
22 October, 2014

Shall we date?: The Niflheim + Main Page

What if you suddenly wake up in the world you have never known? What are you going to do?

Welcome to the world of Niflheim, the darkest and coldest kingdom for the dead, ruled by the King Jean!
This is the story of the Princess, who has awaken from a millennium of sleep by three men (Orlando, J.J. and Philippe), and tries to find her true love, being demanded by King Jean to be his Queen.
Who would he be her everlasting partner? Could the King be the one she can trust and promise, “till death again do us part?” Or, maybe the other?
Let’s find out!

Last update on this page: 27. March 2020

(All Characters, Stories and Pictures belong to © NTT Solmare)

My Rating:
Mature content:★★☆☆☆
Art quality:★★★★☆

Let us hear your own opinion. Add your rating. Just click on the icon above. ^


Advice before you start playing:
  • DON'T waste your Gold on clothes. You'll get some once you complete a Story or when Solmare releases Spin offs.
  • Other possibilities to receive clothes = Go to the Ball (that's like the Gatcha for other Shall we date games) or complete Missions (look at "How to Play" below).
  • Decide right from the beginning if you want to reach the "Romantic Ending" or the "Mystical Ending". If you don't stick with one direction, you might not reach the Ending you wanted.
  • Log in every day to receive Daily Bonus gifts.
  • Make as many friends as possible. You need their help in the Bride in Training and a certain amount of friends are needed to complete Missions.
  • Save your money for the Avatar Checkpoint.
  • Make a review and add your ID (mine is CcYaL72BLa). If s.o. adds you, you'll receive gifts.
  • Do the "Bride in Training" to get Princess Points (needed to pass Checkpoints) and Gold. If you complete is successfully 5 times in a row, you earn a reward.
  • Have you ever heard of the "Promotion Bonus"? When Solmare releases a new (+) game, and you install and play it, you'll get bonus gifts for it. You'll find more information about it, once the new game is released.
  • Like "Shall we date" on Facebook to receive special gifts.



If you encounter any Problem:
- If you play on Android, please send a Mail to:
- If you play on iOS, fill in the Inquiry Form on THIS page.
^If you want to support my blog, click here to buy me a coffe. Thanks!
Dear User/Guest, if you have some time, please check out the Credits Page.
I listed there everyone who I wanted to thank for their help with this blog.


  1. What's the difference in the two endings, pardon me but which one is the more mature of the two?

    1. Hi there!

      I still don't know what the difference is, but I guess since it is Solmare, we can expect that one is the steamy love Ending (like the Sweet Ending for their other games) and the other is the normal Happy Ending where there might also be a wedding (not sure about it). I'll add some infos about the Endings on this Main Page, once I know more. ^^


    2. Have you found out the difference of the two endings by chance?

  2. Replies
    1. Hopefully soon, but I don't know any exact date. I'll post it on the NEWS page, if I know more. :)


  3. Will you do the ghost's route too? He just came out and if you hurry you might get a special gift from the game :D

  4. Wehere can I find the special ball?

    1. Go to the Main Page and scroll down a little, past your Avatar. There you can see the icon "Ball". Just click on it and you come to the Ball page. Remember: Ball #1 has one free spin per day!

  5. My invitation code C0zTg3kmYa
    Team nick? Anyone?

    1. MEEEE!!! I just started playing him and I'm already madly in love with him! <3 YAY!!!

  6. What happen if you re-install the game? Will you lose the data?

    1. It should be okay. Your game data is usually saved, so if you log in on google store or itunes and download the game again, your game data should still be there. BUT! there is always the possibility that the data might have gotten lost and that you have to start all over form zero.
      To prevent this happen, please register your game BEFORE you remove the game. To do this go to -> Menu ->Link Multiple Accounts -> Continue -> then choose from which provider you have logged in the game you currently play -> continue.
      This should ensure you to go back to your game, even if you have to install it on a new device.

  7. Replies
    1. One is more Romantic with a Proposal or a Wedding and the other (Mysterious Ending) includes something like a Love triangle (mostly with King Jean beeng the thirth wheel, hehe)

  8. Will you do the Victor's route?

  9. Thanks for this great walkthrough! Add ID Ni8MJ4E8yW :)

  10. Quick question, why is the heroine's skin black?

    1. Quick answer: Because they made her that way. Looool. No, seriously. I think they tried to finally add the MC in the game, but they didn't wanted to let us see her face, so they decided to simply made her black. Well since this was so good received, the added the MC WITH her face and all for the next games, like Blood in Roses and Destiny Ninja.

  11. this game mad a perches that i did not approve of since i was asleep i loved this game but now im just pissed

  12. This is a great walkthrough! Thank you! How do I enter your invitation code? I can't find a window for it D:

    1. Hmmm... you can try it unter "Search Friend" but the real only time you can enter it for getting a Bonus, is right on the beginning, when you first start to play the game.

  13. When is Skeletiano's Walkthrough going to be available?

  14. Help. I don't want to move to a new character now that I finished Jean's route. I just want to snuggle jean forever. xD

    Am I alone in not wanting to let go? lol....(also, don't like that I lose the story progress and the princess points accumulated *even if I beat the story*) xP

    1. Well you can always read the Spin offs. This way you don't have to switch to another character. Oooorrr you simply re-read Jean's story, loool! ;)

  15. I want to transfer data from one account to another in neflheim how do i do it????

    1. Please go with your OLD device to the "menu", then click on "link multiple accounts" and then "continue". Then you have to choose an account and violá, you have successfully registered our game, so you can restore its game data on the NEW device. ^^

    2. This won't, erase the game data, right? Something about the way it was worded in the help section of the app made me nervous (it said something about only registering BEFORE you started the game?)

    3. No, don't worry. All I wanted to say, was that you have to register your old data (the game you want to keep playing) on your old device (because your game account is connected with your device) and then, after you installed and started the game on the NEW device, you have to restore the game content the same way you registered. This all sounds super complicated, but it has to be this way, because otherwhise the "game" doesn't know that you have switched device and that you want to play it from another device from now on. :) Please let me know if you still have troubles with the game transfer. ^^

  16. When are you gonna have the walkthrough for Leo?? :( Plz~
    P.S.:sorry for my bad english

    1. I'm currently working on it. I'll post it in a few minutes.

  17. I would like to ask about Story Completion Preizes. Will you get something for completing the all 3 endings? (for the others 2 endings: mystical and the romantic one i got the priezes. Alright!~) Thanks.

    1. No, you won't get anything special. The only special prize is the Early Bird items you can get, after a new Character got released. There you have only a short amount of time to read through the whole story.

    2. Yes! There is a prize for completing all three endings (Romantic, Mystical, and Dark Ending). So far, I know that you get an animated blue rose petal effect for Leo, and a lovely heart effect (reddish purple) for Jean. I would imagine that the other characters would have one also.

  18. Will I lose my items ( eg : the clothes, gold coins and ball invitation cards)
    that I have collected through out the stories once I have reach an ending of one of the characters and want to start on a new character the next time?

    1. Hi Anon!
      No, you won't loose clothes, Coins or CG's. All that changes is your Love Meter, of course and your Princess Points. They will drop drop down to 0 again, but your total PP will stay the same. For more infos, please look at the "How to Play?" page.

  19. Hello. Where can I download background music? I also like music from blood on roses... so can anyone tell where I can find it?

    1. Hello there!
      I'm really sorry, but since I never listen to the background music, I also don't collect them, so I can't tell you where you can find them. Have you tried to find them on YouTube? Some fans might have uploaded the music there...

  20. Which routes do you suggest to play first and which route do you suggest to play last? (Can you list out all the routes) I'd like to know, and I'm having trouble on who to play first ^-^

    1. Hmmm... That's hard to say... Ok, I'll try but there might be some spoilers, sorry!
      I would suggest to play Philippe for first (because he knew MC when she was still alife), then Jean and Nick (because they explain how Niflheim was created). Then Leo because he explains what's outside of Niflheim. From there on it's harder to decide, because it really depends on your personal tast. I would go like this -> Victor (because he's so exciting with his always changing personallies), then J.J. (because I'm curious to know how a Zombie can fall in love, lol), then Orlando and last but not least Skeletiano (because I just can't come around with the part where MC falls in love with a skeleton...).
      Ok, that's all. If you still can't decide, how about you take a look on the Character List page. There you can get all the infos you need about all Characters :)


  21. This may be a silly question but how do you delete clothing from the room area where you dress your avatar? I've been running out of space but for the life of me can't figure out how to remove anything, and can't find anything online that describes how. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    1. When you go to "My Room", click on the Button "Organize Dresser". There you can see all your clothes and can also put them into the Trash.

  22. Hi i want to transfer my data to my phone (currently playing on the ipad) how do i do so in ios?

    1. Please go with your OLD device to the "menu", then click on "link multiple accounts" and then "continue". Then you have to choose an account and violá, you have successfully registered our game, so you can restore its game data on the NEW device. ^^

  23. Do you know where to find the blue floral gown the MC wears on the story? So far, I've only found the pink one and the orange ones that are used for Philippe's story and Nick's (?)

    1. Hi! I searched everywhere, but I couldn't find it neither. It's really strange, since I have that dress. I just can't remember how I got it. I guess at the beginning, after the game was released, there where only a hanful of clothes available, and one of them was the blue and green floral gown. It seems like they have removed it, but I'm not sure. You could ask Solmare directly via the support center. I'm curious what their answer would be.

    2. If I remember it correctly, it is a reward from completing one of the missions (stuff like logging in a certain number of times, befriending people, et cetera).

  24. Haiiiii dawn!! Just want to tell you loce your blog ❤️ Also what are the prizes you get avter you complete a character? Thank you ����❤️

    1. If you go to "Menu" and then to "Change Character", you can see the outfits you can get after you finish one of the endings with a character.

  25. Hi,
    The special event "before we met"
    has a special prize once you
    complete the normal and premium ending.
    I completed both and did not
    receive it, is there any extra
    things I have to consider to get
    the special prize (dress)?
    Thank you, I hope you have
    a great day

    1. Hi there!

      Have you considered the time? I mean, there always is a time limit until you have to complete both endings. Either that or there is a bug. Please try to contact Solmare directly via the Support Center in the game, so they can check for you, where your prizes are and if you can get them. Just click on Menu and there on the bottom you can find the "Help" button. Click on it and scroll down until you find the "Support" part. There you find a link to send them a mail.
      I hope you get the prize! Good luck! ^^


  26. Hi! I am curious about the fireplace background in some of the players rooms. What event did that come from? Thanks!

  27. I accidentally connected my new (so blank) game to my google play account, and now i cant connect my old account to anything! What do i do? How do i transfer the data?

    1. Oh, dear! That's rather serious problem. Best would be to contact Solmare directly via the support center in the game. If you can't find it, then you can find their contact information below, at the bottom of this post.
      I hope you can get this problem fixed, so you can enjoy the game again! Happy Easter!


  28. Hi! Do you know who the artist behind Niflheim is?

    1. Hmmm... if you really want to know about that, try to contact NTT Solmare directly via the support center. However, I'm not sure if the are going to answer you. If they do, would you be so kind and tell me too who the artist is? Now that you have mentioned it, I'm kind of curious about that as well. ^^

  29. How do you get Nick's main outfit for the Nick avatar? I'm on chapter 11 but still haven't gotten it! And blue floral dress is earned after completing an ending first time.

    1. Hi Anon! Thanks for telling about the blue floral dress. ^^ I just couldn't figure out how to get it.
      About Nick's dress: you get it by from the Ball #4, which, as far as I can remember only get's unlocked after completing the route.

    2. Thank you! How about Scraps from Corpse Bride? I've seen others with a skeletal dog avatar item.

    3. The skeletal dog can be found in J.J.'s Gacha #1 ^^

  30. How do we make friend ?

    1. Click on the "Menu" button in the right bottom corner, then scroll down to the "Other" section. Click on the "Social" button and there you can see the "Make More Friends" button. Click on it and choose gamers you want to be friends with. To do so, simply click on "Send a Friend Request" and then you just have to wait until the other gamer accepts your Invitation. ^^

  31. Is there going to be a new character after Leo?
    I can't find information about it and no one new appeared on his route :/

    1. As far as I know, there are no further character's planned. The only possible character would be Sunny, but Solmare still remains conservative and hasn't reseased any GxG route so far. So I suppose Sunny won't get a own route.
      But when I hear or see something, I'll post about it. ;)


  32. What does this game fashion style? I mean Wizradest Heart is Magic, Devil and Angel is Mornden, so what about Nilfheim?

    1. I kind of agree with Albana. There is a lot of baroque style, especially when it comes to the court, like Jean's outfit (his harmes), or Orlando's. But I think there is also some Steampunk, if you look at J.J. and Victor.

  33. Baroque? Everyone there is dead... It's a really specific vision of afterlife world...:) But I really recommend it. I was sceptical at first but I found it very interesting.

  34. Replies
    1. No, I didn't hear anything of that sort. Maybe sometime in the future they make a collab event with Blood in Roses, but I haven't heard about any planned event so far.

  35. For some reason, I can only buy the gold key with gold once. Anyone else having this problem?

    1. You can only buy it once... It is a once per player thing

  36. Does anybody know if there is going to be any other event? You know of those that give you points for reading stories and participating in balls and bride in training things, I have not had any since already like a monte or two..:

  37. Hey In nicks story you obviously have the choice to pick from the normal ending and romantic ending by choosing to buy one of two items and it happens a few times throughout the story. I'm wondering if I'll get the same photos no matter what one I'm choosing or I'm stopping myself from getting a photo by choosing the normal ending. Thanks if you can help

    1. As far as I know, you don't get CG's with the Normal Routes.

  38. Hello there! Sorry if this has been asked before but...
    I'm playing through Nick's (pale ghost) route right now, and I'm trying to decide what to do for the avatar challenge. I can either buy wings made of bone (for 500 coins) or a glass bell for the in-game "free" currency. I really would like to get the wings of bone, but I can't afford it right now (and tapjoy offers keep giving my phone viruses lol). So if I choose not to get the wings, is that it? Will I never have the chance to get them again? Or if I reply Nick's route can I buy them then? Thanks in advance!~

    1. I think you can even buy the bone wings without having to replay Nicks route, so don't worry. I know how hard it is to get the money to buy all the things in the games, or just the items you need to get the picture. It's okay. And besides, you can replay each route and story as many times as you like, so just take your time :)

  39. DjdzrHhmdQ Add me ����

  40. My ID FNYVvzynnJ
    THX for all the guides
    But somehow i'm to stupid to add people by their ID

  41. Great guide thank you!

    Pls add me: FPLA8NgsN8

  42. I can't find where you send friend requests in the game and I can't find the answer anywhere. Could you help me?

    1. On the Main Page of the game scroll down past the "Back to Story", "Bride in Training" and such icons, until you see the "My Items", "Mission" and "Social" buttons. Click on the "Social" button, which leads you to the page where you can send and accept friend requests.

  43. Perfect Guide even though I've just started! Thank you so much ��

    My is Id: J8uL3xGUF6

  44. Can anyone tell me what the difference in the two endings I would like to know if I am going with the right one please and thank you

  45. Oh man, I just started playing and I already hope they'll grow balls one day and let me get hitched with Sunny.

  46. I cannotfind the prologue anymore in the app Niflheim! I would like to read it again, now that I have started a new route. Could someone tell me where to find it today? I can remember though that it was somewhere of the site, where you choose a new character. But now it seems as it is not there anymore. Please help me!

  47. As the game closed in 2020, is there another way to play it on mobile phone?
