(*Note: You'll need a "Heart" to get the Sweet Ending. You
can get it by buying it with real money, or from the "General Test" Slot (need
to collect 10 tickets, chance to get a whole heart = 3%, chance to get a ticket 8-13%). Also, the Charm Level might differ from what is written here,
depending on how many routes you have played. The one mentioned here is
for your first route.)
Main Story
Chapter 1
1.7 Not really... [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
Well, kind of...
1.10 Please stop. [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
That tickles!
1.7 Not really... [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
Well, kind of...
1.10 Please stop. [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
That tickles!
(Get a Love Letter, get a CG)
Chapter 2
2.7 Charm Level Checkpoint (200 Charm Level needed)
2.9 A date!?
We just got separated from everybody.[Intimacy goes up a lot!]
We just got separated from everybody.[Intimacy goes up a lot!]
2.10 Don't you want to know?
Yeah, you're righ. [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
Yeah, you're righ. [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
(Get a Love Letter)
Chapter 3
3.2 I'm going too. [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
Wait and see what happens.
3.7 Mind Game Escape Point (90% success rate)
3.11 I'm alright. [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
(Get a Love Letter)
Chapter 4
4.4 Look at Mr. Sakaki. [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
Squeeze his hand back.
4.5 Laboratory Door Escape Point (Secret Key 1x needed)
4.6 I'll be fine. [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
I can rest later.
(Get a Love Letter)
Chapter 5
5.2 Good night.
I put on some tea. [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
5.3 Charm Level Checkpoint (400 Charm Level needed)
5.4 Are you alright? [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
It's nothing.
(Get a Love Letter, get a CG)
Chapter 6
6.3 Mind Game Escape Point (50% success rate)
6.4 Now is not the time for such behavior.
I'm glad you are safe, too. [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
6.10 What can we do to help? [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
We should probably do something about those two.
(Get a Love Letter)
Chapter 7
7.4 Not a wink. [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
Well, not exactly...
7.6 Laboratory Door Escape Point (Secret Key 5x needed)
7.7 I don't know if it's the right time for that...
Come to think of it, we haven't eaten anything lately. [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
(Get a Love Letter)
Chapter 8
8.7 Let's go right away. [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
How far is it to the mountain hut from here?
8.8 Charm Level Checkpoint (700 Charm Level needed)
8.? B-But...
Okay. [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
Chapter 9
9.1 I can walk.
Uhm... [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
9.4 Sit up properly. [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
Good night.
9.7 Charm Level Checkpoint (1.000 Charm Level needed)
(Get CG)
Chapter 10
10.1 Let's open the door.[Intimacy goes up a lot!]
Why don't we wait a little longer?
10.4 Thank him. [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
Squeeze his hand back.
10.5 Mind Game Escape Point (50% success rate)
(Get a Love Letter)
Chapter 11
11.2 Leave him alone.
Talk to him. [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
11.6 Laboratory Door Escape Point (Secret Key 5x needed)
11.8 That's not true.
That's just like you, though. [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
(Get a love letter, get CG)
Chapter 4
4.4 Look at Mr. Sakaki. [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
Squeeze his hand back.
4.5 Laboratory Door Escape Point (Secret Key 1x needed)
4.6 I'll be fine. [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
I can rest later.
(Get a Love Letter)
Chapter 5
5.2 Good night.
I put on some tea. [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
5.3 Charm Level Checkpoint (400 Charm Level needed)
5.4 Are you alright? [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
It's nothing.
(Get a Love Letter, get a CG)
Chapter 6
6.3 Mind Game Escape Point (50% success rate)
6.4 Now is not the time for such behavior.
I'm glad you are safe, too. [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
6.10 What can we do to help? [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
We should probably do something about those two.
(Get a Love Letter)
Chapter 7
7.4 Not a wink. [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
Well, not exactly...
7.6 Laboratory Door Escape Point (Secret Key 5x needed)
7.7 I don't know if it's the right time for that...
Come to think of it, we haven't eaten anything lately. [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
(Get a Love Letter)
Chapter 8
8.7 Let's go right away. [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
How far is it to the mountain hut from here?
8.8 Charm Level Checkpoint (700 Charm Level needed)
8.? B-But...
Okay. [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
Chapter 9
9.1 I can walk.
Uhm... [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
9.4 Sit up properly. [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
Good night.
9.7 Charm Level Checkpoint (1.000 Charm Level needed)
(Get CG)
Chapter 10
10.1 Let's open the door.[Intimacy goes up a lot!]
Why don't we wait a little longer?
10.4 Thank him. [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
Squeeze his hand back.
10.5 Mind Game Escape Point (50% success rate)
(Get a Love Letter)
Chapter 11
11.2 Leave him alone.
Talk to him. [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
11.6 Laboratory Door Escape Point (Secret Key 5x needed)
11.8 That's not true.
That's just like you, though. [Intimacy goes up a lot!]
(Get a love letter, get CG)
Answers also usable for the Sweet Ending in the paid version