Liliana Adornato was born and raised in the church in the center of the
Italian town of Burlone. Three criminal organizations control parts of
the city, and Lili discovers that she is literally in the center of
their turf wars. Her encounters with the leaders of the Falzone,
Visconti, and Lao-Shu Families lead to danger and distraction. Once Lili
is drawn into the shadowy world of crime, she realizes there is no
going back.
Last Update on this Page: 24. October 2020

(All Characters, Stories and Pictures belong to © Aksys & Otomate)
Deb-Chan's opinion on the game:
"Piofiore does not make my list of favorite games. I only liked 2/6 routes. There were a lot of typos and errors in the writing, let alone the poor writing on the story that is a problem with localized visual novels. The authors tried to bring some Itlaian "flavor" into the game by having a bunch of Italian food, but it felt like they were listing off and Italian cookbook for the sake of making dictionary entries. The MC felt more in line with the typical modern Japanese MCs than an Italian girl from the 1920s. More period language and jargon would have gone a long way in helping the game."

Learn more about the game on their webpage:

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