19 October, 2019

Romance MD - Main Page

Last Update on this Page: 06. January 2022
(*Note: This game is part of the "Love 365" app and can only be found there. To learn more about the "Love 365" app, click on the picture below.)


Links to "Love 365":








*Note: According to the Voltage Inc/Voltage Entertainment USA "guidelines", I am no longer allowed to post any CG's of those companies. To prevent my blog from getting shut down by breaching their company policy, I'll refrain from posting Voltage Inc/Voltage Entertainment USA CG's that get unlocked during the games. Every picture I posted of their games, was either posted by the companies themselves or is a Screenshot that doesn't contain the CG and thus is within what the "guidelines" allow.
I apologize to everyone who was looking for their CG's. Thanks for understanding!


P.S.: Although I don't post their CG's, I listed all released stories of this game here, so you can check on which stories and characters are available.
  • Munechika Takado: Main Story (Love <3 Choice Story), Through His Eyes - His POV, Epilogue 1, Epilogue 2, Takado: Through Kasumi's Eyes
  • Tetsuya Hosho: Main Story (Love <3 Choice Story), Through His Eyes - His POV, Epilogue 1, Epilogue 2, Hosho: Through Kasumi's Eyes
  • Sentaro Kyogoku: Main Story (Love <3 Choice Story), Through His Eyes - His POV, Epilogue 1, Epilogue 2, Kyogoku: Through Kasumi's Eyes
  • Eiichi Matsunaga: Main Story (Love <3 Choice Story), Through His Eyes - His POV, Epilogue 1, Epilogue 2, Matsunaga: Through Kasumi's Eyes
  • Toshiki Kasumi:  Main Story (Love <3 Choice Story), Through His Eyes - His POV, Epilogue 1, Epilogue 2, Kasumi: Through Kyogoku's Eyes
  • Kaede Ekuni:  Main Story (Love <3 Choice Story), Through His Eyes - His POV, Epilogue 1, Epilogue 2, Ekuni: Through Takado's Eyes
Special Stories:
  • Romance MD vs. Metro PD: Saving Lives
  • Intimately On Call: Vol. 1 (Takado, Hosho, Ekuni), Vol. 2 (Kyogoku, Kasumi, Matsunaga)
  • Angering the Prince: Hosho
  • Six Way to Give a Hot Guy Chocolate: Vol. 1, Vol. 2 
  • Complementary Colors: Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3, Vol. 4 
  • In Which Sen's Jealous of Takado
  • Munechika Takado, Insatiable 
  • In wich Sen gets mixed up with two cutesylovebirds
  • Insatiable - What he's craving: Sentaro, Hosho
  • His interference to save the day
  • Miss, you shouldn't be with an old timer like me
  • Dr. Santa: Takado & Ekuni, Matsunaga & Kyogoku, Kasumi & Hosho
  • Dr. Chocolate 2021: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
  • Surprise!: It's White Day Payback: Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3
  • The Day Kasumi's jealous of Sen
  • It's not you she likes, it's me
  • Twice the love and hot spring healing: (Takado & Ekuni), (Hosho & Kasumi), (Kyogoku & Matsunaga)
  • Hands Off My Princess (Christmas 2021): Takado & Ekuni, Kasumi & Hosho, Kyogoku & Matsunaga
  • The One Where Everyone's Jealous of Takado: Kasumi & Hosho




If you encounter a problem:
In case you have problems with the "Love 365" app, click on the sidebar in the game and then on "Error Info", to see if the problem is one that Voltage is currently working on. If you can't find a solution for your problem, click on "Settings" in the sidebar and then on "Customer Support". This will lead you to their Website -> www.hykoi-support.en.koi-game.com

^If you want to support my blog, click here to buy me a coffe. Thanks!

Dear User/Guest, if you have some time, please check out the Credits Page.
I listed there everyone who I wanted to thank for their help with this blog.

Romance MD - How to Play?

[Walkthrough] Romance MD - Tetsuya Hosho

Season 1: Main Story

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail (dawnire@gmail.com) or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)

[Walkthrough] Romance MD - Munechika Takado

Season 1: Main Story

(*Note: Special Thanks to ladislava for this Walkthrough!
Also, it takes 25 LM (Love Meter) points to reach the Super Happy End.)

Episode 1
A: Observe.
B: Help Takado. β†’ (Need 5 πŸ’—)

Episode 2
A: Wait till later.
B: Flip back the covers.

Episode 3
A: Missy.
B: Takado.

Episode 4
A: This isn’t a conversation.
B: You’re missing the point.

Episode 5
A: Ignore him.
B: It’s not β€œevery little thing!”

Episode 6
A: Apologize.
B: Offer an excuse.

Episode 7
A: Don’t apologize to Takado.
B: Apologize to Takado. β†’ (Need 8 πŸ’— get +2 LM)

Episode 8
ATeach me
B: What’s got you in a snit?

Episode 9
A: I’m not ready to die!
B: I value my time, you know!

Episode 10
A: Stick a hand on the wall.
B: Lean on Takado β†’ (Need 10 πŸ’— get +1 LM)

Episode 11
A: A scalpel
B: An aspirator. β†’ (Need 13 πŸ’— get +3 LM)

Episode 12
A: Tail him.
B: Chase him and shout.

Episode 13
A: Ask Takado.
B: Ask Kasumi.

Episode 14
A: Don’t ask.
B: I want to know. β†’ (Need 15 πŸ’— get +1 LM)

Episode 15
A: Ask about the Pen.
B: Ask about Takado. β†’ (Need 8 πŸ’— get +1 LM)

Episode 16
A: My duty as a doctor compelled me.
B: I was worried about him. β†’ (Need 10 πŸ’— get +2 LM)

Episode 17
A: Avoid his potential wrath.
B: Ask. β†’ (Need 15 πŸ’— get +3 LM)

Episode 18
A: Go back to sleep.
B: Carefully sit up. β†’ (Need 13 πŸ’— get +1 LM + CG)

Episode 19
A: Stay silent like Takado.
B: Defend Takado.

Episode 20
A: Stay out of it.
B: Insist on examining the woman. β†’ (Need 10 πŸ’— get +2 LM)

Episode 21
A: And then they’d kiss.
B: And it’d get ll tragic.

Episode 22
A: Ignore him.
B: Ask for details. β†’ (Need 10 πŸ’— get +1 LM)

Episode 23
A: Give up for now.
B: Talk to Takado again. β†’ (Need 20 πŸ’— get +3 LM)

Episode 24
A: I’m off.
B: Dr. Takado….

Episode 25
A: Don’t go.
B: Follow Takado.

Episode 26
A: Feel sorry for him.
B: Explain. β†’ (Need 14 πŸ’— get +2 LM)

Episode 27
A: No need.
B: Tell me, then. β†’ (Need 15 πŸ’— get +1 LM + CG)

Episode 28
A: Get some sleep.
B: Stay with Takado. β†’ (Need 19 πŸ’— get +3 LM + a kissing scene)

Episode 29
A: Call Dr. Kasumi.
B: Don’t call him yet. β†’ (Need 20 πŸ’— get +3 LM)

Romance MD - Relationship Chart


Romance MD - Locations

14 October, 2019

[Walkthrough] Masquerade Kiss - The Boss

Season 1: Main Story

(*Note: It takes 12 Love Meter (LM) Points to get the Super Happy Ending and you can only get those points, by "buying" them with Hearts during the choices. If you didn't get enough LM points, you can still buy them for 40 Hearts before the last episode. All other choices without a heart, don't change the LM - thank you, ladislava for those infos!)

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail (dawnire@gmail.com) or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!) 

Season 2: Main Story

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail (dawnire@gmail.com) or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)

Season 2: Lover Occultus

(*Note: Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it, I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a mail (dawnire@gmail.com) or post it in the comment box below. Thank you!)

[Walkthrough] Irresistable Mistakes - Jun Araki

Season 1: Main Story

Heartfelt Ending

(*Note: Special Thanks to Danielle for posting this Walkthrough!)

Episode 1
A: Smile politely and try talking to him.
C: β€œNo. He’s not my type at all.”
Episode 2
A: β€œYou’re serious about this project, aren’t you?”
B: β€œLet me meet with the client, and convince them.”
Episode 3
C: Inquire about Mr. Araki.
A: Talk about the weather.
Episode 4
C: β€œI’ll be more careful.”
B: β€œIt would be fine if you’d pretended you didn’t notice…”
Episode 5
A: β€œI’d be glad to!”
B: Ask Mr. Araki if I can sit beside him.
Episode 6
B: Tell Rei to stop talking about me.
A: β€œThat’s very kind of you.”
Episode 7
C: β€œI’ll do whatever I can help.”
A: β€œYou’re like Nanami’s daddy, Mr. Araki.”
Episode 8
B: β€œI want to thank you, Mr. Araki.”
C: Wait and see how Mr. Araki reacts.
Episode 9
B: β€œOh… I was hoping we could go together…”
C: Focus on the work I have to do.
Episode 10
C: Try to keep Mr. Araki from finding out.
C: Just watch him.
Episode 11
B: β€œThat’s true…”
A: Stay strong, and get out of here.
Episode 12
A: β€œA member of your staff?”
C: Lean in closer.
Provocative Ending

(*Note: Special Thanks to Danielle for posting this Walkthrough!)
Episode 1
C: Turn right back around and leave.
B: β€œAnyway, he’s told me to forget it happened.”
Episode 2
C: β€œI’m sure you’ve got lots of free time on your hands, right?”
C: β€œThis time, let’s ignore the client’s request.”
Episode 3
B: Leave in a hurry.
C: Talk about relationships.
Episode 4
A: β€œYou can be surprisingly nice sometimes.”
A: β€œThis is super embarrassing! Don’t look!”
Episode 5
C: β€œIf you insist, Mr. Araki.”
A: Sit down beside Mr. Araki.
Episode 6
A: Ask about Mr. Araki in return.
B: β€œYou almost gave me the wrong idea.”
Episode 7
A: β€œSo I guess you owe me one.”
B: β€œNanami looks so comfy. I’m kind of jealous.”
Episode 8
C: β€œTell me again that you’re my fan.”
A: Play along, and pretend to be Nanami’s parents.
Episode 9
A: β€œI thought that she’d like it if it came from both of us…”
B: Call out to Mr. Araki.
Episode 10
A: Explain calmly.
B: Be cheerful, and talk to him.
Episode 11
C: β€œYou don’t know everything about Mr. Araki.”
C: Fire back at him.
Episode 12
C: β€œA passing acquaintance?”
B: Look away.

Season 2: Evening Embrace - Part 1

Heartfelt Ending

(*Note: Special Thanks to eri for posting this Walkthrough!)
Episode 1
Ask him directly 
Episode 2
Admit to it
Episode 3
Get right to the point 
Episode 4
Show appreciation 
Episode 5
Make a new drink 
Episode 6
Say something 
Episode 7
Are there extenuating circumstances

Provocative Ending

(*Note: Special Thanks to eri for posting this Walkthrough!)
Episode 1
Wonder about the client 
Episode 2
Feign ignorance 
Episode 3
Go for a curveball approach
Episode 4
Tease him
Episode 5
Turn on the tv 
Episode 6
Signal to Jun
Episode 7
Don’t you trust me?

Season 2: Evening Embrace - Part 2

Heartfelt Ending

(*Note: Special Thanks to eri for posting this Walkthrough!)
Episode 1
Admit to it 
Episode 2
Play with Nanami
Episode 3
Let him dry it/Tell him I’m fine
Episode 4
Think of an alternate solution 
Episode 5
Look at Jun
Episode 6
Hug Jun/Wipe the tears away 
Episode 7
Take him up in the offer
Provocative Ending

(*Note: Special Thanks to eri for posting this Walkthrough!)
Episode 1
Feign ignorance 
Episode 2
Gossip with both
Episode  3
Snark back
Episode 4
Look for a back door
Episode 5
Stay quiet 
Episode 6
Look down in pain
Episode 7
Tense up even more

Season 3: Between Reason and Affection - Part 1

Heartfelt Ending

(*Note: Special Thanks to Anon for posting this Walkthrough!)
Episode 1
I'm ready!
Episode 2
You really care about children.
Episode 3
I can't
Episode 4
It wasn't very romantic.
Episode 5
I have a boyfriend.
Episode 6
It would mean a lot.
Episode 7
Of course.

Season 3: Between Reason & Affection - Part 1

(*Note: This Walktrough is still missing. If you per chance have it and want to share it here, you can either post it in the comment box below, or send it to me via email (dawnire@gmail.com) Thank you! ^^)

Season 3: Between Reason & Affection - Part 2

(*Note: This Walktrough is still missing. If you per chance have it and want to share it here, you can either post it in the comment box below, or send it to me via email (dawnire@gmail.com) Thank you! ^^)

[Walkthrough] Irresistable Mistakes - Rei Kamiki

Season 1: Main Story

Heartfelt Ending

(*Note: Special Thanks to Britegreen402 for the Walkthrough!)

Episode 1
Wave at him
Well it's getting pretty late

Episode 2
What if people find out?
Just be honest, say whats on your mind
Episode 3
Call out to him
If I was your girlfriend, I wouldn't want to hear that
Episode 4
We could practice holding hands
It's just like the magic hour
Episode 5
I can't handle a cat that big
Shake him
Episode 6
Takuro, as usual
Because you're alive
Episode 7
Of course I worry
You have a wonderful family
Episode 8
I'm sorry for prying
I can't really say anything

Episode 9
 I willI
I don't need your sympathy 
Episode 10
My cooking is so good?
You could've phrased that better
Episode 11
Have you eaten dinner?
Just what I'd expect from you, Rei
Episode 12
I can't wait to see it
Casually wipe away my tears

Provocative Ending

(*Note: Special Thanks to Britegreen402 for the Walkthrough!)

Episode 1
Wave at him
Lets do our best on this new project
Episode 2
I might have a boyfriend, you know
Just be honest, say what's on your mind
Episode 3
Stare at him for a while
That doesn't exactly feel like a compliment 
Episode 4
We could practice looking into each others eyes
It's like you're some brand new species of animal
Episode 5
I've already got one at home
Tickle him
Episode 6
(jokingly) me
My cat came back home
Episode 7
Takuro worries more
How'd I do as a decoy girlfriend? 
Episode 8
I want to hear more
I really can't say anything
Episode 9
I've still got some work to do tonight
So, you noticed that
Episode 10
 My stray cat is finally adjusting to his home?
Takes one to know one 
Episode 11
Are you hungry? Or you just want to shower?
My chest hurts
Episode 12
Change my sitting position

Season 2: Evening Embrace - Part 1

(*Note: Special Thanks to Alex for posting this walkthrough!)
Heartfelt Ending


Season 2: Evening Embrace - Part 2

(*Note: Special Thanks to Maria Z. for this walkthrough!)
 Like clandestine lovers
... you're probably right
Is that all you have to say?
SHake free
Kiss his ear
Say his name