Season 1
(*Note: Special Thanks to Cathrin for this Walkthrough!)
Prologue (Episode 1)
„Just taking a midnight stroll.“
„I'm after my fathers murderer.“ (+Choice Made)
„I'm a safety inspector.“
„You can try.“ (+Choice Made)
„I want answers.“
„Day drinking, Nav?“ (+Choice Made)
„Nice fan club.“
Episode 2:
„Atmobike racing?“
„Long walks?“ (+Choice Made)
„Two-torek rummy?“
Premium: „Let Nav make it up to you.“ (Needs 15 💗)
Normal: „Return the bracelet by yourself.“
„Yell for service.“
„Knock on the counter.“ (+Choice Made)
„Wait silently.“
Episode 3:
Premium: „Keep holding onto Nav!“ (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „Let go.“
„Try to trip him.“
„Shove Nav.“ (+Choice Made)
„'You idiot!'“
„Check a nearby terminal.“
„Reach out to a contact.“ (+Choice Made)
„Interrogate the spaceport staff.“
Episode 4:
„Union officer.“
„A femme fatale.“ (+Choice Made)
„An Empire soldier.“
Premium: „Let Nav stay with you!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Kick Nav out.“
„Yeah, yeah.“
„Just tell me.“ (+Choice Made)
„What do you want?“
Episode 5:
„None of your business.“
„Maybe.“ (+Choice Made)
„I've made great progress.“
„Oh. Thanks.“
„Did you pay for this?“ (+Choice Made)
„I love these!“
„Call him out.“
„Share some useless info.“ (+Choice Made)
„Silently stare.“
Episode 6:
„What?!“ (+Choice Made)
„On what grounds?“
„You'll get arrested, too.“ (+Choice Made)
„Stay silent.“
Premium: „Keep kissing Nav!“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „End it.“
Episode 7:
„Pistol-whip him.“
„Dodge out of his way.“ (+Choice Made)
„Grapple him.“
„Covertly eavesdrop.“
„Shamelessly eavesdrop.“ (+Choice Made)
„Do NOT eavesdrop.“
Premium: „Let Nav watch you work your magic!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Tell him to buzz off.“
Episode 8:
„No stakeout?“
„We're not riding your atmobike.“ (+Choice Made)
„That neighborhood again?“
Premium: „Kick butt with Nav!“ (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „Hesitate.“
„Bored already?“
„Pass him some coffee.“ (+Choice Made)
„This is great!“
Episode 9:
„Something on my face?“
„What?“ (+Choice Made)
„You have a better plan?“
„Anytime.“ (+Choice Made)
„Play it cool.“
„The bed.“
„The nightstand.“ (+Choice Made)
„The bar.“
Episode 10:
„How dare you?“
„Going somewhere?“ (+Choice Made)
„Explain yourself.“
Premium: „Let Nav explain himself.“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Leave, frustrated.“
„Dive left.“
„Dive right.“ (+Choice Made)
„Take a swing.“
Episode 11:
„I just hate losing.“
„Only losers get consolation.“ (+Choice Made)
„Can you at least gloat?“
„Hush Nav.“
„Suppress a smile.“ (+Choice Made)
„Check on Boone.“
„Tragic indeed.“
„Rakish?“ (+Choice Made)
„Don't blame the gods.“
Episode 12:
„Lean forward.“
„Say something flirty.“ (+Choice Made)
„Stare at his lips.“
„You're not breaking my rules.“
„Kiss him again.“ (+Choice Made)
„Don't worry.“
Premium: „Join Nav in the shower.“ (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „Stay dry.“

Season 2
(*Note: Special Thanks to Cathrin for this Walkthrough!)
Prologue (Episode 1)
„That's right.“
„Pascal Slayton, was it?“ (+Choice Made)
„Say nothing.“
„That's it?“ (+Choice Made)
„But he was your friend.“
„Be offended.“
„Be flustered.“ (+Choice Made)
„Be sarcastic.“
Episode 2
„This is how I always am.“
„Of course not.“ (+Choice Made)
„Just calmly stare.“
„What are you doing?“
„Having fun?“ (+Choice Made)
„You're impossible!“
Premium: „Discover the method to Nav's madness!“ (Needs 26 💗)
Normal: „Flounder like a dud.“
Episode 3
„Be direct.“
„Be casual.“ (+Choice Made)
„Watch Nav take the lead.“
„Same thing.“
„Impressive.“ (+Choice Made)
„Lean forward.“
Premium: „Indulge in your desire with Nav.“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Ugh. Self-restraint.“
Episode 4
„It's not what it looks like!“
„Whatever you're implying …. “ (+Choice Made)
„Say nothing.“
„Fire a shot.“
„Lay low.“ (+Choice Made)
„Move torward Tarak.“
Premium: „Indulge Nav's curiosity.“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Be a party pooper.“
Episode 5
„Elbow Nav.“
„Apologize to Pascal.“ (+Choice Made)
„Change the topic.“
„Do you?“ (+Choice Made)
Premium: „Play strip poker with Nav!“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Nice try.“
Episode 6
„Like what you see?“
„You're squirming, too.“ (+Choice Made)
„I don't squirm.“
„Be aloof.“
„Be friendly.“ (+Choice Made)
„Be nosy.“
„Like gambling?“
„Like flirting?“ (+Choice Made)
„Like booze?“
Episode 7
„Double down on denial.“
„Ask for advice.“ (+Choice Made)
„Go quiet.“
„I understand.“
„Trust us.“ (+Choice Made)
„Let Nav talk.“
Premium: „Let Nav distract you with sexy fun!“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Get back to poker.“
Episode 8
„His ears.“
„His brows.“ (+Choice Made)
„His nose.“
„Look at Nav.“
„Test it.“ (+Choice Made)
„Look at Tarak.“
„Fold.“ (+Choice Made)
Episode 9
„You didn't know?“
„Look at Nav.“ (+Choice Made)
„I should've known.“
„Our help?“
„Change of heart?“ (+Choice Made)
„Side-eye Nav.“
Premium: „Tell Nav how you feel.“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Stay silent.“
Episode 10
„How did you find me?“
„Your true colors are ugly.“ (+Choice Made)
„Tarak's not coming.“
Premium: „Accept Nav's tender touch.“ (Needs 28 💗)
Normal: „Do it yourself.“
„He was a pain.“
„Are we safe here?“ (+Choice Made)
„He was barely a threat.“
Episode 11
„Pretty much.“
„Among other things.“ (+Choice Made)
„Not always.“
„Hide!“ (+Choice Made)
„Let Nav gloat.“ (+Choice Made)
„It's Tarak's moment.“
Episode 12
„Elbow Nav.“
„Payment would be nice …. “ (+Choice Made)
„Really, Hexan?“
„Stare him down.“
„Make a quip.“ (+Choice Made)
„Look away.“
Premium: „Slow dance with Nav.“ (Needs 27 💗)
Normal: „Turn him down.“

Season 3
Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it,
I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a
mail (dawnire@gmail.com) or post it in the comment box below. Thank

Season 4
Sorry, this Walkthrough is still missing! If you by any chance have it,
I would be very grateful if you could share them with us! Just send me a
mail (dawnire@gmail.com) or post it in the comment box below. Thank
ReplyDeleteseason 1
Season 2 & 3 same link