Season 6 - The Labyrinth & the Cursed Prince: Main Story
(*Note: Special Thanks to Cathrin for this Walkthrough!)
Chapter 1: The Door to Tomorrow
(15 Episodes)
1.05 No.
Yes. (Intimacy +7)
1.12 I know how strict you can be.
You are busy. (Intimacy +7)
1.12 - 1.13 Special Klaus Scenario
Chapter 2: Stolen Goods
(15 Episodes)
2.06 Yes.
Well… (Intimacy +7)
2.13 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: Magical Rose (Purple) [Room]: 50 Coins or 500 Lune
2.14 Ignore the feeling.
Call out and stop him. (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 3: Plan of Attack
(16 Episodes)
3.01 Well…
No, not at all. (Intimacy +7)
3.11 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 2,500 Magic Grade Points
3.12 Not necessarily.
I'm having plenty of fun. (Intimacy +7)
(15 Episodes)
1.05 No.
Yes. (Intimacy +7)
1.12 I know how strict you can be.
You are busy. (Intimacy +7)
1.12 - 1.13 Special Klaus Scenario
Get 3x CG
Chapter 2: Stolen Goods
(15 Episodes)
2.06 Yes.
Well… (Intimacy +7)
2.13 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: Magical Rose (Purple) [Room]: 50 Coins or 500 Lune
2.14 Ignore the feeling.
Call out and stop him. (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 3: Plan of Attack
(16 Episodes)
3.01 Well…
No, not at all. (Intimacy +7)
3.11 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 2,500 Magic Grade Points
3.12 Not necessarily.
I'm having plenty of fun. (Intimacy +7)
3.15 Special Klaus Scenario
Chapter 4: A Charming Strategy
(15 Episodes)
4.09 No kidding.
It must be fate. (Intimacy +7)
4.14 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: Gorgeous Gem Bow Accessory [Room]: 250 Coins
Normal: Double Bows Hair Accessory [Room]: 50 Coins or 500 Lune
4.15 I hadn't thought about that.
About giving lectures. (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 5: Vulcanaux
(16 Episodes)
5.02 Well…
I'm happy to see you here. (Intimacy +7)
5.10 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 5,000 Magic Grade Points
5.16 Well, I'll see you tomorrow.
Have I … done something to upset you? (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 6: Klaus and the Kitty
(14 Episodes)
6.01 Do nothing.
Look him in the eyes. (Intimacy +7)
6.12 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: Wavy Hair with Colored Tips [Room]: 400 Coins
Normal: Casual Wavy Bob Hair [Room]: 100 Coins or 3,000 Lune
6.13 Special Klaus Scenario
6.14 Alfonse?
Get 3x CG
Chapter 4: A Charming Strategy
(15 Episodes)
4.09 No kidding.
It must be fate. (Intimacy +7)
4.14 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: Gorgeous Gem Bow Accessory [Room]: 250 Coins
Normal: Double Bows Hair Accessory [Room]: 50 Coins or 500 Lune
4.15 I hadn't thought about that.
About giving lectures. (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 5: Vulcanaux
(16 Episodes)
5.02 Well…
I'm happy to see you here. (Intimacy +7)
5.10 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 5,000 Magic Grade Points
5.16 Well, I'll see you tomorrow.
Have I … done something to upset you? (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 6: Klaus and the Kitty
(14 Episodes)
6.01 Do nothing.
Look him in the eyes. (Intimacy +7)
6.12 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: Wavy Hair with Colored Tips [Room]: 400 Coins
Normal: Casual Wavy Bob Hair [Room]: 100 Coins or 3,000 Lune
6.13 Special Klaus Scenario
Get 2x CG
6.14 Alfonse?
Actually … (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 7: Another Theft
(16 Episodes)
7.03 I need some materials for my lecture…
Actually… (Intimacy +7)
7.12 Alfonse…
Klaus… (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 8: Adorable Zeus
(15 Episodes)
8.04 Thanks.
I couldn't do that. (Intimacy +7)
8.11 Never mind.
Um… (Intimacy +7)
8.14 - 8.15 Special Klaus Scenario
Chapter 9: The Missing Perfume
(14 Episodes)
9.03 I'm not sure I can.
You're right! (Intimacy +7)
9.04 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 12,000 Magic Grade Points
9.10 I'll start now.
Come later. (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 10: Touran Sheep
(15 Episodes)
10.12 Fight it.
Why not take a nap? (Intimacy +7)
10.13 Special Klaus Scenario
10.14 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: The Big Steps in the Ministry Background [Garden]: 800 Coins
Normal: Hallway in the Ministry Background [Garden]: 400 Coins or 8,000 Lune
10.15 I have all of you to thank.
Thanks to you, Klaus. (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 11: Of One Heart and Mind
(16 Episodes)
11.06 That's okay.
I would love that. (Intimacy +7)
11.08 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 15,500 Magic Grade Points
11.11 Alfonse.
Klaus. (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 7: Another Theft
(16 Episodes)
7.03 I need some materials for my lecture…
Actually… (Intimacy +7)
7.12 Alfonse…
Klaus… (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 8: Adorable Zeus
(15 Episodes)
8.04 Thanks.
I couldn't do that. (Intimacy +7)
8.11 Never mind.
Um… (Intimacy +7)
8.14 - 8.15 Special Klaus Scenario
Get 3x CG
Chapter 9: The Missing Perfume
(14 Episodes)
9.03 I'm not sure I can.
You're right! (Intimacy +7)
9.04 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 12,000 Magic Grade Points
9.10 I'll start now.
Come later. (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 10: Touran Sheep
(15 Episodes)
10.12 Fight it.
Why not take a nap? (Intimacy +7)
10.13 Special Klaus Scenario
Get 3x CG
10.14 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: The Big Steps in the Ministry Background [Garden]: 800 Coins
Normal: Hallway in the Ministry Background [Garden]: 400 Coins or 8,000 Lune
10.15 I have all of you to thank.
Thanks to you, Klaus. (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 11: Of One Heart and Mind
(16 Episodes)
11.06 That's okay.
I would love that. (Intimacy +7)
11.08 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 15,500 Magic Grade Points
11.11 Alfonse.
Klaus. (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 12: To the Ministry of Wizardry
(14 Episodes)
12.04 Of course I'm fine.
I have a bad feeling about this. (Intimacy +7)
12.07 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: Corset Frilled Mini Skirt [Room]: 1,000 Coins
Normal: Bow-full Off-shoulder Dress [Room]: 500 Coins or 10,000 Lune
12.09 It feels like you live in a different world.
I was just admiring how handsome you are. (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 13: Infiltrate the Library
(16 Episodes)
13.02 Still…
Perhaps we shouldn't. (Intimacy +7)
13.10 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 19,000 Magic Grade Points
13.12 Maybe there's a clue hidden somewhere in this room? [no change]
Let's examine this book a little further. [no change]
I'll start checking the other books! [no change]
13.15 Special Klaus Scenario
Get 3x CG
Chapter 14:
(15 Episodes)
14.02 Um … Klaus.
I… (Intimacy +7)
14.07 Understood.
I can't promise that. (Intimacy +7)
14.12 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 21,000 Magic Grade Points
14.14 Special Klaus Scenario
Get 2x CG
1. Unhappy Ending = Default Ending 500 Coins
2. Normal Ending = 3 Picture 1,500 Coins
Get: 1x 'Klaus' Casual Outfit' - 2 [Garden]
3. Happy Ending = 2 Picture's 2,000 Coins
Get: 1x 'Matching Outfit with Klaus' – 2 [Room]

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