disappear

    What is the 3rd Brothers Name = PRESENT
    Sherlock’s Favorite Clothes

    Moriarty + Mikah => Cute
    John Watson => Sexy
    Lestrade => Casual

    Style of Sherlock’s fav clothes = ?

    Sherlock => Elegant

    20 -7 = 13 - 5 = 8
    20 total - 8 used = 12 partial candles are left

    How many candles are left ?

    12 are left as the others burn down an dare gone.
    Sherlock’s Sandwich

    A = Cheese
    B = Bacon
    C = Pickles
    D = Lettuce
    E = Tomatoes

    A + E NOT on Bottom
    No pickles
    D = NOT in the Middle

    What order makes Sherlock’s fav sandwich ?

    A = Cheese on Top
    B = Bacon in the Middle
    D = Lettuce on the Bottom

  8. I'm stuck on sherlocks route at a quiz when it asks you what mikahs cat is called. It's either Irene or Christine. Which one is it?

    1. Defenitely Irene. Just like Irene Adler - the only woman Sherlock Holmes evee had some sort of feelings for ^^
