(*Note: REMEMBER: Decide right from the start, if you want to reach the "Romantic Ending" or the "Mystical Ending".
If you don't stick with one direction, you might not reach the Ending
you wanted. Also the required Princess Points might be different,
depending on how many routs you already have played.)
Main Story
Chapter 1
1.04 Gotta cheer him up! (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
This just got awkward... (Trust +5 - Intimacy +2)
1.09 Love Challenge:
Ribbon Brooch (Charm+10) - 1000 Gold
1.10 Something dainty. (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
1.09 Love Challenge:
Ribbon Brooch (Charm+10) - 1000 Gold
1.10 Something dainty. (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
Something bulky. (Trust +5 - Intimacy +2)
Get: Love Letter
Get: Love Letter
Chapter 2
2.02 Love Challenge:
Premium: Wing Made from Bones (Charm +50) - 300 Coins (get CG)
Normal: Glass Bell (Charm +20) - 150 Coins/ 2000 Gold
2.05 No. (Trust +5 - Intimacy +2)
2.02 Love Challenge:
Premium: Wing Made from Bones (Charm +50) - 300 Coins (get CG)
Normal: Glass Bell (Charm +20) - 150 Coins/ 2000 Gold
2.05 No. (Trust +5 - Intimacy +2)
Of course. (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
2.09 Have more confidence. (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
2.09 Have more confidence. (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
That's an awful way to think. (Trust +5 - Intimacy +2)
Get: Love Letter
Get: Love Letter
Chapter 3
3.06 Let's see... (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
3.06 Let's see... (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
You can have first dibs. (Trust +5 - Intimacy +2)
3.06 Love Challenge:
Require Princess Points x 1,000
3.10 That's not so! (Trust +5 - Intimacy +2)
3.06 Love Challenge:
Require Princess Points x 1,000
3.10 That's not so! (Trust +5 - Intimacy +2)
It's not a waste. (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
Get: Love Letter
Chapter 4
4.01 Did you make eye contact? (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
4.01 Did you make eye contact? (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
Do you think he sees you? (Trust +5 - Intimacy +2)
4.05 His wrist. (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
4.05 His wrist. (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
His hair. (Trust +5 - Intimacy +2)
4.06 Love Challenge:
Premium: Moondrop Bracelet (Charm +80) - 400 Coins (get CG)
Normal: Hand Mirror (Charm +30) - 200 Coins/ 3000 Gold
4.06 Love Challenge:
Premium: Moondrop Bracelet (Charm +80) - 400 Coins (get CG)
Normal: Hand Mirror (Charm +30) - 200 Coins/ 3000 Gold
Get: Love Letter
Chapter 5
5.05 Climb it. (Trust +5 - Intimacy +2)
Bow out. (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
5.10 Hug him. (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
5.10 Hug him. (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
Snap at him. (Trust +5 - Intimacy +2)
Get: Love Letter
Chapter 6
6.05 Agree. (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
Refuse. (Trust +5 - Intimacy +2)
6.07 Love Challenge:
Require Princess Points x 4,000
6.10 Get a blanket. (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
Stop singing. (Trust +5 - Intimacy +2)
Get: Love Letter
Chapter 7
(Thank you Juliet, for this answers!)
7.05 Hug Him (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
Call Out to Him (Trust +5 - Intimacy +2)
7.10 Never! (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
But... (Trust +5 - Intimacy +2)
Get: Love Letter
Chapter 8
8.08 Everyone's rejoicing. (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
What a commotion... (Trust +5 - Intimacy +2)
8.11 Love Challenge:
Premium: Exotic Dress (Charm +100) - 400 Coins (get CG)
Normal: Sedate Dress (Charm +40) - 250 Coins/ 4000 Gold
8.12 Ostensibly. (Trust +5 - Intimacy +2)
Of course you are. (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
Get: Love Letter
Chapter 9
9.07 You're certain? (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
But... (Trust +5 - Intimacy +2)
9.10 It's not that I'm flustered... (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
I'll tell you, just wait. (Trust +5 - Intimacy +2)
Get: Love Letter
Chapter 10
10.05 That might be difficult. (Intimacy +2 - Trust +5)
A capital idea. (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
10.07 Love Challenge:
Require Princess Points x 10,000
10.10 Thank you. (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
Wait… (Trust +5 - Intimacy +2)
Get: Love Letter
Chapter 11
11.04 This isn’t your doing! (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
Let’s talk about something else! (Trust +5 - Intimacy +2)
11.07 Encourage him. (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
Say nothing. (Trust +5 - Intimacy +2)
Get: Love Letter
Chapter 12
12.04 I suppose. (Trust +5 - Intimacy +2)
That was all you. (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
12.08 Just find a way out! (Trust +5 - Intimacy +2)
It’s not your fault Nick! (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
Get: Love Letter
Chapter 13
13.03 Of course. (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
We’ve got no other leads. (Trust +5 - Intimacy +2)
13.08 What do you care?! (Trust +5 - Intimacy +2)
I’m all right, don’t worry. (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
Premium: Nick Doll (Charm +150) - 600 Coins (get CG)
Normal: Black and White Throne Room (Charm +50) - 400 Coins/ 5000 Gold
Get: Love Letter
Chapter 14
14.02 Let me go! (Trust +5 - Intimacy +2)
Let Nick go! (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
14.08 Be careful, Nick! (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
You can do it, Your Majesty! (Trust +5 - Intimacy +2)
Get: Love Letter
Chapter 15
15.04 We have to get out of here! (Trust +5 - Intimacy +2)
We have to save Nick! (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
15.09 You’re not coming back to me, are you? (Trust +5 - Intimacy +2)
I miss you… (Intimacy +5 - Trust +2)
15.06 Love Challenge:
[Garden] Helheim Castle (Charm +100) - 500 Coins/9,000 Gold
Get: Love Letter, CG
Romantic End: 125 Intimacy Level
Mystic End: 125 Trust Level
Dark End: if you couldn't get either Ending
Help with the rest please?
ReplyDeleteOMG! I'm so sorry, that I haven't updated his Walkthrough! I'll try to add the rest immediately!
DeleteThank you ^-^
DeleteWhich end has a better story?
ReplyDeleteHmmm... I guess the Romantic End, if you prefer Romance more, but I'm still not there, so I can't say it for sure. I'm currently at Chapter 13...
DeleteAlmost outrageous that he is a total of 10,000 points. The guys listed before him are like, 20,000. It's a nice change of pace of course lol.