
19 September, 2016

Shall we date?: Guard me, Sherlock! - Main Page

“I didn’t realize this until you showed up, but when I sleep alone, my bed is EMPTY and COLD.”

You visit the office of the world’s greatest detective, Sherlock Holmes, wanting to request him something unique. There, you meet charming men with quite a colorful personality, together with whom you’ll get involved in various incidents.
Do you want Sherlock to be your bodyguard and live together with him and Watson in his office at 221B Baker Street? Or do you want to go on a trip with the mysterious millionaire Professor Moriarty and catch a thief? Can you escape the “elementary” crime? Experience thrills after thrills in modern London with classic characters transformed into irresistible hotties!
The British geniuses will eventually fall in love with you and whisper words of love, kissing you. Choose the path of your romance story with them, and the ending you’ll reach will be a moving one!
Solve the mystery of the case and love all in one story!

Last update on this page: 07. May 2020

(Game available again on the "Dear Otome" app!)

(All Characters, Stories and Pictures belong to © NTT Solmare.)

Shall we date?:Guard me, Sherlock!+ on YouTube by Shall we date? - Dating sim games - NTT Solmare

My Rating:

Fun: ★★★★☆
Drama: ★★★☆☆
 Horror: ★★☆☆☆
Mature content: ★★☆☆☆
Love: ★★★★☆
Art quality: ★★★★☆


I know this game is a hot topic for all Sherlockians out there, but I consider myself as one of them as well, and I can't see any major letdowns here (except for the funny idea about "Mrs. Hudson"). On the contrary - I LOVE this game! Finally an otome game, where MC is so smart that she even can keep up with Sherlock Holmes & Professor Moriarty! And speaking of the riddles - those are clearly my favourit part of the game. It's kind of like playing Professor Layton or Phoenix Wright, only that you can fall in love with one of the guys.
So all in all, it's a game that get's not only your heart, but also your brain all worked up! ^^
You like this game and want to talk about it? Just click on the icon above. ^

Advice before you start playing:

  • Connect your game with your Facebook account. This allows you to play it on Facebook, saves your data and you can even switch from android to iOS this way.
  • DON'T waste your Token & Jewels on clothes. You'll get some once you complete a Story, when Solmare releases Spin offs or, of course, by doing the Checkpoint Mission (in this case you need to buy them in order to pass the Checkpoint).
  • Log in every day to receive Daily Bonus gifts.
  • You can spin the Token Slot for Free once a day!
  • You can exchange your ID code to find more friends.
  • Don't miss out on the Special Offer for Beginners. Valid only the first 5 days after you logged in to you game for the first time!
  • Do the Hide & Kiss as often as you can, to complete the Bingo Set. This raises your Sweetie Points (needed to pass Checkpoints) and Tokens. There are special Rewards for a completed Bingo-Set! 
  • 1 Story Ticket get restored all 4 hours.
  • Have you ever heard of the "Promotion Bonus"? When Solmare releases a new (+) game, and you install and play it, you'll get bonus gifts for it. You'll find more information about it, once the new game is released. 
  • Like "Shall we date" on Facebook to receive special gifts.


(*Note: Season 2 will be unlocked after completing Season 1!)


Spin offs

Fan Goods:
If you encounter a problem:
- If you play on android, please send an e-mail to:
- If you play on iOS, fill in the Inquiry Form on THIS page.
^If you want to support my blog, click here to buy me a coffe. Thanks!
Dear User/Guest, if you have some time, please check out the Credits Page.
I listed there everyone who I wanted to thank for their help with this blog.


  1. I definitely love this game! I love mystery stories and criminal investigation stories. This game has so many cute moments and enough suspense to keep me hooked. The only downfall I see of this game is having to wait for story tickets. I would definitely get this game if it was paid, it's that worth it.

    1. Yeah, the tickets are upsetting... it seems shall we date is getting more and more stingy. I don't particularly like their new interface for games either. But... this one, unlike some other newer ones, is worth the wait (if you don't feel like paying). I spent more than 50 dollars on the game so far and ended up finishing James route with premiums and starting Sherlocks... that's all I got... (I wanted the super early bird stories). I'm playing Sherlock's now and it's pretty good as well but I wouldn't suggest what I did. Probably will make them more stingy. You know if you want to play something in between you could play the game London Detective it's another Sherlock Holmes otome game. It's pretty fun and has 3 different routes and you can play it as long as you want but unless you are a paid player you cannot rewind what is said so you have to pay attention to hints when they ask you to solve something. It's been around for quite a while. They have a sequel too and I had been waiting to be able to play that one in English for a long time, but it seems like it won't be translated. Anyways, good luck and have fun.

    2. Me too! I would totally buy it as soon as it get's released. Maybe they just wait for some time and then turn it into a Paid game like they did with Scarlet Fate. At least I hope so. ^^

  2. The stories in this game are awesome. I've finnished the James route and I'm working on Sherlock now. I paid a hefty sum to get James story done and liked it until the lead female said she was going to "change" him. I skipped over John's story cause in the preview the lead female does the same I'm going to change you thing so I went to Sherlock and that one is pretty good as well. I look forward to Mycroft's story and if and when they put out Moran's.

    1. Yeah, I'm looking forward to Mike as well. I never really had any particular interest in him until now, even if the actor in "Sherlock" did a great job. But in this game he really piqued my interest, since he reveils a lot about his and Sherlocks childhood. It's good to see another side of "the smarter Holmes" (if leave out Sherrinford). XD
      I'm still in the middle of Watson's route and so far I haven't heard MC talking about wanting to change him. All she wants from Watson is to open up to her, to trust her, so he can overcome his trauma from his time during his military service.
      Sherlock is defenitely the next I'm gonna play. I don't know how I feel about dating Moriarty. He's a wicked man, bad and kind of a psychopath through and through. Of course in this game he might be different, but I just can't shake off the evil mastermind image he has (although I found Moriarty in the BCC series very attractive, *blush*).

  3. Replies
    1. You need them to pass the Checkpoints (and you need a looooot of them). So make sure you play them as often as possible, otherwise you will get stuck at the "Sweetie-Checkpoint". ^^

  4. How do I know if I have had picked Premium or Normal Story?

    1. You can see it on the items you bought and if you got CG's or not. Premium Stories cost Jewel, so you also see it there. It's not easy to get Jewel, so after some time, you maybe even have to buy some Jewel with real money in order to get the Premium stories.

  5. Can somebody tell me how to read the side stories I recieved in hide and kiss. I can't find them.

    1. Main Page -> Menu -> Album -> Choose the guy of which you want to read the story -> (if you choose Sherlock, you have to click on Season 1 now) -> you should see now all the photos you got. On the upper left corner of that Menu, there is also an Icon for Story, just click on it -> now you can choose the stories: Main Story, Event or Hide & Kiss, of course you choose the H&K and there you can find all the stories you got from the H&K game ^^
      Have fun!


  6. I'm really looking forward to Mycroft's route and definitely to Moran's. Do you mind me asking if how many tickets are needed to finish one route or like how many is needed for each chapter? I'm so impatient as this game certainly piqued my interest. I like how the MC's character is established as well, She's smart and she can converse well with Sherlock as well as Moriarty. I'm still debating if I should just suffer and wait patiently or just throw my money on it hahaha! I'm on Chapter 5 of Sherlock's route btw.

    1. That really depends. Some Chapters have more Episodes than others, so it's hard to say, but I guess it's between 12-15 Tickets per Chapter and as far as I can remember, there are 10 Chapters and the Epilogue. So that makes... 120 and more Tickets I guess.
      If you really want to know about the stories without having to wait for the tickets and/or without spending money, you can always watche the whole story on YouTube, since there seem to be some videos with the whole story available.

  7. Mycroft ch1 pt4- No, I wasn't taken aback. (No walkthrough yet lol.)

  8. Mycroft ch1 pt4- No, I wasn't taken aback. (No walkthrough yet lol.)

  9. This is a really fun game. I especially love John's route. Watson has always been my favorite, and I like how they portray him in pretty much all the storylines (like how he was so supportive of Jane in Mycroft's route and got to be the hero once). But Mycroft's story has been really excellent too. It's a different take on the character, and I'm really enjoying it. I'm just reluctant to play Sherlock's route because it's hard to imagine his character in any kind of romance. Is there somewhere that we can keep up with what updates they're planning, like if John and the other main two will get a season three or if Mycroft will get a season two? And when we'll find out which character likes casual style clothes? I'd really like a storyline for Moran or Lestrade.

  10. I love the banter and think it's funny how the guys pick on each other.

  11. Sorry for my bad english but i'm Italian ahah; I have a questions. Can I get the CGs without pay with real money? Because I should spend soo many money. I really like this game but I'm poor lol

    1. Don't worry, I'm Italian as well ^^
      You can get some of the CG's, like the Chibi CG's and snippets of the Premium Pictures, but you only get the whole picture, if you play through the Premium Route (which means you have to pay with Jewel for them...) Actually you also get Jewels for logging in, from special events and sometimes Solmare gives them away for free because of certain celebration or to apologize. I'm also always saving up the Jewels until I have enough to pass the Premium Avatar Mission. Meanwhile I play the other games (and there are sooooo many out there, lol).
      If you want to read through the whole story NOW, you can always try to find a video of it on Youtoube. Some gamers uploaded the whole story ;)
      Hope this helps you and happy gaming!


    2. What a shame! Anyway I have a lots of games like this so I can do like you. Thanks a lot for the help

  12. I really love Mycroft route, I mean every routes are good especially Sherlock 'cause I'm Sherlockian. (But I would say I like Sherlock in Mycroft route way more than in his route, what a cute!) As I like his attitude and a grown-up man.
    For MC : In SHerlock's she's coolest. (kinda disappoint in the other Holmes's route, her misunderstanding is so childish.)

    After Mycroft, I would say I'm looking for Hercuole's. He looks cool and a type of smart-ass lol

  13. Ok so total new player question, but how do I get Jewels without spending actual money.

    1. If you click on the Main Page the "See more" icon and scroll down a bit, you should be able to see another icon that says "Get free jewels". There you get the possibility to jewels through Tapjoy.

  14. I have some pictures of Henry's route would you like me to send them to you
