(*Note: Special Thanks to Cathrin for this Walkthrough!)
Season 11: The White Dragon - Main Story
Chapter 1: The Strongest Dragon
(15 Episodes)
1.02 Special Light Scenario
Get 1-2x CG's
1.03 „Stay quiet.“
„Make conversation.“ (Intimacy +7)
1.11 „You don't have to ….“
„Please!“ (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 2: How to Raise a Dragon
(15 Episodes)
2.09 „About the White Dragon Knights.“ [No change]
„About his hobbies.“ [No change]
„About Florin.“ [No change]
2.12 „Florin.“
„Light.“ (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 3: Living Together
(15 Episodes)
3.03 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: Shoes with Leggins [Room]: 20 Coins or 700 Lune
3.05 „No, thanks.“
„Are you sure?“ (Intimacy +7)
3.12 Special Light Scenario
Get 1-3x CG's
3.13 Special Light Scenario
Get 1-3x CG's
3.14 „How cool.“
„Why not another job?“ (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 4: Our Time Together
(15 Episodes)
4.06 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 2,000 Magic Grade Points
4.08 „Actually ….“
„Of course not.“ (Intimacy +7)
4.12 „There was a fuzz.“
„I couldn't help it.“ (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 5: By Your Side
(15 Episodes)
5.03 „No.“
„A little ….“ (Intimacy +7)
5.10 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: Hair Shining in the Moonlight [Room]: 200 Coins
Normal: Shining Grimoire [Room]: 50 Coins or 1,000 Lune
5.13 „Yes.“
„Not really ….“ (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 6: Welcome Home
(16 Episodes)
6.0? ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 5,000 Magic Grade Points
6.08 „Where is the Sorrow Dragon?“ [No change]
„What kind of dragon is it?“ [No change]
„Why does Light hate it?“ [No change]
6.11 „You're right.“
„Yes, it does.“ (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 7: Visitor from the Black Sky
(16 Episodes)
7.04 „Call the Ministry.“
„Call the White Dragon Knights.“
„Call my friends.“
„Attack together.“ [no change, but it will allow you to continue without choosing the other answer]
7.06 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: Shining Magic Circle [Room]: 300 Coins
Normal: Upside Down Reflection of Academy Eyes [Room]: 100 Coins or 4,000 Lune
7.09 „Let him go.“
„Hold him back.“ (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 8: Survival
(16 Episodes)
8.07 „I'm sorry.“
„You can say that again!“ (Intimacy +7)
8.09 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 9,000 Magic Grade Points
8.09 Special Light Scenario
Get 1-3x CG's
8.14 „It's your choice.“
„Talk to me.“ (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 9: The Ones We Wish to Protect
(18 Episodes)
9.02 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: Birdcage Dress [Room]: 800 Coins
Normal: Twilight Hat [Room]: 400 Coins or 7,000 Lune
9.03 „You're right ….“
„Not that again!“ (Intimacy +7)
9.0? ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 15,000 Magic Grade Points
9.17 „What does that mean?“
„That's right.“ (Intimacy +7)
Chapter 10: Boy Flower
(17 Episodes)
10.02 Special Light Scenario
Get 1-3x CG's
10.03 Special Light Scenario
Get 1-3x CG's
10.05 ~Magic Challenge: Magic Grade~
Need 15,000 Magic Grade Points
10.05 „It's nothing.“
„I'm nervous.“ (Intimacy +7)
„No.“ (Intimacy +7)
10.16 ~Magic Challenge: Avatar Mission~
Premium: Twilight Lake – Background [Room]: 1,000 Coins
Normal: Phoenix of the White Dragon Knights [Room]: 500 Coins or 9,000 Lune
1. Unhappy Ending = Default Ending 500 Coins
2. Normal Ending = 4 Pictures 1,500 Coins
Get: 5x Story Ticket, 2x Elias' Classic Muffin, 1x 5 Aruenaristy, 1x Magic Grade (200pt), 1x 'Light's Casual Outfit' [Garden]
Chapter 11: 'To Future'
3. Happy Ending = 5 Pictures 2,000 Coins
Get: 5x Story Tickets, 2x Muffins, 5x Aurenaristy, 1x Magic Grade (+200pt), 1x 'Matching Casual Outfit with Light [Room]
Chapter 11:'To Future'
4. ALL Endings: 1x Chibi Light [Room]

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