Season 5: The Sol Maiden - Main Story
(*Note: Special Thanks to Cathrin for the Walkthrough!)
Day 1: The Right-hand
(17 Episodes)
1.04 I'm not doing anything fishy.
She is. (Intimacy +7)
1.07 I'll find my own way somehow.
Are you sure? (Intimacy +7)
1.08 Special Sigurd Scenario
Get 2x CG
1.12 Just for the heck of it?
I don't have a clue.
It's held on leap years. (Intimacy +7)
1.17 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: Magical Quil Pen [Room] - 500 Lune or 50 Coins
Day 2: Start of New Days
(16 Episodes)
2.07 A rival.
A convenience.
A partner. (Intimacy +7)
2.11 No!
Yeah … (Intimacy +7)
2.11 Special Sigurd Scenario
2.13 Oak trees.
Elm trees.
Walnut trees.
Magical tree. (Intimacy +7)
2.15 I'll pass.
I've got this! (Intimacy +7)
Day 3: Cloud Bird
(15 Episodes)
3.03 A dragon.
A unicorn.
A cloud bird. (Intimacy +7)
3.09 Albums.
Al pico.
Al dente.
Ruby-eyes. (Intimacy +7)
3.11 Don't worry about it.
I'd love that! (Intimacy +7)
3.12 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: Dove-on-flowers Hair Accessory [Room]: 250 Coins
Normal: Bat-shaped Hair Accessory [Room]: 50 Coins or 500 Lune
Day 4: Dimming
(17 Episodes)
4.02 No.
The Tower of Sorrow. (Intimacy +7)
4.05 I'm relieved.
It makes sense now. (Intimacy +7)
4.08 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 500 Magic Grade Points
4.10 An incantation.
An element. (choose)
4.10 Earth.
Wind. (Intimacy +7)
4.14 Special Sigurd Scenario
4.16 I'll leave it to them.
Then I have to help, too. (Intimacy +7)
Day 5: An Old Tale
(18 Episodes)
5.01 Can't ask him.
Ask him. (Intimacy +7)
5.03 Ventos.
Aqua. (Intimacy +7)
5.08 It sounds hard.
It sounds like fun! (Intimacy +7)
5.10 Special Sigurd Scenario
5.13 That sounds tough.
I'm jealous. (Intimacy +7)
Day 6: Legend of the Sol Maiden
(15 Episodes)
6.01 Don't tell her.
Tell her. (Intimacy +7)
6.03 I'll try.
I can't. (Intimacy +7)
6.07 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 2,000 Magic Grade Points
6.07 She danced.
She prayed.
She sang.
She fired her bow. (Intimacy +7)
6.11 There's not a chance.
What if I am … (Intimacy +7)
6.13 I don't …
I think so. (Intimacy +7)
Yeah … (Intimacy +7)
2.11 Special Sigurd Scenario
Get 3x CG
2.13 Oak trees.
Elm trees.
Walnut trees.
Magical tree. (Intimacy +7)
2.15 I'll pass.
I've got this! (Intimacy +7)
Day 3: Cloud Bird
(15 Episodes)
3.03 A dragon.
A unicorn.
A cloud bird. (Intimacy +7)
3.09 Albums.
Al pico.
Al dente.
Ruby-eyes. (Intimacy +7)
3.11 Don't worry about it.
I'd love that! (Intimacy +7)
3.12 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: Dove-on-flowers Hair Accessory [Room]: 250 Coins
Normal: Bat-shaped Hair Accessory [Room]: 50 Coins or 500 Lune
Day 4: Dimming
(17 Episodes)
4.02 No.
The Tower of Sorrow. (Intimacy +7)
4.05 I'm relieved.
It makes sense now. (Intimacy +7)
4.08 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 500 Magic Grade Points
4.10 An incantation.
An element. (choose)
4.10 Earth.
Wind. (Intimacy +7)
4.14 Special Sigurd Scenario
Get CG
4.16 I'll leave it to them.
Then I have to help, too. (Intimacy +7)
Day 5: An Old Tale
(18 Episodes)
5.01 Can't ask him.
Ask him. (Intimacy +7)
5.03 Ventos.
Aqua. (Intimacy +7)
5.08 It sounds hard.
It sounds like fun! (Intimacy +7)
5.10 Special Sigurd Scenario
Get a CG
5.13 That sounds tough.
I'm jealous. (Intimacy +7)
Day 6: Legend of the Sol Maiden
(15 Episodes)
6.01 Don't tell her.
Tell her. (Intimacy +7)
6.03 I'll try.
I can't. (Intimacy +7)
6.07 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 2,000 Magic Grade Points
6.07 She danced.
She prayed.
She sang.
She fired her bow. (Intimacy +7)
6.11 There's not a chance.
What if I am … (Intimacy +7)
6.13 I don't …
I think so. (Intimacy +7)
Day 7: Maiden's Tears
(12 Episodes)
7.02 A little break won't hurt …
I know. (Intimacy +7)
7.02 Special Sigurd Scenario
Get 2x CG
7.03 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: Long Hair with Curly Hair Ends [Room]: 400 Coins
Normal: Heart-shaped Wavy Hair [Room]: 100 Coins or 3.000 Lune
7.04 Eat some food. [no change]
Go somewhere picturesque. [no change]
Go to an accessory store. [no change]
7.09 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 4,000 Magic Grade Points
7.10 No!
Okay. (Intimacy +7)
Day 8: Once More
(14 Episodes)
8.01 I'll never forgive you.
Just stop. (Intimacy +7)
8.05 Aqua.
Lumen. (Intimacy +7)
8.09 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 7,000 Magic Grade Points
8.11 Special Sigurd Scenario
Get 2x CG
8.13 No.
Yeah. (Intimacy +7)
Don't practice.
Practice. (Intimacy +7)
Day 9: Everyone's Hope
(14 Episodes)
9.02 I can't!
Leave it to me! (Intimacy +7)
9.04 A wand.
A whip.
A silver flute. (Intimacy +7)
9.05 Ask everyone for help.
Use magic.
Just soldier on.
9.0? ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 9,500 Magic Grade Points
9.13 I can't.
I'm not sure I can. (Intimacy +7)
Day 10: Rampage
(15 Episodes)
10.02 I don't.
Yeah. (Intimacy +7)
10.04 Ronny.
Chica. (Intimacy +7)
10.0? ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 11,250 Magic Grade Points
10.05 Just for a while …
Sorry. (Intimacy +7)
10.07 Special Sigurd Scenario
Get 3x CG
10.14 Not at all.
Yeah. (Intimacy +7)
Day 11.01: Magical Creatures of Darkness
(15 Episodes)
11(1).01 Don't look!
This is so embarrassing. (Intimacy +7)
11(1).04 Holo Legium.
Holo Logaram.
Holo Logium. (Intimacy +7)
11(1).06 Understand.
Hate this. (Intimacy +7)
11(1).12 I can't tell.
I can tell. (Intimacy +7)
11.01.15 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: Sol Festival Background [Garden]: 800 Coins
Normal: Her Dormroom [Garden]: 400 Coins or 8.000 Lune
Day 11.02: You're my …
(14 Episodes)
11(2).04 I need a guide.
Anyone would. (Intimacy +7)
11(2).10 My life for theirs.
I can't. (Intimacy +7)
11(2).11 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 14,500 Magic Grade Points
11(2).13 I'm not sure.
I'll try. (Intimacy +7)
Day 11.03: Revival
(14 Episodes)
11(3).03 Special Sigurd Scenario
Get 2x CG
11(3).06 We have no other choice.
No! (Intimacy +7)
11(3).09 Physically-demanding jobs.
Intellectually-demanding jobs.
Decorations. (Intimacy +7)
11(3).13 There's no way I can.
I'll try. (Intimacy +7)
Day 12: Sol Felia
(15 Episodes)
12.03 I'm fine.
I'm nervous. (Intimacy +7)
12.10 I can't eat both of them.
I'll eat them. (Intimacy +7)
12.10 Right!
Liar. (Intimacy +7)
12.15 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: Cloud Dress [Room]: 1.000 Coins
Normal: Bat Girl Dress [Room]: 500 Coins or 10.000 Lune
1. Unhappy Ending = Default Ending 500 Coins
2. Normal Ending = 2 Picture's 1.500 Coins
3. Happy Ending = 3 Picture's ? Coins
Get: 5x Story Ticket, 2x Elias' Classic Muffin, 5x Aruenaristy, 1x Magic Grade (200pt), 1x 'Matching Outfit with Sigurd' [Room]
Day 13: Vow

I love these walkthroughs! For chapter 4 Dimming Part 4.14 respectively you only receive one photo. Hope this helps :D