Working overtime until late at the office to make a deadline, you doze
off at desk. All of a sudden, a white rabbit appears in front of you,
stealing one of your documents and running away!
Chasing after the magical creature, you fall into a mysterious black portal …….
You wake up to find yourself in a gorgeous bedroom in a fairytale-like castle!
You’ve been crowned as a queen of this enchanted land and 7 different princes are showering you with marriage proposals!
In amidst of all the confusion, you have to choose one of them to be the king and save the world――
The fate of everything is in your hands!
Chasing after the magical creature, you fall into a mysterious black portal …….
You wake up to find yourself in a gorgeous bedroom in a fairytale-like castle!
You’ve been crowned as a queen of this enchanted land and 7 different princes are showering you with marriage proposals!
In amidst of all the confusion, you have to choose one of them to be the king and save the world――
The fate of everything is in your hands!
Last update on this page: 10. February 2019
(All Characters, Stories and Pictures belong to © Arithmetic Inc.)
(*Note: Special Thanks to Hope for all Walkthrough's & CG's!)



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