(*Note: Special Thanks to Cathrin for this Walkthrough!)
Season 7: The Poetry - The Beginning & the End - Main Story
(19 Episodes)
1.03 But doesn't it mean they are good?
You're right. (Intimacy +7)
1.04 Special Lucious Scenario
1.15 No.
Yes. (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 2: Spinning Gears
(19 Episodes)
2.08 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: Kingdom of Nighttime Moon Cane [Room]: 50 Coins or 500 Lune
2.09 I don't know.
No. (Intimacy +7)
2.19 Leave it to me.
I don't know… (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 3: Sleep Over in the Labyrinth!
(17 Episodes)
3.01 I'm not sure.
Yes, he's handsome. (Intimacy +7)
3.08 Special Lucious Scenario
3.12 I'm boring you, aren't I?
Let's visit together. (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 4: The Chase
(17 Episodes)
4.06 Fine.
No. (Intimacy +7)
4.09 Find someone else.
Of course. (Intimacy +7)
4.16 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 500 Magic Grade Points
Chapter 5: The Ancient Castle at Queensblade
(15 Episodes)
5.02 Who knows?
It was Lucious. (Intimacy +7)
5.12 I don't know.
Let's take her. (Intimacy +7)
5.15 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: Moon Boots with Long Socks [Room]: 250 Coins
Normal: Short Boots with Red Bows [Room]: 50 Coins or 500 Lune
Chapter 6: Princess Claudia
(16 Episodes)
6.10 I heard nothing.
I heard everything. (Intimacy +7)
1.04 Special Lucious Scenario
Get 2x CG's
1.15 No.
Yes. (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 2: Spinning Gears
(19 Episodes)
2.08 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: Kingdom of Nighttime Moon Cane [Room]: 50 Coins or 500 Lune
2.09 I don't know.
No. (Intimacy +7)
2.19 Leave it to me.
I don't know… (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 3: Sleep Over in the Labyrinth!
(17 Episodes)
3.01 I'm not sure.
Yes, he's handsome. (Intimacy +7)
3.08 Special Lucious Scenario
Get 4x CG's
3.12 I'm boring you, aren't I?
Let's visit together. (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 4: The Chase
(17 Episodes)
4.06 Fine.
No. (Intimacy +7)
4.09 Find someone else.
Of course. (Intimacy +7)
4.16 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 500 Magic Grade Points
Chapter 5: The Ancient Castle at Queensblade
(15 Episodes)
5.02 Who knows?
It was Lucious. (Intimacy +7)
5.12 I don't know.
Let's take her. (Intimacy +7)
5.15 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: Moon Boots with Long Socks [Room]: 250 Coins
Normal: Short Boots with Red Bows [Room]: 50 Coins or 500 Lune
Chapter 6: Princess Claudia
(16 Episodes)
6.10 I heard nothing.
I heard everything. (Intimacy +7)
6.12 What do you want to do, Lucious?
I need to do something. (Intimacy +7)
6.13 Special Lucious Scenario
6.15 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 3,000 Magic Grade Points
Chapter 7: The Curse of the Labyrinth
(16 Episodes)
7.01 That's awful.
I'm here. (Intimacy +7)
7.07 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: Nighttime Princess Hair with Moon Veil [Room]: 400 Coins
Normal: Curled Bob with Bow Headband [Room]: 100 Coins or 3.000 Lune
7.11 You're telling me.
Don't apologize. (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 8: The Outside World
(16 Episodes)
8.02 Be honest.
Are you having fun? (Intimacy +7)
8.10 I don't know about this.
Leave it to me. (Intimacy +7)
8.15 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 5,000 Magic Grade Points
Chapter 9: To the Castle in the Sky
(18 Episodes)
9.06 I can't do this.
I can do it! (Intimacy +7)
9.10 But …
Okay. (Intimacy +7)
9.17 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 10,000 Magic Grade Points
9.17 Special Lucious Scenario
Chapter 10: Desert
(16 Episodes)
10.06 It's not a good time.
Good idea! (Intimacy +7)
10.09 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: Nighttime Princess Mini Dress with Wings [Room]: 800 Coins
Normal: Regency Style Dress [Room]: 400 Coins or 8,000 Lune
10.14 Special Lucious Scenario
10.16 I'm glad you're okay.
Yes, you did! (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 11: The End of the World
(15 Episodes)
11.04 I don't.
Well … (Intimacy +7)
11.12 It's nothing.
I'm scared. (Intimacy +7)
11.14 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 14,000 Magic Grade Points
Chapter 12: The Goddess of Time
(17 Episodes)
12.06 Move away.
Stay where I am. (Intimacy +7)
12.12 Special Lucious Scenario
12.16 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 18,000 Magic Grade Points
12.17 No.
Yes. (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 13: The Castle at the End of the Light
(? Episodes)
13.03 It makes sense that everyone's happy.
I'm happy too. (Intimacy +7)
13.06 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: The Ball Room with Globe Pendant Lamps Background [Garden]: 1,000 Coins
Normal: The Castle with Sunlights Background [Garden]: 500 Coins or 10,000 Lune
13.11 Sorry.
I'll fulfill my promise. (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 14: ???
(? Episodes)
14.02 I can't.
I'll help. (Intimacy +7)
14.04 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 20,000 Magic Grade Points
14.08 It's a trap.
Let's go. (Intimacy +7)
14.0? Special Lucious Scenario
1. Unhappy Ending = Default Ending 500 Coins
2. Normal Ending = 4 Pictures 1,500 Coins
Get: 5x Story Ticket, 2x Elias' Classic Muffin, 1x 5 Aruenaristy, 1x Magic Grade (200pt), 1x 'Lucious Casual Outfit' [Garden]
Chapter 15: Until We See Each Other Again
3. Happy Ending = 4 Pictures 2,000 Coins
Get: 5x Story Tickets, 2x Muffins, 5x Aurenaristy, 1x Magic Grade (+200pt), 1x 'Matching Outfit with Lucious' [Room]
Chapter 15: ???
4. ALL Endings: 1x Chibi Lucious [Room]

I need to do something. (Intimacy +7)
6.13 Special Lucious Scenario
Get 2x CG's
6.15 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 3,000 Magic Grade Points
Chapter 7: The Curse of the Labyrinth
(16 Episodes)
7.01 That's awful.
I'm here. (Intimacy +7)
7.07 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: Nighttime Princess Hair with Moon Veil [Room]: 400 Coins
Normal: Curled Bob with Bow Headband [Room]: 100 Coins or 3.000 Lune
7.11 You're telling me.
Don't apologize. (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 8: The Outside World
(16 Episodes)
8.02 Be honest.
Are you having fun? (Intimacy +7)
8.10 I don't know about this.
Leave it to me. (Intimacy +7)
8.15 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 5,000 Magic Grade Points
Chapter 9: To the Castle in the Sky
(18 Episodes)
9.06 I can't do this.
I can do it! (Intimacy +7)
9.10 But …
Okay. (Intimacy +7)
9.17 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 10,000 Magic Grade Points
9.17 Special Lucious Scenario
Get 2x CG's
Chapter 10: Desert
(16 Episodes)
10.06 It's not a good time.
Good idea! (Intimacy +7)
10.09 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: Nighttime Princess Mini Dress with Wings [Room]: 800 Coins
Normal: Regency Style Dress [Room]: 400 Coins or 8,000 Lune
10.14 Special Lucious Scenario
Get 2x CG's
10.16 I'm glad you're okay.
Yes, you did! (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 11: The End of the World
(15 Episodes)
11.04 I don't.
Well … (Intimacy +7)
11.12 It's nothing.
I'm scared. (Intimacy +7)
11.14 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 14,000 Magic Grade Points
Chapter 12: The Goddess of Time
(17 Episodes)
12.06 Move away.
Stay where I am. (Intimacy +7)
12.12 Special Lucious Scenario
Get 3x CG's
12.16 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 18,000 Magic Grade Points
12.17 No.
Yes. (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 13: The Castle at the End of the Light
(? Episodes)
13.03 It makes sense that everyone's happy.
I'm happy too. (Intimacy +7)
13.06 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: The Ball Room with Globe Pendant Lamps Background [Garden]: 1,000 Coins
Normal: The Castle with Sunlights Background [Garden]: 500 Coins or 10,000 Lune
13.11 Sorry.
I'll fulfill my promise. (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 14: ???
(? Episodes)
14.02 I can't.
I'll help. (Intimacy +7)
14.04 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 20,000 Magic Grade Points
14.08 It's a trap.
Let's go. (Intimacy +7)
14.0? Special Lucious Scenario
Get 1x CG's
1. Unhappy Ending = Default Ending 500 Coins
2. Normal Ending = 4 Pictures 1,500 Coins
Get: 5x Story Ticket, 2x Elias' Classic Muffin, 1x 5 Aruenaristy, 1x Magic Grade (200pt), 1x 'Lucious Casual Outfit' [Garden]
Chapter 15: Until We See Each Other Again
3. Happy Ending = 4 Pictures 2,000 Coins
Get: 5x Story Tickets, 2x Muffins, 5x Aurenaristy, 1x Magic Grade (+200pt), 1x 'Matching Outfit with Lucious' [Room]
Chapter 15: ???
4. ALL Endings: 1x Chibi Lucious [Room]

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