
27 March, 2014

A Knight's Devotion - Main Page

"I pledge my loyalty to you, Your Royal Highness!"

It's the Middle Ages, and you live in the countryside. One day, you suddenly find yourself attacked by a group of men dressed in black... and five royal knights save your life! "We've come for you, Your Royal Highness. "... Me... a princess!? During your journey with the knights, you develop feelings for one of your protectors...

“I want to protect you as a man, not as a knight.” 

Last Update on this page: 20. April 2019

(*Note: This game is part of the "Love 365" app and can only be found there. To learn more about the "Love 365" app, click on the picture below.)

Links to "Love 365":

(All Characters, Stories and Pictures belong to © Voltage Inc.)

My Rating:

Fun: ★★★★☆
Drama: ★★★☆☆
Horror: ★☆☆☆☆
Mature content: ★★☆☆☆
Love: ★★★☆☆
 Art quality: ★★★☆☆


I love this game! It's hialrious! Especially the horse - Dragon. SO funny. But of course there are also more serious parts of the game, betrayal, fights, obstacles. I really like this game and it's a pity that Voltage never released Richards route, the missing Sequels or any Sub Story. I still hope, that one day... maybe... we get to read those.
If you're curious about the game or don't know which guy to pick, try the first free episodes of every character for Free!




*Note: According to the Voltage Inc/Voltage Entertainment USA "guidelines", I am no longer allowed to post any CG's of those companies. To prevent my blog from getting shut down by breaching their company policy, I'll refrain from posting Voltage Inc/Voltage Entertainment USA CG's that get unlocked during the games. Every picture I posted of their games, was either posted by the companies themselves or is a Screenshot that doesn't contain the CG and thus is within what the "guidelines" allow.
I apologize to everyone who was looking for their CG's. Thanks for understanding!


P.S.: Although I don't post their CG's, I listed all released stories of this game here, so you can check on which stories and characters are available.
  • Lute: Main Story, Epilogue, Sequel, Sequel Epilogue, Tears of Love
  • Haku: Main Story, Epilogue, Sequel, Sequel Epilogue, Tears of Love
  • Ken: Main Story, Epilogue, Sequel, Sequel Epilogue
  • Shion: Main Story, Epilogue, Sequel, Sequel Epilogue
  • Gaia: Main Story, Epilogue, Sequel, Sequel Epilogue, Tears of Love
  • Richard: Main Story
Special Stories:
  • Halloween Knight: Lute, Haku, Ken, Shion, Gaia
  • Winter Night Memories: Lute, Haku, Ken, Shion, Gaia
  • A Royal Knight's Day: Lute & Haku, Ken & Shion & Gaia
  • Chocolat Temptation: Lute, Haku, Ken, Shion, Gaia
  • A Crown of Flowers: Lute
  • A Knightly White Day: Lute, Haku, Ken, Shion, Gaia
  • Royal Flush: Victory's Secret Kiss: Shion 
  • Princess Collection: To the Flower Field!
  • Secret Spring Trip - Hearts and Bodies Laid Bare: Lute, Haku, Ken, Shion, Gaia
  • The Seven Wonders of Rapier Castle
If you encounter a problem:
In case you have problems with the "Love 365" app, click on the sidebar in the game and then on "Error Info", to see if the problem is one that Voltage is currently working on. If you can't find a solution for your problem, click on "Settings" in the sidebar and then on "Customer Support". This will lead you to their Website ->
^If you want to support my blog, click here to buy me a coffe. Thanks!
Dear User/Guest, if you have some time, please check out the Credits Page.
I listed there everyone who I wanted to thank for their help with this blog.


  1. Richard's route is out NOW!!!

    1. I KNOWWWW!!! <3 I'm so happy about thay. Finally the waiting is over! :D
